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Development Branch Changelog

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EXE rev. 151510 (game)
EXE rev. 151510 (Launcher)
Size: ~71 MB



  • Fixed: Remains collector was not removing invisible dead characters from vehicle wrecks
  • Added: Weapon holder support to the remains collector (WIP)
  • Added: weaponholderManagerMode, weaponholderRemovalMinTime, weaponholderRemovalMaxTime, weaponholderLimit mission config parameters
  • Tweaked: Changed default disposal check period from 1 second to 5 seconds in remains collector
  • Fixed: Remains collector was adding duplicate entries into a monitored array
  • Fixed: Remains collector was not always adding entities in multiplayer
  • Tweaked: Wreck priority removal is now calculated depending on whether or not the wreck is smoking
  • Tweaked: Added an extra optional parameter to respawnVehicle
  • Fixed: Helicopters destroyed without effects would continue burning and smoking
  • Fixed: Vehicles respawned as flying were created on the ground first when the "Respawn" Event Handler returned its position
  • Tweaked: getEntityInfo was extended
  • Added: getRespawnVehicleInfo script command
  • Tweaked: Vehicle respawn options are significantly extended
  • Tweaked: More helpful error messages when a server's "keys" folder is missing or empty (thanks to Lango)
  • Tweaked: Added an option to follow a respawn marker's direction for vehicles
  • Fixed: setUnitLoadout would not place UAV Terminal items into the GPS slot
  • Tweaked: Indefinite vehicle respawn default option is now -1 (the wreck left behind gets a suffix _oldwreck)



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EXE rev. 151569 (game)
EXE rev. 151569 (Launcher)
Size: ~74 MB



  • Tweaked: get/setMissionOptions now use HashMaps
  • Fixed: "AnimDone" event firing constantly after a unit's death - FT-T175658
  • Added: getCorpseWeaponholders script command
  • Fixed: Desync in some remote animations - FT-T124694
  • Tweaked: Vehicle respawn marker search was improved
  • Tweaked: Vehicle respawn marker selection was further improved, and the getRespawnVehicleInfo command was extended
  • Added: callExtension feature flags, context stacktrace, and game functions
  • Fixed: The random script command would sometimes return the maximum value; it is now exclusive again (broken since 2008) - FT-T168113
  • Fixed: Radio channel sentence types were not synchronized properly
  • Fixed: Reliability of adding / removing units to / from custom radio channels was improved
  • Fixed: Chat HUD was still present when a player was removed from the corresponding radio channel
  • Fixed: It was possible to add units to a radio channel that was not yet created
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EXE rev. 151598 (game)
EXE rev. 151600 (Launcher)
Size: ~86 MB



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EXE rev. 151641 (game)
EXE rev. 151641 (Launcher)
Size: ~70 MB




Big thank you to NeilZar, for your last build in an official Arma 3 Live Ops capacity and all your hard work these past years 👨‍💻 

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EXE rev. 151686 (game)
EXE rev. 151686 (Launcher)
Size: ~73 MB



  • Added: Optional Bool to surfaceTexture and surfaceType commands for accurate surface information
  • Fixed: switchMove blendFactor did not work with gestures - FT-T164731
  • Fixed: Heal actions did not appear when touching water (now characters just need to have their upper body out of water) - FT-T178578
  • Fixed: soundFly of shots was not simulating the speed of sound - FT-T178099
  • Tweaked: Added a cache of recent patterns for regex* script commands
  • Tweaked: Finished integration of weapon holders into the remains collector
  • Tweaked: objectParent now also returns a weapon holder's creator unit
  • Tweaked: Upgraded Linux compiler (no behavior changes expected)
  • Fixed: Feature objects, that are under the mouse cursor while an Eden Editor world is cleaned up, could get stuck as ghost objects - FT-T174009
  • Fixed: Script errors in params would not print context to RPT (thanks Jasper)
  • Fixed: Script errors in params would not trigger the "ScriptError" Event Handler
  • Fixed: say3D was inconsistent with the returned type of value
  • Fixed: Scripted weapon holders were not added to the remains collector in the 'manage all' mode
  • Fixed: Game freeze and later crash when pressing Alt+F4 with an inventory display open
  • Fixed: Possible crash on game exit
  • Fixed: Eden Editor missions could get stuck as multiplayer even with only one playable unit
  • Added: isADS and opticsMode weapon animation sources - FT-T175562
  • Fixed: setUnitLoadout did not trigger the "SlotItemChanged" Event Hander as expected - FT-T180338
  • Fixed: Mission Event Handlers for markers were not triggered locally with Zeus curator changes
  • Fixed: Zeus curator edited marker positions and directions did not broadcast to remote clients
  • Fixed: Custom radio markers were not updated for units added or removed from a channel
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EXE rev. 151725 (game)
EXE rev. 151725 (Launcher)
Size: ~81 MB



  • Fixed: Typo in respawnLinkedItems of the FIA Autorifleman - FT-T178528
  • Fixed: Hole in the bottom part of the MRD scope mesh



  • Tweaked: isADS animation source now uses an .index suffix - FT-T175562
  • Fixed: HashMapObject lost its object properties (methods and special functions) when transferred over network
  • Fixed: Some Eden Editor script commands had a wrong return type reported in their command info
  • Fixed: clear3DENAttribute always returned false and its command info return type was also wrong
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EXE rev. 151757 (game)
EXE rev. 151757 (Launcher)
Size: ~229 MB



  • Fixed: Projectile penetration of Military Coffin props
  • Fixed: Floating mesh in the Prowler model
  • Fixed: Footstep sounds on the green version of Bunker (Tower) - FT-T122026
  • Tweaked: Generated new inventory icons for Ghillie suits
  • Fixed: Hidden selections on rugged communication terminals
  • Tweaked: Improved UV mapping of the VR Slope (10x5x4) object - FT-T177369
  • Fixed: Weird vertex issue on a couple more small damaged houses - FT-T163748



  • Fixed: setParticleFire error message was misleading
  • Tweaked: Scripted division by zero now returns infinity (previously 0, still triggers a script error)
  • Fixed: Scripted min/max behaved incorrectly when provided with a NaN value (NaN is allowed on the left side)
  • Fixed: Advanced Flight Model helicopter simulation did not consider water buoyancy - FT-T180426
  • Fixed: createMarker would ignore the drawPriority of other markers and incorrectly draw on top of higher priority markers - FT-T180604
  • Fixed: Performance issue in Eden Editor when looking outside of the terrain
  • Fixed: Eden Editor lines that go through the camera (but don't start/end in the camera view) would randomly not show
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EXE rev. 151781 (game)
EXE rev. 151781 (Launcher)
Size: ~699 MB



  • Tweaked: Removed inventory pictures from vehicle-based SPG9 magazines - FT-T180323
  • Tweaked: Moved some of HEMTT's Virtual Garage texture configuration from Apex to its vanilla counterparts
  • Fixed: Double echo sound when firing Katiba or SPAR-16 indoors - FT-T178139
  • Tweaked: View geometry of a few more structures (House_1W03_F, House_2W03_F, House_2W04_F, House_2W05_F, IndustrialShed_01_F and u_House_Big_01_V1_F) - FT-T146447
  • Fixed: Issue related to occluders on Livonia civilian houses - FT-T156396



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EXE rev. 151825 (game)
EXE rev. 151825 (Launcher)
Size: ~405 MB



  • Fixed: Double echo sound when firing Mk200 indoors - FT-T178139
  • Fixed: Wrong size of the water impact splash effect for grenades
  • Fixed: Wrong water splash effect for shot grenades (UGL)
  • Added: Missing impact sounds for shot grenades
  • Added: Missing glass breaking sounds for grenades
  • Added: Body impact sounds for grenades



  • Added: allCameras script command - FT-T180138
  • Fixed: High-resolution procedural textures with too few mipmaps were not always rendered on the screen - FT-T180876
  • Fixed: Some cases where UI to Texture would not load other textures referenced in the display on first render
  • Fixed: Crash when saving the game with a script-created #lightreflector in the world - FT-T179975
  • Added: Engine support for headgear models switching based on NVG being on or off
  • Fixed: Magazines added via addXXXCargo script commands were not recognized - FT-T74244
  • Fixed: Throwing a grenade could play an impact sound - FT-T180487, FT-T73791
  • Fixed: Grenade water splash effects were limited to remote clients
  • Fixed: Water splashes were missing for smoke grenades and chemlights
  • Fixed: Any surface impact for grenades was using the ground impact sound
  • Fixed: Underwater grenade simulation
  • Fixed: Grenade collisions with characters
  • Fixed: Smoke from grenades in water was finishing too soon on remote clients
  • Fixed: Grenade interaction with glass - FT-T126046, FT-T82591, FT-T79230, FT-T76734, FT-T71810, FT-T71658, FT-T67904, FT-T66209, FT-T64513, FT-T76391, FT-T70529, FT-T67440
  • Fixed: Smoke grenades were too loud underwater
  • Fixed: Close proximity grenade interactions with glass
  • Tweaked: New hitGlassBreak[] = {} config parameter for glass breaking impact sounds
  • Tweaked: Grenade impacts on characters now deal corresponding minor damage based on the kinetic energy and angle of impact
  • Tweaked: "WeaponAssembled", "WeaponDisassembled" and "Disassembled" Event Handlers now receive extended parameters - FT-T180929
  • Added: "Assembled" Event Handler - FT-T180929
  • Fixed: Could not scroll the player list in the role selection screen (it would always reset the scroll back to the top) - FT-T180434
  • Fixed: Scrollbar in the role selection screen obscured the player mute button - FT-T180434
  • Fixed: Player mute button in the role selection list would mute the wrong player, if the list was scrolled down
  • Fixed: Eden Editor multiplayer scenarios would apply the player name to the "player" unit, even if a different "playable" unit was chosen
  • Tweaked: getAttackTarget now shows targets sooner - FT-T154359
  • Added: Map markers are now visible in 3D in Eden Editor - FT-T172248
  • Fixed: Submunition shots could duplicate their effects (particles, impact craters) in multiplayer - FT-T177010
  • Tweaked: Added a parameter to addForce to disable setting characters to unconscious
  • Tweaked: Eden Editor object icons now rotate with the object
  • Added: Eden Editor markers can now be placed in 3D (not just on the 2D map)
  • Fixed: Eden Editor marker placement preview icons did not exactly match the markers (slight size difference and missing shadow)
  • Tweaked: Eden Editor map markers now become visible when selected even if their alpha is 0%
  • Fixed: Partially filled magazines could disappear after reloading in multiplayer - FT-T142540
  • Fixed: The "Expansions" list in the server browser was not able to display all mods (not even all DLCs fit into it)
  • Fixed: Hand grenades would disappear on remote clients after hitting water
  • Added: "WeaponChanged" entity Event Handler - FT-T178384
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EXE rev. 151835 (game)
EXE rev. 151835 (Launcher)
Size: ~74 MB



  • Added: New argument to "SlotItemChanged" entity event, and it now fires for weapon attachments - FT-T177742
  • Added: "Unloaded" entity event - FT-T174935
  • Tweaked: getEntityInfo was extended with isSetForDeletion option
  • Tweaked: Added isSetForDeletion option to getShotInfo
  • Fixed: Ban reason was not displayed on clients being banned (but kick and BattlEye kick reasons were) - FT-T181310
  • Fixed: Server kick/ban commands now support whitespace in usernames by wrapping them in quotes - FT-T181310
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EXE rev. 151869 (game)
EXE rev. 151869 (Launcher)
Size: ~375 MB



  • Tweaked: VR world is now using separate footstep sounds - FT-T180485



  • Added: get/setPhysicsCollisionFlag script commands
  • Fixed: Performance degradation when many scheduled scripts are active
  • Added: "MagazineReloading" entity event
  • Fixed: Missile targeting sensors did not check range / angle limits (anti-radiation missiles could target radar emitters that were behind the missile, out of range and whose radar did not even reach the missile) - FT-T181124
  • Added: Vehicle marker lights now animate with animated memory points
  • Fixed: Removing all throwables via addMagazineCargo/addMagazineAmmoCargo would leave a ghost grenade behind - FT-T76533
  • Fixed: removeMagazine(Global) on a grenade would make the grenade category unusable, even if more grenades were available - FT-T79813
  • Added: DLL extension access to DirectX
  • Added: New script command screenToWorldDirection, and an alternative syntax for screenToWorld/worldToScreen for a specific camera - FT-T181178
  • Fixed: enableInfoPanelComponent could not disable CustomDisplayComponent - FT-T162729
  • Added: "Draw2D" mission Event Handler
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EXE rev. 151913 (game)
EXE rev. 151913 (Launcher)
Size: ~69 MB



  • Fixed: Some custom animations did not reset properly in Eden Editor - FT-T166771
  • Fixed: supportInfo types did not support filtering by name
  • Tweaked: Empty placeholder mission scripts from config, such as initServerPlayer, etc. are now ignored on mission start - FT-T85153
  • Fixed: Script error in the live feed module (BIS_fnc_liveFeed) - FT-T178986
  • Tweaked: High Command module was failing to execute properly when BIS_fnc_execVM was blocked by the mission maker


  • Fixed: JIP clients did not always synchronize properly - FT-T171670
  • Fixed: Soldier-held AA/AT weapons with lock-on were not able to lock onto targets - FT-T181124
  • Fixed: "SlotItemChanged" Event Handler did not trigger on removal of muzzle attachments
  • Added: Weapon muzzle config Event Handlers "MagazineUnloaded", "SlotItemChanged", "WeaponChanged"
  • Fixed: Crash when cutText replaces itself during "Unload" Event Handler - FT-T182375
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EXE rev. 151987 (game)
EXE rev. 151991 (Launcher)
Size: ~69 MB



  • SimulWeather script commands are missing on Dedicated Servers



  • Fixed: setFace was not setting custom faces properly - FT-T85502
  • Fixed: Blank face after a player with a custom face left the server - FT-T85502
  • Fixed: face command not always returning the set face - FT-T85502
  • Tweaked: face command now properly returns the current face as a class name - FT-T85502
  • Added: hasCustomFace script command - FT-T85502
  • Fixed: getEntityInfo would return an array of nulls when the argument was not an entity
  • Tweaked: isSetForDeletion flag in getEntityInfo was extended to work with simple objects
  • Tweaked: Alternative syntax added for setMissileTarget script command
  • Added: missileState script command
  • Tweaked: Handling of Eden Editor mouse cursor placement (it is now possible to place objects on top of all objects and upside down and on the sides of objects; please report issues that you find with this)
  • Fixed: Localized titles and descriptions for exported missions were not showing in the scenarios menu - FT-T179398
  • Fixed: "Killed" Event Handler was not triggering for upside down helicopter crashes - FT-T181306
  • Tweaked: Zeus height-only movement now blocks horizontal movement
  • Added: set3DENAttachedCursorEntity script command - FT-T182548
  • Added: "ArtilleryShellFired" mission Event Handler - FT-T180721
  • Tweaked: missileState extended with missile flight profile
  • Tweaked: Added alternative syntax for name command, for namespaces
  • Fixed: Missing falling sound for mortar shells in some cases - FT-T159917
  • Tweaked: serverTime/netId/objectFromNetId/groupFromNetId script commands now also work in singleplayer - FT-T182176
  • Added: drawLine/drawLine3D now have a width parameter - FT-T122512
  • Tweaked: format script command is no longer limited to 8191 characters (now 8388608) - FT-T81725
  • Added: getSteamFriendsServers now also returns the steamUID of the player - FT-T176268
  • Tweaked: Improved script performance
  • Fixed: UGV remote control from its passenger seat stopped working
  • Fixed: Delay in transferring UAV remote control to the player - FT-T182587
  • Fixed: Entity leak after remote removal of a vest or uniform - FT-T182649
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EXE rev. 152041 (game)
EXE rev. 152041 (Launcher)
Size: ~127 MB




  • Fixed: SimulWeather scripts commands were missing on Dedicated Servers
  • Added: ctrlModelVectorSide script command
  • Tweaked: allLODs now returns whether a LOD is currently loaded
  • Fixed: say3D attenuated for drivers of open vehicles - FT-T84917
  • Added: Vehicle config parameter disableDriverAttenuation
  • Fixed: Siren could be heard twice when entering an ambulance while the siren is playing - FT-T159347
  • Added: remoteExecutedJIPID script command
  • Fixed: loadAbs/load and the inventory UI container fill indicator, which counted the contents of Uniforms/Vests/Backpacks twice - FT-T167469
  • Fixed: Inventory UI external container load progress bar preview was not considering contents in dragged containers - FT-T167469
  • Fixed: lnbDeleteRow did not trigger "OnLbSelChanged" event when the selected row had to be changed
  • Added: "SaveGame" mission Event Handler - FT-T182887
  • Added: allExtensions script command (with code signing certificate information and checking) - FT-T78558FT-T74717
  • Fixed: "CargoUnloaded" entity event did not fire if the cargo was detached without being unloaded properly
  • Added: getEventHandlerInfo now returns code of some Event Handler types (diagnostic binary only)
  • Added: "Attached" / "Detached" entity events
  • Fixed: Some cases where the game would not create a crash report on crashing
  • Added: toJSON and fromJSON script commands - FT-T168271
  • Fixed: Vehicle door open states would not synchronize correctly in multiplayer - FT-T182082
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EXE rev. 152062 (game)
EXE rev. 152062 (Launcher)
Size: ~101 MB



  • Tweaked: Regenerated a lot of Eden Editor previews to fix glitches with various assets



  • Fixed: Crash when providing some command-line parameters with an argument, but leaving the argument empty (-unit=) (thanks PineCone227)
  • Fixed: Bogus script type errors on Linux servers (thanks pSiKO)
  • Fixed: Launcher firing effects did not work for remote units - FT-T182166
  • Fixed: Custom missionEnd was broken (thanks kju)
  • Fixed: Game crash when trying to use the #vote server command since a recent change (thanks WO1 P. Larkins)
  • Fixed: Compatibility with Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 (thanks Dimon UA)
  • Fixed: Memory corruption and random crashes when a structure with Path LOD was outside of terrain bounds (thanks Floffel)
  • Fixed: Crash if a weapon magazine is removed during the "Reloaded" Event Handler
  • Fixed: "HandleHeal" Event Handler ignored a returned Boolean - FT-T182892
  • Fixed: "HandleHeal" Event Handler did not trigger on healing at a medical vehicle - FT-T183117
  • Fixed: "HandleHeal" Event Handler isMedic parameter was always false - FT-T71433
  • Tweaked: "HandleHeal" Event Handler return was extended
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EXE rev. 152135 (game)
EXE rev. 152135 (Launcher)

Size: ~136 MB



  • Dedicated Server may be unable to load mission files


  • Fixed: Eden Editor preview for Spetsnaz Recon Grenadier
  • Tweaked: Unified Geometry LOD on all character models (this should result in more unified damage behavior between various uniforms)
  • Tweaked: Enabled inventory on AL-6 boxes - FT-T179981


  • Fixed: Tactical Ping was not placed correctly on a rotating mini map - FT-T165080
  • Added: simulSetHumidity command (reintroduced after a long absence)
  • Fixed: AI would calculate paths even if "PATH" is disabled via disableAI - FT-T160446
  • Fixed: Unable to use compositions or unit/squad logos when the profile folder contains non-ASCII characters - FT-T148574
  • Added: "UnitKilled" group Event Handler - FT-T170658
  • Fixed: "InventoryOpened" event did not receive the ground weapon holder - FT-T170711
  • Fixed: drawRectangle and drawEllipse not following a rotating mini map - FT-T165080
  • Tweaked: drawRectangle and drawEllipse optional parameter - FT-T165080
  • Fixed: Extensions could not be loaded if the mod folder or game folder path contained non-ASCII characters
  • Fixed: Explosive charges could cause very low or no damage at all, when detonated close to the center of mass of a building - FT-T183118
  • Tweaked: missionProfileNamespace is now saved on mission end (only if isMissionProfileNamespaceLoaded) - FT-T183037
  • Fixed: Non-leaders could talk on command chat - FT-T179942
  • Tweaked: Chat channels which are not available will not appear in the UI channel selection - FT-T179942
  • Fixed: Performance issues and out-of-memory crash trying to draw the map on extremely large (>128km²) or broken (NaNs in heightmap) terrains - FT-T183162
  • Fixed: sleep command would not work in persistent Join-In-Progress scripts
  • Fixed: Spamming map open/close could result in a permanent loss of sound (thanks Dolph Man)
  • Fixed: "Put" Event Handler did not fire on containers - FT-T175428
  • Tweaked: copyFromClipboard is now available in Eden Editor multiplayer mode
  • Fixed: Zeus map did not show Polyline markers - FT-T175116
  • Added: Server network anti-flood protections
  • Fixed: Server could freeze when too many network messages were received
  • Fixed: WaypointremoteExec, particle, init.sqf and action scheduled scripts were missing the _thisScript variable - FT-T183544
  • Fixed: setUnitLoadout would replace Uniform/Vest/Backpack containers even if nil was passed for them - FT-T180975
  • Fixed: The game still considered shadow view distance (and rendered all objects within that distance) even if shadows are disabled - FT-T175612FT-T175509
  • Tweaked: drop script command now returns the particle object - FT-T182084
  • Tweaked: "EpeContactStart" event now triggers before collision damage is applied - FT-T177724
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EXE rev. 152211 (game)
EXE rev. 152211 (Launcher)
Size: ~96 MB



  • Not always loading textures and LODs for assets



  • Fixed: Hiding of the loading screen (unknown) game mode for singleplayer was broken since a recent engine change


  • Fixed: Game could freeze when tabbing out while rendering - FT-T183720
  • Fixed: Fused UGL grenades would not explode when hitting a character body
  • Tweaked: getBoneNames now returns two arrays (bone/parent split, instead of being combined in one array) - FT-T167461
  • Fixed: supportInfo command did not list all commands on "u:*" and "b:*"
  • Added: Mission option to ignore upside-down self damage for helicopters
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EXE rev. 152232 (game)
EXE rev. 152232 (Launcher)
Size: ~71 MB



  • Fixed: Vanguard MP would not always clear a leader's selection box after closing the map


  • Fixed: Not always loading textures and LODs for assets
  • Fixed: "HandleDamage" Event Handler started triggering on character heal
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