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J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

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Thousandth post!

This is a milestone for you LJ!

I'll keep it shory and sweet: Thank you for your many years of hard work making the Armaverse a better experience sound-wise (and more immersive, too)!

Technically you had 1001st post ;) LJ had the 1000th!

Oh no. I am being "that guy."

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Technically you had 1001st post ;) LJ had the 1000th!

Oh no. I am being "that guy."

I think thats what he meant after all :)

  • Replies: 1,001
  • Views: 254,409
  • Followers: 55

But its not a record. The record seems to be JSRS1.5:

  • Replies: 6,885
  • Views: 1,007,029

1.000.000 Views!!!!! Thank you guys so much for you anticipation!!! You are awesome!


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1.000.000 Views!!!!! Thank you guys so much for you anticipation!!! You are awesome!


Well you most surely earned it, and its not you that need to thank us, but we that have to thank you for the great additions you made so far. In the end if it wouldn't be that good as it was and as it is now then it wouldn't go near the attention it got from the community eater, anyway in the mean while I am quietly anticipating the release of DragonFyre ....


best of regards

lhq ...

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Hey Lord Jarhead, is there any way a automatic EQ/Limiter program can be written for arma 3? It would be nice to have a system like BF3/4 has , in which if there is a lot of shooting/explosions going on, louder or sounds nearer to you would be louder while everything else would get a lower volume automatically based on the loudness of other things. I am not sure i explained this properly but you might know what i mean. This would prevent evident distortion and confusion when there is a lot of things going on.

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Hey Lord Jarhead, is there any way a automatic EQ/Limiter program can be written for arma 3? It would be nice to have a system like BF3/4 has , in which if there is a lot of shooting/explosions going on, louder or sounds nearer to you would be louder while everything else would get a lower volume automatically based on the loudness of other things. I am not sure i explained this properly but you might know what i mean. This would prevent evident distortion and confusion when there is a lot of things going on.

It would be cool to have this effect but this is not possible in ArmA yet, it would require an engine update I think, if thats even possible tho. Sometimes I'm wondering what ArmA3 would look and sounds like when they would use a comman game engine like Unreal, or more unlikely, the Frostbite engine. Hmmmmmm :)


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But then again, if Arma were ported into a common game engine like Unreal or Frostbite, then it might just be like any other first person shooter out on the market. Arma is a very niche product, and I think it need's it's own game engine to be able to stay that way.

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Me too, i wonder the same thing from time to time, also when it comes to effects, explosions, bullet hits, muzzle flash, fluid recoil animations and animations in general etc...I think the engine COULD be updated but i might be wrong, BIS would never bother with such things to begin with. The sound engine would be nice if it was updated, or re written completely , with the budget they have now that is possible but my theory is that they leave a lot of work out because they know modders will take over.

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I don't get it. I have to use 2.1.b next to 2.2.? So enable both mods? Because I don't hear any difference with 2.2 enabled.

Edited by Gameboi

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I don't get it. I have to use 2.1.b next to 2.2.? So enable both mods? Because I don't hear any difference with 2.2 enabled.

2.2 Is not to make any sound difference, it's to fix the 1.24 patch which broke all weapon sounds. Armaholic's requirements on the JSRS page is wrong, you don't need anything than the actual download itself. That means remove the old one and use only 2.2

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I don't get it. I have to use 2.1.b next to 2.2.? So enable both mods? Because I don't hear any difference with 2.2 enabled.

Just wait a few days, there will be a new even better soundmod by the same author soon :)

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Too late now Jarhead, maybe in the next version?


I would love to see more of those whistles and snaps, also note how distinct the AK fire is.

The problem is that there is only one sound for far snaps and one for close snaps. So giving an ammo type a certain distinct characteristic sound it would repeat with every flyby and sound weird and ridicules after a short amount of time :) Tho I'd like to create such effects, hmm...


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Can anyone help me with this problem?

Everytime i play Arma 3 with the JSRS mod, all sounds will suddenly stop. And not just in Arma, but also on Teamspeak. I need to restart both the game and teamspeak to get the sound working again.

But programs like Spotify do produce sound without restarting.

Some of my teammates had the same issue, and when i asked if they had JSRS running, they always confirmed that they did. They didn't have the problem when running the game without JSRS.

It could be a hardware/driver issue, but does anyone know how i can solve this?

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Can anyone help me with this problem?

Everytime i play Arma 3 with the JSRS mod, all sounds will suddenly stop. And not just in Arma, but also on Teamspeak. I need to restart both the game and teamspeak to get the sound working again.

But programs like Spotify do produce sound without restarting.

Some of my teammates had the same issue, and when i asked if they had JSRS running, they always confirmed that they did. They didn't have the problem when running the game without JSRS.

It could be a hardware/driver issue, but does anyone know how i can solve this?

First: this mod is outdated, use this:


Second: A Mod can´t tamper with your windows audio. JSRS could never disable your teamspeak sound, that simply isn´t possible. There must be something else wrong on your end.

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Well, i just noticed i never installed my moherboard Realtek audio drivers (it's a new PC).

I installed that and did some testing by placing a lot of units on the airfield and the sound never cut off.

So it's fixed...maybe

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3144.11:17:51 Cannot find a sound file dfyre_weaponsounds\titan\reload.wss

3145.11:17:51 Cannot find a sound file dfyre_weaponsounds\titan\dry.wss

3146.11:17:51 Cannot find a sound file dfyre_weaponsounds\titan\reload.wss

3147.11:17:51 Cannot find a sound file dfyre_weaponsounds\titan\dry.wss

These errors pop up in the RPT file.



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Hello, I am having issues with the mod, whenever I fire the A10 GAU-8 in a short (Like 1 sec) burst I hear a sound synced with the burst but then when i stop shooting I hear another sound and same applies to continuos fire, 2 bursts in loop, pleaserino help :C

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