Max.Manus 15 Posted August 26, 2015 Thanks Spyder. I just create a second trigger to assign task to player when close to objective. Then i put your code in a second trigger, and set it to repeat, so that when player is close, the IED schould spawn. When all IED is disarmed the second trigger will trigger it as complete. In theory this schould work as i want. I give it a try tonight, and report here with result. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-lordsoth- 15 Posted August 27, 2015 Hi, i have turned off all the debug options on my ALiVE modules and now I have lost the chat in the bottom left when using Combat Support. Anyone know of the top of their head which debug or option I need to get the chat back. I have no idea what my Combat Support are doing otherwise. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HartofARMA 6 Posted August 27, 2015 Hello, I really like what ALIVE does for the singleplayer game play! I was wondering (and I have been trying to find) if there was a way to recruit AI units that were generated on the map from the ALIVE profiles. I've seen things like Bon's recruitment dialog script which opens a menu for you to select AI to spawn in, but I was trying to find instead a way to walk up to a unit and to tell that unit to join my squad through dialog. Is that possible at all? Thank you in advance for your help! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted August 27, 2015 Hi, i have turned off all the debug options on my ALiVE modules and now I have lost the chat in the bottom left when using Combat Support. Anyone know of the top of their head which debug or option I need to get the chat back. I have no idea what my Combat Support are doing otherwise. Thanks. You can use the Sitrep button in the Combat Support tablet to find out what they are doing. I am guessing you could just turn on the debug in the Combat Support (main) module to re-enable the sidechat messages. Hello, I really like what ALIVE does for the singleplayer game play! I was wondering (and I have been trying to find) if there was a way to recruit AI units that were generated on the map from the ALIVE profiles. I've seen things like Bon's recruitment dialog script which opens a menu for you to select AI to spawn in, but I was trying to find instead a way to walk up to a unit and to tell that unit to join my squad through dialog. Is that possible at all? Thank you in advance for your help! That's something I planned to add to a Command Tablet I've been working on that works in conjunction with ALiVE, I could pass you a simplified script (or link you the tablet itself) tomorrow that would search for any nearby units and then join every unit in their group to yours (activated through scroll wheel menu). I also know there is a group manager in the works that may or may not have what your looking for (I have no clue). 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HartofARMA 6 Posted August 27, 2015 You can use the Sitrep button in the Combat Support tablet to find out what they are doing. I am guessing you could just turn on the debug in the Combat Support (main) module to re-enable the sidechat messages. That's something I planned to add to a Command Tablet I've been working on that works in conjunction with ALiVE, I could pass you a simplified script (or link you the tablet itself) tomorrow that would search for any nearby units and then join every unit in their group to yours (activated through scroll wheel menu). I also know there is a group manager in the works that may or may not have what your looking for (I have no clue). Thanks for your response spyederblack723! the script to is definitively more along the lines of what I am looking for I think. There was a script for ARMA 2 awhile back that was used in a dynamic mission called Zub where the player could walk up to a unit 1 meter away and converse with the AI to "Join." but what you mentioned would be along the same effect. Thank you very much! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted August 27, 2015 Thanks for your response spyederblack723! the script to is definitively more along the lines of what I am looking for I think. There was a script for ARMA 2 awhile back that was used in a dynamic mission called Zub where the player could walk up to a unit 1 meter away and converse with the AI to "Join." but what you mentioned would be along the same effect. Thank you very much! Now that I think about it I could probably achieve the same thing with a small script, will post here it tonight once I write it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stu81 45 Posted August 27, 2015 Hello, I really like what ALIVE does for the singleplayer game play! I was wondering (and I have been trying to find) if there was a way to recruit AI units that were generated on the map from the ALIVE profiles. I've seen things like Bon's recruitment dialog script which opens a menu for you to select AI to spawn in, but I was trying to find instead a way to walk up to a unit and to tell that unit to join my squad through dialog. Is that possible at all? Thank you in advance for your help! In the mean time just use ace 3 and interact to join their group then take leader position :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted August 27, 2015 As stu81 posted above, if you use ACE3 that is also an option. As for a non-ACE solution you can do this, In the root of your mission folder, if there is not a file called onPlayerRespawn.sqf then add one, if not then ignore this line. In the onPlayerRespawn.sqf add this generic_fnc_groupOptions = { params ["_unit"]; GenericRecruit = _unit addAction ["Recruit nearby units", " _nearUnits = (_this select 0) nearEntities ['Man', 25]; { if (!isPlayer _x) then { [_x] joinSilent (group (_this select 0)); }; } forEach _nearUnits; (_this select 0) removeAction GenericRecruit; (_this select 0) removeAction GenericLeave"]; GenericLeave = _unit addAction ["Leave group", " [_this select 0] joinSilent (createGroup side (_this select 0)); (_this select 0) removeAction GenericRecruit; (_this select 0) removeAction GenericLeave"]; }; player addAction ["Group Options", "[(_this select 0)] call generic_fnc_groupOptions"]; I had a much more elegant solution similar to the one you described where each unit on the battlefield had an option on them where you could either join their group or recruit them to yours. However, I ran in to same weird issue with isPlayer not working and it got kind of messy. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caboose816 38 Posted August 27, 2015 So I don't know if this has been asked before, or even possible. When you call in reinforcements by logistical support, is there anyway that those could be added to high command? Like, say you have a operation going on in SP, and you need more troops to help you on your objective. You call in a two extra rifle squads to assist you, they get dropped off, and added to high command so you can control them and manuver them into attack positions. I think that'll be a awesome feature...if it's possible. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted August 27, 2015 So I don't know if this has been asked before, or even possible. When you call in reinforcements by logistical support, is there anyway that those could be added to high command? Like, say you have a operation going on in SP, and you need more troops to help you on your objective. You call in a two extra rifle squads to assist you, they get dropped off, and added to high command so you can control them and manuver them into attack positions. I think that'll be a awesome feature...if it's possible. There should be an option towards the bottom of the tablet when you are requesting reinforcements that gives you three options, one to join player group, garrison (man static weapons), and reinforce (handed off to the Military AI Commander). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HartofARMA 6 Posted August 28, 2015 Awesome thank you so much spyderblack, really enjoy learning about scripts through seeing them! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HitAndFun 0 Posted August 29, 2015 Hi, just a quick question, if it has already been answered, please let me know where I can check it out, thanks. So, I've updated my Arma 3 to v1.50 now. After I placed the "required module" and "virtual AI module", I then placed a "military placement module" with marker in grid 128166. Here's the problem, whenever I select to spawn "air units", one chopper would always get blown up due to not spawning at the helipad (12832.5 16735.5). Instead, it spawns at a weird location (12804.9 16711.1). The mods that I'm using right now are the "CBA" and "Alive". CBA was downloaded from Armaholic and Alive was downloaded from I just wasn't too sure if this was a bug or not... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted August 29, 2015 Hi, just a quick question, if it has already been answered, please let me know where I can check it out, thanks. So, I've updated my Arma 3 to v1.50 now. After I placed the "required module" and "virtual AI module", I then placed a "military placement module" with marker in grid 128166. Here's the problem, whenever I select to spawn "air units", one chopper would always get blown up due to not spawning at the helipad (12832.5 16735.5). Instead, it spawns at a weird location (12804.9 16711.1). The mods that I'm using right now are the "CBA" and "Alive". CBA was downloaded from Armaholic and Alive was downloaded from I just wasn't too sure if this was a bug or not... Is it spawning slightly off the helipad? I have noticed this starting to occur more frequently, happened pre-1.50 as well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max.Manus 15 Posted August 29, 2015 I finaly has upgraded my pc, so i can run alive on local dedi, connected to war room and it works like a charm, a big thanks to alive dev team for this! Donation is inbound! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HitAndFun 0 Posted August 29, 2015 Is it spawning slightly off the helipad? I have noticed this starting to occur more frequently, happened pre-1.50 as well No, in fact, the chopper dropped right on top of the sandbags causing a huge explosion and even sometimes blow up the "high steel building (forgot the name of it)". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
odyseus 19 Posted August 30, 2015 Hello guys, Does the Cup units work with Alive? Does anybody knows? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted August 30, 2015 Hello guys, Does the Cup units work with Alive? Does anybody knows? Doesn't appear so, they've got groups defined but it always defaults to CSAT (Meaning it won't work). You might be able to rig them to work using this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HitAndFun 0 Posted September 1, 2015 Hi, I'm confused, there's no "TAOR Marker" under "Military Placement (Custom Obj)". Although I found "If no recognisable objectives exist on the map, you can place a Custom Military Objective module inside the marker instead." in Alive's Wiki. Does that literately means that all I've to do is placing a custom placement module within a marker and it'll do all the magics? Another thing is, TAOR, read the Alive's Wiki for quite some times, still don't get it. Why would units wander Outside of the marker, shouldn't they be patrolling Inside the marker? Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serjames 357 Posted September 1, 2015 The Mil Placement is a base or a Fob, or a guard station etc. It's a "Point location" not an area. so the units and objective will be spawned directly where you place the marker. The marker or TAOR is simply an area for which ALiVE searches for indexed locations to spawn at i.e. bases, towers, industrial complexted etc. It doesn't work the same way as UPSMON or MCC for instance i.e. as a boundary patrol zone. (Well at least I don't think so :) ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vengeance1 50 Posted September 1, 2015 Has anyone successfully used Alive with this Operation Trebuchetto spawn AI? If so what Faction ID did you use? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HitAndFun 0 Posted September 1, 2015 Thanks for the speedy reply serjames. Um so, how far will Any units patrol then? If placed Any placement modules? Most importantly, custom placement modules don't require any TAOR then? Below are other questions that's been bothering me for a long long time, couldn't find the answer anywhere. Hopefully you guys could kinda help me out, thanks. 1. What's the difference between "synced units" and "editor placed units" under "Virtual AI System Module"? Heard of changing it when placing a "CQB Module" in the tutorial videos. 2. Is it possible to add more than one OPCOMs controlling different groups of AIs on the same side? Like I would want my team A to be controlled by "invasion type of OPCOM" and my other teams controlled by "occupation type of OPCOMs". 3. What happens if I place "occupation type OPCOM" and synced to any "placement modules" but not any other opposing "placements modules". will it just patrol the area and even get reinforced if attacked by enemies? (also synced with LOGCOM too, of course) 4. Would it be possible to place "player combat support CAS" on USS Nimitz (the mod) with fighters using the catapult? Maybe landing back on the ship? What about choppers? Definitely would work if I place it on the deck, I hope. But what about returning to base (in this case, the ship's deck), will it land on where it took off? I know there are a lot of questions, and maybe even more in the future, but Alive is amazing, just want to get the most out of it! Peace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted September 1, 2015 Has anyone successfully used Alive with this Operation Trebuchet to spawn AI? If so what Faction ID did you use? Thanks The first version of the mod was (before the name conversion) so hopefully it still is. I'll check the faction names once I get home. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serjames 357 Posted September 1, 2015 Will try and answer what I can Thanks for the speedy reply serjames. Um so, how far will Any units patrol then? If placed Any placement modules? - Not far - Patrols outside of an TAOR or Custom objective would be a nice feature. They are however directed by OpCom to reinforce areas under attack, but this is not strictly "Patrolling" Most importantly, custom placement modules don't require any TAOR then? - That's right Below are other questions that's been bothering me for a long long time, couldn't find the answer anywhere. Hopefully you guys could kinda help me out, thanks. 1. What's the difference between "synced units" and "editor placed units" under "Virtual AI System Module"? Heard of changing it when placing a "CQB Module" in the tutorial videos. - Basically ALiVE will "Virtualise" or "Profile" any unit on the map Unless you tell it not to. You can do this in two ways, either tell it to vitualise units synced (joined) to the V AI Module, or ask it to EXCLUDE units synced. It's very flexible. You might want to avoid syncing Blufor Vehicles parked at base for instance, as they will be popping in and out each time a player logs in. Used to cause me Big-Base-Fireballs! 2. Is it possible to add more than one OPCOMs controlling different groups of AIs on the same side? Like I would want my team A to be controlled by "invasion type of OPCOM" and my other teams controlled by "occupation type of OPCOMs". - Yes but it's not done very often in my experience and I'm not sure why. Many of my missions have an insurgent group on an invasion profile with a more heavily armed Conventional force set to defend (i.e. Takistan Insurgent Guerillas and Takistan Army Regulars) Makes for nice mixed gameplay with some "Oh SHit TANKS!" moments.... 3. What happens if I place "occupation type OPCOM" and synced to any "placement modules" but not any other opposing "placements modules". will it just patrol the area and even get reinforced if attacked by enemies? (also synced with LOGCOM too, of course) - This does work - Most of my missions have no Blufor OpCom as they are simply ALiVE OpFor vs Players. Seems to work fine. 4. Would it be possible to place "player combat support CAS" on USS Nimitz (the mod) with fighters using the catapult? Maybe landing back on the ship? - I don't think this works, no. What about choppers? Definitely would work if I place it on the deck, I hope. But what about returning to base (in this case, the ship's deck), will it land on where it took off? - I don't believe this works either as ALiVE Struggles with the height of the marker placement to meet the Nimitz HASL- unless someone can tell me otherwise ? I know there are a lot of questions, and maybe even more in the future, but Alive is amazing, just want to get the most out of it! Peace Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted September 1, 2015 Thanks for the speedy reply serjames. Um so, how far will Any units patrol then? If placed Any placement modules? Most importantly, custom placement modules don't require any TAOR then? Below are other questions that's been bothering me for a long long time, couldn't find the answer anywhere. Hopefully you guys could kinda help me out, thanks. 1. What's the difference between "synced units" and "editor placed units" under "Virtual AI System Module"? Heard of changing it when placing a "CQB Module" in the tutorial videos. 2. Is it possible to add more than one OPCOMs controlling different groups of AIs on the same side? Like I would want my team A to be controlled by "invasion type of OPCOM" and my other teams controlled by "occupation type of OPCOMs". 3. What happens if I place "occupation type OPCOM" and synced to any "placement modules" but not any other opposing "placements modules". will it just patrol the area and even get reinforced if attacked by enemies? (also synced with LOGCOM too, of course) 4. Would it be possible to place "player combat support CAS" on USS Nimitz (the mod) with fighters using the catapult? Maybe landing back on the ship? What about choppers? Definitely would work if I place it on the deck, I hope. But what about returning to base (in this case, the ship's deck), will it land on where it took off? I know there are a lot of questions, and maybe even more in the future, but Alive is amazing, just want to get the most out of it! Peace edit: ninja'd by serjames :ph34r: for question #2 you cannot have more than one OPCOM per SIDE The patrolling and other AI behaviour is not something that ALiVE really handles. Groups will get waypoints and that is all.. if the group wanders outside of an area that is vanilla BIS AI behaviour (maybe they spotted a contact... needed a pee break... etc). Custom objectives do not require a TAOR - really the TAOR marker is just a way of designating an area for ALiVE to create objectives. If you don't place any TAOR then the objective modules (civ, mil) will use the entire map. The custom objectives module was introduced to create objectives in areas that are not auto-detected by ALiVE. 1 - that setting controls which units are handled by OPCOM (AI module). The sync feature is used for any custom-placed units/assets that you want ALiVE to manage. Place some units, sync them to the AI module (with the setting "only sync units") and ALiVE will use them. If you've placed 10000 units, use the "everything except synced units" to exclude ones you don't want to be picked up by ALiVE (easier than manually syncing 10000 units) 2 - nope... one OPCOM per side 3 - you got it! 4 - I don't think fixed wing will work with the Nimitz and ALiVE CAS.. mostly because it depends on the AI figuring out how to land and take off all by itself.. which isn't easy at the best of times. Choppers do work on the Nimitz.. although it's been some time since I've actually tested that (ie: more than a year ago). There is a height setting in the CAS module so that the choppers will spawn at deck height (which if memory serves is 17). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serjames 357 Posted September 1, 2015 Savage, are you sure on the one OpCom... Pretty sure I've had it working with two.... Perhaps one was Indie - with indie being friendly to OpFor..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites