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Worst movie?!?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Aug. 17 2002,01:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">$33ker, you gotta do something about that Avatar. It is bugging the hell out of me<span id='postcolor'>

hmm.... what's the problem about it??

it has the same size as jours. and it's just a normal ipg.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ Aug. 17 2002,10:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I will have to withdraw that the worst movie i ever saw was "The Wave". Since then I have gotten alot smarter and experienced and can now report to you guys, that the worst movie I ever seen was, and is.....*drumroll*

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Minority Report</span></span>

On the score of 1 to ten, it is the reciever of.....

-3 stars!<span id='postcolor'>

I never even watched this movie! I heard it was total crap!!

Stephen Spielberg has turned into shit lately with A.I. and Minority Report!

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Its more crap than you can ever imagine... believe me!!!

When they came to the point calling that stupid policeforce for "Pre-Crime" and armed with "sick-sticks", which apperently made people barp (or whatever its called in english), I actually screamed by anger in the theatre.... It wasnt helping that i allrdy was pretty drunk.... had been drinking for 8 hours at that time.

But believe me... guys, DONT got watch this film, unless you want to break up with a girlfriend or something... That would be the perfect way, just get her to see that movie with you, and afterwards just tell her.... "Ahh, what a masterpiece, dont you think? - lets see it again".

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the worst movie i ever watched was defenetly DESPERADO! i mean have you ever watched it? when you watch it you think all the time that its all meant ironicly and thats all just a joke... but it isnt... its all meant completly serious... thats what it makes it so funny that i had to lie on the floor and laugh for half an hour after watching it

its a good advise of antichrist to smoke something before watching some of those REALLY bad movies

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Aug. 17 2002,12:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like the picture smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Yer, it shows a real modern man, living the life. tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Aug. 17 2002,17:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">herr_dieler.jpg

Its not the size or the format that annoys me. Its the picture itself.<span id='postcolor'>

Let's not start talking about avatar

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The Invincible Barbarian

That's it. I mightas well lock the topic now, because this IS the worst movie of all time! biggrin.gif

And I know a guy that has less hair, but could otherwise be the model for that avatar biggrin.gif

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Guys, theres no discussion.

The worst movie ever have to be the one where the police corps is called "precrime" and runs around with "sicksticks".

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Minority report can hardly be classed as the 'worst film ever'.

It does throw up a lot of interesting issues, and actually requires you to think through the film. Its not the best film I've ever seen, but it's certainly not the worst.

I remember when I left I heard of group of blokes chatting ' Well that was pretty crap wasn't it.... so much for a action film, it was too difficult to follow, those jetpacks were smart though eh?'

Grrr! Bastards! Just because a film requires you to use you brain, does not make it 'crap'. I dispair of humanity at times like this.

Right, I'm now off to watch 'The Sum of All Fears'. If its anything like the book, it should be good, but what's the chance of it being like the book eh?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ Aug. 17 2002,21:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Right, I'm now off to watch 'The Sum of All Fears'. If its anything like the book, it should be good, but what's the chance of it being like the book eh?<span id='postcolor'>

Almost none biggrin.gif

Use the search feature and read my review wink.gif

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I didnt like the plot at all in "minority report" and no, i had no difficulties following it smile.gif

The film is just too stupid.... And ill try and explain why in a very shot period of time.. say... 1 minute, okay, here goes:

The film tries to raise some questions about our ethics and about the nature of our human brain and our free will to do what we can.

Yes, it is a very interesting topic but, I dont like the way Spielberg sets it up. First of all, the plot is set in a future pretty near from us (2054 if i remember correctly), but right now, our ethical oppinions in the public nowadays is just sooooo far from what Spielberg has been sat up. It is a Sci fi indeed, but having such a important and interesting subject being drowned in unrealistic and absurb enviroment which Minority Report puts you in.

The idea is fine, but the "warning" is too absurb, and too unreal to be taken serious.

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"We Were Soldiers"

the worst war movie I ever saw.

boring dialogue, with failing chauvinistic soldiers last words. Not realist, wasn't filmed in tropical climat neither Vietnam-like landscape.

USA lost Vietnam war, but sure they win cinematographic Vietnam war

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aeon @ Aug. 17 2002,23:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"We Were Soldiers"

the worst war movie I ever saw.

boring dialogue, with failing chauvinistic soldiers last words. Not realist, wasn't filmed in tropical climat neither Vietnam-like landscape.

USA lost Vietnam war, but sure they win cinematographic Vietnam war<span id='postcolor'>

I think anyone who slags 'We were Soldiers' should read the book it was based on.  It is actually one of the more faithful movie/book translations.  

The thing I liked about it was that while it was a pro american movie, it was one of the first films that made the Vietnamese just as human as the Americans.  I didnt find it overly racist, beyond what you would normally find in a clash between Oriental and Occidental cultures.

I suppose if you are looking for a FMJ/Platoon look at Vietnam...a late war diatribe on the evils of war.. then it's a bad movie.  We were soldiers is really about the first part of the armed conflict though..when the US was still relatively idealistic about the whole thing.  So you cant judge it by movies showing the later part of the conflict.

But that's just my opinion

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The first happy valley was a bullshit example of Willy Westmorelands completely skewed strategy on how to win the Vietnam War.

oops, sorry, wrong thread lol. You guys are talkin about the movie

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ Aug. 17 2002,23:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A.I sucks big time wtf is wrong with spielberg<span id='postcolor'>

I liked A.I. It would have been better if Kubrick had finished it, but I really liked it. It explores an interesting theme - what does it mean to be human?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (STS_SolidSnake @ Aug. 17 2002,23:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A.I sucks big time wtf is wrong with spielberg<span id='postcolor'>

I'll put it a little bit different!

WTF is wrong with movie industry nowadays?

Back in 80s and start of 90s all movies had some kind of action al throught the movie, for example Predator or T2, there was a action scene pretty much every minute of the movie. And only 10 minutes at most were dedicated to some story-type dialogue bullshit.

Bur look at the movies now, Matrix for example! How many action scenes are in the movie? 1 or 2!!! That's fuking pathetic!!!!! The rest of the movie is a boring piece of shit, same with Black Hawk Down, it is supposed to be a depiction, fair enough pretty much 70% of the movie is allout action, but they still managed to insert the stupid part with the dying soldier: "Tell my wife that I love her" bullshit!

Was that necessary? No! I went to the movies to see good special efects and firefights! I don't want to sit through even 10 minutes of bullshit drama!

Its exactly the same with every other A-grade action movie out there! The only good one that was kinda 80s style was Ghosts of Mars, it was all out action, blood and gore and real life stuff, u got shot its your own fault just die quietly and don't drag your comrades with you.

Well that's pretty much it! If I think of anything else I'll let you know!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'll put it a little bit different!

WTF is wrong with movie industry nowadays?

Back in 80s and start of 90s all movies had some kind of action al throught the movie, for example Predator or T2, there was a action scene pretty much every minute of the movie. And only 10 minutes at most were dedicated to some story-type dialogue bullshit.

Bur look at the movies now, Matrix for example! How many action scenes are in the movie? 1 or 2!!! That's fuking pathetic!!!!! The rest of the movie is a boring piece of shit, same with Black Hawk Down, it is supposed to be a depiction, fair enough pretty much 70% of the movie is allout action, but they still managed to insert the stupid part with the dying soldier: "Tell my wife that I love her" bullshit!

Was that necessary? No! I went to the movies to see good special efects and firefights! I don't want to sit through even 10 minutes of bullshit drama!

Its exactly the same with every other A-grade action movie out there! The only good one that was kinda 80s style was Ghosts of Mars, it was all out action, blood and gore and real life stuff, u got shot its your own fault just die quietly and don't drag your comrades with you.

Well that's pretty much it! If I think of anything else I'll let you know! <span id='postcolor'>

Antichrist if movies were made according to your personal expectations the movie industry would send the world into anarchy and usher in a new era of mass-rape and murder.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Paratrooper @ Aug. 17 2002,19:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Obviously none of you have seen Krull. Bad, bad, bad, BAD!<span id='postcolor'>

Oh c'mon, Krull was OK for it's time...and we know that until LOTR no fantasy movie has ever been given the budget it deserves. It's the great screwed-over genre in movies, sci-fi's poor cousin.

I would love if Steven Donaldson's "Thomas Covenant" trilogies got made into big budget movies...some of the darkest fantasy ever.

Michael Moorcock's "Elric" saga would be great too.

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in random order; 1:"halloween resurrection", 2:"jason x", 3:"fantastic 4", 4:"good burger", 5:"spy kids" (can only asume part2 is horible aswell), 6:"thin red line", 7:"windtalkers", 8:"bedaziled"... i can go on and on bout the worst movies ive seen, but these movies were so bad they made me angry. "minority report" should of ended when he killed the guy. after that the movie got cheasy. :ALBERT, the danceing spider-man makes me laugh every time i see it!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (advocatexxx @ Aug. 18 2002,05:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Antichrist if movies were made according to your personal expectations the movie industry would send the world into anarchy and usher in a new era of mass-rape and murder.<span id='postcolor'>

So are you telling me u like to go to movies to sit thru 2 hours of total bullshit, see 2... maybe three action scenes and go home? And what can movie industry can possibly show people that they haven't already seen on the news?

We live in a world of mass-rape and murder already, it is dumb to try to hide it from people!

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I didn't mind Minority Report, but there were some big plot holes and inconsistencies in it.

The mix of technology was bizarre, some of it looked like modern day, others like Star Trek (what the hell kind of an energy weapon needs to be reloaded like a lever action rifle?). One minute in high-tech pod cars, next minute in 80s style houses and furnishings... confused.gif And those "spiders" were just stupid.

Not to mention plot holes: why the hell didn't they cancel Tom Cruises security clearance (retinal scan) after he went rogue (Managed to pull this trick twice)...why did the precogs see Tom as a murderer when the guy committed suicide (by firing Toms gun into himself), when we were earlier explained that they couldn't detect suicides...and how the hell was the operation supposed to go nationwide when the precogs had a limited range for their abilities? They couldn't make more precogs - we were told these ones were flukes and not intentional.  sad.gif

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