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Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

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Regarding VAS and ACRE:

Could you give us an option to leave all ACRE radios out of VAS boxes? So mission editors can add the ACRE-All-Radio-Boxes besides ur box...

---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ----------

Oh and the 2 bigger radios from ACRE (117F/119) only show up once, but in the WEAPONS part of VAS, not in ITEMS like all the smaller radios. Maybe u find a solution there?

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Resource VAS_Diag not found... did I do something wrong? It seemed so simple.

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If you wanted to limit specific boxes rather than limit by side, you could do the same but switch for name of box rather than playerside, right?

No idea about that. VAS isn't reliant on a 'box' VAS is entirely virtual its self, attaching the addaction to a box is more cosmetic then anything. If you wanted specific boxes to display specific items that would require a higher form of scripting then simple solutions.

The main way that could be done when using the addaction is to take advantage of the arguments part of an addaction.

If you are not familiar with using arguments everything there is to know is available on the wiki:


Regarding VAS and ACRE:

Could you give us an option to leave all ACRE radios out of VAS boxes? So mission editors can add the ACRE-All-Radio-Boxes besides ur box...

---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ----------

Oh and the 2 bigger radios from ACRE (117F/119) only show up once, but in the WEAPONS part of VAS, not in ITEMS like all the smaller radios. Maybe u find a solution there?

I could exclude ACRE entirely from VAS, now for the 117/119's showing up under Weapons, that only means those are classified as 'Weapons' under CfgWeapons. I would assume it is because they are classified as launchers from ARMA 2 so they could be worn visually.

Resource VAS_Diag not found... did I do something wrong? It seemed so simple.

You didn't put the following in your description.ext

#include "gear\common.hpp"

#include "gear\menu.hpp"

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Is there a page where all the items, weapons, uniforms, etc. are listed?


"NVGoggles", "ItemCompass", "Binocular", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemMap", "hgun_P07_F", "30Rnd_9x21_Mag"

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Hey Tonic thanks for the great VAC systems that you let us use!

I have one question about the removing ACRE from the VAC.

My friend and I were trying to find solution for removing ACRE from the VAC. Due to heavy load lag issues with ACRE load in to VAC.

So I've look upon your config file found a this syntax line. (vas_r_items)

I've tried this syntax after I read it carefully and apply to gear test mission file. It still doesn't let me remove any radios in the item list.

vas_r_items = ["ACRE_PRC148","ACRE_PRC148_UHF","ACRE_PRC152","ACRE_PRC343","ACRE_MC220R"];

I've also checked see if my class name for radio was wrong but it did restricted those 5 radios in my item section.

vas_items = ["ACRE_PRC148","ACRE_PRC148_UHF","ACRE_PRC152","ACRE_PRC343","ACRE_MC220R"];

So, my question is there are working solution for eliminating acres from VAC?

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Hey Tonic thanks for the great VAC systems that you let us use!

I have one question about the removing ACRE from the VAC.

My friend and I were trying to find solution for removing ACRE from the VAC. Due to heavy load lag issues with ACRE load in to VAC.

So I've look upon your config file found a this syntax line. (vas_r_items)

I've tried this syntax after I read it carefully and apply to gear test mission file. It still doesn't let me remove any radios in the item list.

I've also checked see if my class name for radio was wrong but it did restricted those 5 radios in my item section.

So, my question is there are working solution for eliminating acres from VAC?

The issue here is that ACRE has many variants of its radios, for each radio, each with its own classname; from http://tracker.idi-systems.com/projects/acre/wiki/Class_Names_and_API, the classname for each of those is "ACRE_X_ID_Y", where X is the name of the radio, and Y is the ID name. I don't know how many different ID numbers there are, but one could check via the config viewer in the editor. You would need to list each ID on its own.

One possible fix would be to edit the function which populates the item selections, to see if an item is prefixed with "ACRE_" or "ACRE_PRC148_ID_", for example, and skip that particular item if it is.

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Here a code to get both old and new VAS saved loadouts.

for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
if(!isnil {profileNameSpace getVariable format["vas_gear_new_%1",_i]}) then {
	_newLoadouts set [count _newLoadouts, profileNameSpace getVariable format["vas_gear_new_%1",_i] ];				

for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
if(!isnil {profileNameSpace getVariable format["vas_gear_%1",_i]}) then {
	_oldLoadouts set [count _oldLoadouts , profileNameSpace getVariable format["vas_gear_%1",_i] ];				

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UPDATE: v0.8


- New option to preload the config file to speedup menu load times, see config.sqf for details, Option is not recommended when creating custom VAS load outs for sides (i.e PVP).

- Weapons placed in uniform/vest will not save to a loadout, the issue was fixed for backpacks but cannot be fixed for uniform/vests currently.

- ACRE has been removed from VAS by default and auto-enables Preload option. VAS will take a few seconds to initialize with ACRE loaded.

Change log:

Added: The ability to preload all the items from the Config (see config.sqf for the option).

Changed: When ACRE is loaded VAS automatically enables Preload & removes ACRE content from VAS.

Changed: Loading of a Load out & Loading of Load out on respawn improved.

Fixed: When you saved a loadout with a weapon in the backpack when loading that loadout the weapon would be missing.

Changed: Clean up some of the code to remove Warning message errors for goggles, etc.


Armafiles.info v0.8

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Here a code to get both old and new VAS saved loadouts.

for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
if(!isnil {profileNameSpace getVariable format["vas_gear_new_%1",_i]}) then {
	_newLoadouts set [count _newLoadouts, profileNameSpace getVariable format["vas_gear_new_%1",_i] ];				

for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
if(!isnil {profileNameSpace getVariable format["vas_gear_%1",_i]}) then {
	_oldLoadouts set [count _oldLoadouts , profileNameSpace getVariable format["vas_gear_%1",_i] ];				

Is there a folder that the loadout is saved to?

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Is there a folder that the loadout is saved to?

in your profile folder - VAS uses profilenamespace to save the loadout. this was mentioned in this topic earlier.

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UPDATE: v0.8



Change log:


Changed: When ACRE is loaded VAS automatically enables Preload & removes ACRE content from VAS.


Thank you so much!

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I wrote this on Armaholic but since there are more people here, I'll ask a question here.

Everything works perfectly except that when I load gear, grenade launcher is not loaded.

Saved gear includes MX 3GL 6.5mm with 100round 5.56magazine, 40mm HE grenade round loaded,

but when loaded, reanade launcher is not loaded. Of course one grenade round is missing as a result.

Is there a way to resolve this issue?

Thanks for an awesome script by the way.

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I wrote this on Armaholic but since there are more people here, I'll ask a question here.

Everything works perfectly except that when I load gear, grenade launcher is not loaded.

Saved gear includes MX 3GL 6.5mm with 100round 5.56magazine, 40mm HE grenade round loaded,

but when loaded, reanade launcher is not loaded. Of course one grenade round is missing as a result.

Is there a way to resolve this issue?

Thanks for an awesome script by the way.

Yeah.... Unload your guns before you put them away? (lol).

From what I got from that was when you load a saved loadout the grenade launcher on the gun is not 'loaded' and is also missing a round, did I get that one correct?

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Yeah.... Unload your guns before you put them away? (lol).

From what I got from that was when you load a saved loadout the grenade launcher on the gun is not 'loaded' and is also missing a round, did I get that one correct?

Yep. Got exactly what I meant

Sorry for my bad english. It's just not my mother language :)

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Hi tonic,

I am trying to run this mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20128 (R3f french mod)

I can see the ammo for the PGM anti-material rifle, but the weapon itself does not show in the list.

Is this a limitation with VAS or the fact the mod makes this weapon take both the gun and RPG positions?

Also with any weapons mod pack the scopes and other attachments don't appear to be able to be equipped. not silencers or laser pointers....

cheers for any help you can give.

Edited by KevsnoTrev

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Hi tonic,

I am trying to run this mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20128 (R3f french mod)

I can see the ammo for the PGM anti-material rifle, but the weapon itself does not show in the list.

Is this a limitation with VAS or the fact the mod makes this weapon take both the gun and RPG positions?

Also with any weapons mod pack the scopes and other attachments don't appear to be able to be equipped. not silencers or laser pointers....

cheers for any help you can give.

1. Will look into it and see why they don't show.

2. VAS relies on a string comparision i.e Suppressors start with muzzle_ and Scopes are optic_ but Content addon makers don't name their weapon attachments similar to BIS which is why it doesn't work. I'm looking into trying to find an automatic solution for the issue at the moment.

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1. Will look into it and see why they don't show.

2. VAS relies on a string comparision i.e Suppressors start with muzzle_ and Scopes are optic_ but Content addon makers don't name their weapon attachments similar to BIS which is why it doesn't work. I'm looking into trying to find an automatic solution for the issue at the moment.


With this mod the AK-107 with a GL also doesn't show up. As a guess, perhaps it is something to do with class inheritance?

As a temporary solution, is it possible to allow unrecognized items (i.e. attachments that don't follow that scheme) to be placed directly into the inventory? They seem to save and load perfectly fine, so doing that would at least allow one to put it on then save as a loadout.

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I have looked at the mod and it appears the scopes are all names Optique (french), i am looking at another way right now where I detect the mod running and change an ammo crate over to the modded one, like domi used to for ace in A2free or arrowhead.

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Well, to get the PG Rifle and other Heavy weapons to show in VAS edit functions.sqf and find fnc_gear_weapons and replace it with:

fnc_gear_weapons = 
_weapons = [];
if(count vas_weapons > 0) then
		_classname = _x;
		_wep_type = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _classname >> "type");
		_name = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _classname >> "displayname");
		_scope = getNumber(configFile >> "Cfgweapons" >> _classname >> "scope");
		_picture = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _classname >> "picture");
		if(_scope >= 2 && _wep_type in [1,2,4,4096] && _picture != "" && !(_classname in _weapons) && _classname != "NVGoggles") then
			//diag_log format["Class: %1 - Type: %2 - Scope: %3 - Pic: %4 - WEP: %5",_classname,_wep_type,_scope,_picture,_cur_wep];
			_weapons set[count _weapons, [_name,_classname,_picture]];
	} foreach vas_weapons;
	_cfgweapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons";

	for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgWeapons)-1 do
		_cur_wep = _cfgweapons select _i;
		if(isClass _cur_wep) then
			_classname = configName _cur_wep;
			_wep_type = getNumber(_cur_wep >> "type");
			_name = getText (_cur_wep >> "DisplayName");
			_scope = getNumber(_cur_wep >> "scope");
			_picture = getText(_cur_wep >> "picture");
			if(_scope >= 2 && _wep_type in [1,2,4,5,4096] && _picture != "" && !(_classname in _weapons) && _classname != "NVGoggles") then
				//diag_log format["Class: %1 - Type: %2 - Scope: %3 - Pic: %4 - WEP: %5",_classname,_wep_type,_scope,_picture,_cur_wep];
				_match = false;
				_str = [_classname,4] call KRON_StrLeft;
					if(_picture ==  (_x select 2)) then
						_match = true;
				} foreach _weapons;

				if(!_match && _str != "ACRE") then
					_weapons set[count _weapons, [_name,_classname,_picture]];

I forgot to include an ID for the Heavy weapons which is why the do not show for R3F Weapons.

Also in gear\add.sqf Add the following below case 4: in case "guns"

case 5:
			if(primaryWeapon player != "") then
				player addWeapon _item;
				player removeWeapon (primaryWeapon player);
				player addweapon _item;

Will probably push a small non-official update today to add the support.

Edited by Tonic-_-

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well, ive narrowed down my mini freezing issue to the use of your VAS. If I come into a server without using a loadout, creating one or saving one I can be shot in a vehicle and nothing happens.

When I do use the box and use the save, load features any time im shot I get about a quarter second game freeze, so in a vehicle while taking damage from multiple small arms fire my game basically hangs until they have to reload and im not being pelted with small arms fire.

Is anyone else seeing this issue? At this point I cant find any other people with the same issue including my own team.

Ive tried reinstalling, deleting my profile folder, including my .vars file, remaking all kinds of loadouts and nothing seems to fix it without simply not using the box, which kinda sucks...

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