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Task Force Arrowhead Radio

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Super cool! Radio with the ability to change frequencies, great. :yay: Much better than ACRE. Thanks for the work. Thanks for the ArmaGamer :D

Actually it is possible to change frequencies in ACRE too, but anyway thanks for feedback :)

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Hmm im trying to add radios to a ammobox like Redfield but im not able to. Putting it to a person works but not to a box. Can you add some radio boxes to your next release? :P

when i wanted to play this mission: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165519-COOP-32-Resistance-(FIA-vs-CSAT)

its very strange, some players get a 148, most a 152. only one group leader gets a big radio, the others dont, only the first who join. the mission is not from me, so its hard to find the error. we are planing an event with this and your mod and i need to find a solution ;)

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Hmm im trying to add radios to a ammobox like Redfield but im not able to. Putting it to a person works but not to a box. Can you add some radio boxes to your next release? :P

when i wanted to play this mission: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?165519-COOP-32-Resistance-(FIA-vs-CSAT)

its very strange, some players get a 148, most a 152. only one group leader gets a big radio, the others dont, only the first who join. the mission is not from me, so its hard to find the error. we are planing an event with this and your mod and i need to find a solution ;)

Hi, I have tested

this additemcargo ["tf_fadak_999", 1]

with vehicles and ammo boxes and everything work correctly...

Regarding 152\148 - I think it is know issues with BTC Revive compatibility. Regarding long range radio - looks like mission changes groups on the fly, so after start everyone in the same group. So, it is may be solved by putting a few LR radios in the same box.

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Hi, I have tested
this additemcargo ["tf_fadak_999", 1]

with vehicles and ammo boxes and everything work correctly...

I still have not had a chance to test this but I plan to soon. Also the code should be

this addItemCargoGlobal ["tf_fadak_999", 1]

Its not case sensative but you have to add the suffix "global" on the end to make it work in MP. nkey's code works but only on SP and who needs TFR in SP :P

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Its not case sensative but you have to add the suffix "global" on the end to make it work in MP. nkey's code works but only on SP and who needs TFR in SP :P

Yes, I know ;)

But you should run addItemCargoGlobal only for server...

Edited by nkey

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thx! will try and report! ;)

You can try next beta preview version - https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/raw/master/releases/0.8.2.zip

It is not carefully tested yet (not released), so use on your own risk :)


(some issues with spectator mode currently)

Edited by nkey

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lately i have noticed, when i'm enabling task force plugin in ts, the general volume drops to like 20%, and from time to times gets back loader again, and then back to 20%. Happens when we are talking in game lobby or outside the game, when the game starts, everything seems fine, the KW radio, is even loud, so i have to set it to like 60% all the time, DW radio is perfect at default setting. No idea what causes this, but i wish we could find the reason and it gets fixed. Anyone else having similar to this?

Edited by NeuroFunker

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lately i have noticed, when i'm enabling task force plugin in ts, the general volume drops to like 20%, and from time to times gets back loader again, and then back to 20%. Happens when we are talking in game lobby or outside the game, when the game starts, everything seems fine, the KW radio, is even loud, so i have to set it to like 60% all the time, DW radio is perfect at default setting. No idea what causes this, but i wish we could find the reason and it gets fixed. Anyone else having similar to this?

Yep, I have some report like this. Will be fixed in one of next version.

Regarding personal radio volume - looks like issue is fixed, you may check preview version (with some bugs, not finally ready) in my previous post.

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Yep, I have some report like this. Will be fixed in one of next version.

Regarding personal radio volume - looks like issue is fixed, you may check preview version (with some bugs, not finally ready) in my previous post.

nice, can't wait.

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Thanks Nkey,

I can't found much documentation if there is a function library like TF_isspeaking, TF_isradiospeakin TF_setspectatoremode etc

Is there one available somewhere ?

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Thanks Nkey,

I can't found much documentation if there is a function library like TF_isspeaking, TF_isradiospeakin TF_setspectatoremode etc

Is there one available somewhere ?

Spectator mode is activating automatically in case of player death. You want to do it manually?

TF_isspeaking and TF_isradiospeakin... There are no such functions currently, how do you plan to use it? Technically in latest pre-release version (0.8.3) you may use such code:

"task_force_radio_pipe" callExtension (player call preparePositionCoordinates)

and check response for string SPEAKING. But it is not lightweight function. Also, you may check player object for variable "tf_start_speaking" - it contains diag_tickTime value of last speaking by the player.

But it is not an PI, so such stuff may be changed in future.

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For example, in my case in the VTS, when player reach 0 life they move into a spectator script (still there body is alive) so I would like to set the spectactor mode On on the TFR. So he can act like that.

I would like some command to detect when player are speaking so, I can make nearby AI to look at the sound source basically.

Also it seems, when player die and before respawn (while Arma respawn timer go on) people talking can be heard by everybody is that a know bug?

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For example, in my case in the VTS, when player reach 0 life they move into a spectator script (still there body is alive) so I would like to set the spectactor mode On on the TFR. So he can act like that.

I would like some command to detect when player are speaking so, I can make nearby AI to look at the sound source basically.

Also it seems, when player die and before respawn (while Arma respawn timer go on) people talking can be heard by everybody is that a know bug?

If it will requred to patch 0.8.3, then I"ll try to add such commands in this release, but can't promise.

Regarding last thing - looks like it works in lightweight (coop) mode, check documentation regarding "serious" and "lightweight" modes.

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Hi i'm Viper of the www.cavallersdelcel.cat, first of all sorry for my bad english, is not my language. Thanks for this nice addon, for the moment ACRE work better, but your addons have the potential to be more better than ACRE, i hope update you addon for replace filtered ACRE.

I found a one conflict with the Mag Repack addon http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19692 if you load both addons, when i press R for reload weapon, this open Magrepack windows, but the key for this is Ctrl+R.

I try without TFAR and Magrepack work well. This is a conflict with both addons.

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I found a one conflict with the Mag Repack addon http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19692 if you load both addons, when i press R for reload weapon, this open Magrepack windows, but the key for this is Ctrl+R.

I try without TFAR and Magrepack work well. This is a conflict with both addons.

Already fixed in pre-release version, you may check this version - https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/raw/master/releases/0.8.3.zip

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We have a rented server through FPSPLAYERS. The radio mod works first off the only issue we run into is if a player goes up to the VAS and selects the vanilla radio (which as I understand it the mod changes that to the respective shortwave radio for the faction) this does not happen.... The only way it works is if we keep the radio we spawn in with or reselect a presaved load out that had the respective radio saved prior. Is there a work around for this or any help with this matter?

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We have a rented server through FPSPLAYERS. The radio mod works first off the only issue we run into is if a player goes up to the VAS and selects the vanilla radio (which as I understand it the mod changes that to the respective shortwave radio for the faction) this does not happen.... The only way it works is if we keep the radio we spawn in with or reselect a presaved load out that had the respective radio saved prior. Is there a work around for this or any help with this matter?

Hm. Strange. How long are you waiting? (it may take about 10 seconds) to replace the radio.

Also, do not save faction radios into VAS, because they need to be unique (should be fixed in future in VAS).


I have checked with last VAS - everything works....

Edited by nkey

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hello nkey and thank for your excellent addon!

I have one question: It is possible to delete the script which add radio backpack at unit in begining of a game?

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hello nkey and thank for your excellent addon!

I have one question: It is possible to delete the script which add radio backpack at unit in begining of a game?

Do you guys even take a look at the readmes and stuff before posting? :P

Click me

To disable the automatic distribution of long range radios, add the following line to init.sqf:

tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true

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What are all the classnames of the radios?

Dude, RTFM (sorry, cannot post a link yet, just go to nkey's first post, go to the TFAR website and click on "Information", then scroll down to "To Mapmakers"). :)

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