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  1. Awesome mod, a must for SF insertion and Seals Operations. Thank you from the Team SFS milsim!
  2. Can this mission be exported to another maps like Kunduz? (with a already built bases)
  3. gheoss

    ASR AI 3

    Great! thank you!
  4. Hola que tal, me presento soy miembro del Team SFS, simulación milsim en Arma 3, somos de Latinoamérica, y estamos formando un Proyecto Milsim Unido, con varias comunidades, para hacer misiones, campañas, prácticas y cualquier evento que se pueda hacer, seria como un club de Comunidades de ARMA III, los invito a la página y ahi hay mas detalles, espero les guste la idea y puedan participar. SALUDOS! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Proyecto-Milsim-Unido/841650739230044 In english: Once everything is set and stablished, we are going to invite english speaking comunities. (an spanish speaking comunities invitation) Hello guys, im a member of the Team SFS, milsim simulation in ARMA III, we are from Latin América, and we are building the "Milsim United Project", with several Comunities, to make missions, campaings, practices, and any other event we can start, We hope you like this idea, and there are more details in the page, (SPANISH) CHeers! http://i.imgur.com/acDp844.jpg (809 kB)
  5. Squad name: Team S.F.S Timezone/location: GMT+1 (Argentina) Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): tactical COOP & Inter Comunities PVP Contact email: info@tacticalfin.com Website address: http://www.tacticalfin.com Short description: Multi Gaming Comunity, based in ARMA III milsim. Language: Spanish
  6. Hola! pertenezco al Team S.F.S. un team de milsim de ARMA III, simulamos principalmente PMC y RHS Escalation, somos de varios paises de latinoamérica, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama etc... TOdos uds de habla hispana estan invitados a unirse! Somos parte de una comunidad de simulacion www.tacticalfin.com y nuestro foro es www.tacticalfin.com/foro Nuestro canal de youtube www.youtube.com/tacticalfinyt ------------------------------------------------------ Hello i belong to the Team S.F.S. a milsim ARMA III team, we simulate, PMC and RHS Escalation, we are from Latin America, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama etc... all of you spanish speaking nuts, are welcome to join us! We are inserted in this comunity called Tacticalfin.com www.tacticalfin.com/foro www.youtube.com/tacticalfinyt
  7. Hello great work!! question, is there a way to watch the camera feed from two monitors? Thank you
  8. Great work!! is there any version without CSE ? we use AGM only Thank you!