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About dfsgdcfa

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    Private First Class

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  1. Okay, I got DUWS in the editor. Thank you very much, I think I will manage it now.
  2. Okay. Thank you very much. Let's say I want to edit the mission. What I must do with the Mikero's tools? Of course I have unpacked the .pbo very often. What exactly I have to do with the tools (and with which one of the tools)? Sorry for all the questions. But really, I do my best for hours now but my knowledge (=0) is not enough. Edit: Using the server.pbo has no effect. I did like you wrote and I did it like it is described in your ace3 wiki. The gear/items are no problem because in DUWS you can load custom loadouts (Virtual Arsenal).
  3. Sorry, I think it is not possible to open DUWS in the editor.
  4. Would you be so kind to tell me which way is the right one? This is what I try to reach: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?191716-ACE3-A-collaborative-merger-between-AGM-CSE-and-ACE&p=2939712&viewfull=1#post2939712 I want to use the advanced medical system in a "normal" scenario, in this case in DUWS. But I am not able/I do not understand how to load the config for that...
  5. This is the code in the script_component.hpp in the medical.pbo: #include "\z\ace\addons\medical\script_component.hpp" class ACE_Settings { class GVAR(level) { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; values[] = {"Disabled", "Basic", "Advanced"}; }; class GVAR(medicSetting) { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; values[] = {"Disabled", "Normal", "Advanced"}; }; class GVAR(enableFor) { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; values[] = {"Players only", "Players and AI"}; }; class GVAR(enableOverdosing) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(bleedingCoefficient) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(painCoefficient) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(enableAirway) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = false; }; class GVAR(enableFractures) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = true; }; class GVAR(enableAdvancedWounds) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = true; }; class GVAR(enableVehicleCrashes) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(enableScreams) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(playerDamageThreshold) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(AIDamageThreshold) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(enableUnconsciousnessAI) { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; values[] = {"Disabled", "50/50", "Enabled"}; }; class GVAR(preventInstaDeath) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 0; }; class GVAR(enableRevive) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 2; values[] = {"Disabled", "Players only", "Players and AI"}; }; class GVAR(maxReviveTime) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 400; }; class GVAR(amountOfReviveLives) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = -1; }; class GVAR(allowDeadBodyMovement) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(allowLitterCreation) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(litterSimulationDetail) { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_litterSimulationDetail"; description = "$STR_ACE_Medical_litterSimulationDetail_Desc"; typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 3; values[] = {"Off", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Ultra"}; _values[] = { 0, 50, 100, 1000, 5000 }; isClientSettable = 1; }; class GVAR(litterCleanUpDelay) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 0; }; class GVAR(medicSetting_PAK) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 1; values[] = {"Anyone", "Medics only", "Doctors only"}; }; class GVAR(medicSetting_SurgicalKit) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 1; values[] = {"Anyone", "Medics only", "Doctors only"}; }; class GVAR(consumeItem_PAK) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 0; values[] = {"No", "Yes"}; }; class GVAR(consumeItem_SurgicalKit) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 0; values[] = {"No", "Yes"}; }; class GVAR(useLocation_PAK) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 3; values[] = {"Anywhere", "Medical vehicles", "Medical facility", "vehicle & facility", "Disabled"}; }; class GVAR(useLocation_SurgicalKit) { typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 2; values[] = {"Anywhere", "Medical vehicles", "Medical facility", "vehicle & facility", "Disabled"}; }; class GVAR(keepLocalSettingsSynced) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(healHitPointAfterAdvBandage) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(painEffectType) { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_painEffectType"; typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 0; values[] = {"$STR_ACE_Medical_painEffect_Flash", "$STR_ACE_Medical_painEffect_Chroma"}; isClientSettable = 1; }; class GVAR(allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 1; }; class GVAR(moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious) { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 0; }; class GVAR(menuTypeStyle) { displayName = "$STR_ACE_Medical_menuTypeDisplay"; description = "$STR_ACE_Medical_menuTypeDescription"; typeName = "SCALAR"; value = 0; values[] = {"$STR_ACE_Medical_useSelection"/*, "$STR_ACE_Medical_useRadial"*/}; // isClientSettable = 1; }; };
  6. I found out I have to edit the script_component.hpp of ace_medical.pbo. Now advanced medical system is available in DUWS. But(!) I can not interact anymore. I can not use morphine or do anything of the medical module. What I have to add?
  7. Okay, sorry guys. But could anybody explain me what exactly I have to do to use ACE advanced medical (and balistic) in DUWS when I want to host a server by myself? Where I have to edit which file?
  8. Sorry, but what does this mean for me? I am not able to use advanced medic system in DUWS? Even when I set forceAllSettings to 0, it does not work. I am hosting the server...
  9. So... I exported the config. Now I want to use it on DUWS (MP). So I copy everything to the serverconfig.hpp and I am using ACE_server as an addon. This is my code. But it does not work. Neither in DUWS nor in Editor (tested with real players). There are no advanced options. class ace_common_forceAllSettings { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_frag_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_interaction_EnableTeamManagement { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerAmmo { value = 1.5; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerMagazine { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_magazinerepack_TimePerBeltLink { value = 8; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_maptools_EveryoneCanDrawOnBriefing { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_microdagr_MapDataAvailable { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_airResistanceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_allowComputerRangefinder { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_mk6mortar_allowCompass { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_showCursorTagForVehicles { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_PlayerNamesViewDistance { value = 5; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_nametags_PlayerNamesMaxAlpha { value = 0.8; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_SavePreDeathGear { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_RemoveDeadBodiesDisconnected { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_respawn_BodyRemoveTimer { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_EnableSwitchUnits { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToWest { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToEast { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToIndependent { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SwitchToCivilian { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_EnableSafeZone { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_switchunits_SafeZoneRadius { value = 100; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_DefaultLockpickStrength { value = 10; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_LockVehicleInventory { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_vehiclelock_VehicleStartingLockState { value = -1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_enableServerController { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_useACEWeather { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncRain { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncWind { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_syncMisc { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_weather_serverUpdateInterval { value = 60; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_vehicleEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_simulationInterval { value = 0.05; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_winddeflection_simulationRadius { value = 3000; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_explosives_RequireSpecialist { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_explosives_PunishNonSpecialists { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_EnableCombatDeafness { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_EarplugsVolume { value = 0.5; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_hearing_UnconsciousnessVolume { value = 0.4; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_level { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableFor { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableOverdosing { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_bleedingCoefficient { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_painCoefficient { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableAirway { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableFractures { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableVehicleCrashes { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableScreams { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_playerDamageThreshold { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_AIDamageThreshold { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableUnconsciousnessAI { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_preventInstaDeath { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_enableRevive { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_maxReviveTime { value = 400; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_amountOfReviveLives { value = -1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowDeadBodyMovement { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowLitterCreation { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_litterCleanUpDelay { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_PAK { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_medicSetting_SurgicalKit { value = 1; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_PAK { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_consumeItem_SurgicalKit { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_PAK { value = 3; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_useLocation_SurgicalKit { value = 2; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_keepLocalSettingsSynced { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_allowUnconsciousAnimationOnTreatment { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconscious { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_medical_menuTypeStyle { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_alwaysSimulateForSnipers { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_disabledInFullAutoMode { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_onlyActiveForLocalPlayers { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled { value = 1; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval { value = 0; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; }; class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationRadius { value = 3000; typeName = "SCALAR"; force = 1; };;
  10. Stupid question. How can I use the advanced medical system? I want to use it in a mission like DUWS. Which file I have to edit? Got it.
  11. dfsgdcfa

    [SP\MP] Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth

    Hey, I still got the problem the settings for view distance disappear after a few minutes in MP. After starting a mission everything is fine but then... Using a mod for view distance do not help. It disappears too, it disappears from the action menu. But (!) with DUWS Unofficial 1.22 there are no problems. Anyway, the module for reinitialize supports is missing... Best regards and thank you very much.
  12. You have to drag and drop it. Thats working. Best regards.
  13. dfsgdcfa

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Silly question: How can I help injured AI units? I am a medic but I only can diagnose myself. I dont know how to help the AI. And... my AI units dont bleed out. Normal? I am not able to bandage them over the "normal" menu. I cant do anything and AI medics even not. Edit: Its working now. Sorry
  14. You know the problem your officer is running away in the mission? Sometimes he runs out of the HQ, most time he is running in the container, until he has a place to rest. ;) This happens to me with and without mods. Best regards. Edit: A new problem is I am not able to select a side mission. I have done one but now I cant select one. Nothing happens. When I am using the arrows to select one nothing happens. But the symbols and the descriptions for the missions are there. Edit 2: The problem was AISS.
  15. Adding vehicles is very easy. You only have to unpack the .pbo of DUWS. Then you must edit the "request.sqf" and the "request_vehicle.sqf". Then you need the classnames, thats all. When you open the files you are able to do this because you see how easy it is.