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[SP]Dynamic Universal War System (DUWS alpha0.1)

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Hi BigShot, would you consider another modification to DUWS?

Could you add in "Zuff's Group Management Script 1.1"?

This script gives the player the ability to leave and join groups, as well as become or stop being Group Leader.

My multi player friends and I have found this very useful when I added it into a previous version of Kibots DUWS.

It allowed us to play as a single group (or not) and receive all the normal group messages etc.

You can find the script here:




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Listen guys...I am taking sort of a vote regarding getting this working for dedicated servers. I'm not sure how many REALLY want this so please visit the dedicated server discussion that I've started on my Steam Workshop page and respond there if you really would love to see this. If I receive enough positive responses I will do my best to get some sort of working version out ASAP.

Thanks!...and here's the link: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/222686368/558747922733393358/

Edited by BigShot

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New As of Feb 19th, 2014:

- fixed: teleport/fast travel position has been changed so you & group will not teleport under building anymore...you & group will now teleport just outside front door.

- added small fuel truck(10cp) to request menu vehicles.

- added slammer tank section squads(55cp)

-added AA tank platoon squads(70cp)

- added new support usage costs:

Halo (7cp to unlock + 3cp per use)

Fast Travel/Teleport (2cp per use)

Heal (2cp per use)

Vehicle Refit at FOB (2cp per use)

Both the DropBox pbo AND Steam Workshop are now updated!

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i'm playing Kilbot's original as it seems Bigshot has disabled the ingame save function (?). I love it, but there's something wrong: As soon as i have got one zone under my control, the Opfor send wave after wave of soldiers, it just never stops. Installing a FOB doesn't help much, it get's overrun sooner or later. It's clear that the enemy is trying to reconquer the zone but there's no end or at least a longer break. I've started three campaigns and it's always the same. I can't move on in the campaign as i'm only busy with defending the zone. I'm now depbo'ing the file to check all the parameters and make it playable. No fun as it is now. :(

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Just so you know, I have not disabled anything...Kibot chose to disable the normal way of saving so that you'll be forced to use the "SITREP" function in the mission (READ THE MANUAL). I'd suggest uninistalling whatever DUWS missions and folders you have and starting over by downloading my newest version from my dopbox. Place my pbo file into your MPmissions folder, start an LAN and load the mission from there.

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Thanks Bigshot, no offense. It's weird: I'm playing Kilbot's and i can save any time. If i play your modified version i can't ? Anyway, i'm just looking into it and will enable saving for me. I guess i need to to modify some timers / action points for the attack waves ?

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Thanks Bigshot, no offense. It's weird: I'm playing Kilbot's and i can save any time. If i play your modified version i can't ?

because you are playing an OLD version...you need to delete everythnig and start over again with my newest. Dunno exactly what sort of "waves" issue, if any, you may be having but if I were you I'd probably just do a restart of the mission....sounds like a glitch. Sometimes if you play on 500AP it can be sorta busy but its not normally out of hand like you are describing. Choose a lower AP at mission start if you like things to be quiet and easy.

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No, it's the latest. As i said, i mean the ingame-save-function with unlimited saves. Am playing with 10 zones, i think only 50 APs, very low.

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Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are trying to say...but if you are running the Newest versions of either DUWS original or DUWS Modified...you cannot ESC\SAVE anymore. The only way to save in the newest version is to use the "Sitrep" feature (0-8-1). it works the same for BOTH versions of DUWS. If you are able to esc\save in original duws then you are running an outdated version, trust me.

Part of the problem here may also be that Kibot releases his version with the pbo unpacked so you end up installing folders...bad idea to distribute this way really. His latest pbo version is 8b...if you download 8b and only install his pbo file into your MPmissions folder that is all you need...you dont need all those folders and other files...only the pbo file, and it needs to be in your MPmissions folder...start an LAN and play it that way. Mine already comes as just a single pbo (which is the standard way to release missions).

So just follow my instructions from earlier and try it. Delete all duws related/installed folders...delete all duws pbo's...download 1 or both of our pbo files and put them in your MPmissions folder and then play. If you install original duws again DO NOT install the folders...ONLY INSTALL the pbo file itself.

Edited by BigShot

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I have searched this thread and did not find a solution to an issue I am experiencing.

First off, is this map "mod compatible"?

I usually Host this map (i got it from Steam Workshop).

Every time I die, when I respawn, I lose most of my scroll menu options.

I am running mods - CBA, Mcc Sandbox.

Everyone else gaming with me uses the same 2 mods and they do not seem to have the same issue.

Just wondering if anyone has noticed a similar issue.

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nope, havent heard of this before...must be something you're running there. What DOES happen is that after a RESUME you'll lose all your previous 0-8 menu unlocks...but the workaround there is simply to respawn yourself once after a resume and youll get them all back. But no, never heard of losing scroll menu options after a respawn with this one.

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@Bigshot: yes, it's ESC/Save, i don't play without as too much goes wrong with the AI in A3, i better stick with this version so, thanks for your quick help always !

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Hello, when I start the mission and I choose the placement of my HQ the game freezes at the mission menu (where you change the parameters of the beginning mission) and the next message shows: "No entry steam/cur_sp.altis/description.ext/startup_dialog/controls/zone_max_radius_combo.comboScrollbar"

And I can't do anything. I want to play this mission because it sounds very very interesting.

I'm sorry if i wrote something wrong and I'm also sorry if someone had asked it already.

Thanks for the help,



Edited by Brunazote

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You should have at least the option to close the error msg window and continue ? Or no options given ?


ok, you got it

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One thing that I've noticed using manual zone placement while running the mission from the editor. Units at the prefab bases are spawned in a bunched up manner where a group of 4 or more are stuck in an object.

I would recommend you change it so they spawn a couple of meters away from the object itself.

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Hello, I have a big issue with the modified version of DUWS.

I can't save and end the mission to play another day.

And I know I can save with SITREP.

But when I want to leave the menu always says "Abort Mission" - If you do that all savegames will be deleted.

And so it is, if I click abort mission the savegames are gone after I restarted the game.

And thats strage because if I play the unmodified DUWS.

The option to end the game is called "Save & End Mission".

And ideed this is what it does. I can resume the mission after restarting the game.

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@ Brunazote - you are playing Kibot's version which was never updated (but yes you can just click ok and continue playing)...to get the latest updated version just download it from my signature link.

@Hebrew Hammer - yep absolutely annoying isn't it? lol...i thought I had already looked into this awhile back and couldnt see the solution...but I may be wrong so Im going to take another look at it this week and see if there's anything I can do about it.

@blspblackdeath - the only time I know of where this happens is if you are using my Steam Workshop version...and it is well explained in the workshop description, so please have a look there. SP Scenario saves (sitrep 0-8-1) will be deleted after you shut down arma3 and you wont be able to resume any previous save (this ONLY effects my workshop version when playing in Scenario mode). SP Scenario can only be resumed BEFORE you shut down arma3. This is due to the change in how the mission is saved (Kibot must have re-enabled the OLD way of saving in the steam workshop version ONLY im guessing). The fix for you is a choice....either download and use my pbo version instead of the workshop version (which resumes fine in Scenario)...OR, you can continue to use the workshop version but play it in LAN/Internet mode instead of SP Scenario. Personally I always recommend to play it LAN or Internet mode since you will have respawn and also access to the parameters menu in the mission lobby so you can change time of day and player fatigue settings :-). Personally this is the way I ALWAYS play missions if im alone, in LAN...I never play in Scenario mode unless a mission forces me to.

Edited by BigShot

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Big Thanks, I got it working with the non workshop version.

Errmm... well now I got another problem:

I can't select the side missions. The mission selection screen appears but I can't leftclick on the sidemission. Well I can but nothing happens.

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must be user error :-)...did you install the newer version of the mission and then try to use the resume which you saved from the old version? a big no no in arma, hehe. Anytime you install a new version of a mission or also if arma itself gets patched you should never try to resume a save which is from a previous version...always use restart the first time after updating with a new mission file or a new arma patch version.

Other than that I'd have no idea where your trouble is...I never modified or touched anything that has to do with how the side missions work...and it works here fine both in Scenario as well as LAN modes...and after a resume (assuming you resume from same version).

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@Hebrew Hammer - *Update* - I just took a look at the issue with enemy getting stuck on the prefabs. I had a choice...

1. fix it so those particular soldiers would spawn outside and away from the prefab (which I did at first but it looked really weird having 8 enemy just standing in a field 40 feet away from prefab unprotected...they dont move or do anything until you shoot at them due to the spawn call using bis_fnc_taskDefend)

2. Leave it the way it was BUT spawn a few less soldiers to fit in the prefabs better (which is what Im going with for now).

It just looks more natural this way...that taskDefend call is kinda lame, and the prefabs are very small with no static defense so theres not a whole lot you can do for a quick fix here. They have to stay in the prefab for now...especially since they never move (theyre not stuck, its an attribute of the call actually), it seems too "odd looking" once you remove them from the prefab. So now there are 5 enemy in the prefabs and it looks better/less clustered and more believable IMO.

Made another quick fix...ive re-enbled the ability to NOT use fast travel with the chopper taxi, so now the menu startup paramter works correctly.

Trying to do some basic AI tweaks so they play a bit more aggressive without use of an external mod & im also considering just putting the old way of saving back in just to help avoid confusion for the workshop players.

This stuff should be in next update (probably within the week sometime).

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BigShot, I know that the mission is already running a heavy amount of scripts, but for prefab bases you may want to consider this script:


I've found that it is fairly well optimized compared to doing something like using UPSMON's fortification feature. You would probably want to use the teleporting mode instead of relying on the AI to actually run into the buildings or cover. I believe you may have to add a sleep command so that it's run after the prefab is placed.

Another thing I'll note again that is if I'm running the mission from my editor, and in the init.sqf I've denoted that I'm manually placing the HQ, and manually placing zones, that upon mission start I will still get the dialogue asking me if I want a randomly placed HQ, or a manually placed one. This creates TWO BLURFOR headquarters on the map. So in the future, changing it to

hq_manually_placed = true;

should disable that prompt.

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I just cant make DUWS work on my Server.

I do have a listed server. Everything looks fine and I can connect.

But then I am just swimming in the Water and nothing happens.

Do I need to do something special to make the server place the HQ or does it only work when I place the HQ manualy ?


Edited by anullu

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You can play this mission ONLY on the listen server, no on dedi ...


This mission can be played in coop. Regarding the nature of the DUWS, it must be run on a listen server. Does not work on a dedicated server. I suggest adding a password to your game, so only friends can join and no random guy will be able to trash your game.

Edited by [CSLA]LUKI
mistake; added quote

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