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Arma 3 STABLE Server 2.18 "profiling / performance binary" feedback

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perf02 works for "vanilla" King of the Hill servers! - had "session lost" before.

I'm hoping the fix will be distributed to everyone soon.

Thanks for the fast and good work! 😘

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1.90.145440 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v03, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server

+ fixed more of server and linux server path issues



for client since 145146 build the `cache.ch` now goes into

``C:\Users\%windowsusername%\AppData\Local\Arma 3\DataCache\``

unless defined -profiles= path


if defined then the `cache.ch` is now generated at `-profiles=` directory

into sub-folder `\DataCache\`


temporary workaround:

we found out that sometimes create `cache.ch` fails because of special character in windows username

use "-profiles=test" startup command-line to try run game




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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1.90.145451 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v04, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server

+ fixed more of issues with paths vs special chars

+ improved logging to analyze errors ( needs new signed \Dta\languagecore_f.pbo )

+ fixed crashes (e.g. related to HUD)


attention: usage of 145451 client and server recommended , in case of issues send us the RPTs from both sides



for client since 145146 build the `cache.ch` now goes into

``C:\Users\%windowsusername%\AppData\Local\Arma 3\DataCache\``

unless defined -profiles= path


if defined then the `cache.ch` is now generated at `-profiles=` directory

into sub-folder `\DataCache\`


temporary workaround:

we found out that sometimes create `cache.ch` fails because of special character in windows username

use "-profiles=test" startup command-line to try run game




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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1.90.145454 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v05, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server

+ more logging vs recent cache / signature issues

+ fixed more crashes



usage of 145454 client and server recommended ,

in case of issues send us the RPTs from both sides


another important note for recent profiling binaries,
use ``-servermod=`` for mods not available at client,
which are used only at server, for mods at both use ``-mod=``

(this will become mandatory for stable main branch too)


make sure the server doesn't have obsolete files in-between default data , see example :




for client since 145146 build the `cache.ch` now goes into

``C:\Users\%windowsusername%\AppData\Local\Arma 3\DataCache\``

unless defined -profiles= path


if defined then the `cache.ch` is now generated at `-profiles=` directory

into sub-folder `\DataCache\`


temporary workaround:

we found out that sometimes create `cache.ch` fails because of special character in windows username

use "-profiles=test" startup command-line to try run game




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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Wow suddenly fast and furious performance binary releases in version 1.90 keep up the good work!

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16 hours ago, dukenukem. said:

Wow suddenly fast and furious performance binary releases in version 1.90 keep up the good work!

Except now we have Hotfix 2...lol...Will have to wait for more performance versions

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all in perf/prof branch 1.90 v05
got into 1.90 hotfix 2 of main branch

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so fine to stay on perf branch, right?

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Well if your version just upgraded to latest v1.90.145751 ( or something like that ) then you are technically running performance branch based on above from Dwarden

If you haven't upgraded then sure keep running the performance version you have

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1.90.145472 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v06, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server

+ sync with 1.90.145471 hotfix 02


important note:
use ``-servermod=`` for mods not available at client,

which are used only at server, for mods at both use ``-mod=``

(this will is mandatory for stable 1.90 main branch too)


make sure the server doesn't have obsolete files in-between default data , see example :




since 145146 (client, server, headless client) generated `cache.ch` within path

``C:\Users\%windowsusername%\AppData\Local\Arma 3\DataCache\``

unless defined `-profiles=` path via command-line param


when defined then the `cache.ch` generates at `-profiles=` directory into sub-folder `\DataCache\`


temporary workaround (resolved since hotfix 02 (1.90.145471)):

sometimes create `cache.ch` fails because of special character in windows username or paths

use "-profiles=test" startup command-line to try run game




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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1.90.145575 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v07, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server+

+ several improvements for administrating servers


new dedicated-server server.cfg setting:
kickTimeout[] = { {0,-1},{1,180},{2,180},{3,180}} ;

kick ID (type to determine from where the kick originated e.g. admin or votekick etc.)
// 0 - manual kick (vote kick, admin kick, bruteforce detection etc.)
// 1 - connectivity kick (ping, timeout, packetloss, desync)
// 2 - BattlEye kick
// 3 - harmless kick (wrong addons, steam timeout or checks, signatures, content etc.)

timeout =  in seconds how long until kicked player can return
 >0 seconds
 -1 until missionEnd
 -2 until serverRestart

this is accompanied with new server.cfg event-handler `onUserKicked`

returned is [_uid of kicked player, kick type ID, reason as string]

see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Server_Side_Scripting

admin command #kick gets optional comment param (#kick id sometext)
admin command #ban gets optional comment param (#ban id sometext)

ban.txt now writes into profiles dir (to avoid multi instance collision)

new kick.txt with list of votekicked, admin kicked (console, serverCommand)
those are also same ones within kickTimeout thresholds
kick.txt now writes into profiles dir (to avoid multi instance collision)

improved setting of allowedVoteCmds[] to add one value, which covers % per side
which covers % of votes per side
e.g. {"kick", true, true, 0.55, 0.55};
means kicked in case either 55% of all players
or 55% of players from his side (west, east, resistance, civilian) voted to kick him




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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1.90.145580 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v08, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server+

+ fixes for administrative features in previous build 1.90.145575


... for details about those see previous post




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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1.90.145586 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v09, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server+

+ fixes for administrative features in previous build 1.90.145580


... for details about those see 1.90.145575 build post




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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1.90.145599 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v10, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server+

+ more fixes for administrative features in previous build 1.90.145586

... for details about those see 1.90.145575 build post

+ new server.cfg settings votingTimeOut, roleTimeOut, briefingTimeOut, debriefingTimeOut, lobbyIdleTimeout



votingTimeOut = 60; //60 s for voting
//alternative syntax : votingTimeOut[] = {60, 90}; // 60 seconds for ready, 90 for notReady
roleTimeOut = 90; // 90 s for lobby
//alternative syntax : roleTimeOut[] = {90, 120}; // 90 seconds for ready, 120 for notReady
briefingTimeOut = 60; // 60 s for briefing
//alternative syntax : briefingTimeOut[] = {60, 90}; // 60 seconds for ready, 90 for notReady
debriefingTimeOut = 45; // 45 s for debriefing
//alternative syntax : debriefingTimeOut[] = {45, 60}; // 45 seconds for ready, 60 for notReady
lobbyIdleTimeout = 300; // (+5 seconds vs any of above)>defined value
//no alternative syntax

//Independent of set lobbyIdleTimeout in the config file, it will be at least
//MAX(votingTimeout, lobbyTimeout, briefingTimeout, debriefingTimeout) + 5 seconds.
//by default, this makes it 300 seconds of time for people in lobby and 95 in roleTimeout or briefing screen





available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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what is lobbyIdleTimeout ?


// 5 seconds for ready, 10 for notReady

what does this mean? shouldnt it be the actual values of your samples?

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while it depends on mission and server setting

this is to prevent players to occupy slots in lobby

such situation may lead to blocked mission-selection or mission-start or prevent those slots to be usable by active players etc.


note: there's no visualization in UI of how much time the player has left.


about the syntax, two integers array  for setting different timeouts when players are ready or not.

They can also have single integer value, both Ready and notReady parameters are then set to single given value


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1.90.145620 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v11, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server

+ crash fixes

+ fixed waitUntil (performance regression)




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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there were some questions about the recent #perf_prof_branch 1.90.145620 build fix of waitUntil
it fixes the situation when waitUntil statement returns nil, it got stuck on that and cluttered the script scheduler
now waitUntil is aborted and the error message is displayed to the user like some examples below:


`Error Type Bool expected Bool`
`Error Type Any expected Bool`
`Error Type Nothing expected Bool`
`Error Type Obj expected Bool`


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On 4/16/2019 at 4:07 PM, Dwarden said:

1.90.145599 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v10, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server+

+ more fixes for administrative features in previous build 1.90.145586

... for details about those see 1.90.145575 build post

+ new server.cfg settings votingTimeOut, roleTimeOut, briefingTimeOut, debriefingTimeOut, lobbyIdleTimeout





available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

Can the roleTimeout, briefingTimeout, debriefingTimeout or lobbyIdleTimeout be disabled in any way? While these settings are probably great for KOTH servers, they are already a major headache on our group's coop server. Our typical operation starts with organising members into roles on the slotting screen until all necessary roles are filled, then proceeding through to a spawn area where the mission is planned. These settings are kicking members who are just waiting for us to get ourselves organised.


Additionally, is there any idle timer running once in-mission? A couple of our members have been kicked after going all the way through with messages indicating that it is again an idle timer. They probably were idle (people often go AFK at this stage) but this isn't something we want. Thanks

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I agree to fourjays comment! We need a way to disable this Idle-Thingy realy quick! Our HC have been kicked from the Lobby for ideling. An in our Clan, the people are sitting up to 30 minutes in the Lobby doing nothing...

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1.92.145963 is sync with 1.92.main


@Farantis @fourjays it's known bug, resolved internally (will be in upcoming profiling) vs HC

atm. you can set some high values in seconds those 4 (as long as you need for the session)




something what may interest server admins, official Arma 3 servers use :



votingTimeOut = 240; //60 s for voting //alternative syntax : votingTimeOut[] = {60, 90}; // 60 seconds for ready, 90 for notReady

roleTimeOut = 360; // 90 s for lobby //alternative syntax : roleTimeOut[] = {90, 120}; // 90 seconds for ready, 120 for notReady

briefingTimeOut = 240; // 60 s for briefing //alternative syntax : briefingTimeOut[] = {60, 90}; // 60 seconds for ready, 90 for notReady

debriefingTimeOut = 180; // 45 s for debriefing //alternative syntax : debriefingTimeOut[] = {45, 60}; // 45 seconds for ready, 60 for notReady

lobbyIdleTimeout = 300; // (+5 seconds vs any of above)>defined value //no alternative syntax //Warlords idle set


all other servers

votingTimeOut = 360; //60 s for voting //alternative syntax : votingTimeOut[] = {60, 90}; // 60 seconds for ready, 90 for notReady

roleTimeOut = 540; // 90 s for lobby //alternative syntax : roleTimeOut[] = {90, 120}; // 90 seconds for ready, 120 for notReady

briefingTimeOut = 360; // 60 s for briefing //alternative syntax : briefingTimeOut[] = {60, 90}; // 60 seconds for ready, 90 for notReady

debriefingTimeOut = 300; // 45 s for debriefing //alternative syntax : debriefingTimeOut[] = {45, 60}; // 45 seconds for ready, 60 for notReady

lobbyIdleTimeout = 480; // (+5 seconds vs any of above)>defined value //no alternative syntax //COOP idle set


combined with


kickTimeout[] = { {0,-1},{1,181},{2,182},{3,183}} ;

// {kickID, timeout} //kick ID (type to determine from where the kick originated e.g. admin or votekick etc.)

// 0 - manual kick (vote kick, admin kick, bruteforce detection etc.)

// 1 - connectivity kick (ping, timeout, packetloss, desync)

// 2 - BattlEye kick

// 3 - harmless kick (wrong addons, steam timeout or checks, signatures, content etc.)

// timeout = in seconds how long until kicked player can return

// >0 seconds

// -1 until missionEnd

// -2 until serverRestart?


tho, for test some servers may use -2 or high value in seconds for the manual kick


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1.92.145643 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v00, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server

+ sync with 1.92.main branch


v01 skipped


1.92.145649 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v02, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, included linux 32-bit server

+ crash fixes (not included in 1.92.main yet)
+ no more headless-client kick due to idleTimeout

+ fixed waitUntil (performance regression) and many commands errors improved for this fix




available via STEAMclient/STEAMcmd as branch too,

read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server


BIForum feedback: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-184-performance-binary-feedback/?do=getLastComment


Arma anything discord:  https://discord.gg/arma

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Problem solved: All Timeouts set to -1 has done the Job (We are a closed Community and do not need something like Timeout Kicks)

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24 minutes ago, Farantis said:

Problem solved: All Timeouts set to -1 has done the Job (We are a closed Community and do not need something like Timeout Kicks)


well that workaround is unforeseen consequences (aka not what is supposed to work)

so please update to the latest profiling branch / performance binaries with build >=45469 which have engine fix and recognize HC correctly

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We don't need just the HC - we need to shut this off completly!

And i just got a report that -1 sets the timeout to 10 Minutes...

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