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(DLS) Digital Loadout System

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Text is now great in the system, Iceman. If possible, it would be better to increase it just a bit (IMHO). There's a few usability issues I've seen so far:

  1. The item type list ribbon (misc, weapon, ammo, etc.) should be capitalized. But thats a niche thing that irk's me. Heh.
  2. You still have to highlight the item you want to put in the inventory, and then drag it over. Left clicking on something in the item list should automatically highlight it and move it over.
  3. A sidebar pops up when you select a weapon in the DLS weapon list showing the compatible ammo so you dont have to go digging through it. I'm trying to think of a more UI friendly way than a popup though...
  4. When you drag stuff into their appropriate item location the text is red as if it's not being put in. But it does, you may want to develop that further to actually indicate if an item, magazine, weapon can go to a specific slot. If it can, left the text normal colored, if it cant make it red. Right now its all red.
  5. When you mouse over an item in your inventory through the DLS there should be a popup saying what the item is named. Stuff with similar icon's could get confusing - thats is a possible resolution to it.
  6. I dont think you really needthe grass/vd option in this at all. It only occurs when you're using the system and many mods out there use something like that. It's just redundant to have, possibly slows the system down, and make the entire thing more bulky. I'd say eliminate it.

Now thinking about it, would it be possible to replace the VD/Grass ticker with a Font Increase/Decrease toggle? That would be awesome! And maybe think about moving that item type ribbon up a bit so you can add further filters for stuff like Items, Attachments, Scopes, Pistol Ammo, Rifle Ammo. Just further filters. I'll have a screenshot here once I do a quick photoshop rep of what I'm talking about. I can't wait to see this when the load/save functionality is in and side filters.

Great work with everything so far.

Edit: So doing some quick photoshop stuff, I may have gotten carried away. Here's some ideas to think about. (Warning large image)

Edited by SpectreRSG

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this is a very useful mod. the visual system makes figuring out what goes where easier.

There are a few things that can make this more intuitive to use however. all the things SpectreRSG mentions above for sure.

then add left cllicking to add for backpack, on person, etc based on which storage type is currently selected.

make it possible to swap out elements simply by dragging over/ double clicking the elementt. so changing from acog to rca scope is simpel as double clicking the desired new scope.

organising the things would be freaking useful. so ammo by type. maybe incompatible ammo/scopes/attachemnts are greyed out. maybe compatible ammo/scopes/attachemnts is top of list and not greyed out. the pop out box would be useful.

maybe have a X on the backpacks, clothes, etc to delete them rather than clicking them to delete. why? because you also have to click to select and the differnce between choosing and deleting that thing is pretty small and i often delete the thing i want to merely open.

thanks for this mod man. great potential to make load otus much more intuitive than before.

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Thanks for the kind words and suggestions.

@ spectre - Thanks for the kind works again. Ofcourse I'll take the suggestions into consideration, some of which I'll try my best to implement. However I think the best it's gonna get in regards to adding inventory is drag and drop. I can try and change the drag and drop so you drag the LB image instead of the text. I will however try to add 'official' tooltips for the selected item. I'll think about getting rid of the grass and VD feature aswell. I could use the space for a current selected 'compatible' items LB.

@ Twisted - hmm. To select a container you simply need to click on it (once). To delete a container you double click :). I don't see the problem regarding this. But still I may think of putting small 'close' buttons. As mentioned, I think the best it's gonna get for adding inventory is drag and drop but we will see. I will however sort the ammunition, weapons, and containers by type in the main LB. Also, an additional LB for compatible items of the currently selected item.

note: The project is still WIP, there is (hopefully) much more to come. Unless real life happens... LOL.

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Some of these changes are temporary. Better "solutions" will be had in the future. For now:


v1.2a -

** Faction filter to automatically render the appropriate gear based on the players faction.

** Ability to save your current loadout (only 1 and it's not persistent yet).

** added compatible magazines and items listboxes

** Took out grass and VD sliders

** Added a small text resizing slider (buttons)

** Other misc tweaks and adjustments

NOTE: - I used postInit = 1 on the faction filter function. I need feedback regarding JIP and the faction filter.IE; All players (initially and JIP) are rendering the appropriate gear within the dialog.

I hope I didn't leave any debug messages or pseudo code laying around LOL. In any case, post any problems here.

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Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Much appreciated Foxhound! Also, can't wait for the revamped site. Cheers.

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Hey Iceman,

I tried adding it to my mission and I'm not sure what I add to the object I'm using to access your Digital Loadout screen.

Is this the code I put in the Init section for the crate?

this addAction [""<t color = '#33CCFF'>"" + ""Digital Loadout"", {call ICE_fnc_UIInit;}, [], 1, false, false, """", """"]; this allowDamage false; this enableSimulation false;";

Thanks Much :)

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Yeah that's it. Or you could simply copy and paste the object from the DLS example mission into yours.

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"this addAction [""<t color = '#33CCFF'>"" + ""Digital Loadout"", {call ICE_fnc_UIInit;}, [], 1, false, false, """", """"]; this allowDamage false; this enableSimulation false;";

I keep getting this error when I hit enter to place the object. Type String, expected nothing

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Copy and paste the object (the one with the addaction) from the dls example mission into your mission. In the code above you've alot of exta "". It should be:

this addAction ["<t color = '#33CCFF'>" + "Digital Loadout", {call ICE_fnc_UIInit;}, [], 1, false, false, "", ""]; this allowDamage false; this enableSimulation false;

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

Hotfix coming soon. A display is being rendered upon loading a loadout.

Edited by Iceman77

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I got it to work Iceman, Many Thanks :)

Also, assuming you mean the pop-up error about--

no entry Description.ext/weaponsSystem/Controls/ICE_Items_ListBox.ListScrollBar'.

Other than that it looks awesome and am using it now! :D

Thanks Much


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Also, assuming you mean the pop-up error about--

Nah. I ment the addaction you posted had too many quotes (no idea why, as the one that came with DLS is legit). The listScrollBar is a dev build feature. Stable uses simply 'scrollbar'. DLS isn't compatible with the dev build. Thus, you get the error.

You may also want to note, I've taken DLS download down as there is an issue with loading your saved loadout. It will create another display ontop of the current one. Will be fixed soon.

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 15:12 ----------

Small update (fixes) - Download in the original post. This will be the last update for awhile, as we'll be working on an "advanced" weapons save / load feature and also a better gear filter. Report any further issues and here's to hoping everything works as intended :beeeers:

v1.3a -

** Loading a loadout will no longer render an extra dls dialog

** Saving and loading loadouts will not cause errors.

Edited by Iceman77

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Sorry to revive an old thread, but is this still supported, or replaced by anything?

The demo mission works, but if I add weapon and unit mods, they don't show up in the DLS box.

Also when I insert this into an existing mission with various weapon mods (and Alive, MCC...), it doesn't show any items at all, just errors about undefined variable in miscpool, ammopool etc.

And finally, also now suffers from the Arma3 1.1 patch scroll bar error message.

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90% of the time when I try to drag something into it's respective slot, nothing happens. I have to move it into cargo(uniform,vest or backpack), take it out, then move it to the slot. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

Could you possibly add the ability to double click an item, and it would go straight into it's respective slot. If we want it in cargo, we simply drag it to the cargo. This would make this DLS soo much better.

Also a darker background would be nicer. Or at least a darker background inside the items lists so we can see some contrast. With the transparency we currently have, it's hard to see the images of the items.

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Sorry for the delay. Myself and Larrow have lost motivation and have became quite busy with real life. There may be an update sometime in the distant future to get things working properly again, since the recent patch(s). Though there are no plans to do so atm.

Kind regards,


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Heya Ice! Looking VERY sharp! I hope you find time to return to it soon. :) But the main reason I'm posting is I think you were heading in the direction I'd like to be, with ranks, primarily your DWS system which is fast, simple and very elegant. Something similar with vehicles and a combination loadout system like the one in this thread, limited by rank, and you'd become my newest personal hero ;)

Anyway, hope all is well.

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Looks really nice, but for the life of me I can't get it going, which sucks because from what I've seen it looks super awesome... I've tried everything I know but to no avail. Anyone able to offer some insight? I'm not very literate when it comes to this sort of stuff, only been doing it for a few weeks so if there is something super rudimentary I missed then sorry in advance. Speaking of which:

My map is on Altis, and I do use dual monitors but ARMA only runs on one of them, windowed fullscreen, and I did leave VAS in to run concurrently. Poor form?

I extracted the wsys_dialog folder into my mission folder.


#include "wSys_dialog\resources\wSys_A1_baseDefines.hpp"

...into my mission's description.ext just under where the last #include is before author, respawn, etc...


#include "wSys_dialog\functions\wSys_functions.hpp"

...in alongside the other #includes below class Params but above class CfgSounds, right below & above #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp"

And finally copied:

init="this addAction [""<t color = '#33CCFF'>"" + ""Digital Loadout"", {call ICE_fnc_UIInit;}, [], 1, false, false, """", """"]; this allowDamage false; this enableSimulation false;";

...from the mission.sqm and tried applying it to a crate in-editor but with no result whatsoever. It's baffling but like I said I'm not very good at this. I even stuck the DLS.Stratis folder into my mission folder after going into its mission.sqm and replacing all of the instances of stratis with altis, hah.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much in advance :)


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Sorry for the delay. The most recent patch(s) "broke" DLS apparently. Real life has thrown some curve balls my way and I don't even have time to stay caught up on the happenings of the Armaverse, much less continue on with this or any projects. Heck I don't even have time to go through your spoilers and be of any help. Apologies to those who were looking forward to updates.

Kind Regards,


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v1.4a -

** Fixed the scrollBar. listScrollBar is now being used rather than the apparently depreciated scrollBar.

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Hello Iceman,

I'm a latecomer to this thread, but having read it in one go in its entirety I am impressed with the input and evolution of DLS since the first release.

I have yet to try this but the UI looks great and the loading speed mentioned several times is very encouraging.

I do hope you find time in life for both relaxation and to maintain this addon, and If you do continue to support it I would love to see a feature whereby the gear displayed for selection could be filtered by a user entered string (partial or otherwise).

Slow performance and lack of filtering are major drawbacks in a similar popular addon I won't mention by name.

Thanks and best of luck.

Edited by ACyprus

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Welcome back buddy!

+1 nice to see you back in action.. loved the 1st iteration of this script will check out the update.

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