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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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New guardpost creating system. You can populate the built posts with AI teams (following performance friendly spawing/deleting loops):

I try to release test version during this day.

---------- Post added at 12:36 ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 ----------

New SP version 0.9985 is available from DropBox-link, requires DEV-version. Dont Mirror Yet. I added the guardpost creating system.

Edited by SaOk

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Released the mission also in Steam. Version number isnt currently showing, but its the same 0.9985 minus custom voices and disabled AI hearing script. I may add those to the steam release also, after checking its okay for the actors and I remove all unknown author voices.

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Will you update the Steam Workshop file every time this thread is updated? That would make keeping up to date so much easier.

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I will most likely update the steam version for now onward first, since its very simple prosess. But I will prepare time to time a special version with more voices and maybe some extra 3rd party scripts for armaholic. I just repatched the mission in steam, fixing very bad FPS leak I accidentally included for the steam version. Please restart the mission (with mission getting redownloaded) if you prepared the mission ~1 hour. Earlier the performance went always down during LZ Connor. Now its smooth again.

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Loving the guardpost and minefield creation - excellent


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Thanks, those can be powerfull for use. I set the cost low since the effect is local. Would use guardposts especially near crossroads and if enemy choppers show up. :)

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I love this mission ;)

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Thanks :),

as mission news I may have fixed one performance leak on long run. Fix for it is included in the steam version. In the none-steam version the leak isnt effective if enemy mortars are set off. The AI teams created for guardpost dont also respawn currently except in the steam-version. I will release next none-steam version, with custom voices, once the next official patch is out.

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Apologies in advance, probably a silly doubt, but I can´t or even know how to download your mission from steam workshop. I start A3, go into Play, then scenarios, see steam subscribed content, there is a small progress bar until 25%... and nothing. I click "OPEN" and click on the blue WORKSHOP botton, but nothing happens...any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks i´d like to use your steam version of the mission.

Playing the non steam version i have two issues. I´m not using any mod´s, just your vanilla mission and can´t use binoculars, when i hit B key, they come to my eyes but can't see through it, it´s useless. Well, it´s not a binoculars, it´s a rangefinder( I do not kown what is but i´ll search for)

The second issue(not really important) is in the beginning of the mission, if i set the "task to meet the contact" as current, the wayvpoint is not showed. But in MAP view i can see the flag mark.

Thanks again:o

Edited by MSILVA

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Apologies in advance, probably a silly doubt, but I can´t or even know how to download your mission from steam workshop. I start A3, go into Play, then scenarios, see steam subscribed content, there is a small progress bar until 25%... and nothing. I click "OPEN" and click on the blue WORKSHOP botton, but nothing happens...any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks i´d like to use your steam version of the mission.

Playing the non steam version i have two issues. I´m not using any mod´s, just your vanilla mission and can´t use binoculars, when i hit B key, they come to my eyes but can't see through it, it´s useless. Well, it´s not a binoculars, it´s a rangefinder( I do not kown what is but i´ll search for)

The second issue(not really important) is in the beginning of the mission, if i set the "task to meet the contact" as current, the wayvpoint is not showed. But in MAP view i can see the flag mark.

Thanks again:o

Non steam version? are you sure you are not using a pirated copy of the game?

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The binoculars work in new way, you need to press the same key you use to watch thourgh weapon scope. The steamwork missions download for me without problems from the same button.

I updated the mission also for DropBox-link, Do not mirror. It have no custom voices currently, because I updated the mission for bug report ticket - currently missions downloaded from steamworks cant be resumed wihtout it breaking badly. The identical mission in missions folder to be played in old way works without issues when resuming.


Edit: Sorry, understood wrong first - you meant the mission not game with non-steam version. But yeah, that binocular is new game feature. The latest game patch lowered the position for unused binocular. The mission is now the same in the steamworks and dropbox link. The construction barriers werent removed, so it leaked performance too. Fixed it for the latest version.

Edited by SaOk

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Thanks, Saok!:)

My english is very poor, and I probably expressed myself incorrectly, i´m talking about the "mission in steamwork"...of course i have a original A3 from steam...for some reason the steamworks download it´s not working for me....

Having very good fun with your mission.

Edited by MSILVA

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I guess I need a better computer (CPU/motherboard) for ArmA 3. Even with your optimizations I still get 5 FPS after about half hour to an hour of playing. Most other missions are fine however.

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I have dual GTX780s and an overclocked 2600k, I too get FPS in the single digits after a while. It's a shame because this is the best mission out there, but performance is the biggest problem now

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I will try to work on it and make sure there is no new performance leaks.

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Re-uploaded the 0.9985 in DropBox-link, Do not mirror yet. There is much more performance tweaks in scripts and made more rare/disabled some outdated functions, also todays DEV-version is much more smoother. Added Outro-cinema (I may expand/tweak it more later) and 2 new A3 music tracks.

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Fantastic mission!

I was playing coop and one issue I found was that the crates do not contain any of the new sniper scopes for the 12.7mm or .408 rifles (the high power scope with mil dots). The rifles come from the crate with iron sights only, and the only sights I saw in the crates were the normal RCO, ARCO, etc. The only way I could find to get a proper sniper scope is to kill an enemy that has one.

Are there any plans to include the virtual ammobox system to future releases? It makes load out setup much faster.

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Thanks, :) I upgrade the crates once I return to work with the COOP. Maybe also include the virtual ammobox,

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New conversation system coming next and tasks for civilians. Also dialog open now with single key pressing instead of randomly. Had one bug in loop.


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Ran into a bug while playing the version hosted on steam:

Error in expression <animStateChars select 0,_animStateChars select 1,_animStateChars select 2,_animS>
 Error position: <select 1,_animStateChars select 2,_animS>
 Error Zero divisor

It occurred while driving down a hill in the construction vehicle after an AI team member refused to enter vehicle.

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That error is mystery for me. I dont use that kind of code, but not sure if some of my scripts is causing it (or DAP first aid). There is also rare error from string passed to BIS_fnc_selectRandom, which could be mine. The third error when opening high command seem to be a game bug.

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New SP version 0.999 is here. Still requires DEV-version and do not mirror yet.

Change Log:


-New civilian conversation system (WIP)

-3 new dynamic tasks do to for civilians

-Dialogs, opened with key push, open now without struggle

Edit: As note - Minefield Creating System is now opened with Shift + L, Construction View with Shift + C.

Edited by SaOk

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Hi there!

First of all, tremendous work on the scenario, the whole thing is more impressive than some standalone games. Great variety and depth. I've tried the SP version with the latest dev build for a few times tonight and had a few questions, though.

First of all, where version 0.999 can be downloaded? You haven't added a link in that post above, first post only has 0.9985 and armaholic.com only has version 0.99. Is there some other place where releases are uploaded that I don't know about? And then gameplay questions. I'm fairly new, so sorry if they probably are obvious. Weren't for me.

  • 1. How to destroy the radio tower near LZ Connor? The player has no explosives and I see no option to order anyone on the team to do anything with it. It has no interactive options (at first I've thought you had to disable fusebox or do something silent of that sort) and it's not reacting to projectile damage, so I see do way to destoy it. And by the way, what are the consequences of doing so? Some prestige points? Or absence of reinforcements coming to their alarm?
  • 2. How to deal with the mortars? I've played twice to the point of capturing LZ Connor and receiving "get the gear" secondary tasks, and at that point a secondary task to disable a mortar usually appears, from which point onwards mortar rounds land on top of my head in about 10-20 seconds, no matter where you're running. How to avoid it?
  • 3. Do alarms have any effect on adjacent enemy camps or they are local to the camp you are attacking? Was a column of two Ifrits with HMGs that arrived a minute after LZ Connor was captured and killed everyone a consequence of the alarm that went off there or a randomly generated patrol?
  • 4. If that was a randomly generated patrol, what factors govern their generation? Where they can most likely appear, are they affected by the time of day, what affects their contents, how their destinations are selected?
  • 5. Why are locals you are meeting before attacking LZ Connor always staying inside their buildings until you have completely captured LZ Connor by yourself? Seems weird when they should have participated in the attack according to the script.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Edited by bac9

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