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Update regarding Store.Bistudio & Arma 3 Steam key distribution

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Im really thinking about to charge back my money since the support doesnt answer and i didnt any informations about my order and its status.

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It took then 6 hours but I finally got my key, then was sent me key again later.

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@GonzoTbita. I've got the exact same problem. I've contacted Paypal and got the response that they has marked the transfer as suspicious. More they won't give besides the advice to link my bankaccount to the Paypal account or ask the store to send a invoice directly through Paypal :(

I mailed this to the [email protected] address. Hope to hear from them soon (the poor basterds ;) )

I cannot help but believe that they noticed a suspicious-to-them high number of overseas transactions headed in the direction of the Czech Republic...

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Hello everyone,

Well, like a lot of people i'm having a big problem with the supporter version, mainly that i didn't received a confirmation email saying that i bought the game or the steam key and my money has already been taken.

I send 2 emails to the support and 36 hours have been past already and i haven't received an email about how the things are going or something, I feel completely ignored by you guys, I know you have a lot of work in hands at the moment but...

I don't know what to do, if at least I know what is happening with my steam key, that you have received the money and you are working on sending the key i'd be calmed but i don't know if it's everything all right because i didn't received the confirmation email because the next website (after giving my info for paying) crashed because the servers were "overpopulated" (sorry don't know how to call it).

So please, i need an answer or tomorrow i'll go to my bank and reclaim the money to buy it again or not, because i'm very disappointed at you.

Can you explain why in steam you can buy the cheaper editions of the game and not the important one?

Thanks in advance.

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Can you explain why in steam you can buy the cheaper editions of the game and not the important one?

Supporter edition is a special edition supporting Bohemia Interactive, wouldn't make any sense for Steam to be selling this edition directly.

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Other Question: When/Where do we get the Digital Soundtracks/Maps/Tactical Guide?

€dit: Yea, stupid question xd "[...] will be available upon release of ArmA 3" -> http://www.arma3.com/buy

Edited by B1n4ry

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Supporter edition is a special edition supporting Bohemia Interactive, wouldn't make any sense for Steam to be selling this edition directly.

Why cant I get it purchased from the store. Ive bought DLC's an TOH but cant purchase this. Keep getting Error code: 30-1002. Im going emo an wanting to cut myself cause im not getting what I want. lol... But really will the Support version be available in future while the game is still in development or is only 500 copies going to be sold?

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Please stop spamming this thread with nonsense and keep it free for those with real problems.

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Supporter edition is a special edition supporting Bohemia Interactive, wouldn't make any sense for Steam to be selling this edition directly.

That make sense, but i can't understand why Bohemia can't support me with the issue i'm having, did you have so many emails to answer?

Hope that for tomorrow i get an answer or i'll have to do something about it, because not receiving the confirmation email annoys me a lot.

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I didnt really consider my statement nonsense. I was stressed out, though not to the point of going emo and wanting to cut myself. I offered him some simple cheap and practical advice to help alleviate any potential self destructive tendencies caused by this situation. I related some of my experiences as a former cutter.

Now I realise the my silly 30-1002 error is not a real problem, but I thought that would be helpful. My mistake anyways I apologise. I suppose they have to take my money first before anyone cares.

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after 36+ hours

Game: NO

Confirmation of purchase of ANY SORT: NO

Mail to support: YES. TWICE. make it thrice after this post

REPLY from support: NO except the automated reply


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Since some others got (automated) replys but you got nothing, just to be sure: Have you checked your spamfolder as well?


Your post was nonsense and it doesn't help anyone a bit to solve the situation. Let me quote a bit from it again:

Nzxshadows, here is my recommendation. Leave just log out of the forums and leave. If you have a lady friend go bang the shit outta her, if not go entertain ms. palm.

I'm sure he doesn't your advice to entertain himself. ;-)


I know it sucks to have paid for something you don't have yet. It sucks even more when you see others are playing it long time. But sending mail after mail after mail to support doesn't make the situation easier for the guys nor does it make things happen faster. The support guys deal with the massive amount of open tickets as fast as they can, but if you send them 3 mails, they have to deal with them as well while the case is already closed - which then takes time they could have worked on another case.

If you get an automatic reply from them then your ticket is being worked on - when the ones before yours are dealt with. You may also consider this: It's not only about generating keys and send them to you. The keys must also be accepted by Steam. So if new keys are generated, Steam must know that these are valid keys. Else you have the next problem when activating the game.

Again, this sucks but the only thing you can do now is wait. Everyone who paid for Arma3 will get his key asap. Just be some more patient. :)

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sorry im new here im not sure if you're representing bis.

the thing is: buyers who paid early and bought thru bis to show support and wanting to try the game early is getting penalized while those who've the other ways are enjoying the game.

while you mentioned the difficulty in generating keys (though late-comers are getting it) what is worsening the issue here is the absence of an official confirmation or acknowledgement of some kind that reads like "k took your $ will give you the game later".

the reason why we are sending multiple emails or spamming here if you want to call it is the ABSENCE of official response (so back to my first question that if you're representing bis or not): we (or just me) feel like paying money to a stranger and he just ran away, and im just left here helpless.

if you want us to wait, to sort things out, send us a mail officially, or we're more likely to probe every where for help. and every hour passed means losing customers' confidence of the system. at least i will think twice next time i want to buy sth here to show my "support".

simply telling ppl to be patience wont cut it.

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The official acknowledgement is already in this thread. After all this is why this thread exists.

No, I'm not an official BI representative. I'm just the janitor :)

You are not penalized that is for sure. Also no one has taken your money and is running away. I don't know what exactly is done to get your and the other buyers keys but if you look around many got them already, even though they waited for an absurd long time.

As said above, I understand that you are angry. I would be too. But there is really anyone here can do to get you what you paid for. I'm sure when Placebo is back on duty he will make another statement here and keeps you updated.

I'm really sorry I can't do more for you than telling you that everything is done to get you your key as fast as possible. But the support people are also only humans and they can only do so much per hour.

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- Problem solved - Thanks for help -

Edited by ArtjomZhdanov
Problem solved but no Idea why

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oh well all better now...

Edited by gonk

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We have staff processing the tickets from >age and we have staff processing tickets from <age, so somewhere in the middle they will meet and all will be processed, I can certainly check to make sure you have tickets on the system if that's a concern (just PM me with your email address) but besides that all I can do is again say how sorry we are for the situation and ask that you remain patient (not easy to do when you've spent your hard earned money on something you don't have of course).

This still applies, if you PM me your Email address I am happy to check that 1. your tickets are on the support system and 2. there have been no missed replies, our main support system producer has slept for about 6 hours in the last 6 days so please be sure we're taking this all extremely seriously and nobody is getting a good night's sleep until every single person who ordered from Store.Bistudio.com is happy with their purchase and have received what they ordered. If and when there are further updates today we'll post them, although from 10am CET I'll be sharing your metaphorical pain as I have a dentist's appointment :(

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Got a reaction from PayPal concerning my blocked payment to the Store (see reply nr 100).

They can not (won't because of security :() tell me why the payment has been flagged.

'Solutions' they recommend are: Ask the Store for help ( :confused: ) ; Pay via Credit Card (don't have one); Try again at a later time (been there, done that).

Now considering to forfeit my Paypal account and buy the extended edition from Steam (through Ideal; dutch standard for internet payments) :(

Never had problems btw in the past but the lack of real support from PayPal and the many negative comments of other users about blocked payments really bugs me.

Hope BI can help in the matter.

Sorry BTW for the Angry Icon on top (not intended)

Edited by Placebo
made an error with icon

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Any update on supporter forum badges? :) Searched this thread but didn't find anything. Looking forward to wearing my $75 shiny! heh

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Update and Problem solved

I tried to purchase Arma3 in the Store again (maybe the 50th time) some minutes ago and instead of refusing the payment, paypal ask me to verifiy myself through a call and a displayed code and ....

It worked... :yay:

I don't why it worked this time - i still don't have an answer from Store Support or PayPal.

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Congrats :)

Unfortunatly not yet for me, but I'll keep trying. I have some hope again ;)



Update and Problem solved

I tried to purchase Arma3 in the Store again (maybe the 50th time) some minutes ago and instead of refusing the payment, paypal ask me to verifiy myself through a call and a displayed code and ....

It worked... :yay:

I don't why it worked this time - i still don't have an answer from Store Support or PayPal.

Edited by ozzbik

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Update and Problem solved

I tried to purchase Arma3 in the Store again (maybe the 50th time) some minutes ago and instead of refusing the payment, paypal ask me to verifiy myself through a call and a displayed code and ....

It worked... :yay:

I don't why it worked this time - i still don't have an answer from Store Support or PayPal.

Just 5 minutes ago, i've tried it again several times (about 5 i think), by getting backwarts and retry everytime i got the "refusing payment" site. Then, fortunatly i've been asked to answer some questions to ensure it's me.

After that, payment was done.

Now i'm waiting for the confirmation mail from BIS

So, there's hope again :yay:

:edit: Lots of Bananas here - i love Banans ;)

:edit2: Ok, i have my confirmation mail, found it in the Spam folder, it was instantly send. :bounce3:

Edited by Von_Emmy

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Yay. That worked. Thanks Von_Emmy. :D

The solution seems to be to bombard Paypal with a number of request directly one after the other.

And as for bananas .. :yay::yay::yay::yay: love them!


How do you inform BI support without creating a new ticket?

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Sorry BTW for the Angry Icon on top (not intended)

I removed it for you ;)

How do you inform BI support without creating a new ticket?

Reply directly to the auto-reply, it will add your reply to the ticket as an update rather than opening a new ticket :)

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Since some others got (automated) replys but you got nothing, just to be sure: Have you checked your spamfolder as well?

Yes, i check my email once each half hour.

I went to my bank office and they told me that my money is "in the limbo" you haven't receive it yet but i see it like is taken in my account, that means that maybe you can't take it yet because you have a lot of request or something.

The 15th the money will be back in my account automatically if the pay is not made, now i'm good. I just had the hype for the game :P I can wait, no problem. Let's see how this goes!

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