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I found this on the new dev build, its a kill cam but how do I add this to my mission to test it?

Author: Karel Moricky

Death screen.

	0: OBJECT - killed unit
	1: OBJECT - killer

private ["_soundvolume","_musicvolume"];

#define CONTROL	(_display displayctrl _n)

_player = _this select 0;
_killer = _this select 1;
if (isnull _killer) then {_killer = _player};

_start = isnil "bis_fnc_death_start";
if (_start) then {
bis_fnc_death_start = [daytime,time / 3600];

_musicvolume = musicvolume;
_soundvolume = soundvolume; //MUF-TODO: check if this is done before sound is faded in fn_feedbackMain.fsm
//3.5 fadesound 0; //MUF-commented

sleep 2;
cutText ["","BLACK OUT",1];
sleep 1.5;
       BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = false; //MUF-switch health PP off
(["HealthPP_black"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["","BLACK IN",1];//MUF-black in (remove black screen that was launched in FSM PP)


waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 58)};
_display = finddisplay 58;

//--- Black fade in
_n = 1060;
CONTROL ctrlsetfade 1;
if (_start) then {

//--- Play ambient radio
setacctime 1;
0 fademusic 0;
4 fademusic 0.8;
playmusic format ['RadioAmbient%1',ceil random 1/*30*/];
_musicEH = addMusicEventHandler ["MusicStop",{_this call bis_fnc_log; [] spawn {playmusic format ['RadioAmbient%1',ceil random 1/*30*/];};}];
uinamespace setvariable ["bis_fnc_death_musicEH",_musicEH];
_display displayaddeventhandler ["unload","removeMusicEventHandler ['MusicStop',uinamespace getvariable ['bis_fnc_death_musicEH',-1]];"];

CONTROL ctrlcommit 4;
} else {
CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;
cuttext ["","plain"];

//--- HUD
_n = 5800;
CONTROL ctrlsettext gettext (configfile >> "cfgingameui" >> "cursor" >> "select");
CONTROL ctrlsetposition [-10,-10,safezoneH * 0.07 * 3/4,safezoneH * 0.07];
CONTROL ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1];
CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;

//--- SITREP (ToDO: Localize)
_sitrep = "SITREP||";
if (name _player != "Error: No unit") then {
_sitrep = _sitrep + "KIA: %4. %5|";
_sitrep = _sitrep + "TOD: %2 [%3]|LOC: %6 \ %7";
if (_killer != _player) then {
_sitrep = _sitrep + "||ENY: %8";
if (currentweapon _killer != "") then {
	_sitrep = _sitrep + "|ENW: %9</t>"
_sitrep = format [
1 * safezoneH,
[bis_fnc_death_start select 0,"HH:MM:SS"] call bis_fnc_timetostring,
[bis_fnc_death_start select 1,"HH:MM:SS"] call bis_fnc_timetostring,
toupper localize format ["STR_SHORT_%1",rank _player],
toupper name _player,
mapGridPosition _player,
toupper worldname,
toupper ((configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _killer) call bis_fnc_displayname),
toupper ((configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> currentweapon _killer) call bis_fnc_displayname)


_n = 11000;
_bcgPos = ctrlposition CONTROL;
_n = 5858;
//CONTROL ctrlsetposition [_bcgPos select 0,safezoneY + ((_bcgPos select 0) - safezoneX) * 4/3,safezoneW - 2 * (_bcgPos select 2),safezoneH / 2];
CONTROL ctrlsetposition [(((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX),
		 ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY),
		 safezoneW - 2 * (_bcgPos select 2),
		 safezoneH / 2];
CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;
[CONTROL,_sitrep] spawn {
scriptname "BIS_fnc_death: SITREP";
_control = _this select 0;
_sitrepArray = toarray (_this select 1);
{_sitrepArray set [_foreachindex,tostring [_x]]} foreach _sitrepArray;
_sitrep = "";
//_sitrepFormat = "<t align='left' font='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' shadow='1' size='" + str safezoneH + "'>%1</t>";
_sitrepFormat = "<t align='left' font='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' shadow='1'>%1</t>";

sleep 1;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _sitrepArray - 1) do {
	_letter = _sitrepArray select _i;
	_delay = if (_letter == "|") then {_letter = "<br />"; 1} else {0.01};
	_sitrep = _sitrep + _letter;
	_control ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext format [_sitrepFormat,_sitrep + "_"];
	//playsound ["IncomingChallenge",true];
	sleep _delay;
	if (isnull _control) exitwith {};
_control ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext format [_sitrepFormat,_sitrep];

//--- Create UAV camera
_camera = "camera" camcreate position player;
_camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"];
_camera campreparefov 0.4;
_camera campreparetarget _killer;
showcinemaborder false;

//--- Set PP effects
_saturation = 0.2 + random 0.3;
_ppColor = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1999];
_ppColor ppEffectEnable true;
_ppColor ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1 - _saturation, 1 - _saturation, 1 - _saturation, _saturation], [1, 1, 1, 1.0]];
_ppColor ppEffectCommit 0;

_ppGrain = ppEffectCreate ["filmGrain", 2012];
_ppGrain ppEffectEnable true;
_ppGrain ppEffectAdjust [random 0.2, 1, 1, 0, 1];
_ppGrain ppEffectCommit 0;

//--- Camera update executed every frame
bis_fnc_death_player = _player;
bis_fnc_death_killer = _killer;
bis_fnc_death_camera = _camera;
bis_fnc_death_loop = {
scriptname "BIS_fnc_death: camera";
_display = _this select 0;
_player = bis_fnc_death_player;
_killer = bis_fnc_death_killer;
_camera = bis_fnc_death_camera;

_sin = 20 * sin (time * 7);
_killerPos = [
	(getposasl _killer select 0),
	(getposasl _killer select 1) + (_sin),
	(getposasl _killer select 2) + (_sin)

_dirToKiller = if (_killer == _player) then {
	direction _player;
} else {
	([_player,_killerPos] call bis_fnc_dirto) + _sin;
_pos = [
	getposasl _player,
] call bis_fnc_relpos;
_pos set [2,((_pos select 2) + 7) max (getterrainheightasl _pos + 7)];

//--- Pitch
_heightCamera = getterrainheightasl _pos;
_heightKiller = getterrainheightasl _killerPos;
_height = _heightCamera - _heightKiller;
_dis = _killerPos distance _pos;
_angle = (asin (_height/_dis));

_camera setdir _dirtokiller;
[_camera,-_angle,_sin] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank;
_camera setposasl _pos;

//--- HUD
_n = 5800;
_hudPos = (worldtoscreen position _player);
if (count _hudPos > 0) then {
	_hudPosW = ctrlposition CONTROL select 2;
	_hudPosH = ctrlposition CONTROL select 3;
	_hudPos = [
		(_hudPos select 0) - _hudPosW / 2,
		(_hudPos select 1) - _hudPosH / 2,
	CONTROL ctrlsetposition _hudPos;
	CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;

bis_fnc_death_keydown = {
_key = _this select 1;

if (_key in (actionkeys 'nightvision') || _key < 0) then {
	bis_fnc_death_vision = bis_fnc_death_vision + 1;
	_vision = bis_fnc_death_vision % 4;
	switch (_vision) do {
		case 0: {
			camusenvg false;
			call compile 'false SetCamUseTi 0';
		case 1: {
			camusenvg true;
			call compile 'false SetCamUseTi 0';
		case 2: {
			camusenvg false;
			call compile 'true SetCamUseTi 0';
		case 3: {
			camusenvg false;
			call compile 'true SetCamUseTi 1';
//bis_fnc_death_vision = (1 + floor random 3) % 4; //--- Random vision (not NVG)
bis_fnc_death_vision = -1;
[-1,-1] call bis_fnc_death_keydown;

_display displayaddeventhandler ["mousemoving","_this call bis_fnc_death_loop"];
_display displayaddeventhandler ["mouseholding","_this call bis_fnc_death_loop"];
_display displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_death_keydown"];

//--- Team Switch display opened
waituntil {isnull _display};
_displayTeamSwitch = finddisplay 632;

//--- Team Switch display closed - cleanup and restart the view
waituntil {isnull _displayTeamSwitch};

_camera cameraeffect ["terminate","back"];
camdestroy _camera;

bis_fnc_death_player = nil;
bis_fnc_death_killer = nil;
bis_fnc_death_camera = nil;
bis_fnc_death_loop = nil;

ppeffectdestroy _ppColor;
ppeffectdestroy _ppGrain;

if (!alive player) exitwith {_this call bis_fnc_death;};

//--- Resurrection!
BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = true;
0 fadesound _soundvolume;
0 fademusic _musicvolume;
bis_fnc_death_start = nil;

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Assuming that its fnc name is "BIS_Kill_Cam" it would be something like

 [_player1,_player2] call BIS_Kill_Cam;

which would make the camera fade out on the player1 and then pan from them to player 2.

Author: Karel Moricky

Death screen.

	0: OBJECT - killed unit
	1: OBJECT - killer


All of the scripts in arma3(all as in mostly all of them) have this part at the top that tells you how to call it. This says it requires 2 parameters, we pass that to the script by putting them in left/right brackets with commas as the separator. Since it says OBJECT we could in theory use this for say doing a fly over of a target however so of the other code might be expecting a player and perform some operations that might cause an error.

Edited by xyberviri

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Fantastic mate, thanks for the info I understand now, no need for the raw script if its a BIS function.

_player addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [(_this select 0),(_this select 1)] call BIS_fnc_death}];

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BIS_fnc_death is the default kill cam, so the easiest way how to see it in your mission is simply to die ;)

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Thanks Moricky, its cool you spotted my thread and took the time to reply.

Edited by Bigpickle

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Fantastic mate, thanks for the info I understand now, no need for the raw script if its a BIS function.

_player addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [(_this select 0),(_this select 1)] call BIS_fnc_death}];

I think Moricky meant more that this is already mapped by default in A3. So you dont need to map the event handler, my mistake for leaving that out.

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I'm still struggling to make this work, when i die i just get black screen then respawn. Do i need to add something to the players init line to make sure BIS_fnc_death activates?

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Anyone have a script so that the camera pans the killer like the old days?

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Anyone have a script so that the camera pans the killer like the old days?

//   Killed.sqf
//   player addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [(_this select 0),(_this select 1)] execVM "Scripts\Killed.sqf"}];
//   Generates deathcam

_player = _this select 0;
_killer = _this select 1;
_grp = group _player;
_gcount = count units _grp;

if(not (isPlayer _killer) and side _killer == side _player) then
hint " Carefull, you've pissed off friendly AI!";
};//AI TK//working?

_camera = "camera" camCreate [(position _player select 0)-0.75, (position _player select 1)-0.75,(position _player select 2) + 0.5];
_preload = [] spawn {waitUntil{preloadCamera [4516.60,2606.42,1.73]}};
_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"];

_camera camSetFOV 1;
_camera camSetTarget vehicle _player;
if(vehicle player != player) then {_camera camSetRelPos [0,10,1]}else{_camera camSetRelPos [0,2,1]};
_camera camCommit 0;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; // Look at player

_camera camCommand "inertia on";

sleep 2.0; // Time for death anim to play

if (not isNull vehicle _killer) then
_camera camSetTarget vehicle _killer;
_camera camPreparePos [ getPos vehicle _killer select 0, (getPos vehicle _killer select 1) -10,getPos vehicle _killer select 2];
_camera camSetTarget vehicle _player

_camera camSetFOV 0.3;
_camera camCommit 4;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; // Look at killer

Sleep 3.0;

titleCut["", "BLACK out",2];

_player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];
camUseNVG false;
camDestroy _camera;
titleCut["", "BLACK in",1];

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I called the above with a : !alive player trigger and when shot I get a brief look at the ocean and then the standard hovering cam over my body

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Try running it from a killed event handler like this.

// Init Player
if (!isdedicated && hasInterface) then
[] spawn {
	waitUntil {!isNull player};
	waitUntil {player == player};
	player addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [(_this select 0),(_this select 1)] execVM "Killed.sqf"}];

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Still no luck, it actually creates a very cool external 3d camera in which you watch yourself die but afterwards it does standard cam and then basically a really, really closeup of player's head.

And looking at OP, it appears as if it's supposed to pan from player to killer or maybe relative direction using UAV camera but I never see the killer. Perhaps he's out of range by that time I don't know..

Edited by froggyluv

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Nevermind I got it! I just changed the script from OP around abit and it's working fine now. Thanks :)

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Turned out pretty well as I stacked the original script (changing some _player to _killer) on top of jigsor's. It's a murderous piece of ugly hack code but hey, it works! If anyone cares to clean up right like I'd be much obliged :)

player addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [(_this select 0),(_this select 1)] execVM "Scripts\deathcam.sqf"}];

_player = _this select 0;

_killer = _this select 1;

_grp = group _player;

_gcount = count units _grp;

if(not (isPlayer _killer) and side _killer == side _player) then


hint " Carefull, you've pissed off friendly AI!";

};//AI TK//working?

_camera = "camera" camCreate [(position _player select 0)-0.75, (position _player select 1)-0.75,(position _player select 2) + 0.5];

_preload = [] spawn {waitUntil{preloadCamera [4516.60,2606.42,1.73]}};

_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"];

_camera camSetFOV 1;

_camera camSetTarget vehicle _player;

if(vehicle player != player) then {_camera camSetRelPos [0,10,1]}else{_camera camSetRelPos [0,2,1]};

_camera camCommit 0;

waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; // Look at player

_camera camCommand "inertia on";

sleep 2.0; // Time for death anim to play

if (not isNull vehicle _killer) then


_camera camSetTarget vehicle _killer;

_camera camPreparePos [ getPos vehicle _killer select 0, (getPos vehicle _killer select 1) -10,getPos vehicle _killer select 2];


_camera camSetTarget vehicle _killer


_camera camSetFOV 0.3;

_camera camCommit 4;

waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; // Look at killer

Sleep 3.0;

titleCut["", "BLACK out",2];

_player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];

camUseNVG false;

camDestroy _camera;

titleCut["", "BLACK in",1];

private ["_soundvolume","_musicvolume"];

#define CONTROL (_display displayctrl _n)


_player = _this select 0;

_killer = _this select 1;

if (isnull _killer) then {_killer = _player};

_start = isnil "bis_fnc_death_start";

if (_start) then {

bis_fnc_death_start = [daytime,time / 3600];

_musicvolume = musicvolume;

_soundvolume = soundvolume; //MUF-TODO: check if this is done before sound is faded in fn_feedbackMain.fsm

//3.5 fadesound 0; //MUF-commented

sleep 2;

cutText ["","BLACK OUT",1];

sleep 1.5;

BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = false; //MUF-switch health PP off

(["HealthPP_black"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["","BLACK IN",1];//MUF-black in (remove black screen that was launched in FSM PP)



waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 58)};

_display = finddisplay 58;

//--- Black fade in

_n = 1060;

CONTROL ctrlsetfade 1;

if (_start) then {

//--- Play ambient radio

setacctime 1;

0 fademusic 0;

4 fademusic 0.8;

playmusic format ['RadioAmbient%1',ceil random 1/*30*/];

_musicEH = addMusicEventHandler ["MusicStop",{_this call bis_fnc_log; [] spawn {playmusic format ['RadioAmbient%1',ceil random 1/*30*/];};}];

uinamespace setvariable ["bis_fnc_death_musicEH",_musicEH];

_display displayaddeventhandler ["unload","removeMusicEventHandler ['MusicStop',uinamespace getvariable ['bis_fnc_death_musicEH',-1]];"];

CONTROL ctrlcommit 4;

} else {

CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;


cuttext ["","plain"];

//--- HUD

_n = 5800;

CONTROL ctrlsettext gettext (configfile >> "cfgingameui" >> "cursor" >> "select");

CONTROL ctrlsetposition [-10,-10,safezoneH * 0.07 * 3/4,safezoneH * 0.07];

CONTROL ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1];

CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;

//--- SITREP (ToDO: Localize)

_sitrep = "SITREP||";

if (name _player != "Error: No unit") then {

_sitrep = _sitrep + "KIA: %4. %5|";


_sitrep = _sitrep + "TOD: %2 [%3]|LOC: %6 \ %7";

if (_killer != _player) then {

_sitrep = _sitrep + "||ENY: %8";

if (currentweapon _killer != "") then {

_sitrep = _sitrep + "|ENW: %9</t>"



_sitrep = format [


1 * safezoneH,

[bis_fnc_death_start select 0,"HH:MM:SS"] call bis_fnc_timetostring,

[bis_fnc_death_start select 1,"HH:MM:SS"] call bis_fnc_timetostring,

toupper localize format ["STR_SHORT_%1",rank _player],

toupper name _player,

mapGridPosition _player,

toupper worldname,

toupper ((configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _killer) call bis_fnc_displayname),

toupper ((configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> currentweapon _killer) call bis_fnc_displayname)


_n = 11000;

_bcgPos = ctrlposition CONTROL;

_n = 5858;

//CONTROL ctrlsetposition [_bcgPos select 0,safezoneY + ((_bcgPos select 0) - safezoneX) * 4/3,safezoneW - 2 * (_bcgPos select 2),safezoneH / 2];

CONTROL ctrlsetposition [(((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX),

((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY),

safezoneW - 2 * (_bcgPos select 2),

safezoneH / 2];

CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;

[CONTROL,_sitrep] spawn {

scriptname "BIS_fnc_death: SITREP";


_control = _this select 0;

_sitrepArray = toarray (_this select 1);

{_sitrepArray set [_foreachindex,tostring [_x]]} foreach _sitrepArray;

_sitrep = "";

//_sitrepFormat = "<t align='left' font='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' shadow='1' size='" + str safezoneH + "'>%1</t>";

_sitrepFormat = "<t align='left' font='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' shadow='1'>%1</t>";

sleep 1;

for "_i" from 0 to (count _sitrepArray - 1) do {

_letter = _sitrepArray select _i;

_delay = if (_letter == "|") then {_letter = "<br />"; 1} else {0.01};

_sitrep = _sitrep + _letter;

_control ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext format [_sitrepFormat,_sitrep + "_"];

//playsound ["IncomingChallenge",true];

sleep _delay;

if (isnull _control) exitwith {};


_control ctrlsetstructuredtext parsetext format [_sitrepFormat,_sitrep];


//--- Create UAV camera

_camera = "camera" camcreate position player;

_camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"];

_camera campreparefov 0.4;

_camera campreparetarget _killer;

showcinemaborder false;

//--- Set PP effects

_saturation = 0.2 + random 0.3;

_ppColor = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1999];

_ppColor ppEffectEnable true;

_ppColor ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1 - _saturation, 1 - _saturation, 1 - _saturation, _saturation], [1, 1, 1, 1.0]];

_ppColor ppEffectCommit 0;

_ppGrain = ppEffectCreate ["filmGrain", 2012];

_ppGrain ppEffectEnable true;

_ppGrain ppEffectAdjust [random 0.2, 1, 1, 0, 1];

_ppGrain ppEffectCommit 0;

//--- Camera update executed every frame

bis_fnc_death_player = _player;

bis_fnc_death_killer = _killer;

bis_fnc_death_camera = _camera;

bis_fnc_death_loop = {

scriptname "BIS_fnc_death: camera";

_display = _this select 0;

_player = bis_fnc_death_player;

_killer = bis_fnc_death_killer;

_camera = bis_fnc_death_camera;

_sin = 20 * sin (time * 7);

_killerPos = [

(getposasl _killer select 0),

(getposasl _killer select 1) + (_sin),

(getposasl _killer select 2) + (_sin)


_dirToKiller = if (_killer == _player) then {

direction _player;

} else {

([_player,_killerPos] call bis_fnc_dirto) + _sin;


_pos = [

getposasl _killer,



] call bis_fnc_relpos;

_pos set [2,((_pos select 2) + 7) max (getterrainheightasl _pos + 7)];

//--- Pitch

_heightCamera = getterrainheightasl _pos;

_heightKiller = getterrainheightasl _killerPos;

_height = _heightCamera - _heightKiller;

_dis = _killerPos distance _pos;

_angle = (asin (_height/_dis));

_camera setdir _dirtokiller;

[_camera,-_angle,_sin] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank;

_camera setposasl _pos;

//--- HUD

_n = 5800;

_hudPos = (worldtoscreen position _killer);

if (count _hudPos > 0) then {

_hudPosW = ctrlposition CONTROL select 2;

_hudPosH = ctrlposition CONTROL select 3;

_hudPos = [

(_hudPos select 0) - _hudPosW / 2,

(_hudPos select 1) - _hudPosH / 2,




CONTROL ctrlsetposition _hudPos;

CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;



bis_fnc_death_keydown = {

_key = _this select 1;

if (_key in (actionkeys 'nightvision') || _key < 0) then {

bis_fnc_death_vision = bis_fnc_death_vision + 1;

_vision = bis_fnc_death_vision % 4;

switch (_vision) do {

case 0: {

camusenvg false;

call compile 'false SetCamUseTi 0';


case 1: {

camusenvg true;

call compile 'false SetCamUseTi 0';


case 2: {

camusenvg false;

call compile 'true SetCamUseTi 0';


case 3: {

camusenvg false;

call compile 'true SetCamUseTi 1';





//bis_fnc_death_vision = (1 + floor random 3) % 4; //--- Random vision (not NVG)

bis_fnc_death_vision = -1;

[-1,-1] call bis_fnc_death_keydown;

_display displayaddeventhandler ["mousemoving","_this call bis_fnc_death_loop"];

_display displayaddeventhandler ["mouseholding","_this call bis_fnc_death_loop"];

_display displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_death_keydown"];

//--- Team Switch display opened

waituntil {isnull _display};

_displayTeamSwitch = finddisplay 632;

//--- Team Switch display closed - cleanup and restart the view

waituntil {isnull _displayTeamSwitch};

_camera cameraeffect ["terminate","back"];

camdestroy _camera;

bis_fnc_death_player = nil;

bis_fnc_death_killer = nil;

bis_fnc_death_camera = nil;

bis_fnc_death_loop = nil;

ppeffectdestroy _ppColor;

ppeffectdestroy _ppGrain;

if (!alive player) exitwith {_this call bis_fnc_death;};

//--- Resurrection!

BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = true;

0 fadesound _soundvolume;

0 fademusic _musicvolume;

bis_fnc_death_start = nil;

Edited by froggyluv

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How can i disable the BIS's kill cam? I want to make custom one.

Edited by danczer

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I would love to see a kill cam script as well

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I had one from Zonekiller revive, (it stoped working after update)..

I'm not sure if he is going to fix it, but I'm going to ask if I can.. (if I can)...

its in a mission called battlezone , best revive script ive used it included a deathcam ...

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I remember the best death cam from call of duty

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@moricky I'm trying to use the enableEndDialog command but I get a 90% black screen when it triggers ... is it broken ?

Help please !




_player = _this select 0
_killer = _this select 1

_camera = "camera" camCreate [9578.59,3540.29,1.66]
_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]

3.5 fadesound 0


? (_killer != _killer or _killer == _player) : goto "suicide"

;=== 14:30:26
_camera camSetTarget vehicle _player
_camera camSetRelPos [5.80,1.29,3.07]
_camera camSetFOV 0.100
_camera camCommit 0
@camCommitted _camera

;=== 14:30:54
_camera camSetRelPos [2.71,19.55,12.94]
_camera camSetFOV 0.700
_camera camCommit 5
0 fadeMusic 1
playMusic "Track10"
@camCommitted _camera

;=== 14:31:29
_camera camSetTarget _killer
_camera camSetRelPos [-6.66,18.99,2.59]
_camera camSetFOV 0.700
_camera camCommit 5
@camCommitted _camera
;=== 14:32:05
_camera camSetRelPos [1.17,-21.71,-1.07]
_camera camSetFOV 0.070
_camera camCommit 10
@camCommitted _camera

;=== 14:30:26
_camera camSetTarget vehicle _player
_camera camSetRelPos [5.80,1.29,3.07]
_camera camSetFOV 0.700
_camera camCommit 0.0
@camCommitted _camera

;=== 14:30:54
_camera camSetRelPos [2.71,19.55,12.94]
_camera camCommit 60
@camCommitted _camera

_camera camSetFOV 0.005
_camera camCommit 50
@camCommitted _camera
_camera camSetFOV 1.8
_camera camCommit 50
@camCommitted _camera
goto "zoom"

goto "exitus"


0 fadeMusic 0.5
playMusic "Track10"

;=== 14:30:26
_camera camSetTarget vehicle _player
_camera camSetRelPos [5.80,1.29,3.07]
_camera camSetFOV 0.700
_camera camCommit 0.0
@camCommitted _camera

;=== 14:30:54
_camera camSetRelPos [2.71,19.55,12.94]
_camera camCommit 60
@camCommitted _camera

_camera camSetFOV 0.005
_camera camCommit 50
@camCommitted _camera
_camera camSetFOV 1.8
_camera camCommit 50
@camCommitted _camera
goto "zoom"

_player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]
camDestroy _camera



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wow there are people using sqs scripts nowadays. sry to be off topic ...

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What ever the reason, this is a way to bypass Arma 3 BUGS ! 

Found my way around this bug with @POLPOX's help. If this can help future people like me that struggle with things BI broke : 

CUSTOM DEATH SCREEN : (Working but will probably need improving)


_player = _this select 0
_killer = _this select 1
[_player, _killer] execVM "deathScreen.sqf"



_player = _this select 0;
_killer = _this select 1;

#define CONTROL    (_display displayctrl _n)


if (isNull _killer) then {_killer = _player};

_start = isNil "bis_fnc_respawnNone_start";
if (_start) then {
    bis_fnc_respawnNone_start = [daytime,time / 3600];

    3.5 fadeSound 0;
    sleep 2;
    if (alive player) exitwith {};
    cutText ["","BLACK OUT",1];
    sleep 1.5;
    BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = false;

    if (isMultiplayer) then {(findDisplay 46) createDisplay "RscDisplayMissionEnd";} else {enableEndDialog};

waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 58)};
_display = findDisplay 58;

//--- Black fade in
_n = 1060;
CONTROL ctrlsetfade 1;
if (_start) then
    CONTROL ctrlcommit 4;
    CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;
cuttext ["","plain"];

//--- HUD
_n = 5800;
CONTROL ctrlsettext gettext (configfile >> "cfgingameui" >> "cursor" >> "select");
CONTROL ctrlsetposition [-10,-10,safezoneH * 0.07 * 3/4,safezoneH * 0.07];
CONTROL ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1];
CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;

_n = 11000;
_bcgPos = ctrlposition CONTROL;
_n = 5858;
CONTROL ctrlsetposition [(((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX),
             ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY),
             safezoneW - 2 * (_bcgPos select 2),
             safezoneH / 2];
CONTROL ctrlcommit 0;



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why is it not possible to use the deathScreen.sqf code directly in onPlayerKilled.sqf?


EDIT: I see its about the given input variables.

EDIT2: Oh, it isn't. I don't get it. So the above question stands...

EDIT3: what is this line for?

_start = isNil "bis_fnc_respawnNone_start";


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