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Thanks for testing it !

here a new version:

The UPSMON will take the nearest road and not randomly choose one.

It will take less time to unit to make the ambush but always more than the first version.

When you set the distance you set the distance of UPSMON group from there Ambush position (Mine position if no mine then it will be the UPSMON group first position).


And sorry for all the bug but I can't test myself in game for the moment.

Edit: I made a mistake with variable.

Edited by Cool=Azroul13
Link change

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Thanks for all your hard work with the script but there still seems to be the same issues. I'd imagine it would be hard to get it working without being able to test it.

Using this call:

nul= [amb1,"mkrAmbush","track","AMBUSH","AMBUSHDIST:",3] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

The AI placed the mine on the nearest road, then ran about 300m away from where the mine was placed in a random direction.


nul= [amb1,"mkrAmbush","track","AMBUSH","AMBUSHDIR:","SOUTHWEST","AMBUSHDIST:",10] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

They placed the mines in the same spot as the other call, and then ran around 200m or so to the Northeast. They grouped up together, standing up, and then finally went prone about 20 seconds after the mines had already destroyed the vehicle that hit it

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I am having conflicts with module "site" OP opfor spawned AI firing on UPS patrolling opfor AI, anyone else having this issue?

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I rework again the UPSMON ambush module.

Ambush distance parameter will work again. i test it quickly and the UPSMON group will need at least 1min to found a good position and move to it and hide(test for 100m).


@ JAndrews1

And the two groups are from the same side?

it seems really weird, and with a normal squad (create from the editor) is it doing the same thing ?

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I rework again the UPSMON ambush module.

Ambush distance parameter will work again. i test it quickly and the UPSMON group will need at least 1min to found a good position and move to it and hide(test for 100m).


@ JAndrews1

And the two groups are from the same side?

it seems really weird, and with a normal squad (create from the editor) is it doing the same thing ?

You know what. I am confusing this with UPS. never mind. sorry for the confusion.

Edited by JAndrews1

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Hi Azroul,

Thanks for your work on this script. I have been using it to great effect in the dynamic war mission I am working on. It has worked great not only with infantry patrolling towns, but also with vehicles on non-urban patrol routes (using the nowp arguments). Thanks to this, now all of my enemies are capable of calling for reinforcements, providing others with reinforcements, and calling for artillery.

I do have a couple of questions about the current behavior:

-Fortify: Units don't seem to take up the best positions in buildings. With 6.0.3, I still get men looking through boarded-up windows. Zoliya's script seems to handle the choice of building positions very well, so perhaps there is something to learn from that:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17678

-Ambush: With this argument, I get units which raise and lower their weapons repeatedly. Any idea why?

Also, may I suggest a new patrol mode which has groups search all buildings in sequence? This would be tremendously useful for me as I need AI that is capable of reliably clearing an area of players/AI. As it stands right now, an enemy hiding in a building might not be found at all and the battle will never actually end without human intervention.



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-Ambush: With this argument, I get units which raise and lower their weapons repeatedly. Any idea why?

This behavior is related to forcing an AI unit in "MIDDLE" position and back to UP/AUTO again.

For some unknown reason they get stuck in the raising/lowering sequence.

tpw found a workaround we could use.

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This behavior is related to forcing an AI unit in "MIDDLE" position and back to UP/AUTO again.

For some unknown reason they get stuck in the raising/lowering sequence.

tpw found a workaround we could use.

Thanks for your help, glad to see I am not going crazy (yet). Could you point me to where that workaround is described? I looked back many pages and did not find it (though perhaps I missed it).

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Thanks for your help, glad to see I am not going crazy (yet). Could you point me to where that workaround is described? I looked back many pages and did not find it (though perhaps I missed it).

Sorry for the confusion: tpw used it in his mod and i use it in tpwcas.

For upsmon it might be option to trigger crouched position by setting bahavior to aware in stead of setunitpos "middle"

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No problem, I will just prefer to keep Surrender and retreat system separate from each other. The mission maker can choose if he wants to activate one or both of them.

I don't try your modification for the moment, just read the code.

Just a question relative to a problem with fortify module. Do you think we can extract window's position from config building.

I try with this code to get a window's position:

	_CfgWindowbld = (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _house) >> "HitPoints" >> "Glass_1_hitpoint");
_position = getText (_CfgWindowbld >> "position");
_poswindow = _house selectionPosition _position;
_worldPos = _house modelToWorld _poswindow;
_WindowPositions = _WindowPositions + [_worldPos];
hint format ["Positions: %1",_WindowPositions];

_ballCover = "Sign_Sphere100cm_F" createvehicle _x;
// _ballCover attachto [_x,[0,0,5]];	
} foreach _WindowPositions;

But the position seems to be outside of the building.

Hi mate. There's a solution here for you if it helps

Looks like this:


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The download links are not working. First of all, that site gives you only 2 downloads. Secondly, after the countdown to download the file, the zip you end up downloading, if you even get a link for one, is broken.

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I would like to have ambush mines set up in a 'mine cluster' like this


See the second row? The AT mine forms the base and is surrounded by AP mines in a semicircle. Now imagine the convoy ambush. Vehicle hits the AT mine, infantry dismounts the disabled vehicle and they are greeted by all the AP mines on the sides.

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Fortify module: I change some values, it will not watch through borded window in the next version.

Ambush module: Have you try the 6.0.4 ? I see no problem in my version.

new Patrol module: I will surely add a new feature like these in the next version.


I work on something similar for next UPSMON version.

You can set the number of mine and the type of minefield (only AT mines, At mines and AP mines or only AP mines).

@Das Attorney:

Thanks for you help, can you filter boarded window ?

I use something similar to detect windows and a lineintersect scripts.

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Fortify module: I change some values, it will not watch through borded window in the next version.

Ambush module: Have you try the 6.0.4 ? I see no problem in my version.

new Patrol module: I will surely add a new feature like these in the next version.

Thanks for this Azroul. I will try out 6.0.4 and I look forward to the next version. These changes are much appreciated. I continue to get excellent results with UPSMON.

Here are a few additional suggestions which might make this even better:

1. Set max distance to call for reinforcements/artillery on group level (passed as a parameter when adding unit).

2. Set max distance to respond to reinforcements/arty targets on group level (passed as a parameter when adding unit).

3. Have functions so that 1 and 2 can be altered at runtime (so it would be possible to reduce radio range of units in an area if nearby radio tower is destroyed).

4. Better support for Motorized/mechanized/airmobile infantry (pass group of crew for transport vehicle as an argument, transport vehicle follows/supports infantry, infantry will always use that vehicle for transport if waypoint is far).

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Can we please have a new thread for this?

And what's up with the dependencies on other scripts?

I would really prefer it if UPSMON could stay independent of other scripts/doesn't require the usage of other scripts to work as intended.

So what's the newest version that doesn't require other scripts?

6.0.3? What's the difference between 6.0.3 and 6.0.1?

Is 6.0.1 something else entirely?

This is confusing.

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@Das Attorney:

Thanks for you help, can you filter boarded window ?

I use something similar to detect windows and a lineintersect scripts.

I'm doing some more investigation but I think there's not much more we can detect unfortunately - will post in here if I find anything for you.

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On Armaholic is states "It comes with a mission as a demo version". But I do not see anything. I really think it would be immensely helpful if it did have a test mission of the complicated portions of it such as the artillery, reinforcement with vehicles, ambushes (mine never work), and so forth. Thanks for the mod

Secondly, how do you spawn units with a trigger? For instance if I want to the patrols to only spawn when players are about 500 meters away from the area marker, in order to save cache and prevent lag, how do I do that?

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...Secondly, how do you spawn units with a trigger? For instance if I want to the patrols to only spawn when players are about 500 meters away from the area marker, in order to save cache and prevent lag, how do I do that?
See this post.

UPSMON how to spawn units with a trigger

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I'm having problems getting this to work keep getting scripts not found even though I have upsmon.sqf in the missions folder and the nul = [this,"area0"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; in the leaders init...also marker areao zero am I just not putting the right sqf file in or does this not work any more?

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I'm having problems getting this to work keep getting scripts not found even though I have upsmon.sqf in the missions folder and the nul = [this,"area0"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; in the leaders init...also marker areao zero am I just not putting the right sqf file in or does this not work any more?

Look here:

UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

Can a mod please close this thread since there's already an active and newer one?

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There is a really annoying error in the UPSMON.spawn.sqf regarding spawn of vehicles. It is not possible to spawn even the most simple vehicle with the latest version uploaded here because the code was totally fractured and broken up. I had to go through all the lines of code just to understand what was going on and where the problem with _crews lie. So now spawning vehicles and groups composed of vehicles is possible again.

Link is following since it is not allowed to post links during the first day of membership

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Hi all, I have some problem about group created by script and apply to them the upsmon by script and don't work, if I create an existing group or I generate each unit in a common group the script don't work.

So I used the upsmon spawn script and work, but if I create a speedboat to patrol a marker area over the sea the speedboat spawn normal but stop on spawn point and don't move.

Any suggestion?

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I looks like the last patch (name changes?) has caused problems with UPSMon, now getting      getting \A3\Structures_F\scripts\Door_close.sqf Not Found.

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