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Arma 3 Headless Client

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Good job tmortensen :) Can i ask if your HC dies when players join your server/mission? We have this happen all the time, with no actual fall out as we are aware of.. but it doesnt ever get mentioned in this thread other than us asking the question of why?

Im wondering if theres something we have missed in the sqm so heres what we have...




player="PLAY CDG";






init="this allowDamage false";

description="Headless Client Unit, cannot be chosen by human player";

Im presuming this is standard? You mentioned locking the slot? We first get a player to join then add the HC and he goes straight into his slot.

Heres hoping you or someone can shed some light on this


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Hi Champy. Tom's one of my guys. Jump on our TS and have a chat with someone about it if you want.

we always start server, then connect the HC, Then players.

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Does anyone have an example mission?

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hello, so I have my DS and HC up and running....

Now I need to fill it with missions, what are you guys using to have AI move to HC???

Any and all assistance is welcome, there is not a lot of info out there on HC missions specifically.

Thanks in advance.

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OK so I have setup our dedicated with the headless client line in the server.cfg made a separate Arma 3 shortcut that launches the dedicated host for the headless client but I'm lost on what I need to do to completely setup a headless client. What do I need to add in the missions? Also what is the process of launching the game as in do you start the headless client shortcut first then your game that you will play on and should the server be running the mission before you launch the headless client shortcut? Sorry if I missed somewhere this is posted I searched all over I could really use some help setting this up for my units missions thanks.

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  Zlin said:
There's a pretty good tutorial on HC here...


In his example, he shows several ways to turn AI over to the HC. I have followed his example for editor placed AI by using a trigger that waits for the HC to be present, then the script runs the setOwner command to transfer ownership of the specified units over to the HC.

I also then used this script in my AI Spawn scripts...


I use Arma Server Monitor to monitor both the Dedicated Server and the Headless Client. I can see the editor placed AI units listed as AIL (Local) on the server initially, but as soon as the HC finishes loading, I can see the AI I specified switch over to the HC. The AIL number on the HC goes up and the AIL number on the Server goes down. (AIL is AI local, as opposed to AIR, which is AI remote). Arma Server Monitor is also a great tool if your not already using it.

I posted this a few pages back. Hopefully it will help some of you. The first link still works but the second link seems to be dead now.

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I have looked at that before don't you have to use DAC for that? If you could post a link to one of your missions that you run headless client on that would help a bunch so I can see how you have it setup thanks for the help.

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Ok so I got the HC to work the way I have it setup is the HC is running of my pc connecting to the server which seems to work fine but the problem is that I can't join the server without being kicked as the latest patch has stopped one Arma key being used twice on one server I guess. So if I buy a second key and want to run the HC on my other pc in the same room how can I do this and will it work? I guess I would have to make a new e mail address and open a new steam account to run it? As per my previous post any example mission that is setup to run a HC would be greatly appreciated thanks.

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greywolf, I have it set that way, I got another version of game under SAME email but different named account, then I have a DS and separate HC pc both speaking to each other, the DS is using Tophes Arma Dedicated Server Tool (TADST) v2.4 for server and I have the HC connecting to DS ISP via command line, look up bis command lines for HC, you'll need port, ISP and others, then you need to use another program to make AIspawn.sqf script to be run in init.sqf with command lines, NOW here is the bugger, apparently UPSMON can be used it needs code lines changed once aispawn.sqf is made, more work, AND apparently you can use HC with MCC and DAC, I am trying to get more info with MCC, you can use DAC with the same way from arma 2 version, so I am told, I am taking 1 at a time and stuck on MCC.

IF anyone has info to share on HOW TO use UPSMON in a more easy way OR MCC with headless client PLEASE PLEASE share, I am stuck....

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks good to know that a second copy and second steam account works to get past this problem, let us know what you come up with for the AI spawn .

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A maybe helpful hint when using headless client ?

If you are using an altered profile for AI settings for your server it seems you will need to use an altered profile for the HC aswell.

We found that as we play on Elite server difficulty with a lowered accuracy (precision) setting, that when AI where local to the HC they reverted back to elite setting of 1 unless the HCs profile is altered.

Hope this helps someone :)

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You could try using zeu or now known as zeus not the BIS but its a server side AI skill setting, not sure but presume it would work for HC, my issues are related to AIbehavior scripts like UPSMON, I am told mods work along with AIspawn.sqf. Not sure what works best, am still trying to figure this whole thing out, it seems nothing is very easy with HC. I do however have it set up on my DS, it connects fine, I can use it with basic AIscript.sqf to run on HC, I haven't tried to many mods for AIbehavior though. Can anyone post what works for them?

UPSMON I am told works, however you need to change some code in the AIscript.sqf after a2mc.

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HEy, did anything change for headless client? since the last cba and the bigger update i cant get HC to work anymore. None of the missions that are public work anymore, on benny'S warfare the HC dont take his slot on his own (and for moving in its locked), MCC dont work anymore with HC. What im doing wrong? HC can connect normally, i added localClient[]={}; to the server and -client -connect= -port=xxxx -nosound to the HC installation. The HC eat one of the slots when i build a testmission and then i move him to the second (civilian) slot. But none of my AI is moving to HC. I check with ArmaServerMonitor.

Any ideas???

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  Numrollen said:
HEy, did anything change for headless client? since the last cba and the bigger update i cant get HC to work anymore. None of the missions that are public work anymore, on benny'S warfare the HC dont take his slot on his own (and for moving in its locked), MCC dont work anymore with HC. What im doing wrong? HC can connect normally, i added localClient[]={}; to the server and -client -connect= -port=xxxx -nosound to the HC installation. The HC eat one of the slots when i build a testmission and then i move him to the second (civilian) slot. But none of my AI is moving to HC. I check with ArmaServerMonitor.

Any ideas???

Try to kick and see if it retrieve its slot.

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I should kick HC and reconnect him? Then it should work? Will try

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  Numrollen said:
I should kick HC and reconnect him? Then it should work? Will try

Kick it and let it reconnect, check if it take the right slot.

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Didnt work :( Seems like he isnt recognized as HC anymore. What can i do wrong there? Are there any uptodate missions out there with HC? i only have 2-3 but they are older.

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Can you name a good mission with working hc? I dont know where to start searching the problem?

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So can someone walk me through how to setup the headless client on our dedicated server we rent? I have purchased a separate key so I can run the HC on my second pc which is working but from what I understand it's best to have the HC run off the same pc as your server for better communication between the 2? I used Naughts plug and play script from UO to put the AI on the HC maybe not the best way to do it but it works I see the HC taking the AI with Arma server monitor but I notice that on a few missions I try to set it up on the AI are spawning in and out strangely with the cache system that go's with the script what do you guys recommend to use for unit caching and putting the AI on the HC? Thanks for any help.

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Anyone who is using TCAdmin got Headless Client working on it?

When I'm trying to start HC from TCAdmin I got a message from Steam that says I'm already running an app with the same ID. When I start ArmA3 from Steam in a "normal" way by clicking Play button everything works OK. I just want to have a possibility to start HC using web browser (I got it working this way with HC on ArmA2) and not RDP.

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Does the physical location of the HC unit on the map need to be near the AO (like in Arma2) or can we tuck him away safely on on of the offshore islands?

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  Mariodu62 said:
i have no problems with HC.

can you give us more information that this, like what do you use to make your missions work on HC, what scripts do you use that work, are you using 1 PC or 2, I know patrolops is not working, I have MCC working on HC, I have tried UPSMON w/ A2MC and there's a lot of work to have that work on HC.

I am wanting an AIbehavior script that works, ideas?


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