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J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

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Not that I know. Seems to work all fine so far. No reports came in so far.


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verify the game on steam and possibly re extract the mod again in-case of corruption

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hey LordJ. has the handgrenades and 40mm Launcher ammo the vanilla explosion sounds ?

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Will there be any incoming sounds for indirect fire?

Something like this? That's the only thing that really irks me about your mod, bullets have an incoming snap, then hit audio, but bombs, arty, mortars only have impact sounds.



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Have an issue where JSRS sound work in first-person view but using 3rd-person it all goes back to vanilla sound.

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Have an issue where JSRS sound work in first-person view but using 3rd-person it all goes back to vanilla sound.

What ??? ...Really? ,can you show it with a demo-video ?

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Hey guys, this has been driving me crazy.. the mod worked fine for a really long time, but recently, it just suddenly stopped working. The icon on the Expansions and main menu are greyed-out, and all sounds seem to be default, even though nothing has changed, it's all set up the same way it was. I did have that issue with the "Addon 'cba_xeh_a3' requires addon 'CAData'" error due to a recent dev branch patch, which I assumed might have been the cause, but since installing the new CBA hotfix, the problem is not resolved. I also notice that the Blackfoot has no external sound at all if JSRS is enabled.

I tried just deleting and reinstalling JSRS, but no dice.

If anyone might be able to suggest something else I'd love to hear it.


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@Nosedive - nah, nevermind...i think its just placebo...been playing so much lately i forget what its supposed to sound like...and it takes sooo long to get back into game that i forget again, lol.

I think its ok though...plays alright...i think icon just shows up grey...if it werent active it wouldnt show at all i believe.

Edited by BigShot

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Searched the thread, couldn't find this reported before so:

Got an error message for the indoor sound of the autonomous static HMG being missing. AAF version if that should matter.

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Seems weapons are still there actually, with the sonic cracks, but aircraft definitely have vanilla sounds, aside from the blackfoot which as I mentioned has no sound. I wondered if this was just because of some update, but surely then more people would be posting reports about it.

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What ??? ...Really? ,can you show it with a demo-video ?

Ehhhh. It works again. Might have to do with some mods I tried out that night like the defence cover system or something. Will record it if it happens again.

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Can anyone please confirm that the icon is supposed to be really really faint (on the main/expansions menu)? And is the description on the expansion menu meant to be blank as well?

I just can't remember how it used to be.. I'm sure it wasn't like this before, though. God I miss this mod.

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@Novedive : it's always been this way for me, don't worry! ;)

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@Novedive : it's always been this way for me, don't worry! ;)

Ah ok, thanks for answering that, though I still have the issue of missing sounds.

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What sounds are you missing? Is CBA up to date on your machine?

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hey LordJ. has the handgrenades and 40mm Launcher ammo the vanilla explosion sounds ?

I've always assumed that I have a mod running that conflicts with JSRS in terms of the under barrel grenade launchers, as they use the vanilla sound. Is this possible? Or have you not done any modding on those sounds yet LJ?

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enjoying this sound work ho heartedly and was curious to know if there's any planned update to fix the rpt errors being spammed for missing sounds...havent tested for all the sounds but I've noticed thousands being thrown for a few of the AT launcher sounds that the rpt claims are missing or cant find...not sure if it started before or after todays 1.32 game patch as I havent been logging in a long time until now since im doing some coding work on Duws Modified.

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I don't know if it has been mentioned yet, but with JSRS 2.2 the Neophron's canon has the sound of the A-164's gatling.

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Is there a way to revert the sonic and bullet whizzing to vanilla????

I love this mod but those sounds really bug me and I prefer the original ones.

I've tried just simply removing the sonic crack from addons but it does not revert its just removed the sound completely.

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While i play with jsrs 2.2 my sound disappears totally in game and this happens only when somebody is shooting at my way. How could i repair this issue?

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The logo on the main screen is transparent. Will you fix that on the next release ?

As well looks like some mods aren't "supported": could you for example release a fix for all the Massi weapons ? I know it's a quite huge pack but it's very largely used in MP, and the sounds seem all the same and not affected by this mod.

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Hey don't tell him to update this mod! Wait eagerly for perfecto Dragonfyre! :D

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Hey don't tell him to update this mod! Wait eagerly for perfecto Dragonfyre! :D

That's true !!! Better to wait, I'm sure we will love the next release... ;P

"Perfection takes time" cit.

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Thousandth post!

This is a milestone for you LJ!

I'll keep it shory and sweet: Thank you for your many years of hard work making the Armaverse a better experience sound-wise (and more immersive, too)!

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