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[SP] Pilgrimage

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When they're far from each other, assume, it's through radio.


To silence him edit MainLoop.sqf here:

		if not ((RYD_JR_inStealth) or (RYD_JR_callPending)) then
			if (({alive _x} count (units (group player))) > 1) then
				if ((time - RYD_JR_LastChat) > 120) then
					RYD_JR_LastChat = time;
					if ((random 100) > 80) then
						_text = "";
						_city = locationNull;
						_unit = objNull;

						if ((random 100) > 50) then
								_size = size _x;
								_radM = (_size select 0) min (_size select 1);
								_posL = position _x;
								_posL set [2,0];
								if ((_pos distance _posL) < _radM) exitWith
									_city = _x;
							foreach (RYD_JR_allCities + RYD_JR_allVillages)
						if not (isNull _city) then
							_unit = nearestObject [player, "Civilian"];
							switch (true) do
								case (isNull _unit) : {_city = locationNull};
								case not (alive _unit) : {_city = locationNull};
						if not (isNull _city) then
							_reputation = [true,_unit] call RYD_JR_CalculateRep;
							_pool = RYD_JR_Chatting_City;

							switch (true) do
								case (_reputation > 30) : {_pool = RYD_JR_Chatting_City_HiRep};
								case (_reputation > 10) : {_pool = _pool + RYD_JR_Chatting_City_HiRep};
								case (_reputation < -30) : {_pool = RYD_JR_Chatting_City_LowRep};
								case (_reputation < -10) : {_pool = _pool + RYD_JR_Chatting_City_LowRep};
							_text = _pool select (floor (random (count _pool)));
							_units = (units (group player)) - [player];
							_unit = _units select (floor (random (count _units)));
							_text = (name _unit) + ": " + _text;
							_text = format [_text,text _city]
							if ((count RYD_JR_Chatting) < 1) then
								RYD_JR_Chatting = +RYD_JR_Chatting0
							_text = RYD_JR_Chatting select (floor (random (count RYD_JR_Chatting)));
							_units = (units (group player)) - [player];
							_unit = _units select (floor (random (count _units)));
							RYD_JR_Chatting = RYD_JR_Chatting - [_text];
							_text = (name _unit) + ": " + _text;
						titleText [_text,"PLAIN DOWN", 2];
			RYD_JR_LastChat = time

You can add own condition to block the chatter completely or depending on another conditions equally well in the lines:


3881, 3883, 3885 or 3888.


Displaying the text itself is done in the line 3959 - titleText [_text,"PLAIN DOWN", 2];


Also note, since the speaker is chosen randomly  from player's group except the player itself, in the line 3936 and 3952 (depnding on case): _unit = _units select (floor (random (count _units))); only after that calculating the distance as a condition would be reliable/makes sense. 

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@ pvt partz


 Good hunting.... private!

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Sorry Rydygier, but I've managed to break the main loop again. Found the body loaded it into my vehicle but I had lost the option to transfer it to another vehicle or to repair my vehicle. Enemies didn't spawn and when I got back to the boat, it was invisible, although at least I had the option to load the body into the boat and complete the mission.


I have checked the RPT log and there are not many clues in there. These are the errors found if they are any help.


23:56:09 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [-5.0001,-5,-1,1>
23:56:09   Error position: <distToWater interpolate [-5.0001,-5,-1,1>
23:56:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater
23:56:09 Error in expression <(distToWater interpolate [-10.0001,-10,-1>
23:56:09   Error position: <distToWater interpolate [-10.0001,-10,-1>
23:56:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater
23:56:09 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [0.1,0.11,-1,1]>
23:56:09   Error position: <distToWater interpolate [0.1,0.11,-1,1]>
23:56:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater

 0:05:06 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]>
 0:05:06   Error position: <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]>
 0:05:06   Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater

 0:06:05 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]>
 0:06:05   Error position: <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]>
 0:06:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater

 0:20:52 Error in expression <t _ix;

_tkn = false;

if ((_lootSpot distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}>
 0:20:52   Error position: <distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}>
 0:20:52   Error distance: Type Number, expected Array,Object,Location

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 0:06:05 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]>

 0:06:05   Error position: <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]>

 0:06:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater


That's not my code. 




0:20:52 Error in expression <t _ix;

_tkn = false;


if ((_lootSpot distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}>

 0:20:52   Error position: <distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true}>

 0:20:52   Error distance: Type Number, expected Array,Object,Location


Seems, the main loop stuck here. It's part of the code generating loot in the buildings. Interesting, why it suddenly failed... The code is this:

			_loot = _x getVariable "RYD_JR_Loot";
			_isMilitary = (typeOf _x) in RYD_JR_BetterLootBuildings;
			if (_isMilitary) then
				_x setVariable ["RYD_JR_Luck",0.1];
			if (RYD_JR_RealLoot) then
				_x setVariable ["RYD_JR_Luck",0.5 * RYD_JR_CargoDensityM];
				if (_x in RYD_JR_Strongholds) then
					_x setVariable ["RYD_JR_Luck",RYD_JR_CargoDensityM];
			if (isNil "_loot") then
				_loot = [];
				_lootedHouses pushBack _x;
				if ((random 100) < 33) then
					RYD_JR_SomeHouses pushBack _x

				_factor = (_allSpots/(_allLoot max 0.01)) * RYD_JR_CargoDensityM;
				_luck = _x getVariable ["RYD_JR_Luck",0.01];
				if (RYD_JR_CargoDensityM == 0) then {_luck = 0};
				if ((_factor > 25) or ((random 1) < _luck)) then
					if ((random 1) > ((1 - (random _luck) - (_factor/1000)) min 0.1)) then
						_posTaken = missionnameSpace getVariable ["PosTaken",[]];
						_lootSpots = _x getVariable ["RYD_JR_LootPlace",[]];
						_ct = 0;
						while {((_ct == 0) or not ((random (_ct + 1)) > (random (1/(_ct + 2)))))} do
							_ix = floor (random (count _lootSpots));
							_lootSpot = _lootSpots select _ix;
							_tkn = false;
								if ((_lootSpot distance _x) < 2) exitWith {_tkn = true};
							foreach _posTaken;
							_lootSpots set [_ix,0];
							_lootSpots = _lootSpots - [0];
							if not (_tkn) then
								_loot pushBack _lootSpot;
								_ct = _ct + 1;
							if ((count _lootSpots) < 1) exitWith {}
						_hlds = [_loot,_isMilitary] call RYD_JR_AddLoot;
						RYD_JR_AllHolders = RYD_JR_AllHolders + _hlds;
						missionNamespace setVariable ["PosTaken",_postaken + _loot];
						_allLoot = _allLoot + (count _loot);
						_x setVariable ["RYD_JR_LootPlace",_lootSpots];
						RYD_JR_AllLootHouses set [(count RYD_JR_AllLootHouses),[_x,_hlds]];
						if (RYD_JR_Debug) then
								_i = "HMark_" + (str _x);
								_i = createMarker [_i,_x];
								_i setMarkerColor "colorRed";
								_i setMarkerShape "ICON";
								_i setMarkerType "mil_dot";
								_i setMarkerSize [0.15,0.15];
							foreach _loot
				_x setVariable ["RYD_JR_Loot",_loot]; 
		foreach _houses;


No time currently for testing, but looks like something, that has no right to happen. It indicates, element taken for distance measurement is a number, thus invalid, but as we can see:

_lootSpots set [_ix,0];

_lootSpots = _lootSpots - [0];


The only spot, where numbers appear in this array is clear - those are removed immediately from the array. It's just a way to clear chosen sub-array from the array - sub-array has to be turned into non-array value first. So the question is, how some zero could survive  in the array despite _lootSpots = _lootSpots - [0];. I don't get it. I saw same weird, unexplained thing happening sporadically in the Hetman code before. And why it happened only once, not all the time. Weird, weird. I even tend to think for now, the problem is not in the script itself. 


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RPG in ArmA 3. yes, please. and this scenario won the MANW. couldn't get any better.

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Hello guys , I have a perhaps stupid question , for what reason are deleted statistics on the number of kills . I have a version of the scenario from Steam , Arma3 is up to date, and modes of use CBA_A3 , RYDBT , ASR_AI3 , L ExShake , BLASTCOM Phoenix , unlocked uniforms , thanks


and I love google translator :)

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 for what reason are deleted statistics on the number of kills 


The kill count is vanilla stat available in the map view and IIRC during debriefing. I didn't noticed disappearance of it and certainly I didn't anyting like that in purpose. There are some custom pages in debriefing with my own stats added, so perhaps there something could be wrong. 

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The kill count is vanilla stat available in the map view and IIRC during debriefing. I didn't noticed disappearance of it and certainly I didn't anyting like that in purpose. There are some custom pages in debriefing with my own stats added, so perhaps there something could be wrong. 

Since 1.58 I have noticed that the statistics from the map are missing when I resume the next day, but they are there as normal during the debriefing at the end of the mission. I didn't know if it was to do with the new difficulty settings, although I can't see a setting to alter it. Whatever, I think it's an Arma bug rather than anything to do with Pilgrimage. I haven't started a vanilla mission to check though.

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Wow!! It is a nice mission!! I finally found brother and took him out of the Altis. I am thinking, is it possible to develop one version combined with RAVAGE mod? To find brother in ravage world and communicate with local survivors. The military still want to kill everyone they have seen to prevent the spreading of virus. Finally, you will find your brother, but it is not "him" anymore. Will you kill "him" or just leave it in this place? Do you want to save local survivors and take them out of here? Do you want to find out the source of the virus and save all the people in Altis? Wow, it will be very valuable to explore!!    


But, HEY! Appreciate your great work!

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The kill count is vanilla stat available in the map view and IIRC during debriefing. I didn't noticed disappearance of it and certainly I didn't anyting like that in purpose. There are some custom pages in debriefing with my own stats added, so perhaps there something could be wrong. 



Since 1.58 I have noticed that the statistics from the map are missing when I resume the next day, but they are there as normal during the debriefing at the end of the mission. I didn't know if it was to do with the new difficulty settings, although I can't see a setting to alter it. Whatever, I think it's an Arma bug rather than anything to do with Pilgrimage. I haven't started a vanilla mission to check though.

ok people thank you for your answers

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You know your a badass when...



Last time I hid behind a wall like that, the T100 knocked down the wall and killed me. 


In my last mission I killed a Tigris, but the T100 and the other Tigris fell foul of Arma Physx. I thought I was tackling a squad in Zaros. I killed one and shot at another. While I was reloading, they all surrendered. It turned out that they were the crewmen of the other vehicles which I later found upside down.

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Since 1.58 I have noticed that the statistics from the map are missing when I resume the next day, but they are there as normal during the debriefing at the end of the mission. I didn't know if it was to do with the new difficulty settings, although I can't see a setting to alter it. Whatever, I think it's an Arma bug rather than anything to do with Pilgrimage. I haven't started a vanilla mission to check though.

I started another mission without mods purely for testing purposes you understand. After resuming the mission next day, the statistics were gone, so definitely an Arma bug.

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I started another mission without mods purely for testing purposes you understand. After resuming the mission next day, the statistics were gone, so definitely an Arma bug.


   Good to know,....thanks for taking the time. I would llike to include this in my list.



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   I am editing the Stratis mission. The objectives are labeled with a ? mark and I can get the coordinates from the map,.....but, when I go into the EDEN editor the coordinates are in meters. At present there are only about 5 or 6 objectives that  have a structure on that spot. I am wanting to place more structures on the rest of the ? marks just to add to the realism. How can I cross reference the two maps or pinpoint where the objects should go?

   I'm also adding a couple of other surprises just to make it interesting. 


Never mind

I found a way.

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On my way to get milk and gas when all hell broke lose ....





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On my way to get milk and gas when all hell broke lose ....

Kalochori can get a bit hot. Here is when I was on a previous visit ... captured a T100 and a Kamysh



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Fun stuff.


I'm using TPW Hud but without AI detection at all, loot on realistic. Keeps you frosty. The best for fun to me is playing Garrison set at 100%...O'boy, not for noobs. ;)

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Fun stuff.


I'm using TPW Hud but without AI detection at all, loot on realistic. Keeps you frosty. The best for fun to me is playing Garrison set at 100%...O'boy, not for noobs. ;)

I use TPW hud, but without the tactical glasses at the start, and detection range set from 75-300m instead of the default 50-500m. I love the garrisons. Once in the dark,  I moved into a building for cover and gave it a quick onceover.A few minutes later I nearly shit my pants when I found that I was sharing the building with an enemy. He seemed just as surprised as me as I managed to kill him before he could one shot me. I have loot on normal, so lots of hats and stuff. I just started a new mission on very hard and failed to find any guns. I went to a small military compound but no loot there so I embarked on an assassination mission on a team leader armed with just a pistol. I found them garrisoned in a couple of buildings. Luckily I took out the auto rifleman first, then AT rifleman and another rifleman. My target surrendered for all the good it did him.


I managed to get hold of a quad bike but very little fuel in it, so I have made my way to Zaros for the fuel station there. There were reports of fighting to the north east, so I went ahead on foot to see if the road ahead was clear. I found some Takistani troops in a UAZ. They called out a gunship and a Kamysh also responded. The Kamysh seemed to have got itself stuck. The gunship got shot down to the northeast, so I moved away from the Kamysh only for an unarmed Ifrit to pull up near the building where I had been, and troops got out of it. I have killed all of them, but I fear that the Ifrit and the bodies might be visible to the Kamysh. All I need to do now is deal with the Kamysh, so I can claim the Ifrit & loot, and then find out what is happening to the north east and who or what shot down the gunship. Could be some AA launchers on offer there. I have to go to central Altis to find the body, so they could come handy.

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All I need to do now is deal with the Kamysh, so I can claim the Ifrit & loot, and then find out what is happening to the north east and who or what shot down the gunship


Do you have Ambient combat on? If not I have a question. I am testing a mission and I hear distant artillary but I do NOT have AC on. What could causing that, in my case?

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Do you have Ambient combat on? If not I have a question. I am testing a mission and I hear distant artillary but I do NOT have AC on. What could causing that, in my case?

I love having AC on. If you don't it could be artillery firing at you but not being very accurate, especially if you are moving quickly.

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I finally got my Kamysh, after killing the infantry squad that got out of it and some AAF that got involved.













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