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Please make "actions" more accesible ! i.e. open doors , climb ladders etc

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In my opinion the game is too "slow" when it comes to using functions , for example entering vehicles , climbing ladders and opening doors. I would suggest either binding a hot key to these functions like in most games or make it simpler. You shouldn't have to walk right up to a door , stop scroll, find the open door bit , and hit enter. It takes far too long and isn't realistic if we are going on how soldiers would be able to function . Similarly for ladders.

Can there not be just a button like in most games "use" This button could access doors, ladders, vehicles maybe be able to look in dead bodies gear or crates etc ?

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In my opinion the game is too "slow" when it comes to using functions , for example entering vehicles , climbing ladders and opening doors. I would suggest either binding a hot key to these functions like in most games or make it simpler. You shouldn't have to walk right up to a door , stop scroll, find the open door bit , and hit enter. It takes far too long and isn't realistic if we are going on how soldiers would be able to function . Similarly for ladders.

Can there not be just a button like in most games "use" This button could access doors, ladders, vehicles maybe be able to look in dead bodies gear or crates etc ?

This isn't like most games, and neither is the engine of the game. :)

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This isn't like most games. And neither is the engine of the game.

There really is no reason why there shouldn't be a standard interact button.

Opening doors and climbing ladders still takes too long a pause in my opinion. In real life you don't really need to stop and think about how you're going to approach them.

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You don't even have to scroll unless there are multiple actions possible in one area. Walk up to a door and press Space.

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This isn't like most games, and neither is the engine of the game. :)

That's a weird argument against what he is saying, if it is one.

It could get somewhat clunky, but I think the player-position dependant(for example, next to a car) and default use key does a pretty good job nowdays. Though ArmA 2 sometimes drives me mad because it can't decided wether" drag" or "first-aid" is the default action I want to do when standing next to a wounded soldier.

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There really is no reason why there shouldn't be a standard interact button.

Opening doors and climbing ladders still takes too long a pause in my opinion. In real life you don't really need to stop and think about how you're going to approach them.

Scroll, click.

It really is a matter of seconds.

But i guess if the devs saw it fit, implenting it wouldn't do any harm.

That's a weird argument against what he is saying, if it is one.

It could get somewhat clunky, but I think the player-position dependant(for example, next to a car) and default use key does a pretty good job nowdays. Though ArmA 2 sometimes drives me mad because it can't decided wether" drag" or "first-aid" is the default action I want to do when standing next to a wounded soldier.

What i meant was, you can't just copypaste features from other engines because "most games" has it. It has to be programmed first, and someone has to do it.

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i know what you're going at, but:

You don't even have to scroll unless there are multiple actions possible in one area. Walk up to a door and press Space.

this. or you could even rebind the quick action (the one with the icon on your crosshair) to E.

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Unless there are multiple actions for a single area (opening won't contain many), you can just use the Space button to get into it.

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Tl;DR most posts

F**k your logic, this is arma.

And yes, I had hope that after all those years we would get an "action" key just for actions we already have recognized as default with icon like doors, ladders, entering a vehicle and healing teammate, but instead we have 3 keys doing the very same thing (space, enter, mmb). Yes, when icon appears they do the action, but why every one of them has to bring the action menu with weapon change etc. ? Noone knows.

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I mostly use mmb. When I come to a door I hit it and the door opens. The action menu doesn't come up.

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The spacebar already works like that, it selects the default action. What more could you want it to do?

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I believe the OP wasn't aware that you could activate default actions via space.

Pressing V to get out of a vehicle is a nice addition though.

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The spacebar already works like that, it selects the default action. What more could you want it to do?

they don't know about it because they didn't once click options. they immediately went multiplayer(skipping the single player training) because they expect this to be as simple as the other shooters out there.

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Can there not be just a button like in most games "use" This button could access doors, ladders, vehicles maybe be able to look in dead bodies gear or crates etc ?

And yes, I had hope that after all those years we would get an "action" key just for actions we already have recognized as default with icon like doors, ladders, entering a vehicle and healing teammate, but instead we have 3 keys doing the very same thing (space, enter, mmb). Yes, when icon appears they do the action, but why every one of them has to bring the action menu with weapon change etc. ? Noone knows.

Are we playing the same game? Arma 3 definitely has this button. I believe it was Spacebar by default. It does exactly what you two are asking.

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Jesus, guys. Let's actually encourage discussion, eh?

I think the OP might be hoping for something more like, either:

1. We could nail down appropriate 'defaults' for the default action key, such as always 'get in as driver' on a car, unless driver is full, then get in as gunner, etc.

- Including making this default key only work on what you directly look at, as opposed to what you're near, so if there are multiple doors, only the one you look at gets activated/used. This would make the default action key work much better.


2. Have a specific key just for getting in and out of vehicles. You need to get in under fire. 'Default action' might decide to switch your guns, check the vehicle gear, etc. This is made worse by missions that add extra options, often from the top of the list.

TL;DR: Relax and discuss this. Add button for enter/exit vehicle.

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IMHO a separate button for interacting with outside world, single default action only, would be ok and not detrimental. Mapping the default "action" button to Space alleviates some of the issues, as now you see the icon (for opening door,etc) you simply tap space. (Although this had always been possible in Arma with simple remap). However, when on the move (either you or the world object you interact with - famous hovering chinook entering videos in A2), you get the problem that the action can disappear quicker than you can react, still pressing the space even though now it switches your weapon.

Solution - two hotkeys.

One for only Selecting from the Action Menu (default - middle mouse button, plus you can always add another key mapping if your MMB is wonky like on some mice)

One for only Interacting with Outside objects (default - why not space?). This key would only do something when the interact action icon comes up. Be it open door, get in vehicle, heal comrade, whatever.

The benefit would be that the second key would work only on "default" actions interacting with the world, not accidentaly changing your weapon if you or the car moves a bit. If e.g. the chopper hovered out of reach just before you pressed the space, it would simply do nothing.

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IMHO a separate button for interacting with outside world, single default action only, would be ok and not detrimental. Mapping the default "action" button to Space alleviates some of the issues, as now you see the icon (for opening door,etc) you simply tap space. (Although this had always been possible in Arma with simple remap). However, when on the move (either you or the world object you interact with - famous hovering chinook entering videos in A2), you get the problem that the action can disappear quicker than you can react, still pressing the space even though now it switches your weapon.

Solution - two hotkeys.

One for only Selecting from the Action Menu (default - middle mouse button, plus you can always add another key mapping if your MMB is wonky like on some mice)

One for only Interacting with Outside objects (default - why not space?). This key would only do something when the interact action icon comes up. Be it open door, get in vehicle, heal comrade, whatever.

The benefit would be that the second key would work only on "default" actions interacting with the world, not accidentaly changing your weapon if you or the car moves a bit. If e.g. the chopper hovered out of reach just before you pressed the space, it would simply do nothing.

Good point and well explained. Thank you.

I also think this would be a good idea, though some people already think there are too many controls. heh

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I don't have that problem i just run up and press MMB just make sure u dont scroll.

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I've found the interaction to be fantastic, when approaching a door I get the familiar door icon, I just click my middle mouse button and voila door opens. I have even managed to breach a door, throw a nade in and close the door all within a second or two.

Sure it can be optimized but as of now I am pleased with it.

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They used this system in arma 2 and it worked wonderfully. Why change something that isin't broken?

No, it didn't... It worked awfully in Arma 2, and I'm glad to hear that they added the Space button as a hotkey

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The only time I've noticed it to be a problem is if your carrying different types of mines. I'd be nice for doors to take priority. Although I'm not sure if it's possible for that to be done with out an overhaul.

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I believe the OP wasn't aware that you could activate default actions via space.

Pressing V to get out of a vehicle is a nice addition though.

Emergency exiting vehicle is actually there since Arma1 I believe, but it wasn't a default key. (I usually set it J)

I think OP just not used to use spacebar instead of E (like in other games)

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Just because something is "manageable" doesn't make it good.

ATM there is no keybind that allows do the "action" without bringing the "action menu". THAT'S THE POINT. Give us a button that does "action" connected to object we are pointing on AND ONLY THAT. I don't want to click RMB for x times to dismiss action menu, because this ladder I wanted to climb up on has an illusive hitpoint.

We have 3 goddamn keys binded to the very same control. How's that even allowed in any game ever?

EDIT for foolproof

Anyone who says "if you miss 1st time and end up with action menu open, just scroll to it and MMB" has to think really hard about aspects of life like "wtf is wrong with me" and "why I'm willing to defend crap like this".

Edited by M2rine

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I mostly use mmb. When I come to a door I hit it and the door opens. The action menu doesn't come up.
the action menu doesn't open

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