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Today's patch changelog

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Where is it please? (I mean the std patch changelog.. not the DEV branch).

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Arma 3 Alpha - Change Log

Arma 3 Alpha - (Released 2013-04-15) [ View Issues ]


Actual default Branch release.

- 0001126: [Engine] Speed of sound simulation missing (Nesquick) - resolved.

- 0006799: [Error Message] Cannot load texture a3\structures_f\data\windows\reshq_glass_nohq.paa (pettka) - resolved.

- 0005091: [World] able to walk through specific rocks (Peetrs) - resolved.

- 0000984: [World] Invisible doors in half-collapsed building (Peetrs) - resolved.

- 0006209: [World] Doors not functioning in central house in Girna (ID 48867) (Peetrs) - resolved.

- 0005884: [World] House in Agia Marina not enterable nor marked on map (Peetrs) - resolved.

- 0003579: [Game Crash] Looking through a holographic sight will crash the game (astaroth) - resolved.

- 0006980: [Error Message] "picture-not-found"-error occurs when a MXC is equipped with a Sound Suppressor (pettka) - resolved.

- 0006954: [Visual-Vehicles] AH-9 fuel gauge reads 100 lbs when full instead of the max reading of 300 lbs (pettka) - resolved.

- 0001903: [Visual-Structures] The Building House 2 (Big Inhabited) v1 is buged. (redstone) - resolved.

- 0004690: [Explosives] No smoke&fire seen through window (redstone) - resolved.

- 0003837: [Engine] Grenades cannot be thrown through windows (redstone) - resolved.

- 0005406: [Controls] Not able to get a seat in little bird (redstone) - resolved.

- 0000157: [Menu UI] Spelling error (Gekon) - resolved.

- 0006719: [Localization] Spelling error in mission editor (Gekon) - resolved.

- 0004237: [Menu UI] [Alpha 0.5.102980] Legal text for Nvidia's PhysX is missing from the License section of the Field Manual. (Gekon) - resolved.

- 0005210: [Multiplayer] Horrible rotational synchronization in multiplayer! (Nesquick) - resolved.

- 0006262: [sound] Sounds do not attenuate with distance properly. (Nesquick) - resolved.

- 0004056: [Movement] Swimming at land (Smookie) - resolved.

- 0005511: [Menu UI] Game Options will not be saved / Difficult Changes / Colors (muf) - resolved.

- 0005709: [Visual-Environment] ammo box expolsion light not dissapear at night. (DarkDruid) - resolved.

- 0004189: [World] all fish swimmin north (DarkDruid) - resolved.

- 0004852: [Game Crash] Helicopter SC crashes on autosave /user save reload (no exception catch on corrupt save file loading failure?) (millhauz) - resolved.

- 0004662: [Engine] Server does not assign player a slot where forceHeadlessClient=1; - closed.

- 0006664: [AI Issues] AI Walking through doors (redstone) - closed.

- 0005834: [Movement] One passenger seat in Ifrit is not used - closed.

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No Classnames renamed or similar this time? And did the changes from the dev build make it in aswell (i'd guess so)?

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No Classnames renamed or similar this time? And did the changes from the dev build make it in aswell (i'd guess so)?

All changes from the dev builds should be in. The changelog posted above is just from the issue tracker and unlikely to be complete, i.e. there may be other changes that are not on the tracker. (Btw. yes, there were some changes to class names aswell.)

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Also the debug console seems to be available in preview mode, which is great.

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I don't see the new fog tech from the dev build O.o, while it is still present in dev build.

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I think one of the biggest improvement has just been screwed. The ability to play fast, almost like in fast shooter games is no more available, now walking with the weapon "at the ready" is really slow, like the old "shift-walk"...

EDIT: looks like the speed in crouch position is higher then the one standing, not sure, tho.

Edited by afp

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More detailed middle distance terrain texture added

What the? :eek:

Can anyone confirm? How does this look?

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What the? :eek:

Can anyone confirm? How does this look?

OMG! Tonight can't come quick enough! :D Want to see that! Someone post a screenshot or something. xD

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If this stays then I'll just be leaving and slamming the door on my way out im afraid. The original speed increase was an improvement and was welcomed, even though you couldn't sprint for too long (which was a fair balance IMO). Going back now to A2 slow speeds is more annoyance im just not willing to play along with anymore...there's just too much terrain and uphill to be covered on foot much of the time and in real life if someone is shooting at you, you wouldnt have all these animations slowing you down from getting your arss down FAST...or running you arss off to nearby cover...this was always a huge issue in A2...and now i suppose they've decided to leave it in A3?, Really??

...ah well, im about done with it

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Added: improved public debug console

New light rendering added for bushes

More detailed middle distance terrain texture added

Adjustable stances for sidearms added

Sprint speed decreased

Tweaked transitions from ragdoll

Fixed transition from free fall into swimming and onto land

New animations for swimming with rifles

Rifle kneel sprinting fix

Rifle raised idling for AI fix

Pistol prone movement improvements

Rifle & pistol evasive move fixes (disabled optics)

Removed sway in prone adjust low

Pistol self healing

Improved pistol kneel sprint animation

Improved connection prone to sprint

Player could shoot a sidearm during the healing animation

Transition from prone to upright sprint while unarmed caused visual sliding

Priority of actions in action menu adjusted

Stratis terrain and object placement tweaks

New post-process effects for injuries added

Fixed fuel gauges for MH-9 helicopter family

MH-9 can now carry more soldiers

Duplicate target icon in Ka60 Helmet-Mounted Display removed

Ifrit cargo pose added

Compass visualization changed

New secondary shadow LODs (glasses, bandoleer, belt, rebreather)

Camouflage selection tweaks

Fixed: Sites are no longer placing patrol waypoints on water

Civilian Sites were disabled

Logo and tagline splash screens merged

Main menu game and version indicator could overlap

Added: Any mission with description.ext has now loading mission box with "Unknown" text

Added: Unknown author is now displayed also for maps

Fixed: Mission restart now resets reload counter

Added: Loading "continue" save will no longer raise the reload counter

Fixed: Mission failed had two debriefing screens

Fixed: "Lose" ending no longer shows "Mission Completed" title

Fixed: Error icon is no longer shown for logics

Fixed incorrect topic selection after closing and reopening Field Manual

Fixed: "Respawn" button is no longer enabled in missions with respawn "NONE", "BIRD" or with missing respawn settings

Added: "respawnButton" parameter can now enable the button in respawn types which would normally disable it

Geometry fixing (AI collisions with buildings tweaked)

Config classes for weapons cleaned

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4189 (fish no longer only swim North)

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6333 (EBR sight alignment)

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6719 (spelling error)

Fixed:http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3087 (fire geometry - wall)

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1903

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3837

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5511

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5709

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5619

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6664


New fog technology implemented

Picture-in-Picture optimization implemented

Terrain shadows tweaked

Fixed: AI no longer fires on targets it does not see (but which are reported by other group members)

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5210 (MP rotation synchronization fixed)

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1126 (Speed of sound delays tweaked)

Changes and fixes merged from Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead beta patches

MP pose synchronization fixed

Improved performance related to object instancing

Fixed - AI disembarking when moving to another vehicle position incorrectly

Game loading with "addAction" crash fixed

PhysX collisions related crashes fixed

Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6881 (out of memory crash)

Fixed: Crash while taking RPG Alamut from ground

Larger string buffer for the 'format' script command

Fixed: Reloading different magazine type could do nothing but remove the magazine

Destruction of vehicle while manipulating with objects in its inventory fixed

Ambient creatures' position after game load fixed

Fixed: remote destroyed wheels have now the right distance detection to the ground

Fixed: healing sound effects were endlessly looped

Ships are no longer automatically deleted after destruction (consistent with other vehicle types)

Free fall inventory access fixed

Magazine manipulation while discarding weapons tweaked

Items' behavior while moving from dead body to container tweaked

Helicopter behavior improved (rotor simulation now does not allow helicopter to fly up-side down)

AI running up and down hill tweaked

Command 'stance' now returns more consistent values: "PRONE", "CROUCH" and "STAND"

Fixed: RMB to equip did not work for binoculars

Fixed: Vehicle commander stepped optics zoom did not function correctly

Fixed: artifacts on water near shore when looking from high distance

Solved issues related to flickering optics

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So, I see they have once again done some "camouflage selection" thing, and as usual not said what they're on about. Seriously, what is that?

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Why are people upset with the "slow" movement? I you need to cover long distances, take a vehicle.

If you are under fire you can still use sprint instead of run, which should be fast enough.

edit: I too would like to see a screenshot of the new midrange textures. Won't be at home before 11p.m. CEST :(

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Im actually happy with the slower movement. The previous speeds were far too fast and encouraged the dreaded side strafing while in a firefight.

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I'll adjust to the new speed. If it's dramatically too slow, i'm sure an issue will be opened in the feedback tracker and will make the top 3. Otherwise, it's not worth mentioning until it's properly tested.

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Can anyone confirm that it is not possible to load a saved mission in the editor after the update? I tried to load a mission that I was working on just yesterday, but the mission list is blank now, as if I haven't have any missions in the 'my documents/missions' folder, while there are a dozen missions in that folder.

Edit: nevermind I see now that the update changed default profile.

Edited by B00tsy

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Doubt, this patch is for both Arma 3 Alpha versions ?

Enviado desde mi LG Optimus L5-E612g usando Tapatalk 2

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Also the difference between running and sprint is almost nothing, sprint is almost the same running.

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Speed is much more realistic now

this game wasn't meant to be played in wasteland

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Not very often I comment on issues like this but got to comment on the speed issue, considering it is supposed to be a sim the speeds are about right now and I do hope they do not go back to being superman again.

Current game speeds:

Walking - 3.55 mph or 5.68 kmh

Running - 10.96 mph or 17.54 kmh

Sprinting - 12.62 mph or 20.20 kmh

To put that in perspective:

Average walking - 3-4 mph

Average running over 1 mile - 10mph

Average sprint over 100m - 14mph

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Not very often I comment on issues like this but got to comment on the speed issue, considering it is supposed to be a sim the speeds are about right now and I do hope they do not go back to being superman again.

Current game speeds:

Walking - 3.55 mph or 5.68 kmh

Running - 10.96 mph or 17.54 kmh

Sprinting - 12.62 mph or 20.20 kmh

To put that in perspective:

Average walking - 3-4 mph

Average running over 1 mile - 10mph

Average sprint over 100m - 14mph

1.5 mph faster is different than 4 mph faster though.

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