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No 1 is active and 0 is inactive. Sorry for the vague description.

No problem. Thanks! You should edit the first page with the new features.

You know the running, then diving to the ground animation? It will be nice to see AI use those when they run for cover once the bullets start flying.

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In the test vid there, I think something was at work other than your ai, I had AiA running so it might be that. I will test again later.

What happened was just the one unit moved forward and really too quickly, not sure why, sort of went solo.

Still, when working right, this type of behaviour does lead to really realistic extended fire-fights. If there is a no mans land in between the two factions (i.e. not much cover) fire-fights can last an hour or more, depending on force size. Far more realistic than constant move forward and shoot, type gamey stuff we see in A3 vanilla ai. The ai are certainly in no hurry to die, rather think about what to do and fight from a distance, perhaps calling re-enforcements etc, if available (they have to communicate with each other for that, something GL4 mod did very well in A2).

Anyway thanks for looking at it. I will test again.

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I'm not using the very latest version of the mod (the one you posted today), so maybe this is fixed, but this got spammed to my RPT while I was playing today:

if ((_x == vehicle _x) && (_shooterSide getFriend (side _x) < 0.6) >
 Error position: <_shooterSide getFriend (side _x) < 0.6) >
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _shooterside
File WW_AICOVER\ww_aicover.sqf, line 657
Error in expression <ehaviour _x;

I'm using the dev branch.

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I just updated the front page with the new version.

---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38 ----------

I'm not using the very latest version of the mod (the one you posted today), so maybe this is fixed, but this got spammed to my RPT while I was playing today:

if ((_x == vehicle _x) && (_shooterSide getFriend (side _x) < 0.6) >
 Error position: <_shooterSide getFriend (side _x) < 0.6) >
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _shooterside
File WW_AICOVER\ww_aicover.sqf, line 657
Error in expression <ehaviour _x;

I'm using the dev branch.

I will look into it. Can you try the version I uploaded today? I think Armaholic version is not the latest so might be that.

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and

explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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makes so much more sense that now 1st priority of infantry is stay alive and second is killing the enemy, instead of having the 1st priority of killing the enemy and then stay alive. feels much more real now! Great Job WW!

EDIT: I'm using dev branch and had no problems at all.

Just sometimes i see some units (seen 2-3 in 1hr of play) getting in safe mode for a few seconds during a firefight.

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makes so much more sense that now 1st priority of infantry is stay alive and second is killing the enemy, instead of having the 1st priority of killing the enemy and then stay alive. feels much more real now! Great Job WW!

Yeah that sounds good! looking forward to trying it out.

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This here is not due to the mod but maybe you can do something about it.

Scenario. One Opfor AI was positioned around a corner. Blufor AI was killed by him. Second Blufor followed the same path immediately and got killed. Third Blufor, Fourth Blufor and you guessed it same result. At the end there were four dead Blufor AI laying pretty much on top of one another.

Is it possible to perform some kind of check where successive AI would take a different path..maybe just "flank left/right, something different?

Another funky behavior is AI turning its back to gunfire and running away with no one suppressing. Sometimes just rotating 360 degrees for no good reason. It would be nice to have AI keep facing direction at least no more than say 120 degrees view movement. Something to think about.

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Heres a nice montage of Windwalking/TPW/ and Zooloo75's AI mix in a CQB situation. As you can see, a small basically 13 vs 11 firefight can play out a good 8minutes and is imo, some of the most dynamic and exciting yet to date. Watch in HD!


Edited by froggyluv

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Cool Froggy.. lol at 6:16 and lets check out the texture work on this floor, he nearly got away with it, i was wondering what a merge of windwalking and zooloos mods would be like, cant wait to test myself.

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If you notice that the same guy at 5:06 actually runs in to the building, crosses rooms to go ambush those guys. That leadup to the 3 soldiers approaching the window and the PMC guy ambushing them and then ducking is seriously one of badassery! Also pretty neat that the PMC guy I gave the highest skill level to while the NATO were much lower. Maybe not the most realistic playout -but it's nice when skill pays off.

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Nice video froggyluv, thanks for sharing with us.

Not a big fan of zooloo's firefight mod, as it has as many flaws as features.

-it makes units spam orders (in the video you can hear an units ordering about 10 times "engage that at soldier".

-the waypoint system spams waypoints, breaking missions.

-the loose command feature makes the player became squad leader even if the leader is still alive 100% of the time.

in fact, I usually deactivate these features.

Did you deactivate any feature for this video?

Now with the last update of WW mod, I didn't feel the need of zooloo's mod anymore and removed it.

I kinda miss lmg doing suppression feature and the automatic calling of artillery.

The last feature I still fell missing from Arma is the inability for infantry to assault any armored vehicle without at weapons. Makes me wish infantry had some kind of AT grenades. After that, I think it has become perfect!

(sorry for the kinda long post)

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Pretty much only disabled Lose Command -actually a cool feature but needs better calibrating, Pop Smoke and Bleedout since it's redundant to TPW's. I know what you mean about the Waypoint but for some reason I didn't see them appear in this scenario. The way the guys huddled in the beginning was very neat and that appeared after WW's last cover implement. I've replayed that scenario maybe 5 times and every time there's a "Wow!" moment.

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I kinda miss lmg doing suppression feature
Have you tried TPW MODS for this?


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@Windwalking ehm, the idea was mine btw :P

anyway it is all your work, so thanks to you!

@gliptal: yes I use tpw mods, but lmg don't actually fire a lot to suppress enemy units. Both mods have in common the suppression effect tho.

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@Windwalking ehm, the idea was mine btw :P

anyway it is all your work, so thanks to you!

@gliptal: yes I use tpw mods, but lmg don't actually fire a lot to suppress enemy units. Both mods have in common the suppression effect tho.

Oops! Sorry man I got confused. Too many posts. Thanks for the idea then :D

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last version make team members return to formation by themselve.

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Nice vid @froggyluv. What application did you record with?

Awesome ideas guys and thanks @Windwalking for implementing it among many ideas on these posts. You and @TPW have done a lot for Arma 3 SP and just in general. Big props.

@lucadena I still miss the evasive maneuvers from @Zooloo75 when engaging in CQB. The units seem to have a sense of urgency. Don't miss the bunny hopping. Wish I knew enough to rewrite the code and comment out the bunny hopping piece.

---------- Post added at 13:55 ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 ----------


When AI see's a grenade thrown, they should also run away from it and look for cover. What do you think?

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@sttosin, yes I miss evasive manouvers too, as they were very effective in CQB. More than once the AI dodged my bullets and went to cover, amazingly. but bunny hopping made me want to burn the PC lol.

I wish WW could add some dodging animations for CQB (buny hoping excluded lol), even if the mod, as is looks kinda perfect to me.

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@sttosin: I use Bandicam. Think I made a mistake using Youtube's stabilizer though -it has a weird warping effect.

Yup, I love the evade mixed with TPW's Fall -it just gives much more of a scrambling around feeling rather than just -go prone, stand up, crouch. Funny, first time I saw the bunny hop an AI used it to actually jump over a wall -I was impressed! Now I see that they do it more often than not in a meaningless way which looks kinda silly. I also saw an AI try and jump thru one of those shattered glass doors at the terminal but failed -I think a pathway needs to open up for AI to cross thru those because they won't do it on their own.

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When AI see's a grenade thrown, they should also run away from it and look for cover. What do you think?

The mod does it already. They take cover when grenades explodes next to them. However the effect is not pronounced because of how danger mode gets in the way of everything.

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