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Blastcore: Phoenix 2

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No theres no loss of data. But i don't like it when im in the middle of doing something and my entire A3 directory gets deleted and created again because of a update, i now have to use a recovery tool to get my work back.

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Sorry to read, I've always had a folder for all work and then a copy of my work is in the main directory

idk what your exact situation is with your files OS but hope you get it sorted.

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No theres no loss of data. But i don't like it when im in the middle of doing something and my entire A3 directory gets deleted and created again because of a update, i now have to use a recovery tool to get my work back.

That sucks dude :( But this is the exact reason I use a seperate mod folder and a third party launcher. I would advise you to do the same. I've had lots of problems with mods in the main directory in the past aswell.

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I've theory, did you clicked on the "delete local content" in the

1. STEAMclient games list > Arma 3 > Properties > Local Files > Delete Local Game Content ...

2. directly the main menu "delete local content ..."

because for w/e reason this ""feature"" nuke erase whole directory and it's content

we already contacted Valve about this because of loss of mods / custom content / creative work

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I've theory, did you clicked on the "delete local content" in the

1. STEAMclient games list > Arma 3 > Properties > Local Files > Delete Local Game Content ...

2. directly the main menu "delete local content ..."

because for w/e reason this ""feature"" nuke erase whole directory and it's content

we already contacted Valve about this because of loss of mods / custom content / creative work

OOppss!..so you say using "delete local content" not only deletes ARMA3 official installed content-but ALL files inside ARMA 3 main folder?? ^^

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It basically means your uninstalling Arma3 thats what "delete local content" does, havn't you ever used it?

I've used it for a few games back in the day came back and resinstalled a game. If theres issues with the game as in crashes then "delete local content" could be of use

but othewise use verify integrity of cache which scans your game and updates/replaces any files not the same or missing.

For OS's sake I hope that it was just some minor issue, based on his other thread it seems the latest update (1.34)

removed mods in his directory so we will see what he has figured out.

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God, my worst notions have come true :cry2: , i hope so that your files becomes back...F..k !

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I've theory, did you clicked on the "delete local content" in the

1. STEAMclient games list > Arma 3 > Properties > Local Files > Delete Local Game Content ...

2. directly the main menu "delete local content ..."

because for w/e reason this ""feature"" nuke erase whole directory and it's content

we already contacted Valve about this because of loss of mods / custom content / creative work

Yea i think this is what happened cause before it updated, because im using a heavy modified game it pooped a message up saying something like xxx failed to validate try reinstalling the bla. So i must have clicked delete local content and redownloaded the game cause it took ages and everything in the folder got nuked i thought it would only affect BI content not my custom files & folders.

But anyway dont worry guys, theres been no loss of the mod files or any of its data, the folders get backed up everytime they are modifed elsewhere. Just shocked to find that it all vanished cause i had the game setup how i liked it. Now its like removed everyone elses mods and im gonna have to download them again. Id be very wary about that delete local content as it seems to just remove everything not unstall the game files and leaves other custom files intact. Anyone else might not be so lucky and if they don't backup the custom files they have then it could be very upsetting.

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yeah thats right im with you , i've got my A3 meticulous set too with many personal moded files for me ,

and when this files are deleted would be that a real disaster for me.

However I drink first to the not lost mod files , cheers :drinking:

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Glad to hear you have good backup's in place... I would have been in mourning for weeks if you had to start over ;)

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Well I start to worry , we haven't heard anything from Opticalsnare since the 5th of November. Is everything ok?

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Well I start to worry , we haven't heard anything from Opticalsnare since the 5th of November. Is everything ok?

Yea mon :cool:

Anit christmas yet.....

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Yea mon :cool:

Anit christmas yet.....

Your video demos and pics of the mod are enough for me at this point, hehe. ;)

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Your video demos and pics of the mod are enough for me at this point, hehe. ;)

probably true, i can not even more :drinking:

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Anyone seen this yet? No Entry 'config.bin/CfgCloudlets.25mmSparks'.

I'm running the latest version available with PWS anyway (says 0.3).

Is this still not fixed? I am running the latest version and I've seen this in the ArmA menu several times.

//edit: Just noticed that the last version is from January :(

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Is this still not fixed? I am running the latest version and I've seen this in the ArmA menu several times.

//edit: Just noticed that the last version is from January :(

U need to wait like we all for the new version, hope the torture will end someday :D

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When will we have it ,how much progress have you made with it? Any updates on it`s ETA?

Nice FX! Will use it for sure!:D:bounce3:

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This is gonna be a hell of a long weekend...

Waiting excited and appreciating the work, reworking an entire mod can be tiresome so cudos for that!


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