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Enemy occupation system (eos)

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  On 4/22/2018 at 11:00 AM, quickdagger said:

I mean, once I occupy key sectors like an airfield_marker_1, then it pops up friendly units. No big deal, just same sintax, same parameters, etc. It would be something like this:


if marker = red, then null = [["MARKERNAME"],[2,1,70],[0,1],[1,2,30],[2,60],[2],[1,0,10],[1,0,250,EAST]] call EOS_Spawn;

if marker = blue, then null = [["MARKERNAME"],[2,1,70],[0,1],[1,2,30],[2,60],[2],[1,0,10],[2,1,250,WEST]] call EOS_Spawn;


Hey man, I'm using this snippet to spawn areas after you clear some others...

_spawnarea = [] spawn {

	_areas = ["NARCOS","NARCOS_1","NARCOS_2"];
	waitUntil {sleep 1; { getMarkerColor _x == "ColorGreen"; } count _areas == count _areas};
	null = [["NARCOS_3"],[2,2,80],[2,1,80],[1,1,75],[0,0],[0],[0,0],[7,0,500,EAST,FALSE,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn;
	null = [["NARCOS_4"],[2,2,80],[2,1,80],[1,1,75],[0,0],[0],[0,0],[7,0,500,EAST,FALSE,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn;
	null = [["NARCOS_5"],[2,2,80],[2,1,80],[1,1,75],[0,0],[0],[0,0],[7,0,500,EAST,FALSE,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn;
	hint "You disclosed new hideouts locations";

Test this....(I'm at work now)


null = [["Airfield_marker_1"],[2,1,70],[0,1],[1,2,30],[2,60],[2],[1,0,10],[1,0,250,EAST]] call EOS_Spawn;
	waitUntil { getMarkerColor "Airfield_marker_1" == "ColorGreen"};
null = [["Airfield_marker_1"],[2,1,70],[0,1],[1,2,30],[2,60],[2],[1,0,10],[2,1,250,WEST]] call EOS_Spawn;
sleep 3;
hint "You have access to a friendly area now";


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Is there a way to save the green zones that have been cleared out so when I restart my sever it do not have to clear them out again ?    was thinking about using Inidbi  has anyone done that yet ?



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Now I am trying to make EOS house groups spawn inside EM Buildings but, they don't. Is there a way?


I have placed a hospital building and a marker called "cqb_1" over it but, units are not spawning.

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  On 4/25/2018 at 12:59 AM, quickdagger said:

Now I am trying to make EOS house groups spawn inside EM Buildings but, they don't. Is there a way?


I have placed a hospital building and a marker called "cqb_1" over it but, units are not spawning.

I suspect those buildings aren't set up with AI positions and pathing.....

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I didn't even know it exists. AI positions and pathing?


In this case, would you mind, please, sharing some buildings mod you know of, which come with this pathing thing?


I ask that because default buildings are not good for CQB missions, they are rather too small incomplete, with only parts of the buildings being enterable. It is a bit of a shame because there are so many  cool exteriors like factories and such.


I want to make a simple dynamic environment: you fool around engaging patrols and, when you meet big buildings you enter CQB. After you clear it, a few friendlies pop up.



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I wonder why AI doesn't spawn inside MBG Kill houses.


Because I remember A2, when AI from other scripts used to spawn inside MBG Kill houses. So, I presume MBG has that positioning, path finding thing.


My noob question is how to make EOS work with MBG.

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OK, I have solved my problem by accident and I will share it here. 


It works with EM Buildings and MBG Kill Houses.


But, the sequence you place the assets matter.


1) First delete all markers.

2) Then place the buildings you want.

3) Only as the last step, add the markers.

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Instead of WEST, what should be the world for independents? GUERRILLA, INDEP, INDEPENDENT, INDEPENDENTS?

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  On 5/2/2018 at 5:02 PM, quickdagger said:

Instead of WEST, what should be the world for independents? GUERRILLA, INDEP, INDEPENDENT, INDEPENDENTS?


  On 5/2/2018 at 5:20 PM, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:




However, it depends on what you set up in the unitPools.sqf.

Let me explain:

You could have a FIA WEST faction ( blue dots on map) if you use

  Reveal hidden contents

Or an INDEPENDENT FIA (green dots on map) if:

  Reveal hidden contents

Same if you want an OPFOR/EAST FIA factions, set up your code accordingly.


I hope I was clear enough.


PS: if you know already all this...then sorry! HAHAHAHAHa

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  On 5/2/2018 at 6:04 PM, zagor64bz said:



For everyone who want to get easy the classnames of the units :


You can open the editor and place the units you want , group them to the Player unit  and in the init of the player you add :

grpclasses = []; {hint format["%1",(typeOf  _x)]; grpclasses = grpclasses + [(typeOf _x)]; sleep 1} foreach units group this; copyToClipboard format["%1",grpclasses];


If there is anyone who has something better , please quote this .


Thanks !

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you'll spawm the same FIA units but in the INDEPENDENT /GUERRILLA side.


I got it. Thank you Zagor.


For example, I could create a blue NATO version of CSAT this way, right?




I have grouped a CSAT soldier to a NATO player and then pasted the code into the init field of the NATO player. Bang! CSAT became blue NATO. Nice approach!


It has all lead me to think whether would it be possible to have a white list item or uniform that, when you dress, you become another faction. You know, to work like spy clothes for an infiltration mission or something. Or, to kill the enemy and then use their clothes to enter a base for example.


I have found this:



But the links are broken and, it is from 2014 so, I wonder whether all those stuff would still work after all game updates through these years.


I believe I am not being off topic because I want to test how it is to trigger an EOS marker spawning CSAT while I am using CSAT uniforms and, how it is to trigger an EOS marker spawning NATO forces while I am using NATO uniforms.  Or vice-versas. 



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Now I see another reason for the disguise thing.


If enemy spawn is triggered by distance to the player then, the player can not use the UAV to recon deep behind enemy lines. So, that disguise might be the way to recon.


It might be nice to spy 3 enemy bases and then tell in which one the friendly POW's are located.


And/or to make the UAV to behave like a player?

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  On 5/5/2018 at 5:35 PM, quickdagger said:

And/or to make the UAV to behave like a player?

Dude..look at few post above yours...page 53.....

@sabot10.5mm was nice enough to post his snippet...  


PS: It's always wise to search the topic before asking...you may find what you're looking for.:f:

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  On 1/20/2018 at 3:13 PM, sabot10.5mm said:

made small addiction since I like my uavs to activate eos

[] spawn 
private "_pos","_list1","_pos1";	

while {true} do
list1 = {};
_pos = getpos player;			
_pos1 = getConnectedUAV player;
list1 = _pos nearObjects ["EmptyDetector", 700];
if !(isNull _pos1) then {_pos = getConnectedUAV player; _list1 = _pos nearObjects ["EmptyDetector", 1000]; list1 append _list1;};	
//systemChat format ["UAV: %1",list1];	
if (count (list1) > 0) then 
_x enableSimulation true;
} forEach list1;

sleep 5;

[] spawn 
while {true} do
waituntil {sleep 3;(count (list1) == 0)};
sleep 1;
//systemChat format ["UAV: hi"];	
_alltriggers = allMissionObjects "EmptyDetector";
_x enableSimulation false;
} forEach _alltriggers;
waituntil {sleep 3;(count (list1) > 0)};

this script allows uavs to activate eos. the code that makes it happen is this

 {_actCond="{vehicle _x in thisList && isplayer _x || ({_player = _x; {getConnectedUAV _player == _x} count [uav, uav1, uav2, uav3] > 0} count allPlayers > 0 && ({_x in thislist} count [uav, uav1, uav2, uav3] > 0))} count allUnits > 0"; };


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  On 5/4/2018 at 8:03 AM, quickdagger said:

I have grouped a CSAT soldier to a NATO player and then pasted the code into the init field of the NATO player. Bang! CSAT became blue NATO. Nice approach!


To clarify, the code is just returning the classnames of the grouped units for scripting purposes. The units changing sides is entirely a function of them being grouped to the player unit. Or any unit, really - group them to a dummy unit of the desired side and set its probability of presence to 0%.

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  On 5/5/2018 at 7:31 PM, Harzach said:


To clarify, the code is just returning the classnames of the grouped units for scripting purposes. The units changing sides is entirely a function of them being grouped to the player unit. Or any unit, really - group them to a dummy unit of the desired side and set its probability of presence to 0%.


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Thank you dudes!


So, that code is even better than I thought.


Oh sorry I haven't checked that one.


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Hey guys I am wondering if there a way to make EOS persistent, as in marker progress is kept green after restart?

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  On 5/15/2018 at 2:49 AM, CamperCombo said:

Hey guys I am wondering if there a way to make EOS persistent, as in marker progress is kept green after restart?

It's already like that... When you exit&save the game you'll find the green/red areas as you left it..


That in SP perhaps.Not familiar with MP environment though .

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Hi pros!


I am trying to spawn snipers in the open but, the problem is that they keep moving, making it too easy to spot them. I want them to stay prone and static. Is there a way?


I don't want to use house groups.

null = [["sniper1"],[0,0],[5,0],[0,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,1500,EAST,TRUE]] call EOS_Spawn;


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  On 5/20/2018 at 7:53 PM, quickdagger said:

Hi pros!


I am trying to spawn snipers in the open but, the problem is that they keep moving, making it too easy to spot them. I want them to stay prone and static. Is there a way?


I don't want to use house groups.

null = [["sniper1"],[0,0],[5,0],[0,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,1500,EAST,TRUE]] call EOS_Spawn;




Set the prone and set behavior as you spawn them. 

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I have copied the EOS files into a different mission and got to the point where it gives me an error in Line 4 of eos_core.sqf - Type Number, expected String. Anybody knows why that is and how to get rid of the problem? 

EDIT: has a |#| in front of the markerpos in this line:

_mkr=(_this select 0);_mPos=markerpos(_this select 0);


Edited by SpacePilotMax

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