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TAW View Distance Script

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Is this updated for the addon version as well?

Does the addon version give that problem? Because it shouldn't as it can access the actual Resource classes.

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Does the addon version give that problem? Because it shouldn't as it can access the actual Resource classes.
I haven't messed with it. I just figured if you had to alter one then you'd need to alter the other. Since it seems to not be the case then the answer to my question is that the addon doesn't need to be updated.

Thanks for this mod. Both versions. I've used each of them at some point.

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With the demo mission included, it doesn't show for me in the editor, although if i pack it and run it on a dedicated box it then shows... mmmm.

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is there a way to set the MAX view distance on say foot?

Don't quite get what you are asking, a bit more specific?

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I need to be able to set the max distance players can use i.e 2.5K not 10,0000 is that possible to set so they cannot go over x amount ?

so limit the slider?

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Ok Tonic Im asking for a feature request here.........

Perhaps we could even expand to:

[boolean, 3000, 3000, 5000] execVM "taw_vd\init.sqf"; // grass disable option/ max_s_foot sliderSetRange / max_s_car sliderSetRange / max_s_air sSR..

inside init.sqf:

_max_foot = _this select 1;
_max_car = _this select 2;
_max_air = _this select 3;

[max_foot, max_car, max_air] taw_vd\open.sqf

Yes this would be great, for my PvP mission, as i do not want the people with super-rigs to have too much advantage, though giving the people with older machines the option to trade view-distance for framerate.

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Hi Tonic. I love this feature you have made but I am having trouble to get it to run independently. I was using it as part of the INS Revive pack but now I would like it separate. I have copied the taw_vd folder into my mission folder and added into my description.ext:

class Header

#include "taw_vd\dialog.hpp"

class CfgFunctions
#include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp"

in my init.sqf file I currently have


I have also tried adding:

After that you want to put the following code below into your init.sqf (preferred near the bottom). Again if you do not have one then create one.

[] execVM "taw_vd\init.sqf";

but all I got was an error from the game saying "could not find taw_vd\init.sqf"

in the game there is also no scroll feature. Any suggestions?



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but all I got was an error from the game saying "could not find taw_vd\init.sqf"

in the game there is also no scroll feature. Any suggestions?



Make sure that the taw_vd folder is written all lower caps, and does not contain any sub-folders. all scripts run directly from inside that folder. (there should be 6 SQF files and 2 HPP files)

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in my init.sqf file I currently have


I have also tried adding:

but all I got was an error from the game saying "could not find taw_vd\init.sqf"

in the game there is also no scroll feature. Any suggestions?



Works in MP COOP. remove [] execVM "taw_vd\init.sqf"; from the init.sqf

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Tonic-_- are there any known issues with this MOD since the release of the Zeus DLC?

Edited by Hajimoto

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This is not working anymore since the last update, hope it can be fixed :)

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This is not working anymore since the last update, hope it can be fixed :)

For me it's still working. Are you on devbranch or stable?

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For me it's still working. Are you on devbranch or stable?

On stable, followed the installation instructions perfectly and still nothing. Even the example missions doesnt work so its not myside of things

that has stopped it working. I have also tried vanilla game with no other mods running.

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On stable, followed the installation instructions perfectly and still nothing. Even the example missions doesnt work so its not myside of things

that has stopped it working. I have also tried vanilla game with no other mods running.

Strange, as it's definitely working for me, even after the last update.

Have you made sure to have these entries in your description.ext:

#include "taw_vd\dialog.hpp"


class cfgFunctions


#include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp"


and no second entry for cfgFunctions?

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This is my description.ext:

onLoadName = "Counter Insurgency";

author = "DarkXess";

OnLoadMission = "Teamwork At Its Best";

loadScreen = "Info\rw2.jpg";

#include "VAS\menu.hpp"

#include "taw_vd\dialog.hpp"

class CfgFunctions


#include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp"

#include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp"


As you see I am already using VAS and it says on the instructions on using a 2nd CfgFunctions to add this line instead: #include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp"

Though saying this, why does the original demo mission not work too? :-/

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I'm wondering if this addon could incorporate a 'save' for the values picked? So I wouldn't have to set them manually every time I play mp.

I'm not a server admin, just a player. But it would be nice if the 3 VD and grass settings was saved to some textfile and loaded everytime I join a server that is running this addon (which is 100% of the time).

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Doesn't work for me anymore, even the mission given within doesnt work. Not even on my dedicated server.

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Thanks for your time this is a great script..

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To work this script, just add unit's init in editor like VAS

this addAction["<t color='#1111ff'>View Distance Setting</t>", "taw_vd\fn_openTAWVD.sqf"];

color='#1111ff' & View Distance Setting can edit what you like.

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Well finally after a year and a half later they finally fixed the scripting command setObjectViewDistance so now the menu when the next patch is released will support changing the Object rendering distance as well as syncing it with the current view distance.


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Just as a note, I've been running this script on a few servers but I removed the 'None' button option. I know there is a config to disable No Grass, but IMO that config should also remove the 'None' button.

With No Grass disabled, there were complaints about the button not working until it was removed. When explained to the soldiers why it was removed (unsportsmanlike), there was some unhappiness until the button was removed.

With no button, no complaints.

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For next official version, please use saveProfileNamespace so our fine soldiers don't have to adjust their settings each session! I took it off the player action menu and attached it to an object addaction.

Also perhaps another bar for distinction between "Plane" and "Helicopter" would be handy. In Helicopters usually view distance a little less than is desired/required in a jet.

Tweaked it slightly, perhaps something like this?


action = "[] call TAWVD_fnc_saveProfile;";

// File: fn_saveProfile.sqf
// Save settings

if (saving_vd_data) exitWith {hintSilent "Saving settings, please wait a moment...";};
hintSilent "Settings saved";
saving_vd_data = TRUE;
profileNamespace setVariable ["tawvd_air_profile",tawvd_air_profile];
profileNamespace setVariable ["tawvd_car_profile",tawvd_car_profile];
profileNamespace setVariable ["tawvd_foot_profile",tawvd_foot_profile]; 
[] spawn {
sleep 5;
hintSilent "";
saving_vd_data = FALSE;

// fn_tawvdInit.sqf (tweaked)


if (!isNil {profileNamespace getVariable "tawvd_foot_profile"}) then {
tawvd_foot_profile = profileNamespace getVariable "tawvd_foot_profile";
} else {
tawvd_foot_profile = 1600;



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