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Arma 3 STABLE Server 2.18 "profiling / performance binary" feedback

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2.16.152058 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v17, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit
 - Fixed: Crash when providing some command-line parameters with an argument, but leaving the argument empty (-unit=) (thanks @PineCone227)
 - Fixed: Bogus script type errors on Linux servers (thanks @pSiKO)
 - Fixed: Launcher firing effects did not work for remote units - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T182166
 - Fixed: Custom missionEnd was broken (thanks @kju)
 - Fixed: Game crash when trying to use #vote server command since v7 (thanks @WO1 P. Larkins)
 - Fixed: Compatibility with Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 (thanks @Dimon UA)
 - Fixed: Memory corruption and random crashes when a House with Path LOD was outside of terrain bounds (thanks @Floffel)


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:

Note: There are separate Dll files that also need to be placed into Game folder.

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2.16.152100 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v18, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit

 - Tweaked: missionProfileNamespace is now saved on mission end (only if isMissionProfileNamespaceLoaded) - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183037

 - Tweaked: Chat channels which are not available will not appear in the UI channel selection - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179942

 - Tweaked: copyFromClipboard is now available in Eden Editor multiplayer mode

 - Fixed: Non-leaders could talk in command chat - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179942

 - Fixed: Crash if a weapon magazine is removed during the "Reloaded" Event Handler (thanks @Duglum)

 - Fixed: "HandleHeal" EH ignored its returned boolean - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T182892

 - Fixed: "HandleHeal" EH did not trigger on heal at a medical vehicle - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183117

 - Fixed: "HandleHeal" EH isMedic parameter was always false - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T71433

 - Fixed: Tactical Ping was not placed correctly on a rotating mini map - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165080#2645515

 - Fixed: Unable to use compositions or unit/squad logos when the profile folder contains non-ASCII characters - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T148574

 - Fixed: "InventoryOpened" event did not receive the ground weapon holder - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170711

 - Fixed: Extensions could not be loaded if the mod folder or game folder path contained non-ASCII characters

 - Fixed: Explosive charges could cause very low or no damage at all, when detonated close to the center of mass of a building - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183118

 - Fixed: Performance issues and out-of-memory crash trying to draw a map on extremely large (>128km²) or broken (NaNs in heightmap) terrains - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183162

 - Fixed: sleep command would not work in persistent JIP scripts

 - Fixed: Spamming map open/close could result in a permanent loss of sound (thanks Dolph Man)

 - Fixed: "Put" Event Handler did not fire on containers - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175428

 - Fixed: Zeus map did not show polyline markers  - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175116


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:

Note: There are separate Dll files that also need to be placed into Game folder.

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2.16.152136 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v19, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit

 - Added: Server network anti-flood protections

 - Changed: "EpeContactStart" event now triggers before collision damage is applied - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177724

 - Fixed: networkDiagInterval did not print stats for recently disconnected players

 - Fixed: networkDiagInterval printed total counter numbers for messages, instead of the number since last print

 - Fixed: Server could freeze when too many network messages were received

 - Fixed: Waypoint, remoteExec, particle, init.sqf and action scheduled scripts were missing _thisScript variable - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183544

 - Fixed: setUnitLoadout would replace the Uniform/Vest/Backpack container even if nil was passed for them - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T180975

 - Fixed: Game still considered shadow view distance (and rendered all objects within that distance) even if shadows are disabled - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175612


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:

Note: There are separate Dll files that also need to be placed into Game folder.

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2.16.152172 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v20, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit

 - Tweaked: Anti-flood default values (preventing false positives, and ignoring Headless Clients)

 - Tweaked: Minor netcode performance improvements

 - Fixed: Netcode related crash

 - Fixed: Extensions could not be loaded from the game directory (as opposed to a mod directory, broken since v19)


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:

Note: There are separate Dll files that also need to be placed into Game folder.

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2.18.152246 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v0, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit

 - Sync with 2.18 main branch update

 - Previous Profiling branch improvements from 2.16 are still present


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:

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2.18.152263 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v1, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit

 - Added: -networkDiagInterval now also logs size and count of publicVariables (Profiling binary only)

 - Fixed: drawRectangular and drawEllipse commands would ignore the angle parameter

 - Fixed: RPT spam for valid custom radio channels - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T185238

 - Fixed: Crash trying to spawn a unit with non-existent/invalid uniform defined in its config - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T185224

 - Fixed: Servers with modified maxPacketSize (basic.cfg) and large mod lists would not show up in server list

 - Fixed: Character was screaming after healing

 - Fixed: UAV terminal checkboxes did not work - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T185228

 - Fixed: Player did not die when hit by a rotor of helicopter with a small mass

 - Fixed: Script number comparisons with NaN returned the wrong result

 - Fixed: Vest containers would desync when swapping with other unit in multiplayer - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T185239


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:

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2.18.152266 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v2, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit

 - Tweaked: Server now blocks invalid item deletion messages from other players (Fix for magazines disappearing for players that are not on profiling branch)

 - Tweaked: UAV Terminal checkboxes interaction sharing improved (now available to UAV owners, where the UAV is local) - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T185228


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:

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Hello ,

Sometimes, when I try to edit the ban.txt file on an active Arma 3 server, I get an error saying the file is in use. This doesn't happen every time, but it disrupts workflow. I suspect it might be related to the file being loaded when a banned player tries to connect, and then it remains locked.

Is there anything that can be done to ensure the file is always available for editing?

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2.18.152272 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v3, server and client, windows 64-bit, linux server 64-bit

 - Tweaked: Reduced server lag when sending a large JIP queue

 - Tweaked: Reduced JIP queue being filled up due to disappearing magazine bug

 - Tweaked: Reduced ability to duplicate items due to the server-side disappearing magazine hotfix


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:

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Having issues with Headless Clients and the latest 272, launch 4 HC, 1 or 2 end up loading their profiles as they should and finish the connection process the others never fully connect, there is nothing in the HC or Server Logs suggesting an issue. If i launch just two HC, most of the time neither fully connect. Things are working fine on 266, each HC manage to connect.

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On 10/15/2024 at 11:36 PM, Olivier Lefebvre said:

Having issues with Headless Clients and the latest 272, launch 4 HC, 1 or 2 end up loading their profiles as they should and finish the connection process the others never fully connect, there is nothing in the HC or Server Logs suggesting an issue. If i launch just two HC, most of the time neither fully connect. Things are working fine on 266, each HC manage to connect.

can confirm, basically the HC hangs right before the starting mission message(this is from 266, the log from 272 ends right before this):


22:02:16 Starting mission:
22:02:16  Mission file: HCTest (__CUR_MP)
22:02:16  Mission world: Altis
22:02:16  Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\


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