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Too many destroyed cars in Altis

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suprememodder,"a certain context" is the problem.This is a sandbox game and always was where people can create a lot of different scenarios.After the campaign will be done people will want to have different themes not only the "agrarian war torn country".

Besides if it was so war torn why buildings and roads are intact?Oh yeah they had cash to rebuild the whole infrastructure but they said screw it lets leave lots of wrecks in parking lots.

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Clear parking lot!

Unfortunately, not quite. If you try to park your car there, you will run into (no-invisible) wrecks,

Fine as it is .... nothing to see here.

Considering the "sandbox" aspect of the game is, well, one aspect of the game, I disagree with your disagreement. If I wanted to make a campaign/mission that is unrelated to the main story line, which is a perfectly valid thing to do, then my hero arriving at Altis International to a parking lot full of wreckage is not exactly what I want it to be. And no, hiding them doesn't work because they still collide with cars.

Also: car wrecks. For a supposed war zone, there is too little military wrecks, and I have my doubts that an obviously pristine Alts International airport wouldn't get cleaned up, Bottom line, agree with the original poster, too many car wrecks, too much focussing on post-apocalyptic/post-war scenario, especially since wrecks are easily placed by random or in the editor.

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Having all the wrecks lying around doesn't bother me at all. Saying that though I can understand where some of you are coming from.

But please,if anything is actually done about this don't take them all away just because a few peeps were vocal, if anything a reduction maybe would suit all, but there again maybe not.

I fear some of you want them all removed just so your missions will have the context you require and screw the rest of us.

Mick. :)

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don't take them all away just because a few peeps were vocal,

It's not about "being vocal". It is about making sense. These wrecks are (right now) impossible to remove, hideObject will leave them as invisible obstacles for cars and vehicles. It fixates the post-war scenario (and not even convincing IMO).

At the very least, they should be removed from streets, parking lots, towns etc. An occasional wreck in the wilderness isn't that much of an issue.

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I fear some of you want them all removed just so your missions will have the context you require and screw the rest of us.

Mick. :)

You aren't getting screwed because if you still want a higher number of wrecks they could be added very easily.It's a win-win situation for everyone.You can add them and us that don't like that many aren't forced to have them always on the map.

Most of us ask only to tone the numbers down instead of wreck island as it is now,we never said remove all of them.

Having too many in towns it's also bad for the AI,they have enough problems as it is,they don't need extra problems that are caused by these wrecks on roads.

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I never said "you said remove them all"

I agree there maybe should be a tad fewer,but for there to be none just so mission makers are happy doesn't sound right to me as a non mission maker I'm afraid.

Mick. :)

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I don't mind the destroyed cars, on Stratis at least because it's just a military island now, but Altis is supposed to be populated, with people doing jobs and what not. With so many wrecks, it makes Altis feel dead and abandoned, as if CSAT massacred the entire population and blew up their cars. It also adds clutter, in my opinion.

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As I said in the first post, my idea it's just reduce them; right now in the European Mediterranean coast there are some ( even some abandoned destroyed houses ), for example in my mom's village. And there has not been war ( thought crisis yeah ).

My point was that in Altis there are way too much, even in places where it doesn't make much sense, like in the Gov. buildings or in the main airport. It would make sense in the outskirts or in the countryside. Because even in riots or wartime, common people doesn't have destroyed cars in their front yard ( well maybe some few collectivities and poor neighbourhoods ).

It makes really difficult right now to make any mission that its not closely related to the main campaign, besides the obvious performance impact ( Arma 3 at this point it's not precisely the best optimised game ).

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I never said "you said remove them all"

I agree there maybe should be a tad fewer,but for there to be none just so mission makers are happy doesn't sound right to me as a non mission maker I'm afraid.

Mick. :)

They would still be there in the campaign and in missions that require them, as they can be placed my mission editors very easily.

However they cannot be properly removed for missions that do not require them.

Edited by NeMeSiS

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I still think a 'Ambient Vehicle Wrecks' module would work just fine -- the campaign could use the module, the mission makers who wanted destroyed vehicles could use the module, and those who don't want any wrecked vehicles can choose not to use the module. Will somebody please tell me why this wouldn't work?

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I still think a 'Ambient Vehicle Wrecks' module would work just fine

To me that is the best option, and quite a fancy one. It could even be random, making the missions more repeatable.

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I still think a 'Ambient Vehicle Wrecks' module would work just fine

As long as it doesn't randomly place vehicles on sidewalks and inside walls that would be the best solution there is in my opinion.

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As long as it doesn't randomly place vehicles on sidewalks and inside walls that would be the best solution there is in my opinion.

I think that could be easily done, presetting the positions. For example with the actual ones. Still you could make it somehow random, just loading a X per cent of the wrecks ( a variable set, maybe changeable by the mission creator).

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I'd like to see, even in the worst times of Iraq civil war, if in the gov. offices in the Green Zone, had any destroyed car in the main parking.

*ahem* from the Gulf war - Al Jahra - 1991




From Iraq war - Baghdad - 2003


End of World War II - Berlin - 1945


And there's no real 'green zones' or secure areas in Altis, even if you're going by this map from 2011/2012 the whole island is a bit of a war zone.


I still think a 'Ambient Vehicle Wrecks' module would work just fine -- the campaign could use the module, the mission makers who wanted destroyed vehicles could use the module, and those who don't want any wrecked vehicles can choose not to use the module. Will somebody please tell me why this wouldn't work?

Because ALICE/SILVIE worked so well in the past when it generated content...

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Scarecrow I think that Altis has a bit fewer population than Irak or Germany , maybe I'm wrong ( ergo less vehicles ).

Btw I said Irak Civil War, which started 3 years after the photo you posted from 2003. Because we were talking about unrest, not total war ( The Altis map its supposed to depict its situation after the unrest AAF vs Altis Guerrilla before the war, that takes place in the campaign ).

And by Green Zone I was refering to the Gov. / HQ zone. In Altis the gov buildings.

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Yeah, but you also see the destroyed cities in some of the shots. Of course, there will be a lot of wreckage, but the point is not so much the wrecks, but rather the absence of any other destruction.

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I have to agree here: keep the map neutral and let mission makers fill in the blanks.

yes - sandbox neutral .

the car wrecks blocket the streets and the ai has big problems with it. an i can not clean the street with a tank ... the cars more a big stone thats not so good

---------- Post added at 06:11 ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 ----------

better destroyed cars modul in the editor.

and the mission makers ( its a sandbox or ;) ) have more free room for scenarios

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I haven't read the whole of this thread but, I don't know if anyone suggested this, you can always just remove the wrecked cars on the editor map for mission making. Just link them to a trigger and use the hideobject command.

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I haven't read the whole of this thread but, I don't know if anyone suggested this, you can always just remove the wrecked cars on the editor map for mission making. Just link them to a trigger and use the hideobject command.

That hides them, but not removes them. So you have a lot of invisible barriers.

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Really? I thought you could still move through them? Ah, well. There's my suggestion debunked - sorry!

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That hides them, but not removes them. So you have a lot of invisible barriers.

That's incorrect. You can move through where they were no problem.

{_x hideObject true} forEach (nearestObjects [this, ["Wreck_Base_F"], 200]);

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That hides them, but not removes them. So you have a lot of invisible barriers.
That's incorrect. You can move through where they were no problem.

{_x hideObject true} forEach (nearestObjects [this, ["Wreck_Base_F"], 200]);

Just confirmed this, there are no invisible barriers, not that I doubted your wisdom kylania!

Sorry MistyRonin, you are partly incorrect.

Btw, I used a game logic to execute that code.

Edited by dale0404

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That's incorrect. You can move through where they were no problem.

Only on foot. Vehicles still hit them, AFAIR

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Only on foot. Vehicles still hit them, AFAIR

Just tested, and indeed vehicles still hit the wrecks that aren't there... Wonder why that is? Good point Varanon btw. Tried it with a Hunter.

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