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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment

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I'm not running any mods that affect AI. Just JSRS and Blastcore. Latest build of CBA, as well.

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Good feedback. If you can repro the issue, please post a ticker on the bug tracker with details and we'll take a look.

OPCOMs in line for some lovin' soon but our current focus is on stabilising the War Room and Sys_Data, so it may be a while before it gets a serious poke.

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Are there any plans to add some sort of counter either in the War Room or in the game itself over civilian casualties?

If not, is it worth requesting in the tracker?

Last night we ended up blowing up a whole town just to kill a few enemies, probably breaking every Geneva convention ever written.

It would be nice to know something about the negative effect of our stupidity.

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Are there any plans to add some sort of counter either in the War Room or in the game itself over civilian casualties?

If not, is it worth requesting in the tracker?

Last night we ended up blowing up a whole town just to kill a few enemies, probably breaking every Geneva convention ever written.

It would be nice to know something about the negative effect of our stupidity.

This is a very good point and yeah, for sure we are working on that! Actually every peacekeeping mission ever designed will have to be checked for civilian casulties, so yeah thanks to remind us! Please - if you dont mind - pleaaaase put it on the tracker, im goingt o assign and plan it!

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On the Topic of the War Room any feedback, feature request's are welcome.

We are interest in hearing your thoughts on the added timeline feature to the Operation Maps, with the ability to play back the op as it happened.

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This is a very good point and yeah, for sure we are working on that! Actually every peacekeeping mission ever designed will have to be checked for civilian casulties, so yeah thanks to remind us! Please - if you dont mind - pleaaaase put it on the tracker, im goingt o assign and plan it!

Added: #74345

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Hey, I'm having similar problems with my missions taking very long to load on a dedicated server. When I test them on my own machine using the mission preview, it doesn't take nearly that long to load. But when I test a mission on Altis with just one location, it takes a very long time to load (about 5-8 minutes).

In this mission I have a town with a TAOR marker and an MCP + CQB module in place for it. Then I have an MP module for a different location. the MCP and MP modules are synced to OPCOM, along with a logistics and garbage collection module.

Everything works great and we're all willing to deal with the delay, just wondering why there's a difference between mission preview and dedicated servers.

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I've been trying to create a town takeover mission where BLUFOR starts on a hill overlooking a town inhabited by OPFOR and is meant to capture it, but I can't seem to get it to work. When previewing the mission I always get the error saying "There are 0 objectives for this OPCOM instance!". I have 2 OPCOMs, one for BLUFOR and the other for OPFOR, each linked to their own units and the enemy units. BLUFOR is set to invasion mode and OPFOR is set to occupation mode, and BLUFOR/OPFOR units spawn in custom TAOR zones. It's driving me a little crazy! If anyone is willing to help me I can upload my mission template, but you'll have to tell me how to do that since I can't find an upload option in advanced posting mode.

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TAOR markers must be Circles or Squares (not ellipses) - don't ask me why, BIS thing. Also Mil Placement must be covering at least one military objective that is not filtered out in the settings. MCP must cover an equivalent civilian objective, otherwise OPCOM will not have any objectives to attack.

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Hmm, okay since I moved the OPFOR TAOR to an airbase it now looks like the OPFOR units are spawning but not BLUFOR, but I do get the following debug message: "Not enough groups to build a section, regrouping". I'm guessing this has to do with the no-spawn issue?

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I strongly recommend to change default ALIVE keys because the person who doesn't have right windowskey at his own keyboard can't even bind the ALIVE keys at custom key 20

I don't want to throw this to nothing because it can't bind the custom key by none right key keyboard

Edited by kgino1045

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I strongly recommend to change default ALIVE keys because the person who doesn't have right windowskey at his own keyboard can't even bind the ALIVE keys at custom key 20

I don't want to throw this to nothing because it can't bind the custom key by none right key keyboard

You can bind any key you want in the default A3 configuration. Just bind any key you wish to user key 20, apply, and restart A3!

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I'm saying this because not working even i bind with user key 20

because i don't have right side windowkey

Too all who Can't bind the user key 20 because don't have any right side windowkey



as user key 20


the others are not working

Edited by kgino1045

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I'm saying this because not working even i bind with user key 20

because i don't have right side windowkey

Too all who Can't bind the user key 20 because don't have any right side windowkey



as user key 20


the others are not working

You realize, that you have to bind it via the A3 menu and not the ALiVE menu?

On the custom user key 20, f.e. I have bound # instead of the appmenu. You dont need to have any special on your keyboard, you can bind any key to user key 20.

Edit: I believe I misunderstood you, yeah CUSTOM USER KEY 20 - as stated - lol

Edited by highhead

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I had bind in A3 configure -> custom control -> useraction 20 with P but it didn't work so i bind R ctrl but no works and finally i bind with Appmenu and it works

are you satirizing me? i try everything as wiki said

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I'll write this again because no-one answered my question a few weeks ago:

Hey, when I enable this mod and go on singleplayer, the save button in the pause menu is greyed out, so I can never save.

I've looked around in the config files and stuff and also searched online for a solution, but I'm not sure what to really do...

Is this meant to happen or is there a way that I can have saves on and still play the mod.

Thanks for any help!


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are you satirizing me? i try everything as wiki said

no, are you using any addons by chance that have userconfigs that could overwrite the keys you used?

---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:23 ----------

I'll write this again because no-one answered my question a few weeks ago:

Hey, when I enable this mod and go on singleplayer, the save button in the pause menu is greyed out, so I can never save.

I've looked around in the config files and stuff and also searched online for a solution, but I'm not sure what to really do...

Is this meant to happen or is there a way that I can have saves on and still play the mod.

Thanks for any help!


Hey Mate!

We disabled saving as ArmA couldnt handle the load of data and crashed due out of memory, also it wouldnt have worked either way.

Use enablesaving in your init.sqf or the initfield of a unit https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSaving

at your service!


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no, are you using any addons by chance that have userconfigs that could overwrite the keys you used?

Maybe Xmedsys is problem but i can't bind it before xmedsys. and it work with appmenu right now so i can shut my whining

Edited by kgino1045

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Aside from the missions on the ALiVE website, does anyone know if a repository of good ALiVE SP missions has been created?

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Can anyone point me in the direction of redressing all the infantry on the map. Working on a namalsk alive mission. Would like to redress the guys in some sort of snow/white camo.



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Gav - not sure you can using alive placed modules. They will spawn units as per the config.. you'd need someone to write that config for you. i.e. units in snow camo.

For manual placements just use LEA to dress them anyway you like - alternatively the spetsnaz or Uk SF had snow camo in it I think... - just not as a discreet unit config Alive will call on it's own.

LEA definitely works, I've got syrians running around with gas masks that LEA propagates


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Aside from the missions on the ALiVE website, does anyone know if a repository of good ALiVE SP missions has been created?

+1.. want to see what other people have come up with!

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How does the AiA standalone fare because when I try to spawn USMC they keep killing each other.

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no, are you using any addons by chance that have userconfigs that could overwrite the keys you used?

---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:23 ----------

Hey Mate!

We disabled saving as ArmA couldnt handle the load of data and crashed due out of memory, also it wouldnt have worked either way.

Use enablesaving in your init.sqf or the initfield of a unit https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSaving

at your service!


Thanks for the quick reply, but I think you're assuming that I'm making the mission.

I just want to enable saving on the missions that are already there.

For example, let's say I wanted to enable saving on the well-known mission "Dynamic Universal War System".

I tried to follow your steps, in which I open the .pbo file and open init.sqf

However, when I search for "enableSaving false;" I get no results.

Could it just be the specific mission giving me this problem, or am I doing it wrong?

Thanks again!


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