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[SP]Dynamic Universal War System (DUWS alpha0.1)

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wow, this forum is locked down tight - pretty annoying.

Just thought I'd register to say finding this mod extremely enjoyable, prety damn amazing how much content and replayability a dynamically generated force adds.

I played for about 8 straight hours on my day off and still want to mess around with it - unfortunately my first game started lagging really badly and I can't tell why - dead bodies or some script function stuck in a loop? Wish there was a debug console or something.

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Releasing a New Version today!

New As of Jan 29th, 2014:

- fixed settings menu dialogue error in action menu (TAWS terrain view distance)

- addended the word "Modified" to mission name and in arma3 menu's to avoid confusion and so you can have both versions installed (Kibot's original and my modified) to play without conflict.

You can now download the newest version from my DropBox:


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@undead - I put in an MLRS for 100CP...buy one, put an AI in the gunner seat, take a range finder with you in the field, point it at a stationary target, hit your AI's F# key and select 2, then select "fire at position".

This seems nice, i'll try it, but it's not what I mean.

The MLRS cannot fire laser-guided bomb. I believe only the Scorcher and Greyhawk drone can.

What I would like is to be able to mark a target with a laser designator (not a rangefinder) or a Darter, and then order a laser-guided bomb from the support menu, from a Scorcher or from a Greyhawk.

It's just an idea, though. The mission is already great without that.

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I haven't checked the forums for a while. I've been a lot busy for real life stuff, I am still. Btw, thanks Bigshot for providing support for the mission, I'll probably add some of your modifications in the next version.

Also, feel free to provide a link where people can easily access your modded version of the mission, i don't mind

Edited by kibot

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Btw, thanks Bigshot for providing support for the mission, I'll probably add some of your modifications in the next version.

Also, feel free to provide a link where people can easily access your modded version of the mission, i don't mind

Hey Kibot, no problem!

..and thank YOU...for renewing my interest in Arma 3 again...I actually went back to playing Arma1 recently, but this mission is the only thing keeping me hanging on for dear life :-)

Here's the link again incase anyone missed it above:

Download My Newest Modified DUWS Here:


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Hey Kibot, no problem!

..and thank YOU...for renewing my interest in Arma 3 again...I actually went back to playing Arma1 recently, but this mission is the only thing keeping me hanging on for dear life :-)

Here's the link again incase anyone missed it above:

Download My Newest Modified DUWS Here:


Maybe it will be better to go Steam Workshop. I meam I saw this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=217840022&searchtext=BECTI . Is is modified BECTI Warfare version. So why not to do the same?

And what about infamous AI bug? Was it fixed?

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Yet, another update today by request:

New As of Jan 30th, 2014:

- added Scorcher artillary vehicle (100cp) by request (buy at HQ only, not FOB's)

- changed frequency of how often dead vehicles & dead bodies are removed to aid fps performance (every 10 minutes for vehicles/every 15 minutes for bodies)

- requested vehciles spawn slightly further away (+10)from HQ/FOB to avoid possible collision/explosions.

Just re-download it from here folks:


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If you could add some ramdom CQB or divide enemy zones between occupied villages and random open zones it would be awesome.

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I would like to see random mech patrols scattered throughout the entire island...but this is going to have to wait for a couple things IMO.:

1. BIS needs to fix the AI and their associated issues.

2. This mission needs a proper AI implementation that will not further deteriorate the fps performace...possibly DAC or ALIVE (but it's still too early for both of those).

Download Latest Version of DUWS Modified Here:


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Thank your for your work Kibot and BigShot.

The body clean up was needed, during one play through I had reached a point where the FPS was unplayable, then after saving at HQ and thus cleaning up for the dead bodies my FPS went back up to just about playable. So the lag must be because of the large numbers AI running about.

Another small idea (this may have been said before) it to change the spawning of the FOB to vehicle you purchase at the HQ, then you must move it to the position you wish your FOB to be then deploy it then the script will run to find the closest position to place the FOB.


I know how the Alive system works but what is the DAC you mentioned?

How hard feasible is using one of the systems with this mission?

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I know how the Alive system works but what is the DAC you mentioned?

How hard feasible is using one of the systems with this mission?

DAC was the original and IMO BEST dynamic AI generating script released back in the day for Operation Flashpoint. The author has continually updated it to work with each new version of Arma...the last released version was for Arma2 but I've read recently that he will also release another new version for Arma3...but I'm sure it'll be awhile.

You can read about DAC here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?99753-Dynamic-AI-Creator-%28DAC%29-V3-0-released

Edited by BigShot

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Cool thanks for that, I hope something can be worked out as this mission has a lot of promise (its great now) but does suffer from the lag monster.

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Bigshot - I just tried your modified version. It's great!

However, I noticed that the heli taxi will always fast travel, even if I disable it at the start of the mission.

Also, is there a particular reason why the rearm/repair vehicles is only at FOBs and not at the HQ?

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@undead8 - thanks! (hey I added the Scorcher laser guided artillary for you!)

the reason why it always fast travels is because I went back to using the original old script for the chopper taxi, and I did that for now at least because the old taxi (which you can't choose to disable fast travel with) seems to work a bit more reliably. The other script that youre talking about was too flaky and most of the time would not get you anywhere near a red zone.

you can repair/rearm vehicles at HQ too...only its done using the 0-8 (assuming you've unlocked refit support). FOB's use action menu/HQ uses refit (0-8).

Download Latest Version of DUWS Modified Here:


Also At The Steam Workshop:


Edited by BigShot

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Awesome mission, great work! My buddies and I play this all the time on my listenserver.

I have a few questions though. I tried looking through this thread and didn't find what I'm looking for, apologies if its there, I didn't get through all the pages. Yesterday I tried editing your mission to add a mod vehicle to the request vehicle dialog, I edited requests.sqf and request_vehicles.sqf. The vehicle I wanted appeared in the menu, and deducted the appropriate amount of CPs, bud did not spawn behind the HQ. To accomplish this in requests.sqf I copied the vehicles for case 14, renamed and made it case 15, similar thing in request_vehicles.sqf, I copied the section for case 13(case 14 was the offroad and had a bunch of extra lines to take doors off, etc.) changed to case 15, changed CP value, and replaced appropriate classname.

Is there something I completely missed? another .sqf that needed to be modified? Is the vehicle spawning elsewhere maybe? It's a plane, the F/A 18 mod to be exact if the vehicle type matters.

Also is there a way to make more enemy vehicles and armor spawn? Is it an option I'm not doing right in the gui on mission launch or would there be more files to edit? my group really likes hunting armor.

Appreciate any assistance.

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@LtGreen649 - sounds like you may have made a mistake editing those files...BOTH files use the case numbers and you need to make sure that both files match each other. So, the vehicle you've made as case 15 in the request_vehicles.sqf must also be the in the 15th slot in request.sqf.

Which vehicle were you trying to add...is it a 3rd party addon?...if not you might want to try my modified version since it has most of the vanilla vehicles already added for you.

Download Latest Version of DUWS Modified Here:


Also At The Steam Workshop:


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Alright, figured it out, missed the classname by 1 character... love it!

Also any advice on increasing enemy vehicles and armor, even troops?

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The modded version has some more enemy armor about, as well as enemy attack choppers...enough to keep 1-3 players entertained most of the time....

...but personally speaking I hesitate to add anymore units right now. I feel that either BIS needs to figure out their AI, or Kibot needs to re-script some of this so the frames are better. Therefore, in order not to degrade performance or cause more AI sluggishness I'd rather concentrate more on making the AI of a higher quality instead of just adding to their numbers per say.

I am waiting for BIS to fix things and also for DAC to come along for Arma3...it would be at that point that re-doing the entire AI system in this mission would make sense. Right now it's like slamming your head into a brick wall.

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Hey BigShot,

is it possible to implement a respawn feature? That the player respawn somwhere in the area where the player has been killed

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Hey BigShot,

is it possible to implement a respawn feature? That the player respawn somwhere in the area where the player has been killed

Nah, I feel that I've already opened things up quite a bit in the mission, giving the player many more options for a quicker play-thru when wanted. Adding instant respawn as you mention would completely render the fast travel and halo obsolete and would also change the whole feel in general.

Do you realize that you can get right back to where you died pretty quick though, by using either HALO or Fast Travel?

Edited by BigShot

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sure i realize, but there are many mods which stops work when u have to load a savegame. Was just an idea, nevermind... ;)

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@LSD - I understand, sorry...maybe this will help you (or maybe not)...after resuming from a save try respawning yourself once (hit esc-respawn) and see if that will help restore some of your mods.

@BF2 - nope, the modded version only changes what it says in this thread and in the readme notes included.

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