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Squad name: 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force

Timezone/location : GMT -5 (EST)

Gamemode preference: Coop (ALiVE)

Contact email:

Website address: 2ndmef.enjin.com

Short description: A United States Marine Corps. Join us on TS3 @ 2ndMEF.net

Language: English

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Squad name: EBC Gaming - Arma3 Tournament

Timezone/location: EU

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): TeamvsTeam weekly battles - military structure

Contact email:

Website address:

Short description: We are currently running a FREE Arma3 Tournament in a military structure using Tactical Battlefield as our main mod.

Language: English (Fluent not required)

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Squad name: Team S.F.S

Timezone/location: GMT+1 (Argentina)

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): tactical COOP & Inter Comunities PVP

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://www.tacticalfin.com

Short description: Multi Gaming Comunity, based in ARMA III milsim.

Language: Spanish

Edited by Maio

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Squad name: 5th Royal Army Medical Corps.

Timezone/location: GMT+00 (United Kingdom)

Gamemode preference: Co-op (will be moving into some PvP with more players)

Contact email: hepburn [at] fsmail.net

Website address: ramcorps.co.uk

Short description:

Friendly, semi-realistic. All abilities accepted, as long as you have a basic understanding of Arma controls, and commands such as bound, covering fire, and calling out targets. Primarily infantry, with some fast ground, and light air transport.

Language: English

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Squad name: Bash Brothers

Timezone/location : GMT+1

Gamemode preference: 80% Coop/20% Adversial

Contact email: Contact admins through website/steam group page.

Website address: http://bashbrothers.duckdns.org/

Short description: An open ARMA 3 group, that values realism, immersion and fun. Our group are looking for people who wants to be a part of a close knit, friendly and fun community.

Language: English.

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Squad name: Viking AGC (Arma Gaming Community)

Timezone/location: North America and Europe

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Mostly Coop but some pvp

Contact email: See website

Website address: http://viking.clanwebsite.com/

Short description: We are not focused on being strictly a military or PMC unit. We play based on any scenario the mission maker creates. You may be military one mission or PMC, Rebel, or Terrorist another. It is all up to the scenario.

Language: English

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Squad name:- The Victors Arms

Timezone/location : Austrlaian

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop mainly, PvP on occasion

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: N/A

Short description: We play realistically in-game, but that's as far as it goes, no ranks, and you can swap roles if you want much more easily than in most other milsim units.

Teamspeak IP:


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Squad name: 2nd Battalion - The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

Timezone/location: GMT

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop

Contact email: See Website or PM me over Bohemia Interactive forums.

Website address: http://2RRF-A3.boards.net/

Short description: An aspiring realism unit based off of the British Fusiliers. Nearing 20 members and aiming higher.

Language: English

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Squad name: 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) 3rd Infantry Division

Timezone/location : EST/United States

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop, PvP occasionally for fun

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: www.a3milsim.com

Short description: We are a milsim unit who represents the United States Army as accurately as possible. We are led by active and veteran military service members and are made up of a mix of military and civilian (US and foreign) who enjoy the military simulation combat experience and camaraderie.

Teamspeak IP:

Language: English

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Squad name:- 336th Special Forces Regiment

Timezone/location: UTC-05:00

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop

Contact email:

Website address: N/A

Short description: Im part of an Arma 3 clan that pretty much can fit your needs and then some. We're relaxed most of the time, but when its time to get serious we all change. On top of that everyone is mature. The clan im in is a realism group meaning we use mods that help make your experience more realistic. We do coop all the time and pvp once in a while. If your interested, have any questions, or would like to know more. Please Email me or pm me.

Language: English

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Squad name: insideArmA - 82nd Airborne Division

Timezone/location: UTC+1

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop and pvp

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: insidearma.de

Short description: We are a german MilSim Unit, who try to reproduce the U.S. Arma as accurately as possible. We play most time Coop Missions but also have some PvP Sessions.

Language: German

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Squad name:- ARC | Military Structured Gaming

Timezone/location : North American

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): All

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: www.ArcGaming.org

Short description: ARC | Gaming is Looking for individuals who are willing to start an Arma 3 Division within its multi-gaming community. Aegis Response Command is a military structured community with active members in the Counter-strike and League of Legends games and is now looking to expand into Arma 3.

Language: English

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Squad name: Pacific Arms Coalition [PAC]

Timezone/location: International, official events based on CST.

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Primarily Co-op, although we do want to try TvT when we have more members.

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: www.pacificarmscoalition.com

Short description: PAC is an INDFOR group looking to expand it's current member base. We currently simulate a marine platoon and an air squadron from the fictional Pacific Arms Coalition. We want to enable people to learn new skills in ArmA regardless of if they've just bought the game or have been playing it since it released. We run a custom modpack and provide a Teamspeak and game server for our members to use and currently we host official practices at 1300 CST every Saturday, with required attendance being 2/4 of these a month.

Language: English.

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Squad name:- 3rd Battalion, 2nd marines.

Timezone/location : Eastern Standard Time.

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop, but we do have Man up Mondays where we face off against each other.

Contact email: see website

Website address: http://2ndmarines.us

Short description: Arma 3 unit simulating the marines in as best as way possible using Professionalism, Hard work, Teamwork, and real life Marine Tactics

Language: English

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Squad name:- Special Boat Service- Arma 3

Timezone/location : UK

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): coop

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://sbs.gdwebs.co.uk

Short description: We are a British SF group who specialise in small team tactics. such as recce and direct action. We are looking for joint ops aswell as recruiting new members

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Squad name: Task Force Phoenix

Timezone/location : GMT + 1:00 (France and Belgium)

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): ZeusGM and COOP

Contact email: corentin196[at)gmail[dot)com

Website address: http://www.phoenix-interactive.net/t3241-phoenix-sur-arma-3

Short description: Small French-speaking group specialized in Special Operations and PMC-like missions.


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Squad name: Fire For Effect [FFE]

Timezone/location : GMT/UK

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop (and aiming to TvT)

Contact email: See website

Website address: http://www.fireforeffect.co.uk/

Short description: A group of mates who aim to tread that fine line between team-based fun and challenging mil-sim immersion; we think we've nailed it, but check our website for more.

Language: English

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Squad name: BELL-45 Contractor Firm

Timezone/location : -8 PST/ Los Angeles, California

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Coop

Contact email: Saboteur.ts.nfoservers.com

Website address: steamcommunity.com/groups/saboteurgamingcommunity

Short description: We run a fictitious private security firm that specialized in realistic Co-op missions and meets once a week at 4PM PST on Saturdays.

Language: English

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Squad name: 1st Marine Expiditionary Brigade (SOC)

Timezone/location: NA

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP

Contact email:

Website address: http://www.1stmeb.com/

Short description: Our Main focus being the simulation of ‘War on Terror’ Marine and Naval operations. We are a unit that strives on providing a perfection environment, in which we encourage self developement, maturity and over all the creation of an enjoyable, educating environment.

Language: English

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Squad name:- Combined Tactical Operations Force (CTOF)

Timezone/location :EST-U.S

Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp):CoOp

Contact email:[email protected]

Website address:

Short description:looking for 7 players(minimal exp) who just want to have fun but not in a unrealistic way. Ops range from Spec-Ops to Combined Arms fun. Dedi server provided.


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Squad name: 103 Special Forces

Timezone/location : GMT +1

Gamemode preference: COOP

Contact email: [email protected]

Website address: http://batavian.lowlandswarrior.nl

Short description: Immersion, professionalism, fun. These are our main goals.

103 Special Forces is a dutch Arma3 Mil.Sim group looking to get the most out of Arma3.

Are you looking for a fun group that takes missions seriously without an over done strict militairy system? This is it.

The current group of members have organized them selves based on the Dutch Special Forces (Korps Commando Troepen). Are you looking for a mix of high paced infantry operations, special reconnaissance, hostage rescue, HVT Capturing? Batavian Tactical is a group just for you.

Language: English (+Dutch)

Edited by 87th_neptune
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Squad name: 7th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group

Timezone/location: Canada (Eastern Standard Time)

Gamemode preference: COOP

Contact email: N/A

Website address: http://7cmbg.com/

Short description: We are an Arma 3 based MilSim unit that is devoted to creating and acting-out realistic simulated military combat. We are objective driven using MilSim tactics with role-played combat and medical situations modelled on the doctrine, tactics and equipment of the Canadian Armed Forces. Our members are screened for maturity and 7CMBG will not typically accept anyone below the age of 16. Achieving a realistic simulation of modern combat is our ultimate objective. We have been around since 2007 and have a good blend of Military Members and Civilians who have a strong desire in organized & tactical MilSim. If you are interested in getting more information from our unit, you can join us on TeamSpeak 3.

Language: English is required, but we have a lot of French Canadians too!

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