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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment

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Any units placed by ALiVE Placement modules (Military, Civilian or Custom) are virtualised into Profiles automatically by the Virtual AI System. The options in the module drop down are there so you can choose to virtualise anything you place in the editor manually - either profile everything (except synced units) or profile only stuff you physically sync to the module, depending on how much you place down and what you want to do with it. Virtualised groups are automatically recognised and used by the AI Commander, so it's a good way of giving him very specific number and type of units if you prefer not to use the slightly random combined arms groupings in the default placement modules.

Typically, mission editors will place things like helicopters and virtualise them when using factions that don't have air groups defined and conversely, place vehicles for players but ensure they are not virtualised, so the AI doesn't bugger off with them without asking. This is considered bad form and you should admonish the AI accordingly so they don't get above themselves. The key thing to remember is ALiVE works with Groups (anything in the editor F2 menu), not individual units.

Edited by friznit2

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There are several map index requests outstanding. This is a fairly laborious process and as noted before, we generally won't index maps until they have reached a stable release because any update can break the index. There are several maps awaiting indexing on our dev tracker here: http://dev.withsix.com/projects/alive/issues

Please go vote for your favourite, or add if it's not there, and I'll get stuck in. I'm not going to take the time to index a map if it's hardly used though!

A number of people have expressed an interest in helping with indexing maps. While we cannot outsource the whole process, there are some areas where you can help a great deal. I've added details to the ALiVE Wiki Here. Please read the full wiki page and contact me via the alivemod.com forums if you are genuinely interested in helping and can commit to actually completing the work.

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hey again , just wanted to pop in and say that i tried this code out:

["someId", "onPlayerConnected", {

if (({isPlayer _x} count playableUnits) > 0 || OPCOM_TOGGLE) then { ["ALIVE_MIL_OPCOM"] call ALiVE_fnc_unPauseModule; OPCOM_TOGGLE = false; };

}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

["someId", "onPlayerDisconnected", {

if ( ({isPlayer _x} count playableUnits) == 0 ) then { ["ALIVE_MIL_OPCOM"] call ALiVE_fnc_pauseModule; OPCOM_TOGGLE = true; };

}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

and it doesnt seem to work.

I tested on my dedi, by starting an alive mission. let it load up . and leave. come back some minutes later and ai are all over the place taking obj, and the like. It would seem as though im doing something wrong?? can someone confirm that this works.

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Was wondering if it is possible to get a helo to extract from the ocean? (Hover at about 2 meters so we can get option to get in) Figure the insertion method for transport may work but was unsure

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Hey guys,

So I've noticed some "oddities" the last few weeks. When I make my ALiVE missions, I typically used the debug/profile options in the Admin actions of ALiVE to see how things are spawning AND I use Zeus to fly around the map to see how units are spawning, civilians are moving around, etc.

Here's the thing....I've noticed that both civillians AND purely infantry units of all types (RHS Escalation, Massi's units, Leights units) don't show up on the Zeus "active list". What I mean is....when I look at the list on the left hand side while I'm looking around in Zeus...I can see all vehicles and their crews in the list and they have either the Red or Blue icon over them as well. But the actual foot soldiers...no icon at all. They are still there...and they are walking around, etc. But they are not a part of the list on the left side of the screen.

Same thing with civilian and CQB units...they will show up if I physically zoom in on them, but it's hard to find them when I don't see any icons popping up.

Animal icons show up (fish, rabbits, etc.)...but no individual human units.

Anyone else experience this? Any ideas on what is causing this?

The units are being shown as "spawning in" but it's almost like Zeus doesn't recognize them. This is pretty much across the board on all types of modded units, RHS Escalation, Leights Opfor, Massi's units, etc.

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As mentioned on our forums, this does not appear to be unique to ALiVE spawns and is in all likelihood caused by the ArmA3 patch.

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Hi guys, I was absent for a longer time from ArmA and even more from Alive. Due to lazyness, often used MCC for quick missions.

I get some Alive and Map related script errors with latest versions of Alive, ACE3 and CBA_A3... but I used Esseker and the VT5 Finland terrain.

I think Alive does not work with unknown maps and I have to wait until code is added... is that correct?

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Hi guys, I was absent for a longer. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Maps ime from ArmA and even more from Alive. Due to lazyness, often used MCC for quick missions.

I get some Alive and Map related script errors with latest versions of Alive, ACE3 and CBA_A3... but I used Esseker and the VT5 Finland terrain.

I think Alive does not work with unknown maps and I have to wait until code is added... is that correct?

That's correct, you can find a list of compatible maps here

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------

Oops mobile is hard


Edited by SpyderBlack723

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Better to wait till the map is finished as any update that changes object ID's can break the index. I'll add a ticket when I get home but it's unlikely to be looked at until it reaches a more finished state.

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What am I missing about the insertion height when using ZLT's fast rope script? ZLT's is working but the helo is always WAAAAAY to high for a rope in. I have slid the height slider all over the place but the helo always hovers well over the rope length and it's certain death to use them.

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What am I missing about the insertion height when using ZLT's fast rope script? ZLT's is working but the helo is always WAAAAAY to high for a rope in. I have slid the height slider all over the place but the helo always hovers well over the rope length and it's certain death to use them.

It's been known to be a bit wonky, especially near trees and buildings. I just tested above a flat area and it works perfectly. I guess just make sure the area below you is unobstructed otherwise you might encounter problems. Not sure if this can be fixed as it's probably just standard Arma 3 AI behavior when near objects in flight.

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Not sure it is "standard behaviour"...

For instance....In Zeus give the helo a command "this flyinheight <lets play with this number shall we>". It'll stop dead on the point at the prescribed location if unload cargo is selected, less precisely if other commands are used.

If the altitude given is 50.... not a problem. if the altitude is set for 49 through 10... nothing, no affect. Set it for 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 the altitude is properly assumed. This used to work just fine for different altitudes as I remember, but now there is a dead band between 50 and 9 or less. Seems like an issue with setflyinheight which I am sure is being used.

OFPEC page seems to imply that 50+is accepted.

BI Wiki offers little detail.

I find that when setting the alt to 9 or less, I get what I expect. And of course, there's always 50... which is to flippin high.

I hope you guys will consider the cargo unload option because of its inherent precision.

Edited by lawndartleo

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Hello guys, I am having a little problem. I am trying to use the faction IND_G_F but it seems not to be working. Anyone knows why? thx

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Hello guys, I am having a little problem. I am trying to use the faction IND_G_F but it seems not to be working. Anyone knows why? thx

IND_G_F doesn't seem to have any groups defined unfortunately, so it will not work.

Seems like an issue with setflyinheight which I am sure is being used.

I'll do some more testing with it tomorrow. Could definitely be a problem with setFlyInHeight. I've never actually played around with the unload cargo type waypoint, will give it a look.

Edited by SpyderBlack723

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Hello, is it known that Static Guns and Vehicles placed in Road Block are spawing without crew? Static guns and vehicles are spawning empty. Anyone experiencing the same?

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thank you for this great mod

i have probleme in game the opfor dont shoot me and my team (blufor)

when i shoot some opfor my team shoot me

i try in multi ans sp some thing

could you please help me

Best regards


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Hello, is it known that Static Guns and Vehicles placed in Road Block are spawing without crew? Static guns and vehicles are spawning empty. Anyone experiencing the same?

Not seen this. Which faction are you using and do they have inf groups they can use to man these positions?

moraa - this doesn't sound ALiVE related. Which OPFOR and BLUFOR factions are you using?

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i use US Marine Corp and MARSOC units from masi as blufor and leight opfor but i try to change with other faction same problem

i add group with zeus in middle of ennemy nothing happen

i try with independant faction do the same

i dont know i keep try other faction



---------- Post added at 07:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ----------


i try with rhs (rhs_faction_msv) is working good whith any blufor


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Not seen this. Which faction are you using and do they have inf groups they can use to man these positions?

I've detected this issue with Leights Opfor. Haven't tried with a different faction/mod yet. I have to say I've been using ARS_AI but I don't know if it could change that particular behaviour.

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It's not ASR_AI... most likely LOP faction. We've had numerous reports of issues when using that mod.

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I've detected this issue with Leights Opfor. Haven't tried with a different faction/mod yet. I have to say I've been using ARS_AI but I don't know if it could change that particular behaviour.

Hi, Just started up a mission on stratis with OPF_F on roadblocks, and AI was manning static weapons as it should! Havent tried LOP but suggesting to switch faction to vanilla to see if its that!

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:07 ----------

Also working roadblocks (ambient as well as dyanmic asymmetric) with LOP_ISTS, do you run a persistent mission?

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Hi, Just started up a mission on stratis with OPF_F on roadblocks, and AI was manning static weapons as it should! Havent tried LOP but suggesting to switch faction to vanilla to see if its that!

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:07 ----------

Also working roadblocks (ambient as well as dyanmic asymmetric) with LOP_ISTS, do you run a persistent mission?

Nope, I'm not using that feature. I've placed database module but I have not configured it yet. I will try again with vanilla units and only alive + cba :) will give feedback as soon as i can.

tho I have to say I got another big problem, lately Alive is spawning few AI and I don't know why.( I've been using alive since the beginning so I know what I'm doing) But I can't detect what's happening. I have increased spawning groups in Virtual Module, also spawning groups in Mil and Civ placement modules. But all I find are ghost towns and few AI in some points.

This is my mission, can you pleeeeeeeeeease check it out? Req mods are @ALive, @CBA, @RHS escalation, @ACE, @TaskForceRadio, @AllInArmaTerrainPack.

Thanks in advance!

PS: I woudn't ask for you to check it if I wasn't desperate :P

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