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ASM - Arma Samples Mod

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@UP Okay i will.

I menage how to properly add PhysX to A2 Samples vehicles. Humvee's works fine with carx now.


TankX works fine now also.

Edited by Alduric

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actually thats a BMP2 and BRDM

From the times the BRDM or BTR shot at me in ArmA 2, I don't care for the name so much as the words, "fuck. Run, run runnnnn"

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From the times the BRDM or BTR shot at me in ArmA 2, I don't care for the name so much as the words, "fuck. Run, run runnnnn"

for me its "what shooting at me, ohhhhh.........................................FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"

but yea, Alduric, will these be upgraded to use A3 weapons (ex. AH-1Z with DAR or SKYFIRES. Humvee M2 with the M2 from the offroad in A3, and the tow missiles being replaced with Titan ATs,)

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Tomorow i will send you mine model.cfg

Im not sleeping, @ASM is under hard development :) Here is little screen showing proper hand animations on Humvee gunner postions (Most anoying part is fixing hand and position animations) + USMC Soldier (Private) as bonus - Hole US Army mod and USMC will be included to @ASM !

http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/8793/im3q.jpg (167 kB)

Marine Corps rank insignia is Red and yellow on their dress uniform not their combat uniform, its black and much smaller.http://djblackadam.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451d28b69e200e553b254678834-800wi vs http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/5967/89294646.jpg

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for me its "what shooting at me, ohhhhh.........................................FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"

but yea, Alduric, will these be upgraded to use A3 weapons (ex. AH-1Z with DAR or SKYFIRES. Humvee M2 with the M2 from the offroad in A3, and the tow missiles being replaced with Titan ATs,)

Yep :)

http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/8131/pdxh.jpg (282 kB)

mi-24 W.i.p. ( My dear love <3 )

Edited by Alduric

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You should put all this stuff on a public repository server, so that everyone can download the latest files + participate in it, as it makes no sense to have 10 people starting the same mod.

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You make me feel like a failure of a modder D: I can't do anythinggggg with vehicles

hey i actually have an idea, maybe you can add some Czech versions of the vehicles they use in this mod and Atin can make it compatible with his Czech republic mod hes working on, that way both of yall can get downloads and benefit

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Soon :P at weekend i make youtube video with showcase.

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hey Alduric, maybe you should consider to blow up you resolution (incl. sampling) and texture quality to maximum just for the second that you are making the screenshot. :)

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Your really making me feel like a fail; I have all the ACR DLC models and shits, and can't figure out what to do with the configs D:

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Will the vehicles incorporate the new armor materials and trickings? That would be super rad.

Do you also have planned to incorporate the soldier models? About the only ones really needed are the officer/unarmed soldier models, the rest would be difficult to do since everything is baked onto them, so that`s one or two models per faction only. I imagine doing the helmets/vests would be difficult though...

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