bigshot 64 Posted May 4, 2014 @Foss - wish you would have mentioned this to me a few days ago so I could have made a change. Just checked for you and yep, it's because the code was written as this: {doGetOut _x; sleep 1;} forEach units group player; ...that is the issue, so it needs to either be changed or removed if you have group members not with you and who are manning other vehicles while you are landing in the unusual situation really...and its too late for me to change anything right now since i just released 1.2...I doubt ill be releasing another update in the short-term too as I'm taking a bit of a break from coding/mission making. A simple work-around for you is to use the vehicle'd HC groups as your armor in the field and use your "private" group members as foot soldiers who always go with you (this is how I do it myself). That doGetOut command should not have any effect on your HC groups. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foss 12 Posted May 4, 2014 No big deal for me. Now that i know of that behaviour, i can work around. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigshot 64 Posted May 5, 2014 Ok...apparently my vacation from mission making will start 1 day later than I expected, this ones for you, Foss:p **** NEW TECHNICAL UPDATE FOR DUWS MODIFIED **** New As of May 5th, 2014: version 1.3 - adjusted Helo Taxi script so that any group members in other vehicles (other than the taxi) will not exit those vehicles if/when the helo taxi lands. Everyone inside the taxi will still automatically get out as usual. - adjusted Warcom Zone Creation script so that enemy armor which gets spawned at mission start will not spawn too close to prefabs and potentially flip over or explode anymore. - disabled the auto-save (too annoying and not necessary since you can save whenever you like with 0-8-1 in pbo version or esc/save in steam workshop version). - added the mtv1 variable to mission init to get rid of a minor rpt error being thrown by the Teleport menu. - cleaned up some left over scripts - *** Quick note about enemy armor and how it spawns: At mission start, enemy armor will only spawn at zones that are GREATER THAN(>) 500m radius (this has nothing to do with armor that spawns later in the mission, however). The default MINIMUM size for zones at mission start is 250m (on the startup screen), therefore, if only 3 zones are created by default and 2 of those zones are 500m or less in size, that means that initally, armor will only spawn at 1 of the zones at mission start. SO... if you want more armor at mission start then choose the next minimum size up for zones (which is 500m in the startup screen). By setting the MINIMUM size for zones at 500m you will likely see most zones greater than 500m in size and so you will likely see armor spawned at almost all zones. Just remember that by upping the minimum zone size and causing more armor to spawn then you are also going to take an fps hit to some extent (youll probably see 10fps difference...but that's Arma). DropBox .pbo & Steam Workshop Have Been Updated - Just re-download , install & Have Fun!! Download Latest Version of DUWS Modified at my DropBox: Also At The Steam Workshop: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foss 12 Posted May 6, 2014 Many many Thanks for this 1.3 Update. Just started a new session with 1.2 yesterday to check out the AI Limiter Feature, but i dump that and restart today with 1.3. I´m sure this is a masterpiece. Take your well earned break from coding, since you did a update marathon the last weeks. "if you have group members not with you and who are manning other vehicles while you are landing in the unusual situation really..." Well, to clear things up, i have foot soldiers and vehicle support if i go to a zone, so it does happen that me and my footsoldiers move via taxi to next location while the Tank personnel either guards the zone and waits for returning Enemies or simply takes the Tank vehicle to the next zone. Thats why i am separated from half of my group. :) Ok i can move them temporarily to HC Squad and back, but i dont get the " i see infantry.." messages then. Thanks again, Foss Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CSLALUKI 30 Posted May 6, 2014 Really nice work, thank you for this update ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesSaga 1 Posted May 6, 2014 @BigShot Thank you again for your ongoing support of this mission. Is there an easy way of importing modded vehicles into the mission (my current way is the edit the mission files to add them) for example as there is no way of assigning a cost to the new vehicles, it could be something that you have to enable the config so you get an additional list in game with a generic list of all the vehicles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigshot 64 Posted May 6, 2014 (edited) @James - the only way to "properly" add modded vehicles is to add them into the scripts manually so that you can also add an associated cp cost to them. However, there is an addon here: You will not be able to associate a cost for the vehicles but it will let you spawn any vehicle once installed...cheating?, yea...and it looks as if the author stopped supporting it a long time ago so I have no idea if it even works after all the game patches since then...but these are the only 2 methods I know for adding new vehicles. Edited May 7, 2014 by BigShot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d4ni3l3 10 Posted May 6, 2014 @James - the only way to "properly" add modded vehicles is to add them into the scripts manually so that you can also add an associated cp cost to them. However, there is an addon here: You will not be able to associate a cost for the vehicles but it will let you spawn any vehicle once installed...cheating?, yea...and it looks as if the author stopped supporting it a long time ago so I have no idea if it even works after all the game patches since then...but these are the only 2 methods I know for adding new vehicles. Alternatively ("cheating alternatives") you can use the MCC mod or look here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigshot 64 Posted May 6, 2014 Alternatively ("cheating alternatives") you can use the MCC mod or look here. ...and an important disclaimer on my part about using tools like this to make things "magically" aware that by using these sorts of addons in the mission that you are inviting glitches to occur during your play-thru. Things might start to not work as intended...triggers may not function as they should...and you can cause issues for those you are playing with that do not have the 3rd party objects you are spawning. I've seen it myself many times. So, if you're going to use these sorts of things it's best to use them when you're alone on LAN. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesSaga 1 Posted May 6, 2014 Sweet thanks for the help Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dfsgdcfa 1 Posted May 11, 2014 Adding vehicles is very easy. You only have to unpack the .pbo of DUWS. Then you must edit the "request.sqf" and the "request_vehicle.sqf". Then you need the classnames, thats all. When you open the files you are able to do this because you see how easy it is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d4ni3l3 10 Posted May 12, 2014 Is there anyone that can explain me in detail how to manually place enemy zones? Thanks. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gonza 8 Posted May 13, 2014 any dedi serveur version planed ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
termos_tumpah 10 Posted May 15, 2014 Hi BigShot, magnificent work on the mission. I'm just wondering if u could help me clarifying some things: I find that when I'm playing the SP scenario, I can order my AI teammates to change their inventory just fine but when I'm doing the MP mission I'm unable to do this. For instance, even though when I radio them to Action --> Inventory and their gear/loadout screen was displayed, I am unable to switch anything at all. This does not happen in the SP scenario. I'm wondering if this is a hardcoded setting or something that you might be able to change in DUWS? Before I never really felt the need to play MP but the respawn function and the AI limiter really changes that now. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rosteN 10 Posted May 17, 2014 (edited) Hi everyone ! Guys, you've already been thanked a thousand times for your awesome work but again TY. I have a question though, did anyone try to integrate BTC Cargo script in the duws? I tried but when I start the duws, there is no parameters choice in the lobby & the game doesn't start (stuck in the water with empty hints appearing on the screen, no HQ, nothing..) Any idea ? I want to lift vehicles so hard... ^_^ EDIT : sorry, finally I figured it out. Edited May 18, 2014 by rosteN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irfanahmed1979 10 Posted May 19, 2014 (edited) Bigshot I'm trying to change the Helicopter taxi vehicle to a kajman black. So far I can get the heli to come to the LZ and land but I can't get into the chopper. I don't know coding, just messing around. If you could have a look at the code: _posplayer = _this select 0; _radius = _this select 1; _foundPickupPos = []; taxiCanTakeOff = false; _music = call compile preprocessFile "support\taxi\random_music.sqf"; if (commandpointsblu1 < 1) exitWith { ["info",["Not enough command points","Not enough Command Points (1 CP required)"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; _foundPickupPos = [_posplayer, 0,_radius,10,0,0.2,0,[],[[0,0],[0,0]]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // find a valid pos // try to find a pos, if no pos is found exit the script if (0 == _foundPickupPos select 0 && 0 == _foundPickupPos select 1) exitWith {hint "No valid LZ nearby"; sleep 5; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem;}; // A POS NEAR THE PLAYER HAS BEEN FOUND, CHOOPA EN ROUTE commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - 1; publicVariable "commandpointsblu1"; // create marker on LZ _markerpickup = format["lz%1%2",_foundPickupPos]; // Define marker name _markerstr = createMarker [str(_markerpickup), _foundPickupPos]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; str(_markerpickup) setMarkerType "hd_end"; str(_markerpickup) setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; str(_markerpickup) setMarkerText "LZ"; // create the chopper, gunners and pilots _helo = createVehicle ["O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F", [_posplayer select 0, (_posplayer select 1)+2000, 200],[], 0, "FLY"]; _helogroup = createGroup west; _pilot = _helogroup createUnit ["O_helipilot_F", [5,5,5], [], 0, "NONE"]; _gunner1 = _helogroup createUnit ["O_helipilot_F", [5,5,5], [], 0, "NONE"]; _helo flyInHeight 150; _helo addAction ["<t color='#00b7ff'>Give a LZ to the pilot</t>", "support\taxi\mapclickhelo.sqf", "", 0, true, true, "", "vehicle _this == _target"]; _pilot setcaptive true; _pilot allowfleeing 0; _pilot disableAI "Target"; _pilot moveindriver _helo; _gunner1 moveInGunner _helo; // create the helipad to land and the waypoints _helipad1 = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", _foundPickupPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _wp = _helogroup addWaypoint [[_foundPickupPos select 0, (_foundPickupPos select 1)-75], 0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_helogroup, 1] setWaypointCombatMode "BLUE"; _fobname = [1] call compile preprocessFile "random_name.sqf"; _random1 = round random 9; _random2 = round random 9; _pilot sideChat format["This is %1 %2-%3, we're approaching your location for pick up, check your map for the LZ",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; waitUntil {_foundpickuppos distance _helo < 350 or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is near the lz // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ****************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad1; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // **************************************************** // spawn smokeshell _smokePos = [_foundpickuppos select 0, (_foundpickuppos select 1)+ random 5]; _smoke = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle _smokePos; _chemlight = "Chemlight_green" createVehicle _smokePos; _helo land "GET IN"; // spawn the door opening script _pickupSpawnopen = [_helo,_foundpickuppos] spawn { _helo = _this select 0; _lzPos = _this select 1; waitUntil {getpos _helo distance _lzPos < 10}; _helo animateDoor ['door_R', 1]; sleep 3; _helo animateDoor ['door_L', 1]; }; _inVehCheck = true; while {_inVehCheck} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.1;taxiCanTakeOff or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the player has given a validpos if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith {}; // get out of the loop if choopa is down // check if player is inside choppa if (vehicle player != _helo) then {taxiCanTakeOff = false; _pilot sidechat format["This is %1 %2-%3, get back in, I can't transport you're not inside the chopper !",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; _helo addAction ["<t color='#00b7ff'>Give a LZ to the pilot</t>", "support\taxi\mapclickhelo.sqf", "", 0, true, true, "", "vehicle _this == _target"];} else {_inVehCheck = false;}; }; // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad1; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT }; // ***************************** // everything is ok, player is in choppa playMusic [_music, 0]; // _helo lock true; titleText ["Pilot: Roger that, we're oscar mike...", "PLAIN DOWN"]; str(_markerpickup) setMarkerPos ClickedTaxiPos; // create the helipad to land and the waypoints _helipad = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", ClickedTaxiPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _wp = _helogroup addWaypoint [ClickedTaxiPos,0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; [_helogroup, 1] setWaypointCombatMode "BLUE"; // spawn the door closing script _pickupSpawnclose = [_helo,_foundpickuppos] spawn { _helo = _this select 0; _lzPos = _this select 1; waitUntil {getpos _helo distance _lzPos > 10}; }; waitUntil {sleep 0.5;_helo distance _helipad1 > 350 or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is away from LZ // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad1; deleteVehicle _helipad; // _helo lock false; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // ***************************** if (enableChopperFastTravel) then { // TELEPORT HELO NEAR LZ deleteVehicle _helipad1; titleText ["En route to LZ...", "BLACK OUT", 3]; sleep 3.5; _helo setpos [getpos _helipad select 0, (getpos _helipad select 1)+1000, 150]; sleep 3; titleText ["En route to LZ...", "BLACK IN", 4]; }; waitUntil {ClickedTaxiPos distance _helo < 200 or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is near the lz // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad; // _helo lock false; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // ***************************** _helo land "GET OUT"; // spawn the door opening script _LzSpawnopen = [_helo] spawn { _helo = _this select 0; waitUntil {getpos _helo distance ClickedTaxiPos < 20}; _helo animateDoor ['door_R', 1]; sleep 3; _helo animateDoor ['door_L', 1]; }; // time to move ppl out of the helo; waitUntil {(getpos _helo select 2 < 4 && _helo distance _helipad<20) or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is near the ground // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { deleteVehicle _helipad; // _helo lock false; hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // ***************************** titleText ["Pilot: We've arrived at the LZ", "PLAIN DOWN"]; // _helo lock false; {doGetOut _x; sleep 1;} forEach assignedCargo _helo; //units group player; sleep 40; _wp = _helogroup addWaypoint [[0,0,0],0]; // tell the helo to leave _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; deleteMarker str(_markerpickup); deleteVehicle _helipad; // spawn the door closing script _LzSpawnclose = [_helo] spawn { _helo = _this select 0; sleep 2; _helo animateDoor ['door_R', 0]; sleep 3; _helo animateDoor ['door_L', 0]; }; waitUntil {_helo distance player>100 or (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot)}; // wait until the helo is near the ground // IF THE PILOT IS DEAD OR CHOPPA DOWN ************** if (getdammage _helo > 0.7 or !alive _pilot) exitWith { hint format["%1 %2-%2 is too damaged to continue the mission",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; // --- AJOUTER DE NOUVEAU LE SUPPORT sleep 15; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; }; // ***************************** _pilot sideChat format["This is %1 %2-%3, we are RTB",_fobname,_random1,_random2]; sleep 200; deleteVehicle _pilot; deleteVehicle _copilot; deleteVehicle _gunner1; deleteVehicle _gunner2; deleteVehicle _helo; sleep 2; _art = [player,"helo_taxi"] call BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem; Edited May 19, 2014 by irfanahmed1979 mistake Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micpt 10 Posted May 20, 2014 (edited) Hi,i am looking for the revive option - i found duws_revive in the pbo - but when i die - i have 15 sec until respawn. How to enable revive? thx and sorry - but i don´t wanted to search the 100 sides for a possible answer :( i am bad i know ;) found it - its under "Parameter" in the lobby Edited May 20, 2014 by micpt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mdeq 10 Posted May 22, 2014 Hello :) Is it possible to add the greyhawk UAV? It would be very handy. Thanks a mil for everything you do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dfsgdcfa 1 Posted May 23, 2014 (edited) You know the problem your officer is running away in the mission? Sometimes he runs out of the HQ, most time he is running in the container, until he has a place to rest. ;) This happens to me with and without mods. Best regards. Edit: A new problem is I am not able to select a side mission. I have done one but now I cant select one. Nothing happens. When I am using the arrows to select one nothing happens. But the symbols and the descriptions for the missions are there. Edit 2: The problem was AISS. Edited May 24, 2014 by dfsgdcfa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cardinaluk 10 Posted May 25, 2014 Hi, Please feel free to move this post if it is in the wrong thread but I can't find anything similar. My questions: Is there a comprehensive user guide on this fantastic mod - I have looked around and there only seems to be fragments of information on forums etc. I also want to know can you change the map for DUWS? Also what is the difference between DUWS modified and the original? Cheers, C Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jacodv201 10 Posted June 4, 2014 i really need help guys...I buy the armory, but when i access it I cant add or remove items...anyone got a solution? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesSaga 1 Posted June 5, 2014 You could try and download another mission which has the VAS ammo box (the mod the armory uses) and see if its still does not work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigshot 64 Posted June 6, 2014 Guys...just a reminder that I've taken the summer off from any new coding/support for DUWS (guess some of you missed reading some of my earlier posts regarding that). There probably will not be any new updates until later in the year...maybe the fall season after summer is over, just too busy with work and family now. I'm not actively checking these forums lately, sorry bout that. Hopefully BIS will get to work on some useful additions or DLC that will inspire me to include in DUWS...not too impressed with what I've read about their roadmap though...we'll see what happens...I'll try to keep an eye out. @dfsgdcfa - the officer does not run away in DUWS. You must be running a mod that is breaking/changing the code and/or AI behavioral commands in the mission. @cardinaluk - unfortunately there is no detailed manual that explains everything in DUWS. You can download the pbo version and have a good read thru the readme's changenotes to see most of whats been added from the original mission...and you can head over the my steam workshop page and read through the "PINNED" discussion area there where some things may be described in a bit more detail...most of the learning just has to do with finding all the different menu's to use at both the HQ and FOB's. Well that and having a good understanding of how the base arma game works to begin with...many of the arma3 basics can be looked up on youtube probably. @jacodv201 - the armory works fine so I'm not sure why you are having an issue...maybe you just haven't figured out how to use the VAS script yet (or maybe by now you have! :-)...if not, try google'ing Virtual Ammo Script to find a youtube video...there must be a short tutorial someone's made on how to use it. If you know how to use it but its not working then its a mod youve installed which must be incompatible. Anyway...thanks for playing guys and keep at it....have a great summer and get out of the house a bit too!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rlex 21 Posted June 19, 2014 BigShot decided to stop development of DUWS modified as he noted on workshop page. On the other side, i have slightly modified version of DUWS for our team private use... I will try to do some improvements over "modified" version. Right now it have some small, but nice changes: Spawning of UAVs (inc. Greyhawks) at base. New mission which features ammo ZAMAK as mobile ammobox. Yep, complete mobile VAS. Combine with MTV and you get mobile FOB. New mission which features Chinook (AAF version) for vehicle/etc cargo. I'm currently testing different cargo/lift frameworks. TODO: Adjustable altitude for HALO SATCOM system using chicago script. (Will be CP-hungry) (Maybe) spawning UAVs using supports. Will be good when your base is not at airport... However, since my arma coding skills is very limited (let's be honest: i'm complete noob), i'm not sure that i will be able to do that. Well, if i solve current problems, i will publish both PBO and push source to github. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites