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Yeah i know ,but i will try to get it done this month - hopefully there won't be any issues

That would be great!

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anyway thx for report , to all users - if you find some issues , let me know here

I believe that it' s already been mentionned, but we can see through the peq15s if we look at the face that is attached to the weapon, it is noticeable especially in the virtual arsenal.

Of the top of my head i can' t remember if it is the same for the peq2s or not.

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will be the mass of some weapons fixed ? The Vitor for example has almost no mass and you can put like 20 or more in your backpack

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why would you want to have 20 rifles in your backpack, though?

this is as much RH's problem as it is BIS's: they need to not only add weight to items but volume as well

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why would you want to have 20 rifles in your backpack, though?

this is as much RH's problem as it is BIS's: they need to not only add weight to items but volume as well

RH weapons have neither hence its a RH problem

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Yes , in the next update all stuff will have mass and the inertia

Shame the BIS didn't make the mass separate like a normal person would do - weight and volume

Who the hell thought this was a good idea, making these two units into one? :crazy:

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they need to not only add weight to items but volume as well

...but...but then I probably couldn't jam half a dozen AT missiles in a little backpack, hehehe.

Looking forward to any updates to the pack.

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Yes , in the next update all stuff will have mass and the inertia

Shame the BIS didn't make the mass separate like a normal person would do - weight and volume

Who the hell thought this was a good idea, making these two units into one? :crazy:

... has anyone worked out what the algorithm is yet? (weightx0.2volume) or some-such imaginary metric !!! :(

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...Who the hell thought this was a good idea, making these two units into one? :crazy:

It more concerns me at how they came to the decision that ingame mass is the weight of the object in KG x 22. What unit of measurement is that?!

... has anyone worked out what the algorithm is yet? (weightx0.2volume) or some-such imaginary metric !!! :(

Weight (in Kg) x 22 = "Mass"

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I have the latest version plus the hot fixes for the M4 pack but whenever I try to add one to my player in the arma 3 virtual arsenal it crashes my game to desktop. I run it with other weapon mods but I took them away and it still happens. Any ideas?

P.S. I have all the required mods for this mod also so that is not the issue. And there is no error and I do not know where to see errors if they appear in the back round.

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I have the latest version plus the hot fixes for the M4 pack but whenever I try to add one to my player in the arma 3 virtual arsenal it crashes my game to desktop. I run it with other weapon mods but I took them away and it still happens. Any ideas?

P.S. I have all the required mods for this mod also so that is not the issue. And there is no error and I do not know where to see errors if they appear in the back round.

The hotfix is supposed to replace the original rh_m4_cfg.pbo file inside of the addons folder. Make sure you don't have 2 seperate cfg files.

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Any way to get the optics to work on the vanilla weapons?

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Any way to get the optics to work on the vanilla weapons?

Use asdg_jr mod.

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I am, the optics are not showing up though :/

Maybe I have an old version of joint rails?

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actually rh's weapon pack is not compatible with asdg without additional configs.

you can find those in the 0.9v (an older version) of asdg_jr.


just download it from the dev heaven link (2.link in the 1.post)

after that you need to copy the two "asdg_jointrails_rh_m4" files from the "opt" folder into your up to date asdg_jr addons (steamapps/common) folder and it should work

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the muzzle flash for m4 and m16 are not working anymore, i think it has to do with the latest 1.38 patch, but maybe it was there before.

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Hey RH, any chance of you doing one of those AR AK "hybrid" rifles in the future(The ARAK, MK47, etc.)?

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Hey RH, any chance of you doing one of those AR AK "hybrid" rifles in the future(The ARAK, MK47, etc.)?

I don't know about those but maybe the KAC SR47 in the future

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Hey RH, are you still planning on releasing the next update before the end of January? Been looking forward to it for quite some time. Thanks.

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