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Blastcore: Phoenix 2

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I know OS is fed up with this, but one little request - is it possible to do that when its raining the would be no dust clouds from under vehicle tires/tracks. If its Arma's internal i'll understand...

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Can someone test this please, i want to know if the server keys and signed files are working correctly before its officially updated elsewhere.

-Link removed-

This is a community only release at the moment. Once keys are verified to be working then feel free to distribute and update download links.

Edited by Opticalsnare

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Can someone test this please, i want to know if the server keys and signed files are working correctly before its officially updated elsewhere.


This is a community only release at the moment. Once keys are verified to be working then feel free to distribute and update download links.

Tested it. I really appreciate your particle works, but your keys still doesn't work.

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Well then i don't know what the fuck im doing wrong, i did it the same way as i did on the test build.

You tell me if this is wrong

Convert .cpp files to .bin

and pack into .PBO

DSCreateKey.exe > WarFXPE.pbo

creates a .bikey & privatekey

DSSignFile.exe WarFXPE.pbo using privatekey

creates a .bisign file

Pack into archive

- result does keys work do they fuck

Edited by Opticalsnare

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I ll go test in 2 minutes Sir. Expect a statement. I was the bad one which start with the "yellowish" color at your first release, but glad i did, R2 was way much better :)

No ill check R3. Thx man!

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Well then i don't know what the fuck im doing wrong, i did it the same way as i did on the test build.

You tell me if this is wrong

Convert .cpp files to .bin

and pack into .PBO

DSCreateKey.exe > WarFXPE.pbo

creates a .bikey & privatekey

DSSignFile.exe WarFXPE.pbo using privatekey

creates a .bisign file

Pack into archive

- result does keys work do they fuck

Here is what I do OS,

Find cmd.exe and make a copy of it. Create a folder like I do called Addon Signing and put cmd.exe in there with DSSignFile,DSCreateKey and DSCheckSignatures and also place your PBO that you packed in there (WarFXPE.pbo) and do the following...

CMD->DSCreateKey WarFXPE

Generates: WarFXPE.bisign & WarFXPE.biprivate key (Keep the private key & bisign handy for future signing of that PBO).

CMD->DSSignFile WarFXPE.biprivatekey WarFXPE.pbo

Generates: WarFXPE.pbo.WarFXPE.bisign

And that should work perfectly, all you need to do as a publisher is pack the WarFXPE.bisign,PBO and PBO Signature (Not the biprivatekey) and it should all be good. If you still get problems if you want I can sign the pbo for you for future releases if it's that big of a hassle for you. I know you are growing tired of ARMA and signatures are meh and quite confusing at times when you just want to get it out there.

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Well ive setup my own server so i can test them myself and after 2hrs of trying differnt ways i think i got them working. I created the keys using the cmd method for the private and bikey, however i then used the addonbuilder to pack my source dir into a .pbo using the .biprivatekey and signed the file that way. I tested this on my own server and managed to get on without it booting me back out.

Test this and see if these work. - Thanks


Edited by Opticalsnare

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Well then i don't know what the fuck im doing wrong, i did it the same way as i did on the test build.

You tell me if this is wrong

Convert .cpp files to .bin

and pack into .PBO

DSCreateKey.exe > WarFXPE.pbo

creates a .bikey & privatekey

DSSignFile.exe WarFXPE.pbo using privatekey

creates a .bisign file

Pack into archive

- result does keys work do they fuck

Hey OS, I'd strongly recommend using BinPBO, it will make a key once directed to your key location.


It will also binarize your .cpp too



I hope you get it sorted mate I know you had a lot of frustration with keys.

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Ok its been confirmed that the keys are working at last, heres the link and changelog for revision 3 of the mod. Thank you for all your support.

Blastcore A3 R3

R3 Change Log

- Reduced amount of sparks emitted and size on all effects

- Reduced amount of smoke emitted and size of area covered for smoke grenades

- Added ability for smoke grenades to be affected by rotor downwash

- Increased dust output of heli downwash

- Missile & Rocket light no longer stays emitted after impact

- Reduced size of debris from vehicle explosions

- Reduced size of vehicle fireball explosion effect

- Added additional explosion & smoke effects to 120mm HET Rounds

- Stock A3 effects enabled on missile and rocket classes

- Added explosion effects to demo charges and pipebombs

- Cluster Ammo for Artillery Rounds now have a differnt impact effect (WIP)

- Optimizations to existing effects

- Server Keys and Signed Files now work on MP (Tested / Verifed)

Blastcore A3 R3 Download

Edited by Opticalsnare

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Great work sir, well done on all your efforts it is truly appreciated and thanks for sticking with it :-)

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People from some countries have difficulties downloading from gamefront. Can someone upload the file somewhere else please?

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Sorry to say this but I can't get on any multiplayer servers with the Mod enabled.

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Sorry to say this but I can't get on any multiplayer servers with the Mod enabled.

Server admins need to update their keys to R3. Its only just come out dude.

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Sorry to say this but I can't get on any multiplayer servers with the Mod enabled.

I can hear the trumpet !

Anyway, thanks OS for the new release !

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Hey, thanks for the update, the servers I play on didn't change the keys just yet but I hope they do so I can test it soon.

Anyways I noticed the "Flying bodies" mod on the front page, I would appreciate some kind of a video or something to explain more briefly what it does.

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Hey, thanks for the update, the servers I play on didn't change the keys just yet but I hope they do so I can test it soon.

Anyways I noticed the "Flying bodies" mod on the front page, I would appreciate some kind of a video or something to explain more briefly what it does.

Does extactly what it says on the tin. No feedback required its not being worked on anymore. I moved it to its own thread so it wont get mixed up.

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Thanks for the regular updates, I'm really digging this mod. Unfortunately gamefront doesn't work for everyone, as always. Would you mind putting other mirrors?

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Added mirror on first page. I sent a PM to foxhound so it proberly won't be long till our good friends at armaholic will host it.

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Thanks for the update OS!

Can anyone confirm that AI vision block by Blastcore smoke works on a dedicated server?

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Thanks a lot for the headsup about the new version :cool:

Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

Edited by Guest

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Oh yes, mirrors needed, Gamefront doesn't work :(

Congrats for release, though !

Tested the mod :

- Added additional explosion & smoke effects to 120mm HET Rounds

I still don't see any difference between sabot and HE ? Am I the only one ?

Edited by NikoTeen

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@OS Thank you for the new version. The fixed and additions to rotor downwash are amazing. I wish you the very best for your future projects. You will be missed... (I hope you return from time to time to check if BIS broke your mod with some patch....)

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Hi Opticalsnare,

Key server doesnt work again :(

I deleted the old files and remplace by new but nothing ...

Actually have in "Key" file (SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Keys) :

* WarFXPE.bikey

* WarFXPE.pbo.WarFXPE.bisign

Installation was good ... (?)

Do you use this command for your test in MP server (in server.cfg) ?

VerifySignatures = 2;

Thank for updates !

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