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XMedSys - Improved Medical System for A3

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please write here your config, xlib version and xmedsys version.

Everbody else with problems in the limitation system do the same thing ( but in a spoiler window please ! )

I will help if a can.

Hi Astrell!

Thanks for offering to help! So, I'm not 100% sure on my version of xmed. I guess just work off of the assumption that I am using the latest across the board.

This is my server config, which should go into the userconfig folder in the dedicated server correct? And this will push the limitations to the clients who connect to my server?

*	See
*	[url]http://x39software.unitedtacticalforces.de/wiki/index.php?title=XMedSys_serverConfig[/url]
*	to find out how to setup this!

X39_MedSys_var_Limitations_enable = true;

["MedKit", "CLASS_MEDIC"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass;
["Blood", "CLASS_MEDIC"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass;
["Dephibrilate", "CLASS_MEDIC"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass;
["Epinephrine", "CLASS_MEDIC"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass;
[] call X39_MedSys_fnc_pushLimitations;

X39_MedSys_var_Action_CheckUnit_OutputRealValues = true;

X39_MedSys_var_Generic_DamageBeforeKnockOut = 5;
X39_MedSys_var_Generic_DamageBeforePermaKnockOut = 8;
X39_MedSys_var_Generic_DamageBeforeDead = 10;

X39_MedSys_var_BandageBleedingHeal = 5;

X39_MedSys_var_KnockOut_MinTimeBetweenTempKnockOuts = 20;

X39_MedSys_var_Display_TimeBeforeRespawnAvailable_Death = 10;
X39_MedSys_var_Display_TimeBeforeRespawnAvailable_NormalKnockout = 20;

I would also like to enable true death on head shots and too much damage, but have not dug into those yet.

What modules should be placed on the map for these limitations to work? Do I need to sync these modules with the class I am adding the limitations too? (which if I add the limitation of 'using' the equipment, should prevent all other classes from being able to use? I think I read that correctly in the devReadMe)

Thank you for any help you can give on this!

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Astrell, do you know how to make it so players actually die when too much damage is taken? I don't mean fake kill or something, I mean an actual death like with vanilla wounding.

I haven't been able to get this working, they just pass out and then die from bleedout, but this isn't good enough for my group. Here's my config, running the latest versions:

X39_MedSys_var_Pain_MorphineHealValue = 6; //Double

X39_MedSys_var_BloodPackValue = 3000; //Double

X39_MedSys_var_Healing_MedKitValue = 10; //Double

X39_MedSys_var_DamageMultiplicator = 3; //Double damage

X39_MedSys_var_KillUnitWhenMaxDamageReached = true; //not working, should kill instead of fake kill

X39_MedSys_var_Hearing_enable = false; //Turn off deafness

X39_MedSys_var_KnockOut_showRespawnButton = false;

X39_MedSys_var_Legs_DamageBeforeProneOnly = 0.95; //broken legs

X39_MedSys_var_Head_HeadShotFakeKilling = false

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This limitation stuff have nothing to do in your server config, only variables.

Put limitations all in your init.sqf of your mission (or in the init of game logic)


use the Editor Module "Limitation" and Synch the stuff correctly

Please patch to the newest version auf xmedsys and use acutally commands.

X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass do not exist anymore, its now X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitation

Deafness should be deactivated, too.

X39_MedSys_var_Hearing_enable = false;

You can use it, but TFR does not support it - you can still hear your guys but not your sorroundings. Will be patched, soon.

All limitations make through this way will overwrite the clientconfig. ONLY SERVER CONFIG AND INITs COUNT!!!

With the headshot stuff, do it same way. Have fun.


Okay it seems you guys using old variables. If you see something is not working then check out the Wiki from X39, he have it up-to-date. Its still beta and some stuff will be reworked.

im pretty sure the headshot-thing will work, too.

Now its

X39 MedSys_var_Head_HeadShotDeathLimit = Here have to be a damage value

to check your xmedsys version, go to editor and place xmedsys setup and make a review. In debug window "show" enter "X39_MedSys_var_VERSION" without ""


X39, your first posting is not up-to-date.

Edited by Astrell

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Very nice medical system. The latest version runs without any bigger issues.

But we do not have post process effects like a red screen if you are hit or that effects when you had a morphine overdosis.

Is this a problem with our configs or did you remove the effects? I liked them a lot.

My server configs:

X39_MedSys_var_Hearing_enable = false;

X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableLegView = false;

X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableHealthView = false;

X39_MedSys_Display_Overlay_EnableBoodView = false;

X39_MedSys_var_LifeTime = 1800;

X39_MedSys_Display_TimeBeforeRespawnAvailable_Death = 600;

X39_MedSys_Display_TimeBeforeRespawnAvailable_NormalKnockout = 600;

X39_MedSys_Generic_DamageBeforeDead = 10;

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1. You have a small config

2. You using not well documented variables

3. I´m not supporting lazyness.

I´m willing to help if there are problems but it took me less then 5 minutes with config changes to find the problem.

Another thing: Please control your config, in the spoiler window are typos.

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Has anyone had problems with executing people in mp? All my sp tests I've had no problems killing downed units, but I was playing mp yesterday and shot a magazine into a person and he didn't die.

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X39_MedSys_var_Pain_AllowMorphineOverdoseEffect = false; //default true

Appears to cause chromatic aberration to be constantly on.

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A nice feature for some more casual gameplay would be being able to use first aid kits to treat people.

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If i understand you correctly then you want to use only one item to heal people, that is possible trough:




Raise the Value and you only need bandages to stop Bleeding and Heal, same effect as FirstAidKit.

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A nice feature for some more casual gameplay would be being able to use first aid kits to treat people.

youre able to disable all features of XMedSys (bleeding, pain, etc) but the damage model and use the medKit then for healing people

to do that you simply need to set nearly all variables which contain a allow to false :F

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I'm looking at the wiki and I still can't understand how to allow for true death. I found this variable (X39_MedSys_var_KillUnitWhenMaxDamageReached) in the wiki now and apparently it's an internal variable, meaning I shouldn't touch it, right?

I also saw X39 say that the mod still allows a fake kill, so I tried the following: X39_MedSys_var_Head_HeadShotFakeKilling = false;

but players are still not dying no matter how many times I shoot them. They just spasm on the ground while passed out, then they die of bleedout.

I have not touched X39_MedSys_var_maxDamage or X39_MedSys_var_Generic_DamageBeforeDead because I'm not sure how I should manipulate the variables to allow true death.

I've been messing with these configs for a while and I can't figure out what's going on. I'd appreciate any help.

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I found this variable (X39_MedSys_var_KillUnitWhenMaxDamageReached) in the wiki now and apparently it's an internal variable, meaning I shouldn't touch it, right?

I´m not sure but i think its exactly what you searching for. Try it. Do it.

Have fun.

Hit me if not.

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no sorry, I did actually have it set to true but it never did anything. it just won't work. any ideas would be appreciated.

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just to reveal some of those planned improvements for todays update:

0.3.5 BETA
* Removed BrokenLeg functionallity (less code = less performance impact)
* People cant bleedout anymore (network improovement)
* Added CBA, XTacticalHud, XEhMaPl, ALiVE and TAOs fold map as requirement (XMedSys now uses the functions of those)
* Added optional Facebook/Twitter status posts(Example: Hey im playing arma and just got knocked out a few seconds ago)
* Improoved AI Behaviour so they shoot more
* Changed config files
* Added EasterEgg

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April fools changelog? Improoved AI Behaviour so they shoot more - for real?

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0.3.5 BETA

* Added optional Facebook/Twitter status posts(Example: Hey im playing arma and just got knocked out a few seconds ago)


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just to reveal some of those planned improvements for todays update:

0.3.5 BETA
* Removed BrokenLeg functionallity (less code = less performance impact)
* People cant bleedout anymore (network improovement)
* Added CBA, XTacticalHud, XEhMaPl, ALiVE and TAOs fold map as requirement (XMedSys now uses the functions of those)
* Added optional Facebook/Twitter status posts(Example: Hey im playing arma and just got knocked out a few seconds ago)
* Improoved AI Behaviour so they shoot more
* Changed config files
* Added EasterEgg

Thats awesome! BIS also announced plans for aa AI "Land" waypoint.

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Where can i check FAQ or Knowhow? i can't manage how to make respawn and turn off the debug :( how can i remove abort since it make mission closed D:

Edited by kgino1045

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Please show us your serverconfig and how did you make the "respawn_west" marker?

FAQ and Tutorials are in work but will take some time.

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Hey guys,

I'm still having trouble getting BLEEDING to work as intended.(We just don't lose blood) For some reason it works on one of our small servers, but not our main one we use for joint operations.

I tried removing the serverconfig, but it's still not working. What could we be missing?

This is our serverconfig though, doesnt seem to be working as intended either. Any input would be more than welcome.


* See

* http://x39software.unitedtacticalforces.de/wiki/index.php?title=XMedSys_serverConfig

* to find out how to setup this!


//Leg damage requires medevac

X39_MedSys_var_Limitations_allowHealingLegsInField = false;

//No respawn until you're dead, foo!

X39_MedSys_var_KnockOut_showRespawnButton = false;

//Gotta heal, or keep walking!

X39_MedSys_var_allowSpeedLimitations_forceWalkAtXDamage = 5;

//Just added this to doubly make sure that bleeding is enabled.. DOESNT WORK!

X39_MedSys_var_Bleeding_Allow = true;

//Upped these values a bit to allow medics a bit longer time

X39_MedSys_Generic_DamageBeforeKnockOut = 6;

X39_MedSys_Generic_DamageBeforePermaKnockOut = 8;

//Disable permanent death (Unsure if this is really needed, will need to be tested!

X39_MedSys_Generic_DamageBeforeDead = -1;

//Disable instant death on headshot.

X39_MedSys_var_Head_HeadShotDeathLimit = -1;

//Leg damage multiplicator lowered to 1 instead of 2 (2 means 2x the damage, and due to hitboxes people would break legs from a gut shot..)

X39_MedSys_var_Legs_DamageMultiplicator = 1;

//General damage muliplicator lowered to 1.2 instead of 1.5.

X39_MedSys_var_DamageMultiplicator = 1.2;

//Changed the heal values for some of the items.

X39_MedSys_Healing_MedKitValue = 5;

X39_MedSys_BandageBleedingHeal = 4;

X39_MedSys_var_Pain_MorphineHealValue = 5;

X39_MedSys_var_BloodPackValue = 2000; //Upped to 2000 from 1500. (Full blood value is 6000.)

//Changed time for bleedout and showing of the respawn buttons.

X39_MedSys_var_KnockOut_MinTimeBetweenTempKnockOuts = 20;

X39_MedSys_var_LifeTime = 600;

X39_MedSys_Display_TimeBeforeRespawnAvailable_Death = 30;

//Disabling the need for ear plugs and the players going deaf. (Due not not being healable and is sort of game breaking..)

X39_MedSys_var_Hearing_enable = false;

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Please show us your serverconfig and how did you make the "respawn_west" marker?

FAQ and Tutorials are in work but will take some time.

Sorry but don't know what is serverconfig

And i just copy the Respawnmarker from sample XMedSys mission

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Sorry but don't know what is serverconfig

And i just copy the Respawnmarker from sample XMedSys mission

Do you have a reference to the respawn point in your description.ext?

Respawn = "BASE";

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Yeah.. that's all but i do because the other mission did that i don't know about that command. Sorry that i'm being keep stupid.

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No worries. If you look into the files for the example mission, this is in the description.ext :)

enableDebugConsole = 2;

author = "X39|Cpt. HM Murdock";

onLoadName = "XMedSysExampleMission";

onLoadMission = "XMedSys Example mission on Stratis";

respawn = "BASE";

respawndelay = 10;

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