fabio_chavez 103 Posted September 1, 2013 today this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162878-Beyond-recommended-requirements-Terrible-Performance was closed for invalid reasons. the moderators statement reasoned his closure of the thread with a claim of "user error" which he could not have been deducing from the original posters statement. Instead he could have been asking the op to provide further information to rule out user error. therefore, id like to answer to the op anyway: No, you are not (necessarily) mistaken, since there are apparently many people experiencing performance issues, that (more than) fullfill hardware requirements, which are completely unrelated to gfx setup tweaks. documentation: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=716 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1264 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gihzmo 10 Posted September 2, 2013 I actually was not sure it was even going to get approved. I was watching the forums after I posted for a few hours and never saw it approved. It may have been a time zone thing though. I am not sure exactly how to take the response, because if what he is saying is correct, what do recommended specs mean? How is that any better then a minimum spec if I still have to tweak the game to get it running at a playable rate. Also, according to the "auto-detect" it set everything to Ultra. Also, I have been running the game at Very high and been able to get 50 FPS sometimes, when a few things are going on, it can drop to 10-15. However on Altis, I am getting no more then 20 ever. Usually I am getting 5-10 FPS. I have tried running the game on low, and seen the an increase of maybe 3 FPS. So again, if those specifications do not match reality, what are they good for? I asked for multiple reasons. One I want my problem fixed, however this is a huge issue for Bohemia when your current customers cannot recommend the game based on terrible performance issues. So, is this issue with my hardware, or is this entirely because the dev build Altis is not optimized. I would think this would be a #1 priority since we are now 10 days from launch. Again, these are my system specs: OS Windows 7 SP1 AMD Phenom II X4 965BE 3.4Ghz AMD Radeon HD 7950 3GB 8GB RAM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ric 1 Posted September 2, 2013 I actually was not sure it was even going to get approved. I was watching the forums after I posted for a few hours and never saw it approved. It may have been a time zone thing though. I am not sure exactly how to take the response, because if what he is saying is correct, what do recommended specs mean? How is that any better then a minimum spec if I still have to tweak the game to get it running at a playable rate. Also, according to the "auto-detect" it set everything to Ultra.Also, I have been running the game at Very high and been able to get 50 FPS sometimes, when a few things are going on, it can drop to 10-15. However on Altis, I am getting no more then 20 ever. Usually I am getting 5-10 FPS. I have tried running the game on low, and seen the an increase of maybe 3 FPS. So again, if those specifications do not match reality, what are they good for? I asked for multiple reasons. One I want my problem fixed, however this is a huge issue for Bohemia when your current customers cannot recommend the game based on terrible performance issues. So, is this issue with my hardware, or is this entirely because the dev build Altis is not optimized. I would think this would be a #1 priority since we are now 10 days from launch. Again, these are my system specs: OS Windows 7 SP1 AMD Phenom II X4 965BE 3.4Ghz AMD Radeon HD 7950 3GB 8GB RAM drop you view and object distance down disable SSAO , do you have an SSD? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gihzmo 10 Posted September 2, 2013 drop you view and object distance down disable SSAO , do you have an SSD? I have tried changing these things, but in the screenshots above, I am running at Very High for both. It is running on an SSD. ---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 PM ---------- This is ridiculous, why did my post get removed with the screenshots in it?? I am trying to figure out what is going on with the game... ---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ---------- Ok, lets try again. Same settings. Base Arma http://imgur.com/a/iSwlE#0 Insurgancy Altis: http://imgur.com/a/poS8m#10 ---------- Post added at 01:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ---------- Ok, so it let me link them this time. So what I did is I loaded a single Pawnee into Altis and ran around. No issues at all. I loaded the Insurgency map for Altis, and it ran terribly. The difference I saw was in base Altis, the FPS was 40-60 with 50-75% GPU Utilization. and 75-100% CPU utilization. Insurgency was 15-25% GPU utilization and sub 50% CPU utilization. So why is this happening. Please see the screenshots above. ---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ---------- I tried this with Wasteland on a dedicated server I have poor performance and the GPU seems to give similar results, but it does spike up higher: http://imgur.com/a/yDg0S Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted September 2, 2013 what do recommended specs mean? Recommended specs means that this hardware should be able to run the game on normal settings. Minimal specs on the other side means that the listed hardware will play the game on low to lowest settings. Opposite to popular opinion, recommended specs doesn't mean "maxed settings". This is true not only for BI games but for all PC games in general. Forget the GPU, the CPU is bottlenecking (i have the same btw). Maybe those missions aren't optimized yet, hard to say. If possible, what are your results in SP or BI missions in MP (if it is possible to test this)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gihzmo 10 Posted September 2, 2013 The only BI missions that have been released are on Stratis. Stratis is working fine. I have not seen any BI content for Altis yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomHorn 14 Posted September 2, 2013 Why did the OP receive and infraction for his post? I don't see anything wrong or inflamatory in what he said?? The moderators are showing definite signs of ego mania around here regarding anything aimed, real or perceived, at the game. C'mon fellas....such a thing as free speech an' all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted September 2, 2013 Why did the OP receive and infraction for his post? I don't see anything wrong or inflamatory in what he said??The moderators are showing definite signs of ego mania around here regarding anything aimed, real or perceived, at the game. C'mon fellas....such a thing as free speech an' all Read the Rules §18) No public discussion on how the forum is moderated If you have questions/complaints/comments about the forum or moderators please Private Message them to a moderator, we will do our utmost to reply to any that we receive. If you have an issue that you feel cannot be solved by another moderator then please Private Message the Bohemia Interactive Forum Moderation Team Leader (Placebo), he will be happy to look into the matter. You may also ask your questions in the "Ask a mod" thread; however that thread is not to be used to attack/rant against specific moderators or about specific rules but more for questions/answers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted September 2, 2013 The moderators are showing definite signs of ego mania around here regarding anything aimed, real or perceived, at the game. If this would be true, this thread would already be locked. Thanks for helping to prove yourself wrong. Critics are always welcome. Ranting and raging not. Critics helps to improve and fix, rants and rage are just annoying. Everyone is welcome to bring up issues in a civlized manner. If you can't, don't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Furyk 10 Posted September 3, 2013 I found the lowering object view distance gave an increase to my FPS, I played an Invade & Annex mission last night on Altis 50/50 players with an average FPS of 19-35 on default veryhigh settings with view distance set to 3000 object distance set to 1500 I believe. View distance in my opinion is the single biggest performance tweak you can make. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antnxx 1 Posted September 3, 2013 Its funny that the GPU and CPU both are almost idle-ing while playing this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
k3lt 3 Posted September 3, 2013 Its funny that the GPU and CPU both are almost idle-ing while playing this game. Not so funny when you realize that you spent money on it. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xXxatrush1987 10 Posted September 3, 2013 @antnxx:if cpu and gpu are almost idling you are doing something really wrong^^ get 80%load avarage on both and can ply ultra settings with decend view and object distance since the last dev patch. @k3lt: you are so close over recommended specs that i would assume you play nothing more than normal with low view/object distance setting, if you have spend money on this rig under your post, i fell deeply sorry for you. ssd + intel cpu and i guess you could crank up the settings quite a lot ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fabio_chavez 103 Posted September 3, 2013 i got objectdistance down to 800m and object detail is also very fps sensitive, my fps in single player are very good with a lot of buffer, but it all doesnt mean anything when you stuck on 16 fps as soon as there are more than 30 players on the server (or often even empty servers have the same problem) BI should really put more effort in guaranteeing multiplayer quality: 1. better net code (if that will solve the mentioned performanc issues in multiplayer) 2. a serverbrowser that is not completely useless 3. better quality controll for missions and servers (userrating function for servers? better tools for modders?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gihzmo 10 Posted September 3, 2013 I have not seen a very big difference in lowering the settings. Usually less than 5 FPS at most going down to low or normal. Running the Insurgancy map on Very High - 16-17 FPS. Same map on Normal - 19 FPS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomHorn 14 Posted September 3, 2013 Myke;2487692']If this would be true' date=' this thread would already be locked. Thanks for helping to prove yourself wrong.Critics are always welcome. Ranting and raging not. Critics helps to improve and fix, rants and rage are just annoying. Everyone is welcome to bring up issues in a civlized manner. If you can't, don't.[/quote'] Where is the ranting and raging? Where is the uncivilized manner? ...and I was alluding to infractions being bandied...not locking threads....so thank you for proving your lack of understanding. I fear I may be penalised again for expressing an opinion here so I'd better shut up! :q: (If my account here ends up in an unmarked grave it will no doubt be as a result of your message "this is a privately owned forums so "right of free speech" doesn't apply"....nice :j:) I'll shut me gob now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kklownboy 43 Posted September 3, 2013 I have not seen a very big difference in lowering the settings. Usually less than 5 FPS at most going down to low or normal.Running the Insurgancy map on Very High - 16-17 FPS. Same map on Normal - 19 FPS If changing settings results in no/not much difference your CPU is a bottleneck. I always test in the editor with just one unit. VD and ObjD under 2500 is key for me,I stay at 8xAA. Lowering Terrain to Normal helps too. No PP and no SASO at all. Atlis I find isnt as nice above 1080p as Stratis. Your Card is ok, Mine is better 7970@1200/1600. Your CPU relative to any Intel/AMD CPU made in the last three years is junk... sry But its what you have. A below average midline System. You need to lower your settings to normal and turn some off.Better yet play at 1680/1050. Then there is "Core-parking". Look it up and do it! Its about MS taking your Core usage and distributing it as it sees fit.Thats bad. Hey its PC gaming, you have to always upgrade or settle for the IQ to FPS. A3 IS the most demanding game for HW. No other engine can even come close to what it can do. As for missions... or servers with over 10 players well Its ARMA and most missions suck (yes they do) at being "optimized"( Wasteland anyone...) and those missions on a 30+ player server... ouch. @1920/1440 I get 40s~fps on ultra/no PP no SASO, VD and ObjD @2300, FPS is lower in certain areas (alot of certain areas lol) @1600/1200 70s~fps Vsync is on, And i always get my Vsync when looking up(85@1440, 100@1200). 4gz CPU ,6GB RAM, SSDs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipet 11 Posted September 3, 2013 Another one to the list. and tbh i dont think my system is that bad to run Arma 3 on high settings with VD on 2500 to 3200 when flying and on the ground i lower it to 1200. my main issue is that no matter what settings i change there is no fps increase or drops. im sitting on 25-35fps on multiplayer server with only 4 people in it vs AI around 200ai (not spawned at the same time) each mission make a few ai spawns around 20-30 or so. but still. is my system really that bad for arma 3 when it can run almost any game maxed out with a rock solid 60 fps. my goal is very simple as to have a decent VD on around 2500 to 3200 with at least 40-50 fps for less laggyness with oki graphics aswell and not like all low just to play on multiplayer. anywho. i have tryied to make evry thing on low as it can go and only shadow standard to high for force power on gpu. getting 25-30fps. then when im change all to max out. funny. 25-30 fps. cpu and gpu is barely used at all. cpu around 25-30% thats it. gpu is even worse. 10% useage. so any hints would help. Spec. Cpu - Amd FX8350 4Gz stock speed. Gpu - Gigabte GTX 670 1058 Mhz (kepler boost 1175mhz) stock clocks. Psu - 750W Harddrive 2x 1Tb NO ssd is installed as i have a very hard time to belive it will inscrease fps as some have said it does. ram 1833 Kingston 12gb. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fabio_chavez 103 Posted September 3, 2013 kklownboy: its was mentioned serval times that certain performance issues occur unrelated to settings or hardware. did you even read? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpinghubert 49 Posted September 3, 2013 kklownboy: its was mentioned serval times that certain performance issues occur unrelated to settings or hardware. did you even read? I think performance issues are related to not overclocked + AMD cpus and/or multiplayer. Please give me an example with a sandy or ivy @ 4,5GHZ and SP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helo 10 Posted September 3, 2013 What about standardized comparisons by using benchmarks where you can test different settings? That might give you an idea where the problem is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fabio_chavez 103 Posted September 4, 2013 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=716 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1264 what is so hard to understand about this? :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EDcase 87 Posted September 4, 2013 Many people do not have these fps problems playing Altis in SP or MP (myself included) so there must be something different with your system. If you can get an idea where the problem is then BIS has more chance to look into it and fix it. Here are some things to test so you can get some idea where the problem lies: -Put yourself on Altis alone and test graphics settings. (This works the GPU only to give you an idea of your GPU capabilities and max settings) -AI are handled by CPU so more you add the slower it will get. (This will reduce fps that cannot be gained by lowering GPU settings) -Playing online is different because much of the CPU work is done by the server but then bandwidth comes into the equation. Some missions use many scripts that are not well optimized so player numbers can seriously affect server load and slow things down. Check ping and bandwidth to know if you have a good connection. Even if you have a good connection the server may not be able to handle a particular mission with lots of players. And remember its still Beta software so net code and other things will hopefully get optimized. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thx1137 10 Posted September 4, 2013 VIEW DISTANCE and OBJECTS (in the General tab) are the only things that really affect my settings at all. I have a VIEW DISTANCE of 4434 and OBJECTS is set to VERY HIGH with everything in the QUALITY group and ANTIALIASING group set to max. With this the lowest FPS I get while flying around is 35. The average is around 48. On the ground I get 55-60 (vsync is enabled, I hate tearing). Now starting a fight between 56 infantry and 6 amoured vehicles my FPS went from 36-38 inbound to 28 in the thick of the fighting in Kavala. If I dropped my Objects setting to STANDARD I went back to around 38 FPS. My Specs: i7 OC 3.5ghz (turbo is 3.9ghz) 16 GBRAM 400GB SSD NVidia 660ti graphics (not overclocked) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikiforos 450 Posted September 4, 2013 When armored vehicles are engaged in a fight the impact in FPS loss is quite big. I don't know why but that's the case with Arma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites