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A Large Fixed Wing transport aircraft for Arma 3

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Edit: we have found the A-400M would be a suitable aircraft for Arma 3 as it is the C-130's successor. More info on the decision is shown here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161576-A-Large-Fixed-Wing-transport-aircraft-for-Arma-3&p=2482224&viewfull=1#post2482224

BIS is working on two new jets which I love them for but we still have the issue for a large transport aircraft for Arma 3 or multiple transport aircraft. Arma 2 had the C-130j but that is a little to old for Arma 3. Suggestions for possible large fixed wing aircraft include but are not limited to:

The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III


The C-5 Galaxy


The Alienia C-27J Spartan


Airbus A400M Atlas


The Ilyushin Il-76


The Antonov An-124


Xian Y-20


I know Wikipedia is not the most credible source but it at least gets the name of the aircraft right and provides a picture. Here is a list of all large fixed wing Militery transport aircraft: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_transport_aircraft

We as a community can decide what would be the most realistic and fun fixed wing transport aircraft for Arma 3. My apologies if this has already been posted and discussed.

Edited by ProGamer

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  Starky396 said:
All these planes are probably most likely to be decommissioned by 2035. There is a new stealth C-130 coming out though. http://www.asian-defence.net/2011/09/lockheed-martins-stealth-c-130.html

Mabey, but something like that would be for CSAT, but NATO would use something else. Arma also does not simulate stealth aircraft well.

The large transport aircraft for Arma 3 would have to be a STOL (short take off and landing) and capable of carrying a Merkava tank.

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  ProGamer said:
Mabey, but something like that would be for CSAT, but NATO would use something else. Arma also does not simulate stealth aircraft well.

The large transport aircraft for Arma 3 would have to be a STOL (short take off and landing) and capable of carrying a Merkava tank.

They have the stealth RAH-66 Comanchee though, which is a stealth attack chopper. Also, I would imagine a C-130 like plane would be a NATO jet.

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The C-17 can actually back up on its own allowing it to land places other aircraft like it can't.

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  Starky396 said:
All these planes are probably most likely to be decommissioned by 2035. There is a new stealth C-130 coming out though. http://www.asian-defence.net/2011/09/lockheed-martins-stealth-c-130.html

the airbus hasn't entered service fully, and neither has the 27j, so both those will be around until 2040 at least considering how spendthrift most airforces now are, and the c17 will probally still be in use.

the 27j will probally fit the concept of being operated by both sides since its being sold all around the world. the airbus might suit NATO more though

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  Starky396 said:
They have the stealth RAH-66 Comanchee though, which is a stealth attack chopper. Also, I would imagine a C-130 like plane would be a NATO jet.

Yea, but any C-130 models would fit better with CSAT more than NATO I think.

---------- Post added at 02:51 ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 ----------

  nimrod123 said:
the airbus hasn't entered service fully, and neither has the 27j, so both those will be around until 2040 at least considering how spendthrift most airforces now are, and the c17 will probally still be in use.

the 27j will probally fit the concept of being operated by both sides since its being sold all around the world. the airbus might suit NATO more though

Didn't know that, I guess it makes those aircraft a more realistic choice.

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  Starky396 said:
This is what I would imagine the OPFOR's transport to be. http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-dewline/2013/01/china-flies-xian-y-20-transpor/

Looks sweet but rather fuel inefficient. Though I think having Jet engines or Sabre engines would fit Arma 3's futuristic look for a large transport plane better than propeller aircraft.

---------- Post added at 03:05 ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 ----------

I personally am a fan of the C-17.

Edited by ProGamer

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  Starky396 said:
There is a new stealth C-130 coming out though. http://www.asian-defence.net/2011/09/lockheed-martins-stealth-c-130.html

lol enough with the stealth already...the Ghosthawk, which is quite obviously based on the stealth blackhawk (whatever its called) isn't very stealthy when used in bright sunlight with alerted enemies. BIS needs to be providing us with standard military equipment that you'd use in a 'general' war ie. army vs army. All this stealth stuff only really works at night and/or with special forces. Lets get something that gives us proper lift capability (load wise) with STOL capability. The C17 comes to mind in this regard.

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Stealth aircraft mean nothing in the ArmA series, it will just be another aircraft as ArmA does not simulate any type of radar and even then if it's in ArmA effective usage range then stealth is useless anyway.

I'd like to see a C-17 to be honest.

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Hoho. If they happen to add any large infantry/vehicle transport fixed-wing aircraft in the release that'll make me happy. I JUST WANT TO SEE THE INSIDES :D. It'd be even neater if they could let you walk around inside the aircraft (though the engine probably doesn't support it). Just one's enough, and just let both sides have 'em :)

I suppose a large fixed-wing gunship would be pretty cool too - using only mapped computer screens for sight. Would be interesting to see, although I doubt that'll occur in official release. If not, then modders should have at it. :O

I saw the other thread on jets, and I was quite amused by the amount of people bashing each other, as well as BI for the lack of air-content. As much as I love air-content in a Combined Arms game, I'd probably want BI to perfect what they can first before they move onto new stuff. Hopefully we'll see some fast movers flying across Altis.

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I always liked the C130 in arma 2 and always hoped there would be similar lifter in arma3 like the C17 which IMO, would be quite fitting. The C17 is spectacular.

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Hmm, so people would like the C-17 because it's big but lands quickly and can back up on its own.

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  Pharoah said:
lol enough with the stealth already...the Ghosthawk, which is quite obviously based on the stealth blackhawk (whatever its called) isn't very stealthy when used in bright sunlight with alerted enemies. BIS needs to be providing us with standard military equipment that you'd use in a 'general' war ie. army vs army. All this stealth stuff only really works at night and/or with special forces. Lets get something that gives us proper lift capability (load wise) with STOL capability. The C17 comes to mind in this regard.

Uh, the purpose of stealth aircraft is to avoid detection from electronic defenses, such as radar. Most aircraft would have a hell of a hard time avoiding detection against human observers because of the noise and movement. Supposedly Boeing's new Apache is changing that but that's probably when it isn't moving terribly quickly. A stealth aircraft isn't hiding from guys with guns, it's hiding from ground to air defenses and potentially other aircraft, which are actually able to engage fast moving aircraft.

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If by New you're referring to block 3 then nope nothing is changing, the engine baffles are tilted upwards to disperse heat but otherwise there are no surface changes.

The apache's airframe has so many curves and bits sticking out that theres not a chance it could ever be considered stealth without rebuilding the whole thing but really electronic warfare is more important than the concept of "stealth" itself...just ask the F-117 pilot that flew over Serbia without jammers and radiation homing missiles like they did in GW1.

Edited by NodUnit

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we definitely need some form of transport planes, choppers are nice but with Altis i think aircraft would feel right at home.

For Stratis it´s quite useless. Even choppers are bordeline to confined there.

Otherwise i´m sure mods will sort things out if only the game has support for planes. (from what ive read we will get at least one jet as shown in livestream)

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  RushHour said:
we definitely need some form of transport planes, choppers are nice but with Altis i think aircraft would feel right at home.

For Stratis it´s quite useless. Even choppers are bordeline to confined there.

Otherwise i´m sure mods will sort things out if only the game has support for planes. (from what ive read we will get at least one jet as shown in livestream)

Stratis is like Utes was, a testing area for assets that you would use on Altis/ Chernarus.

---------- Post added at 20:23 ---------- Previous post was at 20:21 ----------

Arma 2 had the C-130J. Was it there with Arma 2's release? Also it might be kinda a step back not to have a large transport aircraft as previous Arma games had one.

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KC390 and MC-27J (with 30mm gun pod) for NATO



C-27J for AAF




All of this aircraft are missed from other game (without FSX off course), it's can be interresting to see them in ArmA 3

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  ProGamer said:
Stratis is like Utes was, a testing area for assets that you would use on Altis/ Chernarus.

Ok had no idea about that, new to Arma but have been playing 47 hours so far and it´s been brilliant.

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If we have a large transport aircraft I could or someone else could add rockets to it like this:

Yea, I know this would be awesome landing in just over 300 feet!

But without a large transport aircraft for a base... We would to see and epic script or addon like this! :butbut:

Edited by ProGamer

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