flv*venom* 83 Posted May 4, 2016 G'day to you all, loving the hell out of the mission, so enjoyable :D Question though: is it possible to restrict the amount of factions that spawn? I currently work on a let's say "early 90s civil war in Cherno" type iteration and it is a bit annoying to see takistanis, modernday marines etc running around (I use CUP as you might have guessed) So, what I basicly want is to only have CDF,NAPA,CHDKZ and Russians to show up. Is there a way to do this? many thanks for the mission :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted May 4, 2016 From the mission side you would need to edit mission scripts knowing exactly, what you're doing. Unless certain factions in CUP are introduced by certain pbos, so you could, say, exclude pbos with not desired content and run Arma without them, assuming CUP can work such way. No idea, if that's possible in CUP, depends, how is designed its architecture (if it's modular). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flv*venom* 83 Posted May 4, 2016 My god you're fast Rydygier :D Well, I have swapped out the patroling groups inside the scripts but I admit that i'm not the brightest when it comes to this kind of work, so I guess I might have to live with it :) pff, on the other hand, all the more victims to hunt ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 279 Posted May 15, 2016 (edited) Had the same problem again last night, but I didn't realise till tonight. Checking the RPT it happened nearly 2 hrs before I logged off, so no save that far back to retrieve the mission. It happened again when I entered Therisa from the hill to the south east and then got very busy with contacts in the town, in this case 2 Strider GMGs in a back street near the church next to a burnt out Stomper. I then used one of the Strider GMGs to take the AAC Airfield. It was only when I got to Stavros when I realised that the churches weren't saving, no loot, invisible enemies, etc. EDIT: I went back and checked the saves and there was one autosave that had been kept from the day before from the first church before any contact, but it's almost like going back to the start of the mission. Seems, the main loop stuck here. It's part of the code generating loot in the buildings. Interesting, why it suddenly failed... The code is this: { _loot = _x getVariable "RYD_JR_Loot"; _isMilitary = (typeOf _x) in RYD_JR_BetterLootBuildings; if (_isMilitary) then { _x setVariable ["RYD_JR_Luck",0.1]; }; if (RYD_JR_RealLoot) then { _x setVariable ["RYD_JR_Luck",0.5 * RYD_JR_CargoDensityM]; if (_x in RYD_JR_Strongholds) then { _x setVariable ["RYD_JR_Luck",RYD_JR_CargoDensityM]; } }; if (isNil "_loot") then { _loot = []; _lootedHouses pushBack _x; if ((random 100) < 33) then { RYD_JR_SomeHouses pushBack _x }; _factor = (_allSpots/(_allLoot max 0.01)) * RYD_JR_CargoDensityM; _luck = _x getVariable ["RYD_JR_Luck",0.01]; if (RYD_JR_CargoDensityM == 0) then {_luck = 0}; if ((_factor > 25) or ((random 1) < _luck)) then { if ((random 1) > ((1 - (random _luck) - (_factor/1000)) min 0.1)) then { _posTaken = missionnameSpace getVariable ["PosTaken",[]]; _lootSpots = _x getVariable ["RYD_JR_LootPlace",[]]; _ct = 0; while {((_ct == 0) or not ((random (_ct + 1)) > (random (1/(_ct + 2)))))} do { _ix = floor (random (count _lootSpots)); _lootSpot = _lootSpots select _ix; _tkn = false; { if ((_lootSpot distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}; } foreach _posTaken; _lootSpots set [_ix,0]; _lootSpots = _lootSpots - [0]; if not (_tkn) then { _loot pushBack _lootSpot; _ct = _ct + 1; }; if ((count _lootSpots) < 1) exitWith {} }; _hlds = [_loot,_isMilitary] call RYD_JR_AddLoot; RYD_JR_AllHolders = RYD_JR_AllHolders + _hlds; missionNamespace setVariable ["PosTaken",_postaken + _loot]; _allLoot = _allLoot + (count _loot); _x setVariable ["RYD_JR_LootPlace",_lootSpots]; RYD_JR_AllLootHouses set [(count RYD_JR_AllLootHouses),[_x,_hlds]]; if (RYD_JR_Debug) then { { _i = "HMark_" + (str _x); _i = createMarker [_i,_x]; _i setMarkerColor "colorRed"; _i setMarkerShape "ICON"; _i setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _i setMarkerSize [0.15,0.15]; } foreach _loot } } }; _x setVariable ["RYD_JR_Loot",_loot]; } } foreach _houses; No time currently for testing, but looks like something, that has no right to happen. It indicates, element taken for distance measurement is a number, thus invalid, but as we can see:_lootSpots set [_ix,0];_lootSpots = _lootSpots - [0]; The only spot, where numbers appear in this array is clear - those are removed immediately from the array. It's just a way to clear chosen sub-array from the array - sub-array has to be turned into non-array value first. So the question is, how some zero could survive in the array despite _lootSpots = _lootSpots - [0];. I don't get it. I saw same weird, unexplained thing happening sporadically in the Hetman code before. And why it happened only once, not all the time. Weird, weird. I even tend to think for now, the problem is not in the script itself. Edited May 16, 2016 by alky_lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted May 16, 2016 What exactly mods and what game (graphics) and mission settings was involved? Important also, if these was same, as previous, when it happened? What FPS (at least - good/not good)? I feel, I would need to try recreate same conditions in attempt of reproducing this weird issue. Assuming free time of course, so this may take a while. Especially, I can't spot any logical flaw in the code, that could allow such thing to happen, yet it happens somehow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 279 Posted May 16, 2016 What exactly mods and what game (graphics) and mission settings was involved? Important also, if these was same, as previous, when it happened? What FPS (at least - good/not good)? I feel, I would need to try recreate same conditions in attempt of reproducing this weird issue. Assuming free time of course, so this may take a while. Especially, I can't spot any logical flaw in the code, that could allow such thing to happen, yet it happens somehow. Mods are: CBA_A3 bhc map contour Champ View Distance RYD BT TPW MODS VTS Weapon Resting 1.0 sthud unlocked uniforms SOS & DMS NightVision Paddle Mod - V2.0 Mission Settings: Loot = 100% Loot Dist = Normal Proper Ammo = Sometimes Garrisons = 100% Checkpoints = 75% Hidden Camps 75% Civ Pop = 20 Civ spread = 600 Companion = On Artillery = On Air SAD range = Very Long Ambient Combat = Low (L) Difficulty = Normal Multiple Hideouts = On Circle Intel = Average Video Settings: Sampling = 114% Texture = Standard Objects = Standard Terrain = High Shadow = Standard Particles = High Cloud = Standard PIP = Disabled HDR = Standard Dynamic Lights = Standard View Distance = 2500 Shadow = 100 Bloom = 0 Radial Blur = 0 Rotation Blur = 0 Depth of Field = 16 Sharpen Filter = 0 AO = Disabled Caustics = Enabled FSAA = 2x ATOC = Disabled PPAA = Disabled Aniso Filtering = Standard FPS at the time was approx 25-30 which for me is standard. The session before I had experienced a bout of 1 FPS just before I finished, but the error occurred after nearly 2 hours in my second session with no such problems. RPT Log for the 30 mins containing the error 1:30:05 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:30:05 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:30:09 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:30:09 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:31:57 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]> 1:31:57 Error position: <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]> 1:31:57 Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater 1:33:33 soldier[O_Soldier_TL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:34:09 soldier[i_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:34:46 soldier[i_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:35:12 No speaker given for Keith Faulkner 1:37:37 No speaker given for William Brown 1:38:55 Road not found 1:39:12 No speaker given for Chris Murphy 1:39:12 No speaker given for Alfie Griffiths 1:41:01 soldier[i_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:42:05 soldier[i_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:42:38 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry 1:42:38 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry 1:42:38 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry 1:43:03 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:43:03 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:43:49 Saving undefined enum value -1024458752 / 2, context /Vehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item694.loiterInfo.type 1:44:24 No speaker given for Harry Martinez 1:44:32 soldier[i_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:33 soldier[i_Soldier_AT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:33 soldier[i_Soldier_AT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:33 soldier[i_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:37 No speaker given for Liang Chang 1:44:38 No speaker given for Gamba Madaki 1:44:38 No speaker given for Ali Hoxha 1:44:39 No speaker given for Imre Egwu 1:44:54 soldier[O_soldierU_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:54 soldier[O_soldierU_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:54 soldier[O_SoldierU_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:54 soldier[O_soldierU_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:54 soldier[O_soldierU_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:54 soldier[O_soldierU_TL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:55 soldier[O_soldierU_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:55 soldier[O_soldierU_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:55 soldier[O_soldierU_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:55 soldier[O_soldierU_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:44:55 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:44:55 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:45:00 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:45:00 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:45:03 No speaker given for Pan Shui 1:45:03 No speaker given for Dong Hwang 1:45:04 No speaker given for Jahi Okadigbo 1:45:04 No speaker given for Lewis Davies 1:45:05 No speaker given for Joshua Rollins 1:45:06 No speaker given for Kirabo Iwu 1:45:06 No speaker given for Dumi Sekibo 1:45:07 No speaker given for Lin Han 1:45:07 No speaker given for Wang Suan 1:45:08 No speaker given for Liao Lee 1:45:08 No speaker given for Shaan Okoye 1:45:09 No speaker given for Zheng Lin 1:45:11 No speaker given for David Davis 1:45:13 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:45:13 Unknown attribute itemsCmd 1:45:21 Saving undefined enum value -1024458752 / 2, context /Vehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item680.loiterInfo.type 1:45:24 No speaker given for Batou Tinibu 1:45:25 No speaker given for Ryan Harrison 1:45:27 No speaker given for Yang Zao 1:45:30 No speaker given for Kofi Tinibu 1:45:32 No speaker given for Daniel Griffiths 1:45:33 No speaker given for Giorgos Strambopoulos 1:45:40 No speaker given for Lewis Jackson 1:46:29 soldier[i_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 1:50:08 No speaker given for Thomas Halliwell 1:51:04 No speaker given for Thomas Taylor 1:51:17 No speaker given for Luo Hwang 1:51:19 No speaker given for Sean Walker 1:52:35 Error in expression <t _ix; _tkn = false; { if ((_lootSpot distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}> 1:52:35 Error position: <distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}> 1:52:35 Error distance: Type Number, expected Array,Object,Location 1:53:19 No speaker given for Chris Campbell 1:54:10 No speaker given for Thomas Johnson 1:54:27 No speaker given for Jacob Wood 1:55:29 No speaker given for Henry Johnson 1:56:02 No speaker given for Mike Rollins 1:57:06 No speaker given for Dylan Jones 1:59:57 Saving undefined enum value -1024458752 / 2, context /Vehicles/InvisibleFar/Vehicles/Item680.loiterInfo.type Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted May 16, 2016 Great, thanks a lot, I'll try to track down the cause using same set of mods and settings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haddedam 4 Posted May 16, 2016 After playing this mission for around 80% of my 700 hour total playtime of arma 3, I really love this mission and it is the only one I return to. Thanks to that and since I'm worried about the future of this project with great potential, I feel like I should leave some thoughts. First off, this mission is great and I love it. The things that make it fantastic are the fact that you're by your lonesome, one person v the world. This changes the tactics forcing you to read the map, make notes and plan your journey carefully and move cautiously. It's the gameplay that you only survive if you're the one that acts and the enemy reacts. It adds some fantastic moments where you sneak upon the enemy and get out before they realize what happened. Another thing that I love is the atmosphere, just the massive open areas with you running around, alone with your toughts, keeping an eye out for that one enemy squad out there. One of the things I like the most about it is the current emergent gameplay: the best moments by far in this missions are when you go somewhere unsuspecting, planning to raid an outpost, unpack your camp, crawl onto a small hill and then you realize you're surrounded by enemy roaming squads, checkpoints and the guards of the camp, after which you have to plan how to remove the checkpoints and squads before you can get to the camp. Or when you enter a town, get out to look for that really nice red cap, only to get ambushed and surrounded by the reinforcements. Now these are all great and are the reasons why I keep playing this: emergent gameplay and being able to do things at your own pace, coming up with your own sidequests and missions. I've been so intrigued by that that during the 100's of hours of playtime, I've never even seen the brothers body. I always grow bored before I get there. it's propably the fact that the world feels dead. Definetly there's no way to reach the dynamic and alive alife that for example stalker has, but this world is a bit too bare, too desolate. WLA does it well: the entire world is bustling, everyone is going everyone, the enemy reacts to you. In pilgrimage, most reaction you get is an helicopter coming in or an squad coming in to reinforce or assassins tracking you. It is quite dissapointing to get to an empty town, garrisoned only by 1 squad. Or getting to a massive base, that is frequently completely empty.I don't like the way WLA does things, as it is too busy, fast paced and stressful, not to mention isn't all that "classy". You're always being thrown around here and there, not at your own pace. I far prefer the desolation of pilgrimage. To fix it, I'd reccomend building upon the currently existing systems: You have the reinforcement, the assassin system and the airbase system, in addition of garrison, checkpoint and strongholds. They are all fantastic and well and lovingly crafted. But not enough. Perhaps adding more systems would fix the biggest problem: imagine when you damaged a vehicle, tanks get sent in from armor depot to reinforce or a repair truck comes in. To prevent that you could attack the armor depot much like an airbase to disable the threat. If you're slow enough, enemy would have time to mount the tanks and ruin your day. Maybe instead of the empty roads, you'd have the occational convoy. Some carrying some troops to an garrisoned town/stronghold/airbase, so you could either intercept it or follow it to find where they are. Maybe have convoys of trucks and armored escorts and a helicopter, carrying vital supplies that are hard to find, like randomized weapons, UAV terminals, medkits, toolkits and other equipment. That would add a completely new type of gameplay into pilgrimage, giving you more to do. Maybe give larger towns a proper garrisson with armor, AAA and multible squads patrolling and hiding in buildings, making bigger towns a bigger risk and reward. All these changes would retain the long quiet periods that makes pilgrimage pilgrimage, but would end with bigger, more dynamic set pieces that you can counter if you choose to do so. Honestly pilgrimage is a great mission, it truly is a gem. It just needs to do what it is doing now, but more of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 281 Posted May 16, 2016 Haddedam Do you have Garrison set to 100% ? Did you set ambient combat ? Check out TPW mod? Allows animals, ambient sounds, etc to add more ambient environment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a2012v 30 Posted May 16, 2016 For me, lacking only the living partner that covers you from the hill while you scour the next village.Give COOP!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted May 16, 2016 @Haddedam First of all thanks for great input. I'm always happy, when my work makes people happy. :) In general, short version - there aren't any plans for further development of this mission except coop version attempt. Unless something too cool to ignore will be added to Arma (like women...). I plan maintain this mission and nothing more. That's necessary, if I want to move forward with other, new projects, and I want (long term lack of free time is another matter). Besides, Pilgrimage at this point seems pretty complete to me - all, I wanted, and most things, people wanted, is implemented already. Another important to me thing is to keep cohesive vision here, avoiding diluting it by side distractions. "it's propably the fact that the world feels dead. Definetly there's no way to reach the dynamic and alive alife that for example stalker has, but this world is a bit too bare, too desolate. " Did you tried TPW's mod? About WLA - agree, tried to play it twice, and failed to immerse, sadly. To me, gameplay in WLA is indeed way too hectic, it is just, what I'm trying to avoid in Pilrimage, it's an ocean of constant distraction on impressive scale (likely three times as much code, as in Pilgrimage). Obviously many players love WLA and great if so, but it's not, what I want for Pilgrimage - WLA is simply not my cup of tea. Ad meritum: Pilgrimage at its core uses no temporary AI spawns apart from optional Ambient Combat (which, BTW, on high setting can make surroudings even too lively.. or deadly) and civs in towns. That means, each hostile AI, you encountered except AC, is placed on the map at init. Well, most of the times cached, but still, what's crucial to me here - each kill counts. There's a price though, which is performance (thus caching) and there are hardcoded limits - last time, I checked, these was 144 groups per side. If you set all AI presence on 100% you basically touch that limit for East and are close to it for Independent side. Only some slots left for Ambient Combat spawns. That means - even, if I would like, I can't add more persistent hostile presence, not enough, to make any visible difference on Altis size map. That - hardcoded groups limits and overall performance - are main obstacles making, what you want, not doable on Pilgrimage's terms. "Maybe instead of the empty roads, you'd have the occational convoy. " Apart from above - I'm affraid quality of AI drivers in Arma makes this not good idea. In fact, there is some military movement on the roads, which are looped armored patrols between few towns or rare AC mechanized groups. I tell you, what I would like to see in Arma - fully organic, complete "ecosystem" of forces with all aspects covered dynamically along with civilian counterpart of society that lives its normal life. But there are technical limits apart from limits of imagination. I would like to see desolate Altis enlivened widely, deeply, completely, truly. Not really possible in Arma 3, IMO. Thanks again for your voice, In general I hear you, I know that feeling, when possibilites of Arma wake a hunger for more, for something even wider, deeper... But these dreams crash on the walls of technical limits. If I would be OK with "fake presence" approach, where all AI background is spawned temporarily around the player, I would be able to make a feeling of something more, but that would be only a fake, a player-centric illusion, which spoils whole idea for me (doesn't mean, I do not enjoy great mods like TPW's, but I wouldn't base my mission on such principle). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haddedam 4 Posted May 17, 2016 Haddedam Do you have Garrison set to 100% ? Did you set ambient combat ? Check out TPW mod? Allows animals, ambient sounds, etc to add more ambient environment. Yes I have, combat high(L), garrisons, outposts, hidden camps, checkpoints all set to 100%, and I've tried TPW but I felt it was really intrusive and kinda shoved everything in your face, especially those tactical classes that ended up being like something out of a japanese horror movie with how they always found their way back to you. Thanks for the suggestions. Only map that I've found feels active enough is chernarus, which I've started playing now again after the last time, where I folded after I realize AI sees and shoots through foilage. Now it feels quite ok and busy. @Haddedam -text- Thanks for the long explanation. As a fellow dev (unfortunately not in a3 yet) I completely understand your reasoning for everything and I am real happy you stick to your vision like a proffessional instead of trying to please every fan. Do you have atleast any plans to port it to tanoa if the map is suitable for pilgrimage? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted May 17, 2016 Do you have atleast any plans to port it to tanoa if the map is suitable for pilgrimage? I think so, but IMHO likely it wouldn't be suitable, I imagine it as archipelago of several islands, one big, other smaller, too few locations, too few roads etc. But we will see. I have other plans for Tanoa anyway, something fresh and new, but still concept is not complete, lacks some elements to make it actual "fun provider". If I manage to complete my idea, it will be still risky, as Pilgrimage was, even more, pretty far for normal type of gameplay, and may be a total failure, but also may be quite interesting. PS - as for Pilgrimage, if you have dev experience know, I allow and encourage anyone willing and capable to depbo my work and edit, adjust, enhance, change, port, whatever you wish and can. Even to publish such custom version - no problem, as long is clear, who did what. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted May 17, 2016 I have other plans for Tanoa anyway, something fresh and new, but still concept is not complete, lacks some elements to make it actual "fun provider". If I manage to complete my idea, it will be still risky, as Pilgrimage was, even more, pretty far for normal type of gameplay, and may be a total failure, but also may be quite interesting. I am 100% Tanoatalized. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tortuosit 486 Posted May 17, 2016 @Haddedam, I think what you ask for (Convoys, a living system, AI groups doing meaningful things) is beyond the scope of a mission. The best the modders have to offer probably is Alive mod. You could maybe add Alive systems to Pilgrimage, but would also require a lot of balancing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 279 Posted May 17, 2016 I've experienced the glasses you can't get rid of as well. TPW settings can be altered so that you don't start with the glasses which avoids that problem. The settings can also be altered to reduce everything to suit your taste.I find it works really well with Pilgrimage when it is turned down with timings increased between noises, flyovers etc so it doesn't feel like you are being spammed. I have TPW Park and boat modules turned off because of them randomly exploding when they spawn/crash into piers etc. The result is that it is not intrusive or in your face, but everyone has their own tastes. I've tried TPW but I felt it was really intrusive and kinda shoved everything in your face, especially those tactical classes that ended up being like something out of a japanese horror movie with how they always found their way back to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 279 Posted May 21, 2016 Had another broken main loop again tonight. I was loading a mission from 2 days ago, but tonight it broke just after loading the mission. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for it. I've reverted but ended back in the middle of a battle and can't remember who I have killed and who I haven't. 23:59:20 Starting mission: 23:59:20 Mission file: Pilgrimage_1.94 (__cur_sp) 23:59:20 Mission world: altis 23:59:20 Mission directory: missions\__cur_sp.altis\ 23:59:35 Mission id: 93bda9cf6d81c2db3ac2601b20ba2cd195e4167c 23:59:38 Loading movesType CfgMovesBird 23:59:38 MovesType CfgMovesBird load time 87 ms 23:59:38 Loading movesType CfgMovesButterfly 23:59:39 MovesType CfgMovesButterfly load time 547 ms 0:00:57 No speaker given for Ed Taylor 0:01:14 No speaker given for Jake Eaton 0:01:16 Error in expression <t _ix; _tkn = false; { if ((_lootSpot distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}> 0:01:16 Error position: <distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}> 0:01:16 Error distance: Type Number, expected Array,Object,Location Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haddedam 4 Posted May 21, 2016 I've been having some trouble with chernarus port, had RHS, ADW, 3 mods of the HLC weapon pack running and the save gets corrupted on dev branch. Provided a really good ironman mode experience that put the fear of god in me though, so honestly not complaining. I reccomend people to try it out, changes how you play drastically. @Haddedam, I think what you ask for (Convoys, a living system, AI groups doing meaningful things) is beyond the scope of a mission. The best the modders have to offer probably is Alive mod. You could maybe add Alive systems to Pilgrimage, but would also require a lot of balancing. Thanks, I've been meaning to check it out for ages, but for now I found antistasi is perfect for that. Somehow it feels really alive and dynamic. I've experienced the glasses you can't get rid of as well. TPW settings can be altered so that you don't start with the glasses which avoids that problem. The settings can also be altered to reduce everything to suit your taste.I find it works really well with Pilgrimage when it is turned down with timings increased between noises, flyovers etc so it doesn't feel like you are being spammed. I have TPW Park and boat modules turned off because of them randomly exploding when they spawn/crash into piers etc. The result is that it is not intrusive or in your face, but everyone has their own tastes. I've tried turning them off but somehow settings didn't work. Uninstalled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted May 21, 2016 "Had another broken main loop again tonight." Would you mind to help me here a bit more? I've prepared special version of Pilgrimage - it's exactly same as 1.94, but with some additional debug logs around the place, where error occurs. I'll try to reproduce this issue with the same version, but since seems, it happens to you often, you may be able to do this mych faster. If we're lucky, logs in such case may give me some clues about possible reason. I have some theory. If I'm right this issue, that in normal circumstancies should be insanely rare, may become a bit less rare, if you play with 100% loot density and if some script delays occur. This debug may help verify that theory. The theory is, some value is shortly made "0" at selling the loot boxes spread in buildings. Selling loot code is run via action, thus in parallel with main loop. If this value become zero exactly in this supposedly very short moment, when near buildings are populated with a loot, issue may occur. As a bonus, I added makeshift safe code preventing that issue, so playing this version, if I'm right, you should not experience the game braking bug anymore, only screen message (sidechat and hint "RPT ALERT!") to let you know, something interesting just appeared in the RPT. :) Here is that version. It's not pbo-ized, it may be just like that put, where pbo missions are. On the scenarios list should be marked as "1.94test". Also few additional questions: When it started to appear? Something particular changed then? Does this happen every single gameplay? Thanks anyway for all the feedback so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 279 Posted May 22, 2016 Also few additional questions: When it started to appear? Something particular changed then? Does this happen every single gameplay? Thanks anyway for all the feedback so far. I will give this version a try. The main loop has broken occasionally for some time but since Arma 1.56 seems to be happening more often, but it doesn't happen every gameplay. In fact it is still quite rare. It seems to happen when I am in a prolonged battle in a town. Existing loot still shows up, but after the battle, when I move to another part of the town no new loot shows up, no civs to talk to. When I move some distance away, no new enemies spawn and churches no longer save. I have started to check the RPT log frequently now so that I can easily go back to before the error happening. Two recent cases happened in Therisa and the latest in Paros. Reverting into the middle of a battle immediately means it has a different outcome. First time I had done very well in killing enemies and capturing their vehicles. After the restart they were blowing each other up so no Titan launchers this time. Also a Strider GMG got involved. I saw it drive over a rock on the horizon as it went out of sight. What I didn't realise was that it had tipped it onto it's side and it had come from a checkpoint on the far side of town. Next to checkpoint was an abandoned Kuma MBT. Not bad from the first town. EDIT: Rpt Log from 1st Test Session Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted May 23, 2016 "EDIT: Rpt Log from 1st Test Session" OK, seems no hopefully-former-issue circumstancies occured so far, I think. BTW this: "zero at: 234" indicates amount of loot boxes left behind, which makes many of them. Is that correct? Not a problem of course, just the bigger the array storing positions of exisitng boxes is, the bigger time to run through it and thus the bigger chance of said circumstancies to appear. That would make sense. Feel free to left as many of them, as you like, let's see, how big the number may grow before it start matter. Issue shouldn't appear anyway, if my fix code is right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 279 Posted May 24, 2016 "EDIT: Rpt Log from 1st Test Session" OK, seems no hopefully-former-issue circumstancies occured so far, I think. BTW this: "zero at: 234" indicates amount of loot boxes left behind, which makes many of them. Is that correct? Not a problem of course, just the bigger the array storing positions of exisitng boxes is, the bigger time to run through it and thus the bigger chance of said circumstancies to appear. That would make sense. Feel free to left as many of them, as you like, let's see, how big the number may grow before it start matter. Issue shouldn't appear anyway, if my fix code is right. There shouldn't have been that many loot boxes around. I was in Oreokastro and I cleared them all. The mission itself was a short mission. Only visited Abdera after that and the body was on the way to Galati, so I will have to start another mission to test it properly. The only problem I had was that the chapel was next to a stronghold. As we were collecting the body, a patrol from the stronghold came over the horizon and opened up on us. My companion was killed and I was injured but managed to deal with them and get away back to the boat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1317 Posted May 24, 2016 "There shouldn't have been that many loot boxes around. " That's interesting then. Or maybe not that much, not sure. This number, basically, tells, how much positions are saved in the array, that keeps all house positions taken to avoid spawning stuff on the already occupied positions. But apart from loot boxes it contains also positions taken as "homes" by civilians and positions occupied by garrisoned soldiers, including strongholds areas. Not sure, if all that could explain that amount of positions taken. Perhaps. Or maybe code, that should clear positions not occupied anymore isn't reliable. Anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted May 28, 2016 I still hate this game FF's !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a2012v 30 Posted May 29, 2016 Rydygier Help to block the use ofAlex and his team all the equipment?Only the air technique?Only the heavy military equipment? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites