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No problem.

Okay fuckheads, I run this:


I don't have a fucking interest in any fucking clan because I already game with a few people and have enough shit in my life to worry about. No means fucking NO. STOP thinking that you think I'll join your group if you fucking keep fucking pestering me. If I say no, or I'm not interested, that means I made a fucking conscious decision not to join a clan and I have my own reasons to say it. Sorry if you have a fucking problem with it deal with it because when it comes down to it, I don't give a shit how you feel about it.

That is all.

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No problem.

Okay fuckheads, I run this:


I don't have a fucking interest in any fucking clan because I already game with a few people and have enough shit in my life to worry about. No means fucking NO. STOP thinking that you think I'll join your group if you fucking keep fucking pestering me. If I say no, or I'm not interested, that means I made a fucking conscious decision not to join a clan and I have my own reasons to say it. Sorry if you have a fucking problem with it deal with it because when it comes down to it, I don't give a shit how you feel about it.

That is all.

lol having a bad day ?

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Thanks! It's got a bit of a shine and pretty much good to go now :)

BTW Madjenmiller is the dipshit that set me off. Suffice to say kiddies that if I wanted to join a clan I would have done so.

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Probably not for a while.

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Probably not for a while.

No worries man. I got plenty to keep me busy till the time comes.

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Yeah I'm trying to get the current weaponset additions finished so I may look into it afterwards, I got shit going on so maybe in the short future as I'm planning on doing a Masterkey M4 as well.

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Did i not send you the m26 mass? Btw got your pm and ill get that to you when i can bub

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M26? Not sure about that, though was wondering about the M45A1... Anyway cool man, with me doing some client work I'm a bit not focused on the pack right now so whenever is fine.

---------- Post added at 23:44 ---------- Previous post was at 23:43 ----------

That will be a fun toy as well

Yeah it's a bit cliche but... it's something :)

---------- Post added at 01:19 ---------- Previous post was at 23:44 ----------

This is something I've wanted to do for a couple months, and for a quick cheap skin it is what it is, a fictional USMC skin, to which i dubbed it the "CH-67 Sea Warrior" and I'll include it with the Wipeout skin pack as well:


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Looks great. Any way to make it compatibale with the mighty gau mod?

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The plane inherits form the base so it "should" but if it doesn't I'll have to look at it later on as Kimi's stuff works fine with it. If not I'll look into it... sometime, no promises.

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so...i've got kimis hud and the mighty gau running. So the standard CAS model works as it should do if one deletes the weapon fiels from kimis mod. But if i load the migthy gau, your skins don't have any usable gun at all. Would be really awsome to to have it alle working together. The best thing would be if you guys all teamed up to make all mods perfectly compatibale. I'd really appreciate if you could look into it when u have some spare time.

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In a perfect world I'd like to be able for my or their mods to be compatible. From what I understand is that it only "recognizes" a certain classname, which is again from what I understand the base jet classname. Furthermore I prefer Kmi's mods more than that other mod based on experience and the fact that it's simple, no muss and no fuss. I don't try to use a shitload of mods so if I or the modmaker doesn't support it I can always use Kimi's. I have enough going on in my life and can't focus on every mod that most modmakers make here. So if I don't support it the reason is I just don't care to either. So I can look into the "Mighty GAU-8 mod" and that's it. But for right now I have stuff to do and for the present time as far as aircraft mods go I'm sticking solely to skin work.

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Okay moving on I finally got the guns setup (I think) properly at least config-wise to utilize Robalo's additions to ASDG Joint Rails. Depending on how the client work goes I can say an update sometime next week as I'll need to add the proxies to the weapons that have the "space" to relaibly and realistically have a bipod. Yes Virginia the integral bipods will be also added, but realistically the Ultimaxes may not get them due to the fact that essentially they don't have any recoil anyway.

Other things to mention:

- Snazzy new Readme with some impressive work from GraemeShute (I think I got it right) as if you need some artwork done get a hold of him as he spruced it up a bit.

- New recoil values with thanks to Brisse a few weeks ago with helping me get them setup, and as a matter of fact the IARs already use it, but may need a little more tweaking.


- Bipods bipods bipods

- Texture work as always as well as integrating the Marksman DLC which will of course be fuly supported.

TMR? I may leave it in there for those who didn't or don't want the Marksman DLC but if BIS implements the resting it may or may not go away, we'll see when I get to it as the unintended reload bug is a bit annoying. I Know Taosensanai (I know I jacked up his handle, sorry) is BUSY so again while I love TMR it may go away, but I sense it may not, who knows but I'll see how the 1.42 update goes and so on.

Edited by EricJ

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Well,I think the in the future if the Marksman DLC's bipods function prove a useful one,maybe we don't need other bipods addons then and most of the great modders like you would all made their mods support this function.Hope BIS this time could made a better function in this DLC update.

PS.Long time no see,real life nearly kill me.

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Lol I hear that man. I think the controversy over the DLC was that "gasp", people had to pay for a DLC, and to me that complaint doesn't make sense is that BIS depends on the money we shell out to buy it and therefore is like any company, needs money to keep producing more material and so on. But still given the open source architecture some people forget that simple fact and expect BIS to spend thousands of dollars and the time and effort and not charge us. I mean people were bitching that they had to pay two bucks (US in my case or 1.99) to use the Karts. So when they offered that bundle last year with the Karts I and some people got it instantly (and shit, it was for a good cause) already got it and have been waiting a year for it. So yeah I'd like a return on my investment, etc.

But realistically the reload bug with TMR is the main issue why I'm supportive of it and I'm sure the testers can agree that it does work as it's advertised, as my one day test of the resting feature made me happy so yeah I can't wait for 1.42.

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