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I was thinking about how Stratis and, considering Lemnos, Altis is/are going to be relatively barren, and I was wondering about what you think would be an ideal location for a game like Arma.

I was thinking of Northern England ( http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/17580228.jpg ). I really do like the style of fighting that would come out of small fields bordered by forests with small towns dotting the map.

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Well i live in North Yorkshire, so i'd certainly love to see a map based on similar terrain with the addition of the moors (with RAF Fylingdales) as part of the map.

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Syria would be cool:


i would also like a lot of cover to be avaiable on a massive non-destroyed contemporary city with tall buildings. i enjoyed those in graw a lot:

this blew my mind at the time:

i like stratis open areas and i think it looks great, but i also think there isnt enough/proper cover on the hills and inside forests for medium/close range combat.(not saying isnt realistic, just saying it limits the tactics people use, ending up with long range sniping almost every time) and since theres always high hills next to the avaiable small cities usually its just dumb to engage from upclose. but im hopefull Altis will give us a lot more variety. also custom islands.


Edited by white

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showing pictures from war zone, in games thread, duno if thats cool?

LOTS of people here not using ARMA series as Game but as Simulator.

If i wanted Game there are other Games with more fun/better Sound/GFX..and for sure "lighter" ones regarding Performance.

Massive cities means massive lag, so no thanks.

Yep..massive cities unfortunately means more lag but..having a village with 20 houses...my uncles farm has more buildings imo..

Edited by GiorgyGR

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Yes, without hardware limitations it would be really amazing if altis could manage big cities, and towns

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lets have staligrad 42 or berlin 45.

---------- Post added at 23:28 ---------- Previous post was at 23:26 ----------

showing pictures from war zone, in games thread, duno if thats cool?

i have to agree on this, they said today there are over 500 dead in a syrian village where "security forces" went to....mostly civilian :(

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showing pictures from war zone, in games thread, duno if thats cool?

its just a photo showing just architecture and rubble from an international current event that is seen on major news channels everywhere, people are becomign way too sensitive, is not like theres blood or dead people around in that photograph, so i cant think of any reason not to post it.

check how many people die from handguns in Brazil every year, we had a website for the city of Rio alone during the iraq war that compared the number of deaths between Rio de Janeiro and the war, and more people not only died in Rio, but still die today, everyday. so i cant post photographs of Rio de Janeiro? and São Paulo isnt very far behind aswell. I pratically live in the middle of an undeclared civil war with the organized crime. Still, i see no reasons not to show photographs of those cities.

and hiding here whats shown everyday on tv is like blocking the sun with a strainer/sifter.

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Anywhere with:



Good rainfall

Human habitation

Unfortunately, the last few BIS maps have been:


Little rainfall

Minimal human habitation

Zargabad was perhaps an exception, as much of the map was well inhabited with farms and such, but it was fairly small.

Which is boring as hell and leaves the maps feeling fairly empty. Chernarus was nice, but again suffered from limited habitation. Only a few farms, most of the map was just endless forests and plains, with a few small towns sprinkled throughout. Yeah, it runs faster and is easier to make, but it's not realistic or as interesting as a proper map that reflects real places where people have modified their entire surroundings and crammed themselves into every little nook and nature has been relegated to the margins, whether those be between farms or in the swampy/rocky/sloped areas that can't be properly cultivated/developed. That makes for more interesting tactics and a more "alive" map. "Giant empty plains" map makes for dull tactics and the sense of unfinished work.

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Which is boring as hell and leaves the maps feeling fairly empty. Chernarus was nice, but again suffered from limited habitation. Only a few farms, most of the map was just endless forests and plains, with a few small towns sprinkled throughout. Yeah, it runs faster and is easier to make, but it's not realistic or as interesting as a proper map that reflects real places where people have modified their entire surroundings and crammed themselves into every little nook and nature has been relegated to the margins, whether those be between farms or in the swampy/rocky/sloped areas that can't be properly cultivated/developed. That makes for more interesting tactics and a more "alive" map. "Giant empty plains" map makes for dull tactics and the sense of unfinished work.

I understand where you're coming from but I quite like Chernarus. Then again, I'd really like to see a map for Siberia, with a small, easily defended Russian town in the center and a large pine forest on all sides. It could mean getting lost if you're the attacker, and getting flanked extremely easily if you're the defender.

I'd also like to see a shore-side town that is far larger than Agia Marina. It would make for a nice beach landing straight into urban conflict.

Lastly, it would be very cool for an arctic scenario where there are frequent whiteouts, maybe in some mountainous town.

Unfortunately I am only a heightmap designer so I would have no ability to make these maps, but if someone else could do everything else required I'd always lend a hand. ;)

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This looks like Sahrani :))

Sahrani would be great if it wasn't for the fact that there's an unrealistically random splotch of arid land. It is a well developed map otherwise.

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The Great Dividing Range, near Toowoomba, in Australia is some really interesting terrain. Near the site of this photograph, there are a great couple o' hills that would form bottlenecks in war scenarios. And all this ON TOP of a mountain range, with some awesome terrain next to that. Look it up; would be a nice change and would certainly provide an interesting gameplay experience.

https://www.skyepicsaerialphotography.com.au/images/pictures/large/large/8989-02.jpg (1634 kB)

It's rather weird... Sorry for the annoying watermarks as well.

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Dont know about you guys but i would like to see little things like B.u.n.d 'bund' (Built Up Natural Defence) lines, basically a more pitted and undulating ground, trenches, felled tree stumps, trees that have fallen over and been half buried, instead of these smooth rolling hills and long drawn out slopes into towns. just google brecon training ground, Salisbury training ground and youll se what i mean.

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Hello there

I too would love the Iron Front maps ported. Highly unlikely I know, but they were/are rather nice. Almost all enterable buildings as well. Some maps were actually very reminiscent of South East England.

I am a rather "browned out" of the desert/Takistani areas though, and whilst Stratis is a wonderful map I yearn for more *green*

Irrigation mod anyone?



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Hello there

I too would love the Iron Front maps ported. Highly unlikely I know, but they were/are rather nice. Almost all enterable buildings as well. Some maps were actually very reminiscent of South East England.

I am a rather "browned out" of the desert/Takistani areas though, and whilst Stratis is a wonderful map I yearn for more *green*

Irrigation mod anyone?



I would second that, great terrains the IF ones..

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I would like to see an Australian "red centre" map. I'm thinking the rocks of Uluru The Kimberleys (http://www.australiantraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/WATC-bungle-bungle-aerial-650x380.jpg) crossed with the rain forests of Lawn Hill National Park http://resources1.news.com.au/images/2011/05/18/1226058/342237-10-breathtaking-queensland-experiences.gif)

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I would like to see an Australian "red centre" map. I'm thinking the rocks of Uluru The Kimberleys (http://www.australiantraveller.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/WATC-bungle-bungle-aerial-650x380.jpg) crossed with the rain forests of Lawn Hill National Park http://resources1.news.com.au/images/2011/05/18/1226058/342237-10-breathtaking-queensland-experiences.gif)

Uluru is not that great if you want to play around with soldier from my point of view. Karijini NP is also a nice place but I don't think AIs would love to fall in that kind of canyon :)

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