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About Corewarp

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Squad name: 7th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Timezone/location: Canada (Eastern Standard Time) Gamemode preference: COOP Contact email: N/A Website address: http://7cmbg.com/ Short description: We are an Arma 3 based MilSim unit that is devoted to creating and acting-out realistic simulated military combat. We are objective driven using MilSim tactics with role-played combat and medical situations modelled on the doctrine, tactics and equipment of the Canadian Armed Forces. Our members are screened for maturity and 7CMBG will not typically accept anyone below the age of 16. Achieving a realistic simulation of modern combat is our ultimate objective. We have been around since 2007 and have a good blend of Military Members and Civilians who have a strong desire in organized & tactical MilSim. If you are interested in getting more information from our unit, you can join us on TeamSpeak 3. Language: English is required, but we have a lot of French Canadians too!
  2. Haven't updated fully. We'll try that. Also note, we're NOT using Battleeye. Centralized and Global banning is not a concept we appreciate. Had bad experience with false positives back in the day of Punkbuster and have never used stuff like it since. And neither should any of you for that matter. Just give the server admin the right tools to moderate their own server independantly. All you need.
  3. That's the same herpyness that forums has with only moderators being able to see people's IPs. The fact that people can see your IP(LIKE EVERY WEBSITE YOU VISIT EVER!) doesn't mean anything. And UIDs visible to any and all server admin(And they're logged too). So, bottomline. I'm not going to mask the other player's UIDs because what will you do with them? Nothing. EDIT: OH WAIT, SOME "NICE" MODERATOR DID IT FOR ME. Keep spreading the ignorance guys.
  4. How do I find their IP anyway? It doesn't display it in the console window on the server.
  5. Alright so, there's a wasteland server. And hackers flock to it for some reason. This guy called Ù€Mr.FoXå has managed to SOMEHOW hide his presence in the ingame player list and also magically not make the server console print out his ID even though it prints out his name. Here's a little snippet of the console log: Someone his ID is not popping up even though he clearly gets on the server and proceeds to crash it. (He didn't do it this time 'round for some weird reason). It's driving me absolutely insane that he can do this. And he keeps doing it. He just pops on for a second, makes the server dead and then we lose potentially 40 players. And it gives the server an overall bad reputation. Can anyone help? ALSO: Why in gods name can't we ban someones IP? I can't even ban their name or PID. I have to do this: #userlist #exec ban <Player number> Seriously.. wtf is wrong with this crap.
  6. Think these links should help you out: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/doFire http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fire http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fireAtTarget
  7. Alphacone Air Assault Group Who are we? We are a group of individuals that thoroughly enjoy playing together in an environment where realism and teamwork are paramount to our shared fun. This means that we will be operating in a near-milsim fashion while still understanding that people are NOT looking for a second job. We have a teamspeak server which you can join at: Alphacone.com We also have our own Arma 2: Combined Ops server. The group itself will be fashioned as a sort of Joint European Military Group, so if you're looking to emulate the british army you'll only get bits and pieces of that particular army. This means that we welcome any and all english speaking europeans into our group. Currently we're operating as an Air Assault Group. This means we operate mainly with a combination of infantry and air. We have recently started however. That means that we need enthusiastic people and people who take initiative to help us create a bigger and better group. We have three groups that you can apply to join. Infantry Airforce Logistics Who are we looking for? We are looking for people who enjoy playing in a milsim group where teamwork is the key to victory, and most importantly fun! Preferably people who enjoy playing with ACE and ACRE. People who are willing to learn and teach! People over the age of 15. This is not a hard limit, but we are not a pre-school. Most of us are 20 or so. In conclusion If you're looking for a dedicated group to play with in a milsim environment in arma 2 and where you can help create and shape a better group, come onto our Teamspeak server and we'll interview you! Submit an application form Or Email corewarp@gmail.com to setup a time, or pop on our TS and see if our staff is on.
  8. Squad name - Alphacone Timezone/location - GMT+1/GMT Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) - Milsim COOP Contact email - corewarp@gmail.com Website address - www.alphacone.com
  9. I think that if A3 fixes most of the rather clunky animation it should be good to go. My other complaint was that when you drive into stuff(or people ;P) the car just says bonk and acts very unrealistically, but they already fixed that.
  10. Corewarp

    Domination in Chernarus or Takistan?

    I'd say Takistan. Domination just has that "Big army eat small army" thing going for it. And fighting russkies with conventional military gear just doesn't really suit it that well.