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RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation A3 WIP Thread

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Well I have a good rig (nearly all graphics maxed out and visibility up to 4000-5000m), still sometimes some PIP's are so jumpy which makes their usability questionable.

I think the A3 engine is limited to certain amount of memory, that could be one of the issues ( that creates a bottleneck ). I also experienced some issues with the PiP, let's hope BI is gonna optimize it ( as a proper and fast PiP would help a lot ).

Edited by MistyRonin

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Yeah PIP can be real crap, if you do pip mirrors make sure they have a shiny texture when it's not activated (instead of ugly black one) and personally I disliked use of pip inside the armor in reyhards armor because if you don't use pip it's unusable in first person.. So I think the view slots should always be in model not pip but you guys probably already did that.

Anyway I play without pip, it pretty much caps my fps to 30 whenver in vehicles, even in gunner it renders them , also I think it constantly renders them when our of view, lol

I kinda doubt bi will fix pip, maybe after a few dlcs.

Edit: woah dat vid them anims wow

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Yeah I hope at least those periscope screen don't show up as big black squares, BI made their pip mirrors show shiny when deactivated, maybe there is a way to do something similar on the periscope, like a opaque glass texture.

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Well, let's have a lot of faith and hope BI optimize the PiP systems.

I personally can't play without them, but I guess I've a more or less good computer ( although there is a bit of lag sometimes in the PiP ). But for me landing a helicopter without being able to look at the side-mirrors is really hard.

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Hmm... Frankly misty I can't stand to use it all because fps is weirdly capped from consistent lag.

I have gotten used to playing without it , but I just hope nothing in RHS will require me to use pip for at least basic functionality..

If I switch from a gtx 560 ti 2gb to a 770, will it help with pip or is pip a shittly CPU based thing.

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I guess they used mirror material on pip's (in texture field you have all the magic for PiP) - will try it later.

BTW if the firing from vehicles is properly added ( technically in the helicopter DLC ), are there any plans to make the shooting ports functional ( in BMPs, BTRs, etc. )?

I wish it will be easy to implement but one day it will appear for sure.

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Ok cool.

Reynard since I know you work on armor, is all armor usable in first person without pip?

Like for instance even if periscope doesn't work is there at least a view slot somewhere or such, or is it really gonna be required to use armor in first person?

If it's not I guess it is what it is, I don't plan on being an apc driver but hopefully I can still drive it with basic functionality.

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Nice looking mod, I will be definitely using it alongside Joint Rails and AMG. Any chance of seeing the BTR-T [first picture] and BMPT in future?



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Agree my PIP sucks too, I'm SLI which I think might be causing some of the jerkiness - they're not really usable as actual viewports.


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I don't know how RHS devs made it, but I guess the PiP is only restricted to the periscopes but the main "windows" are straight. So it should be fine ( Sudden made it that way ).

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is all armor usable in first person without pip?

Yes. If you press the optics button (numpad 0), you switch to the traditional 2d periscope view.

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Ok as long as it has that it should be ok.

I'll just get my friends to drive anyway lol.

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Video looks great! 10/10 anims

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Gameplay realism enchancements (realistic FCS for vehicles, random numbers etc.)

Not sure if you meant to leave that in or what...

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I gues it is down on the 'to do' list, but will you add Alive and MCC compatybility - sory for spam if this was asked

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Some pip Screens are totally smooth for me, other are stuttering. I don´t know why that is.....

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Yeah tonic it's a very inconsistent system overall.

Some people get flickering and stiff but I never really got any of that

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Yeah tonic it's a very inconsistent system overall.

Some people get flickering and stiff but I never really got any of that

I usually got some lag and flickering when using the remote weapons through the PiP, but the "unarmed" PiP works quite fine ( for example in the Hunter, or in the hatchback ).

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Yeah I dunno, I'm probably getting. A gtx 770 about 20 days before the end of manw anyway, let's hope it helps me with pip

Anyway, I wonder if there are any non synthetic furniture versions of the guns, so far I've seen:

Black synthetic ak74m (and other color synthetic)

Black synthetic PKP

Black synthetic svd

So ya.. Maybe rhs is only doing the modern variants... Well at least it's high quality

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Yeah I dunno, I'm probably getting. A gtx 770 about 20 days before the end of manw anyway, let's hope it helps me with pip

Anyway, I wonder if there are any non synthetic furniture versions of the guns, so far I've seen:

Black synthetic ak74m (and other color synthetic)

Black synthetic PKP

Black synthetic svd

So ya.. Maybe rhs is only doing the modern variants... Well at least it's high quality

I don't think the wooden ones are in use today. Maybe there are some in reserve.

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No I would say they are still being used at some level, for instance I saw a russian documentary of guys from a Kazakhstan base (russian troops) it was from 2008

Anyway if someone is making a ukraine war mission (probably what half of us are gonna do) some wooden one would be preferable

They all had wooden handguard and folding stock aks74 in the Kazakhstan russian army thing I saw

Anyway about the pkm, I also saw them use wooden pkm too in the docu

Anyway I think it's good to have some flexibility, but if rhs doesn't do it, it's fine I would at least hope we can use a mag compatibility patch to use rhs mags on HLC aks, since I bet rhs is gonna do a good amount of ammo types

Anyway I hope the russian scopes are gonna be configured for asdg jr, I mean I thought it had a soviet dovetail thing right

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