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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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Awesome mod, one of my favorites. The HUD alone is a huge improvement for "high tech" ops. Thank you!


A bug report tho: something is breaking AI and animations when ACE is also enabled. Verified it's broken an Dynamic Recon Ops, and ANTISTASI. Basically, AI often freezes/interrupts and refuses to follow orders. Also, there's a glitch where the animation pauses in mid stride at the end of a movement, i.e. it doesn't go to a "rest/waiting" state. This makes me think some AI call is not being completely resolved or passed back to idle.


I tried _disabling_ everything but the HUD, and it's still broken. I noticed the commented out  line:

//animationsActivePlaceholder = 1;

and there's a bunch of animation speed settings...


Would setting that to 0 perhaps fix the issue?



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Contrary to the author's claims, I noticed snow in the buildings. Very sorry.


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13 hours ago, tpw said:

1 - HIt units are setcaptive true until they get up again, which temporarily turns them into civs. This is my design decision, you'll need to disable it in TPW FALL and TPW BLEEDOUT script versions


2 - Not without changing the script version of TPW CARS and TPW SKIRMISH, both of which have a function that specifically prevents the carnage you crave (but which drives me up the #$%^ing wall).




 Cool thanks man no need apologize for terseness- this stuff can be a nightmare to rein in sometimes especially with the amount of options your offering up. That pointed me to right place and its working as i like (ftmp).


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On 10/1/2017 at 6:23 PM, k0zm3k said:

Awesome mod, one of my favorites. The HUD alone is a huge improvement for "high tech" ops. Thank you!


A bug report tho: something is breaking AI and animations when ACE is also enabled. Verified it's broken an Dynamic Recon Ops, and ANTISTASI. Basically, AI often freezes/interrupts and refuses to follow orders. Also, there's a glitch where the animation pauses in mid stride at the end of a movement, i.e. it doesn't go to a "rest/waiting" state. This makes me think some AI call is not being completely resolved or passed back to idle.


I tried _disabling_ everything but the HUD, and it's still broken. I noticed the commented out  line:

//animationsActivePlaceholder = 1;

and there's a bunch of animation speed settings...


Would setting that to 0 perhaps fix the issue?



Thanks for the report. HUD doesn’t affect animations in any way. You can try commenting out the animation settings and see if that affects anything. 


EDIT: Or try removing TPW_ANIMSPEED.pbo

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On 10/1/2017 at 7:27 PM, daivi said:

Contrary to the author's claims, I noticed snow in the buildings. Very sorry.




Did you have wind blowing? Snow can blow sideways through buildings and the script tries to disable wind to prevent it. 


EDIT: I gave the system a thorough test and I never see snow inside buildings or under cover.

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Hey thanks again for all this atmosphere you've created, it's amazing.
Quick question, am I right in thinking that if I don't want the chainsaw sounds, and I'm using the scripts I can just comment out line 694 in twp_soap.sqf that says: 

[] spawn tpw_soap_fnc_chainsaws;

That won't cause any issues will it?


Thanks again, and I hope the frustration has eased a little for you.

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And why is it not on Steam Workshop? can somebody please explain that to me?

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15 minutes ago, CCS Longbow said:

And why is it not on Steam Workshop? can somebody please explain that to me?

Look here:


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4 hours ago, JD Wang said:

Hey thanks again for all this atmosphere you've created, it's amazing.
Quick question, am I right in thinking that if I don't want the chainsaw sounds, and I'm using the scripts I can just comment out line 694 in twp_soap.sqf that says: 

[] spawn tpw_soap_fnc_chainsaws;

That won't cause any issues will it?


Thanks again, and I hope the frustration has eased a little for you.

Hi jd, yep commenting out that function will eliminate the chainsaws.


I’ll look at the code tonight and see how my frustration level is tracking!


EDIT: So is anyone else having trouble loading various CUP terrains? I can get CUP TERRAINS (complete 1.30), CUP UNITS, CUP VEHICLES and CUP WEAPONS (all 1.91) loading no problems. As soon as I try to add various 3rd party maps such as Diyala, Chernarus Redux, etc etc to the launcher, the game just hangs at a black screen after initialising everything. Very frustrating. 

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2 hours ago, tpw said:

EDIT: So is anyone else having trouble loading various CUP terrains? I can get CUP TERRAINS (complete 1.30), CUP UNITS, CUP VEHICLES and CUP WEAPONS (all 1.91) loading no problems. As soon as I try to add various 3rd party maps such as Diyala, Chernarus Redux, etc etc to the launcher, the game just hangs at a black screen after initialising everything. Very frustrating. 


I'm having no problems.

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4 hours ago, tpw said:

EDIT: So is anyone else having trouble loading various CUP terrains? I can get CUP TERRAINS (complete 1.30), CUP UNITS, CUP VEHICLES and CUP WEAPONS (all 1.91) loading no problems. As soon as I try to add various 3rd party maps such as Diyala, Chernarus Redux, etc etc to the launcher, the game just hangs at a black screen after initialising everything. Very frustrating.


No issues here but my config looks like this:



tpw_hint_active = 1; // 0 = inactive

// AIR
tpw_air_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_air_delay = 10; // delay before flybys start (sec)
tpw_air_time = 300; // maximum time between flybys
tpw_air_max = 2; // maximum aircraft at a given time
tpw_air_heights[] = {50,250,500}; // randomly chosen aircraft flying heights
tpw_air_exclude = 1; // exclusion. 0 = all aircraft, 1 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded

tpw_animal_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_animal_delay = 10; // delay before animals start spawning (sec)
tpw_animal_max = 15; // maximum animals near player. 0 = ambient animals disabled
tpw_animal_maxradius = 200; // distance beyond which animals will be removed
tpw_animal_minradius = 75; // minimum distance from player to spawn animals
tpw_animal_noisetime = 60; // maximum time between dog/cat noises

tpw_bleedout_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_bleedout_inc = 5; // unit damage will be increased by this % every 10 sec
tpw_bleedout_ithresh = 0.85; // damage beyond which a unit will writhe around incapacitated (1 = dead)
tpw_bleedout_heartbeat = 1; // Player heartbeat visible as slight screen shake (0 = no heartbeat shake)
tpw_bleedout_selfheal = 1; // AI units will automatically try to stop their own bleeding if equipped with First Aid Kits (0 = no self heal)
tpw_bleedout_affect = 1; // All injured units will have their speed and skill lowered according to the degree of injury (0 = units'  spped/skill unaffected by injury)

tpw_boat_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_boat_delay = 10; // delay before boats start spawning (sec)
tpw_boat_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for water spawn boats
tpw_boat_waypoints = 5; // how many waypoints to give each boat
tpw_boat_num = 3; // max number of boats to spawn around player. 0 = ambient boats disabled

tpw_car_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_car_delay = 10; // delay before cars start spawning (sec)
tpw_car_waypoints = 15; // how many waypoints to give each car
tpw_car_num = 3; // max number of cars to spawn around player. 0 = ambient cars disabled
tpw_car_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for roads and spawn cars
tpw_car_nocombatspawn = 1; // cars will not be spawned during combat. 0 = cars continue to spawn during combat
tpw_car_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

tpw_civ_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_civ_delay = 5; // delay (sec) until civ spawning starts
tpw_civ_radius = 150; // radius (m) around player to check for house and spawn civs
tpw_civ_waypoints = 15; // how many waypoints to assign each civ
tpw_civ_density = 5; // how many houses per civ. 0 = ambient civs disabled
tpw_civ_maxsquadcas = 4; // maximum number of civilian casualties that can be inflicted by squad
tpw_civ_maxallcas = 50; // maximum number of total civilian casualties
tpw_civ_casdisplay = 0; // what to do if casualty threshold exceeded (0 -nothing, 1 - popup message, 2 - end mission)
tpw_civ_maxciv = 20; // maximum number of civs to spawn regardless of tpw_civ_density
tpw_civ_interact = 0; // civilian interaction radius. Civs closer than this to other civs will stop and talk (15 - default, 0 - no interaction).
tpw_civ_nocombatspawn = 1; // civilians will not be spawned during combat. 0 = civilians continue to spawn during combat
tpw_civ_blacklist[] = {}; // civilians with these strings in their classnames will be excluded

tpw_crowd_active = 0 // 0 = inactive
tpw_crowd_max = 20; // maximum number of civs
tpw_crowd_density = 2; // civs per house
tpw_crowd_radius = 120; // radius to scan around player to spawn civs
tpw_crowd_animradius = 80; // units closer than this will animate
tpw_crowd_moveradius = 40; // units closer than this will disperse
tpw_crowd_scantime = 1.5; // time (sec) between scanning, spawning and visibility checks

// EBS
tpw_ebs_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_ebs_thresh = 5; // unit is suppressed if this many bullets pass by in 5 secs
tpw_ebs_delay = 1; // how long until suppression functions start (sec)
tpw_ebs_debug = 0; // 1 = debugging will colour the suppressed unit's uniform (green = own side, yellow = enemy <5 bullets, red = enemy >5 bullets)
tpw_ebs_radius = 500; // units must be closer to player than this (m) for suppression to work
tpw_ebs_playersup = 1; // suppression effects applied to player. 0 = no player suppression
tpw_ebs_aisup = 1; // suppression effects applied to AI. 0 = no AI suppression
tpw_ebs_findcover = 1; // AI will seek cover when suppressed. 0 = will not seek cover
tpw_ebs_suptype = 0; // Suppression type. 0 = bullet centric, 1 = suppression shell object

tpw_fall_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fall_sensitivity = 100; // sensitivity of unit to falls (%). 50 = unit half as likely to fall over from a given height.
tpw_fall_threshold = 300; // distance threshold (m). Unit must be closer than this to player to realistically react to falls.
tpw_fall_delay = 10; // delay until fall functions start
tpw_fall_ragdoll = 2; // ragdoll type: 0 = no ragdoll, 1 = use old style physx and unit replacement ragdoll kludges, 2 = use setunconscious ragdolling (build > 137290)
tpw_fall_falltime = 45; // Maximum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit. Animated fall: 0 to tpw_fall_falltime. Ragdoll fall: tpw_fall_falltime to 2x tpw_fall_falltime.
tpw_fall_player = 1; // Player can fall from bullet hits and large drops. 0 = player will not fall.
tpw_fall_bullet = 0.2; //  Randomised damage threshold above which ragdolling will occur (0 - 1, 0 = no reaction to bullet hits, 0.01 = will almost never use animated falls, only ragdolling)

tpw_firefly_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_firefly_window =4; // How many hours after sunset will fireflies appear
tpw_firefly_temp =18; // Minimum temperature (deg C) for fireflies to be active, if running TPW FOG
tpw_firefly_trees = 5 ; // Number of trees needed within tpw_firefly_radius of player in order to spawn fireflies. 0 = fireflies everywhere
tpw_firefly_radius = 25; // Firefies will be spawned within this distance (m) of player
tpw_firefly_time = 5; // Max seconds between spawning each firefly/swarm
tpw_firefly_maxflies = 50; // Maximum number of fireflies around player
tpw_firefly_swarmsize = 5; // Maximum number of fireflies per swarm (must be less than tpw_firefly_maxflies)
tpw_firefly_largeswarm = 0.1; // Chance of a large swarm (5 X tpw_firefly_swarmsize) spawning near player. 0 = never, 1 = always
tpw_firefly_colour[] = {250,220,100}; // Firefly glow colour
tpw_firefly_brightness = 0.8; // Brightness of each firefly (0 - 1)
tpw_firefly_size = 0.05; //  Apparent size of each firefly (0.01 - 0.2)
tpw_firefly_blink = 1; // Flashing enabled. 0 = no flashing, 1 = brief flash with ~1 sec between flashes
tpw_firefly_speed = 0.075; // Max time (sec) between firefly animation "frames". Larger = slower moving fireflies

// FOG
tpw_fog_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fog_radius = 150; // units must be closer than this to show foggy breath (m). 0 = foggy breath disabled
tpw_fog_delay = 30; // delay before fog functions start (sec)
tpw_fog_breath = 1; // foggy breath enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_groundfog = 0; // ground fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_rainfog = 1; // rain fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_heathaze = 1; // heat haze enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_cansnow = 1; // snow enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_mist = 0.00; // ground steam/mist fx in tropical/jungle and cold environments. 0 = no mist, 1 = extremely thick mist. Recommended = 0.05

tpw_furniture_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_furniture_radius = 50 ; // radius (m) around player to scan for houses to furnish
tpw_furniture_scantime = 5; // time (sec) in between house scans

tpw_houselights_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_houselights_delay = 10; // delay (sec) until houselights functions start

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
//tpw_hud_range[] = {25,500}; // effective minimum and maximum range of goggles to scan for units
//tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 1.5; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1.00,1.00,0.35}; // HUD colour
//tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0,1,1}; // friendly colour
//tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {1,1,1}; // civ colour
//tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0}; // enemy colour
//tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0.5,1,0}; // squad and marker colour
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.8; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
//tpw_hud_asl[] = {1,0.6,0.456,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] = {1,0.6,0.51,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze).
tpw_hud_grd[] = {1,0.6,0.57,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates.
//tpw_hud_lmt[] = {1,0.4,0.5,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
//tpw_hud_tmp[] = {1,0.6,0.51,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) .
//tpw_hud_hlt[] = {1,0.4,0.55,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] = {1,0.6,0.456,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze.
//tpw_hud_vel[] = {1,0.6,0.57,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
//tpw_hud_prx[] = {1,0.5,0.505,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1,0.25,0.75}; // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0.34,0.26}; // HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.9; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 1; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 0; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 1; // no HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
//tpw_hud_addtac = 1; // automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses
//tpw_hud_audible = 1; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20}; // HUD icon types, see key below
{unit,hidden unit,vehicle, hidden vehicle, enemy unit, hidden enemy unit, enemy vehicle, hidden enemy vehicle,marker, predictor}
0: empty
1: 2px_cross
2: 2px_cross_open
3: 2px_cross_small
4: 2px_diamond
5: 2px_diamond_half
6: 2px_diamond_open
7: 2px_dot
8: 2px_line
9: 2px_line_open
10: 2px_square
11: 2px_square_half
12: 2px_square_open
13: 2px_x
14: 2px_x_open
15: 2px_x_small
16: 3px_circle
17: 3px_circle_half
18: 3px_circle_open
19: 3px_cross
20: 3px_cross_open
21: 3px_cross_small
22: 3px_diamond
23: 3px_diamond_half
24: 3px_diamond_open
25: 3px_dot
26: 3px_line
27: 3px_line_open
28: 3px_square
29: 3px_square_half
30: 3px_square_open
31: 3px_x
32: 3px_x_open
33: 3px_x_small

tpw_hud_extragoggles[] = {}; // Classnames of additional goggles you want HUD to display on e.g. {"goggles1","goggles2"}
tpw_hud_extraheadgear[] = {}; // Classnames of additional headgear you want HUD to display on e.g. {"headgear1","headgear2"}
tpw_hud_asl_txt = "%1<t size='0.5'><br />ASL</t>"; // ASL
tpw_hud_azt_txt = "%1<t size='0.5'><br />AZT %2</t>"; // AZT
tpw_hud_grd_txt = "%1<t size='0.5'><br />GRD</t>"; // GRD
tpw_hud_lmt_txt = "%1%2<t size='0.5'><br />LMT</t>"; // LMT
tpw_hud_tmp_txt = "%1<t size='0.5'><br />TMP</t>"; // TMP
tpw_hud_hlt_txt = "%2<t size='0.5'><br />BPM %1</t>"; // HLT
tpw_hud_rng_txt = "%1<t size='0.5'><br />RNG</t>"; // RNG
tpw_hud_vel_txt = "%1<t size='0.5'><br />VEL</t>"; // VEL
tpw_hud_airvel_txt = "%1<t size='0.5'><br />VEL KTS</t>"; // VEL IN AIRCRAFT
tpw_hud_prx_txt = "<t color='%5'>%1</t> <t color='%6'>%2</t> <t color='%7'>%3</t> <t color='%8'>%4</t><t size='0.5'><br />PRX</t>"; // PRX

// LOS
tpw_los_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_los_debug = 0; // 1 = blue balls will appear above units with line of sight to a visible enemy
tpw_los_maxdist = 100; // maximum distance (m). LOS stuff only works for units closer than this.
tpw_los_mindist = 25; // minimum distance (m). Enemies are considered "visible" no matter what, if less than this distance.
tpw_los_delay = 10; // delay until los functions start (sec)

tpw_park_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_park_perc = 25; // percentage of houses with parked cars. 0 = no cars
tpw_park_createdist = 300; // cars created within this distance, completely removed past it.
tpw_park_hidedist = 150; // cars closer than this are shown, further than this are hidden
tpw_park_simdist = 20; // cars closer than this have simulation enabled
tpw_park_max = 15; // maximum cars to spawn regardless (not irregardless).
tpw_park_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

tpw_puddle_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_puddle_max = 8; // maximum puddles around player
tpw_puddle_radius = 50; // max distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_minradius = 10; // min distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_gradient = 0.1; // how flat must spawn position be to spawn puddle 0 = absolutely flat, 1 = 45 degree gradient
tpw_puddle_time = 600; // Sec after rain stops to continue spawning puddles
tpw_puddle_rainthresh = 0.2; // rain threshold beyond which puddles will be spawned, -1 = puddles regardless
tpw_puddle_ripple = 0; // 1 = use rippling water shader for puddles - will give visual anomolies

tpw_radio_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_radio_time = 400; // maximum time between messages (sec)
tpw_radio_car = 1; // radio in/near vehicles (0 = no radio in vehicles)
tpw_radio_foot = 1; // radio on foot (0 = no radio on foot)

tpw_rain_active = 0; // 0 = inactive

tpw_skirmish_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of enemy squads around player
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of enemy vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_resistsquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_resistvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = 500; // Minimum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = 2000; // Maximum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles. Units/vehicles deleted beyond this distance
tpw_skirmish_support = 1; // NATO units can call support
tpw_skirmish_enemy_support = 0; // CSAT enemy units can call support
tpw_skirmish_resist_support = 0; // AAF units can call support
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype[] = {1}; // BLUFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {0,1,7} will spawn user selected, NATO and FIA BLUFOR. Empty = NATO default
tpw_skirmish_enemytype[] = {4}; // OPFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {4,5} will spawn CSAT and CSAT PACIFIC OPFOR. Empty = CSAT default
tpw_skirmish_resisttype[] = {6}; // INDFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {-6,-7} will spawn FIA and AAF resistance, wearing Shemaghs. Empty = AAF default
tpw_skirmish_spawntime = 30; // Time (sec) between spawning each enemy/friendly squad/vehicle
tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring = ""; // Custom string to select friendly units from config
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring = ""; // Custom string to select friendly vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring = ""; // Custom string to select enemy units from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring = ""; // Custom string to select enemy vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring = ""; // Custom string to select resistance units from config
tpw_skirmish_resistvehiclestring = ""; // Custom string to select resistance vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly CAS aircraft. Empty = NATO default CAS
tpw_skirmish_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly support heli. Empty = NATO default CHS
tpw_skirmish_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly UAV. Empty = NATO default UAV
tpw_skirmish_enemy_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy CAS aircraft. Empty = CSAT default CAS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy support heli. Empty = CSAT default CHS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy UAV. Empty = CSAT default UAV
tpw_skirmish_resist_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance CAS aircraft. Empty = AAF default CAS
tpw_skirmish_resist_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance support heli. Empty = AAF default CHS
tpw_skirmish_resist_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance UAV Empty = AAF default UAV

tpw_soap_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_soap_ambientvolume = 1; // Ambient sounds volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_musicvolume = 1; // Music volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_azanvolume = 1; // Azan volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_housefxvolume = 1; // House fx volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_screamvolume = 1; // Screams volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_usermusic = 0; // Number of user supplied music files in @TPW_MODS\music. 0 = no user music
tpw_soap_usersounds = 0; // Number of user supplied sound files in @TPW_MODS\sounds. 0 = no user sounds
tpw_soap_region = 0; // Region specific sounds. 0 = autodetect, 1 = Greek, 2 = Mideast, 3 = Fijian

tpw_streetlights_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_streetlights_factor = 10; // brightness factor. 3-15 should be ok for most maps
tpw_streetlights_range = 1000; // radius (m) around player to scan for streetlights
tpw_streetlights_colour = 0; // light colour. 0 = warm white incandescent, 1 = yellow sodium, 2 = blue/white fluorescent
tpw_streetlights_moths = 1; // 0 = no moths around lights

//animationsActivePlaceholder = 1;
#define run_rifle 0.6 //default 0.685
#define tactical_rifleup 0.7 //default 0.786
#define tactical_jog 1.35 //default 1.55
#define unarmed_walkspeed 0.27 //default 0.35
#define rifledown_walkspeed 0.20 //default 0.3
#define rifleup_walkspeed 0.80 //default 0.85
#define roll_left 0.6 //default 1.1    
#define roll_right 0.7 //default 1.2



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7 hours ago, tpw said:

EDIT: So is anyone else having trouble loading various CUP terrains? I can get CUP TERRAINS (complete 1.30), CUP UNITS, CUP VEHICLES and CUP WEAPONS (all 1.91) loading no problems. As soon as I try to add various 3rd party maps such as Diyala, Chernarus Redux, etc etc to the launcher, the game just hangs at a black screen after initialising everything. Very frustrating. 


You mention CUP Terrains Complete(1.3.0)....I'm assuming you sourced this from their own website, have you tried the Core and Maps combo from the Steam Workshop?....this is what I use and have no issues, been using Chernarus Redux a lot lately.

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Thanks for the replies, much appreciated everyone. I’m using cup terrains 1.3 complete, from their site. The thing is, everything worked fine, I stopped playing a3 for a couple of weeks, came back and all of a sudden the game is dying loading cup maps.  I’ll try the steam version! See how I go.

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6 hours ago, ronnesantos1910 said:

I can not install, it is giving error in my arma3

Can you help me anyway?

Did you use the installer.bat file? Or did you try to install manually.


The main reason TPW MODS will throw errors after install is if you have not correctly installed \your_arma_directory\userconfig\tpw_mods\tpw_mods.hpp

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TPW MODS 20171003: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxmzhh6m4zslsb5/TPW_MODS_20171003.zip



  • [CORE 1.45, FOG 1.56, SOAP 1.20] Chernarus redux added to region, climate and sound list. 
  • [DUCK 1.02] AI units will try to run away from nearby grenades.

Not a huge update. I've attempted to get the sublime Chernarus redux* working with various TPW MODS ambience. I've also got AI running away from nearby unexploded grenades on the ground. This works for AI squads and the AI in the player squad. It's important to note that any of your squad AI who evade a grenade will need to be regrouped from the main action menu.



* CUP terrains has totally stopped working on my A3 system for reasons best known to itself, so I'm having difficulty refining CUP dependent terrains to work with TPW MODS at present.

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4 hours ago, tpw said:

TPW MODS 20171003: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxmzhh6m4zslsb5/TPW_MODS_20171003.zip



  • [CORE 1.45, FOG 1.56, SOAP 1.20] Chernarus redux added to region, climate and sound list. 
  • [DUCK 1.02] AI units will try to run away from nearby grenades.


Not a huge update. I've attempted to get the sublime Chernarus redux* working with various TPW MODS ambience. I've also got AI running away from nearby unexploded grenades on the ground. This works for AI squads and the AI in the player squad. It's important to note that any of your squad AI who evade a grenade will need to be regrouped from the main action menu.



* CUP terrains has totally stopped working on my A3 system for reasons best known to itself, so I'm having difficulty refining CUP dependent terrains to work with TPW MODS at present.


 AI running from grenades......HUGE!!!!!!! Thank you!

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I swear I've seen this before without the update (possibly due to ASRAI).  @tpw is it possible to disable this function and keep DUCK turned on?  (haven't looked at the hpp file yet to see what you have in there)

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1 hour ago, gatordev said:

I swear I've seen this before without the update (possibly due to ASRAI).  @tpw is it possible to disable this function and keep DUCK turned on?  (haven't looked at the hpp file yet to see what you have in there)

Not at this point. I’ll introduce it.

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Thank you for your fantastic mod!


Please tell me, why my music (10 files, less than 3 minutes 2:58 or 2:59) converted in .ogg files and loaded in folder Arma 3/@TPW/music is not working? But instead of it i am hearing standart music from TPW.

In file TPW_MODS.hpp in Arma 3/userconfig folder i set up:


tpw_soap_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_soap_ambientvolume = 0; // Ambient sounds volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_musicvolume = 2; // Music volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_azanvolume = 0; // Azan volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_housefxvolume = 0; // House fx volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_screamvolume = 0; // Screams volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_usermusic = 10; // Number of user supplied music files in @TPW_MODS\music. 0 = no user music
tpw_soap_usersounds = 0; // Number of user supplied sound files in @TPW_MODS\sounds. 0 = no user sounds
tpw_soap_region = 0; // Region specific sounds. 0 = autodetect, 1 = Greek, 2 = Mideast, 3 = Fijian, 4 = French, 5 = Russian, 6 = Polyglot
tpw_soap_trafficmult = 0;  // 0 = no traffic sounds, 20 = very loud




What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your answer!


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13 hours ago, Realthinged said:



Thank you for your fantastic mod!


Please tell me, why my music (10 files, less than 3 minutes 2:58 or 2:59) converted in .ogg files and loaded in folder Arma 3/@TPW/music is not working? But instead of it i am hearing standart music from TPW.

In file TPW_MODS.hpp in Arma 3/userconfig folder i set up:


tpw_soap_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_soap_ambientvolume = 0; // Ambient sounds volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_musicvolume = 2; // Music volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_azanvolume = 0; // Azan volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_housefxvolume = 0; // House fx volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_screamvolume = 0; // Screams volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_usermusic = 10; // Number of user supplied music files in @TPW_MODS\music. 0 = no user music
tpw_soap_usersounds = 0; // Number of user supplied sound files in @TPW_MODS\sounds. 0 = no user sounds
tpw_soap_region = 0; // Region specific sounds. 0 = autodetect, 1 = Greek, 2 = Mideast, 3 = Fijian, 4 = French, 5 = Russian, 6 = Polyglot
tpw_soap_trafficmult = 0;  // 0 = no traffic sounds, 20 = very loud




What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your answer!


Hi Realthinged, thanks for the kind words.


I just tested the whole thing and had no problem playing my oggs in @TPW_MODS\music


Did you make sure to name them 1.ogg -> 10.ogg ?

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1 hour ago, tpw said:

Hi Realthinged, thanks for the kind words.


I just tested the whole thing and had no problem playing my oggs in @TPW_MODS\music


Did you make sure to name them 1.ogg -> 10.ogg ?

Thank you for your answer!


Yes from 1.ogg to 10.ogg as you can see on image below




P.S. I noticed only now! Maybe it doesnt' work because track number 9 has 3:00 duration?

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