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ALL the coordinates of those big bases are in the conversation you'll have a moment or an another with  Tyrone.


Oh, this chit-chat became annoying after a couple of playthroughs and has been turned off literally years ago, as soon as the "ADM messages" setting became available. Any important information in this chatbox is easily lost as it can appear when looking for moving pixels in the landscape, during a firefight, or mixed with buy/sell messages. So if we could get these new coords as intel from civilians like we do for the assassination mission, it would be better imho.

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it is something I can try to work on (and in fact I was thinking on something like this )


the question is "did I learned well enough to add/modify Pilgrimage code for such a thing " ??


but I was talking about phone conversations with Tyrone, who stays, like the other conversations with cassie, Yorre or  Alex's uncle in the diary....

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but I was talking about phone conversations with Tyrone, who stays, like the other conversations with cassie, Yorre or  Alex's uncle in the diary....

I understand. These were always the same game after game, so Ryd added an option to have phone, ADM (auction) messages or both.


I've just finished my fastest playthrough ever. It was on the island next to the one I spawned on, 1h25 mins total, only 5 kills. I started on Insane with phone conversations, but it took me about one hour to find a weapon so I can kill a guy to get a radio. I hope that the phone conversations thread does not start until the player actually gets a radio.

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when I play insane, I do this way:


-depending on the landing aera and hours, I spot the  closer houses, get there with caution and see for loot .
I sell if the items are not interesting to me, I get what I need.
-back to the boat, I use to travel and try to spot small places with a fews houses...searching for loot safely.
you might have the chance to spot some military places too..on shore, there are a few "naval" small bases, or watch towers. you'll have here the great chance to find valuable weapons and ammos.

-try to spot  a place where there is combats....wait for it ends, go and and seek for items, weapons on bodies....

there are several others tricks; all depend on the settings you choose and the mods you have

I can't imagine to play Pilgrimage now without Incognito, Mocap and Enhanced Mouvement

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That's the reason, I never equip my AI team mates with any binocular-like optics. In fact, I'm not doing so long enough to hope, they fixed that in the meantime. Apparently they did not. 

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We finally got around to play the MP version. First of all thank you for putting in the time and effort to make this COOP which we enjoyed immensely. Even though we encountered various issues we had a lo of fun playing it.


-respawn after autosave teleports player to initial spawn point with his boat. (save before leaving with both players in the same vehicle, best choice is to save in the boat)

As you know this is somewhat of a game breaker. We captured an Olin vehicle and did a save & exit while inside it. On resume of save, AIbuddy spawned in that vehicle and the group leader (server) spawned at the boat. We had enough FF to hitch hike but there wasn’t a road on the small for group leader to do so. :) 

-content cannot be sold after checking intel on dead bodies sometimes.

We encountered this too but no big deal.

-AIBuddy player don't have access to the action menu on initial spawning (need respawn to activate the actions menu)

Not a game breaker. Killing surrendered AI does not allow “selling†his assets.


-AIBuddy can't sale a loot crate when main player have checked it before  (sometimes )

Not a game breaker.


Hitch hiking initiated by group leader (server) only transports him, not AIbuddy.

This is a game breaker. :(


We found a church that I could not get a save. I assume the body is under the floor of the church or under floor of adjacent building. I could not find body or get save. Location shown on picture below.




We used the following required mod(s). Missions will require Tanoan Armed Forces  mod.

Good luck if you try to fix some of these issues. Thanks again !


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-respawn after autosave teleports player to initial spawn point with his boat. (save before leaving with both players in the same vehicle, best choice is to save in the boat)

As you know this is somewhat of a game breaker. We captured an Olin vehicle and did a save & exit while inside it. On resume of save, AIbuddy spawned in that vehicle and the group leader (server) spawned at the boat. We had enough FF to hitch hike but there wasn’t a road on the small for group leader to do so.  :)



I wonder, if anything can be done about that from mission scripts side. It may be a game bug (or I do not know something about MP) as the problem seem to be, units sometimes, but not always, aren't placed at game load, where they were at save game point. Unless for some mysterious reason whole initial code is run again at game resuming, thus units are positioned at boat due to initial scripts, that include initial units placing. Either way - why it happens only sometimes?

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I wonder, if anything can be done about that from mission scripts side. It may be a game bug (or I do not know something about MP) as the problem seem to be, units sometimes, but not always, aren't placed at game load, where they were at save game point. Unless for some mysterious reason whole initial code is run again at game resuming, thus units are positioned at boat due to initial scripts, that include initial units placing. Either way - why it happens only sometimes?


To help expand on this.


I was server and spawned first in the vehicle. I could see AIbuddy in the same vehicle I was in so spawning at right location works up to that point. When the client joins is when the Server player is warped to the boat and the client stays at the vehicle.


What's weird is, this whole spawning issue wasn't a problem when 1.86 was initially released, it only started happening when BI pushed updates.


With all the current issues with COOP, I would be satisfied and would continue to play it if the dang spawning issue was resolved. The other bugs we can just live with. Oh wait, hitchhiking is the next big concern.


Get those wheels in your head turning Ryd, I'm sure you could come up with some kind of workaround. :)

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When the client joins is when the Server player is warped to the boat



Can you tell, if the point at the boat, you're warped to, is exactly the same, where you are/was at the mission start? Or if the boat itself is moved too, eg moved back to its initial pos/dir, if was moved during the gameplay. If so, then indeed looks, like for some weird reason at client join initial scripts are running again, at least part of it... Sometimes. That's why I "love" MP scripting so much. :) Voodoo. 

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Can you tell, if the point at the boat, you're warped to, is exactly the same, where you are/was at the mission start?


Yes, it's at the mission start point.


If fact we took the boat to another part of the map because we spawned on the very small island. So the boat was not at the initial spawn point and it was also warped back with the player at mission start location.

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thank you for your report and your kind comment.


I have to check all the "Holyplaces" coordinates, as I trusted my son (13 years old) to do this  and I'm afraid he didn't find them all (we don't use any software for this, all is checked on the Eden editor. if any advise to point to a usefull software to have all the coordinates....  )


the respawn issue is a mess....

most of time, My son and I  saved in the boat (the initial one and the only one for now to have the "push boat" option ) that teleport us with the boat to the initial point.

seized vehicles might disappear then due to cache/clean system and distance to the player .



by the way, I'm going on working on upgrading the "Tanoa Edition".


as per request, I worked this week end on the ability to have intels about location of the military camps sprayed  all other the map ( still work in progress and the map already changed since the first release ) by checking found intels into the buildings, interrogation of civilians and/or prisoners or reward after a "kill mission".


I played with the Intelcheck.sqf and finally figured out something....(even I'm far away from Rydygier style and expertise in scripting )


SP screenshot, checking intel found  on the ground of a building (I'll be back on the intels issue in buildings on Tanoa)



and after checking a few minutes later on a dead team leader, I had a second intel . this is how it appears on the map


"military camp" in khaki with a triangle marker


(location is not accurate and mediaum reliability )




I have to say I'm proud it seems to work, but still afraid the "chance" setting might be to high. (in fact I think there is no "chance" setting and I might have intel each time I check something or someone )

I've created a new group of coordinates in JRinit.sqf called " RYD_JR_TanoaCamps"


the list of coordinates points to two type of military building that are in 95% of the camps I added.

then I modified the Intelcheck.sqf 


if ((_player) and ((count RYD_JR_TanoaCamps) > 0) or {RYD_JR_Alex getVariable ["RYD_JR_ItemReward",false]} or {_circum in ["int","search"]}) exitWith
	RYD_JR_Alex setVariable ["RYD_JR_ItemReward",false];
	_ix = floor (random (count RYD_JR_TanoaCamps));
	_pos = RYD_JR_TanoaCamps select _ix;
	_pos = [(_pos select 0) - 200 + (random 400),(_pos select 1) - 200 + (random 400)];
	RYD_JR_TanoaCamps set [_ix,0];
	RYD_JR_TanoaCamps = RYD_JR_TanoaCamps - [0];
	_ct1 = 0;
	while {surfaceIsWater _pos} do
		_pos = [(_pos select 0) - 200 + (random 400),(_pos select 1) - 200 + (random 400)];
		_ct1 = _ct1 + 1;
		if (_ct1 > 100) exitWith {}
	_i = "TMark_" + (str _pos);
	_i = createMarker [_i,_pos];
	_i setMarkerColor "ColorKhaki";
	_i setMarkerShape "ICON";
	_i setMarkerType "mil_triangle";
	_i setMarkerSize [0.8,0.8];
	_i setMarkertext " military camp";
	_text = "Hmm... According to this there is a military camp somehwere in that area. \nIt may be worth to check.";
	if ((_pos distance player) > 5000) then
		_text = _text + ".. Although this is pretty far."
	TitleText [_text,"PLAIN DOWN", 2];


any help/advice/upgrade/ on the script will be highly appreciated.....




about the "intel issue", I'm now certain of two kinds of issues:



in some of the Tanoa buildings, you won't be able to check any intel (computer/camera/smartphone/folder/tablet) even you arer aiming the object in any position and angle....

the menu "check intel about..." will not appear.
I  guess it is an issue from Apex like we sometimes have issue of parts of the objects or whole objects disappearing  with the angle of view of the camera on the Apex Dev branch preview.



since I change some of the "intels" holder (smartphones to tablets) I now know in some buildings, the objects are "melted" in the ground, that's why you enter the building and find nothing (building checked appears on the right upper corner onthe screen )

as you can see on the following pictures:




so maybe the script need something to set up the object on the ground.

any suggestions, ideas, comments on " Pilgrimage Tanoa Edition" will be appreciated.

I should update the files on the download link within the end of the week:


change log:


-modified map upgraded

-intelcheck modified to point Alex to the military camps sprayed on the island (but most of the main ones are spotable if you take a look around you and take time to observe around )

-some minor improvements here and there (chat and telephone conversations)

-a fun "spot" somewhere where you'll understand why sometimes Alex and his Buddy sometimes "feel like a character from a computer game"....


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Are these military camps something new? Or this is about strongholds? But strongholds may be already pointed by intel anyway. 


Presented code looks, like activated each intel check - no random chance condition like: ((random 100) < 10) (for 10% chance). 


Intel objects sunk into the floor wasn't a problem (or very rare) in Altis version. This became noticeable problem for the ports, especially Chernarus. Something with these building models. Not sure, what can be done about this, in fact loot placing code already contain some lines to prevent such cases, that just after object spawn at building pos simply lifts it 0.5 meters up (so it should just fall on the floor from 0.5 meter height). If not enough - don't know, if/what else could be done.  



if any advise to point to a usefull software to have all the coordinates....



Here is code, I'm using. "Church" class objects are found across whole map. 


There's also the code for finding all the crossroads coordinates, needed for potential checkpoints positions array (RYD_JR_AllCheckpoints):

RYD_AllCross = 
	startloadingscreen ["Pilgrimage","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];

	_mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "mapSize");
	_rds = _mapSize/2;
	_mapC = [_rds,_rds];

	diag_log format ["mapS: %1",_mapC];

	_nR = _mapC nearRoads (_rds * 1.42);

	_nC = nearestLocations [_mapC, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],_rds * 1.42];

	_crossr = [];
	_cnt = count _nR;
	diag_log format ["cntNR: %1",_cnt];

		_con = count (roadsConnectedTo _x);
		if (_con > 2) then
			_pos = getPosATL _x;
			_pos resize 2;
			_tooClose = false;
				if (_pos in _x) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
				if ((_pos distance _x) < 500) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
				_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _pos;
				if ((_pos distance _nBuilding) < 50) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
			foreach _nC;
			if not (_tooClose) then
				_pos set [2,0];
				_crossr set [(count _crossr),_pos]
		progressLoadingScreen ((_foreachIndex + 1)/_cnt)
	foreach _nR;

		_i = "cMark_" + (str _x);
		_i = createMarker [_i,_x];
		_i setMarkerColor "colorOrange";
		_i setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_i setMarkerType "mil_box";
		_i setMarkerSize [0.6,0.6];

		diag_log format ["%1",_x]
	foreach _crossr;

	diag_log format ["amount: %1",count _crossr];
	hint format ["done: %1",_cnt];

Coords are listed in the RPT. 

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Are these military camps something new? Or this is about strongholds? 


for Pilgrimage Tanoa Edition, I added a script ( modmap_Tanoa.sqf) that add more than 3500 objects on the whole map.

thoses are essentially big military bases (that I scripted to be randomly strongholds) and a lot of smallest bases and camps:


- small bases on shore to simulate Naval Military facilities for small patrol boats like RHIBs

- small camps and watch tower on the whole maps, in the jungle, on the highest points, on a few "strategical" aeras.


when I firstly played on Tanoa , I saw there was a very few of military places, only located on one  of the islands.

Pilgrimage Tanoa edition is meant to be on a occupied archipelado, since the Chinese CSAT invaded  Tanoa....


it is why I added those camps and bases. this would also helps to play in "realisitc" loot option.


so, to add those points of interest to the "intelcheck", I edited a list of coordinates, such as the Holyplaces or the CheckPoints, and tried to script to add this functionality to the intelcheck.

for sure I missed the "chance"  random option in the code.


will  this be  right ?

if ((_player) and ((count RYD_JR_TanoaCamps) > 0) or {RYD_JR_Alex getVariable ["RYD_JR_ItemReward",false]} or {_circum in ["int","search"]} and ((random 100)<10)) exitWith

thanks for the help to point the HolyPlaces and Crossroads  ;) 


this is a precious help 

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Re: the respawn issue

  Stiffy and I played a few of the Tanoa Coop scenarios and found that the respawn feature they had worked really well. It had the menu come up after you died with optional (I'm not in favor of too many options, makes it too easy) places to respawn. What I liked was the fact that if you found a tent (maybe that item could be randomized on enemy troops) you could pitch it and that could be one of the spawn points as well. I like the fact that if you get all wrapped up in the killing and move far along, then end up dead, you have start your ass way back at the tent.

   I'm wondering if BI would let you look at the system they used.

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will  this be  right ?




As much, I can tell without testing, IMO this line should look like this:

if ((_player) and {(((count RYD_JR_TanoaCamps) > 0) or {(RYD_JR_Alex getVariable ["RYD_JR_ItemReward",false]) or {(_circum in ["int","search"])}}) and {((random 100)<10)}}) exitWith

So we have three obligatory conditions, all of which need to be true:




(((count RYD_JR_TanoaCamps) > 0) or {(RYD_JR_Alex getVariable ["RYD_JR_ItemReward",false]) or {(_circum in ["int","search"])}})


((random 100)<10)



so, for three conditions we have two pairs of {} here, while the second condition consist three "or" boolean components, only one of which need to be true:


((count RYD_JR_TanoaCamps) > 0)


(RYD_JR_Alex getVariable ["RYD_JR_ItemReward",false])


(_circum in ["int","search"])


and thus here another two pairs of {}.


I must admit, it's easy to get lost in all these () and {} of lazy evaluation form, so for "if then" sometimes I prefer more verbose, equivalent "stair" way, where all the consequtive "AND" are replaced with another layers/stairs:

if (_c1) then
	if ((_c2) or {(_c3)}) then
		if (_c4) then

But this is "if exitWith" that doesn't allow us such approach, unless we will complicate even more. 


the respawn issue



Not sure, if respawn features are documented yet or not, but anyway I plan do something about current respawn way, which is only a wip makeshift giving sometimes hilarious results. At respawn player could choose for example one of estabished hideouts, last visited chapel, starting position or death position. Some things need to be rethink and decision made: what with his buddy and vehicles in such case, should them be  teleported to chosen respawn pos or left, where they were, and what with the gear and the body of fallen player. 

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Thank you Ryd for the comment and the teaching (once again)....


and be sure I get lost hundreds of times trying to modify your scripts  :)  ;) 


I guess it is better to have one obligatory constant condition and only one "randomly" chosen on the others possibilities.

I'll try your line and see later if I can modify the whole thing in a "stair way" scripting

what will be the better way to replace " if exitWith "??? (better and faster ) 

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Exitwith is fine as for efficiency AFAIK, no need to seek for any faster ways, it's about readibility of the code only - improving the work flow. Unfortunatelly, "stair way" can't be used with exitwith, unless this way:

_doExit = false;
if (_player) then
	if ((((count RYD_JR_TanoaCamps) > 0) or {(RYD_JR_Alex getVariable ["RYD_JR_ItemReward",false]) or {(_circum in ["int","search"])}}) then
		if ((random 100)<10) then
			_doExit = true
if (_doExit) exitWith

Yet another way to make things a bit clearer in reading:

_cond = ((count RYD_JR_TanoaCamps) > 0) or {(RYD_JR_Alex getVariable ["RYD_JR_ItemReward",false]) or {(_circum in ["int","search"])}};
if ((_player) and {(_cond) and {((random 100)<10)}}) exitWith

(snippets not tested)

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:)  knowledge is power.....

maybe I should think about learning how to script a professional way... I like the magic of scripting  ;)


BTW, the first line you gave to me with () and {} seems to work fine.... I checked a few intels and interrogate a few civilians and they gave me nothing, or exclude some places but not systematically a camp location.


I will test it further later, I will have to go to work at the begining of the afternoon to late tonight...

thank you for the help.

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... If not enough - don't know, if/what else could be done.  




RYD_JR_IntelItems =










It does not sink into the floor texture.
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I like these sources of intel. Necromancy skill required.  :)

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SP and MP Pilgrimage "Tanoa Edition" 


Updated 09/09/2016   click here to go to updated download link




V1.2 :  release 9/9/2016


- Improved and checked list of "holyplaces";


some were missing, now 40 places to search.


- Difficulty levels " Hard", "Very Hard", "Insane" will now put Tanoa Archipelado in full black-out at night.


all lights on the island (99%) are switched off.

Date setted for full moon night. for SP and MP versions


-"Holster weapon"  now for SP and MP versions in default Pilgrimage menu.


- Intels upgraded


to point you to military camps

when interrogating civilians, prisonners, checking dead team leader or as reward after a succesfull kill mission. (with % of chance)


intels containers type modified to avoid invisible containers sunk in floor of buildings


- Upgraded Military camps


map modification, still WIP .


- AIbuddy is now always native from Tanoa,


with random Tanoan face and Name and Surname

(mostly Fijian typical names, some French or Dutch  too),

same as speaker into "French English" with 2/3 of chance






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