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Resistance's north american release date changed

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This company is showing no respect to its North American customers. They should at least put an explanation on the forum. I've seen them respond to less important threads, you would think that they could respond to this one. They may still get their sales for OFP but they might scare off their customers from buying anything else from them.

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Have you checked to see if there's a message on the publisher's forum? This forum is the developers forum, they prolly didn't even know it had been delayed let alone why smile.gif

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Didnt know CM had a forum. If they do, its probably devoted to their wondrous flagship title Colin Mcrae Rally 2.0- lol

I mean, hell, Rally is CMs last hope, because none of their other games are worth a damn... lmao- tounge.gif I kill me tounge.gif

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CM's Opf forums

As for Opf being their only decent game, well of course being extremely biased I think it is easily the best but they do have some others of promise, Prisoner of War could be interesting, Pro Race Driver is the first character "driven" rpg'esque racing game which sounds promising, IGI2 mindless but prolly fun, and there's also WW2: Frontline Command which looks real nice if you like strategy shit smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ex-RoNiN @ June 29 2002,13:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">HellToupee, I have repeatedly posted that any sort of discussion about warez is FORBIDDEN and PROHIBITED and NOT ALLOWED. I closed numorous threads about it and stated the next person caught talking about it will be punished.

Your posting rights have been removed for 12 hours.

Next warez talk in this thread will get this thread closed down.<span id='postcolor'>

what if i have sumthing important to say? and posting rights removed ant bad enuff reading rights should be to. While were on the topic of HT could u maybee deleat this account i made it when forums went down and found i dont need it.

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Thanks for the heads up on that placebo, but if I was in business with another company I would pay attention to what they were doing with my product.


this is some examples of what they are doing.

1. Operation Flashpoint: Resistance released this Friday 28th June 2002 (this was sent to me in the US)

2. Additional information for: Operation Flashpoint: Resistance Digital River

Your order will be sent out as soon as this product is available.

We will endeavour to ship your order to arrive on the day of release (subject to your chosen method of shipping). Due for release May 2002. (This May??)

3. We're Sorry! The product(s) you've ordered is currently out of stock and could not be shipped. (Ack! what a slap in the face)

Its a great game but it makes me not want to deal with them. Maybe they need to find a new distrivbutor.

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OFP was first major release for BIS, and in that situation CM holds more cards than BIS. so this time, there isn't much that BIS can do.

of course, success of OFP now will help future. BIS can ask for certain restrictions, like same day release for world and so forth. so if there will be OFP2, I hope BIS can have some more bargaining power.

at least I know I'll get OFP2 if it comes out. that's one customer willing to buy to start with.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ June 30 2002,05:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OFP was first major release for BIS, and in that situation CM holds more cards than BIS. so this time, there isn't much that BIS can do.<span id='postcolor'>

Yup I agree, think about it....

Company from Czech Republic.

First game they've made

Worked on it for 5 years with no influx of funds

Codemasters an established publisher going back to the 80s

Bis already had a publisher go bust on them

I bet they got majorly shafted on the contract, I hope I'm wrong of course, Bis deserve at least 99.999992% of all sale money smile.gif At the very least the success of Opf should have meant that they could pretty much name their terms, although as far as I'm aware since the release of Opf Codemasters signed up rights to any sequels as well so I guess they didn't shaft them too much smile.gif

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Staggering release dates is stupid, if BIS ever find out the actual figures for how many sales they lost to piracy thanks to CM, they'll freak out for sure.

Considering CM have done NO advertising for BIS to promote their product, the actual hype in the gaming community was quite good, to delay release in certain countries has wasted all that momentum.

I can tell you now 70% of people who were waiting to purchase have now sought alternative methods for obtaining the game.

Loyal fans will hang in there but theres only so much crap we can take.

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careful dammage dont say w****z or simialar things they could be watching *shivers*.

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I really do agree. I was the 1st to find out that the game will come out in canada the 10th. It made me going nuts when I found that euros got it already, this is only game I was awaiting 4 lol

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A little advice if your thinking of ordering resistance from the codemasters website, DONT! I spent $47.94 on resistance the other day just to find out its on backorded today. I wonder if this means I will get my copy sometime next month mad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ July 01 2002,00:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I can tell you now 70% of people who were waiting to purchase have now sought alternative methods for obtaining the game.<span id='postcolor'>

For me, the only alternative method would of been to fly to UK and buy the game there. I just hope it's in the store tomorrow... or there's gonna be hell to pay. I haven't played OFP since last weekend, just a personnal boycot of OFP until I get OFPR.

-=Die Alive=-

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No OFP:R at our local Best Buy today sad.gif ...guess Ill call again tomorrow.

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Oh shit, did I say Today or Tommorrow? I meant Tommorow or the day after... oops.

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my local bestbuy gets shipments on saturday and wednesday...so not till wednesday i get some chance...

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I have called,or had people call biggrin.gif , Best Buy Yesterday and Today, 3 different ones. I will call tomarow and wednesday.

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Codemasters here in the states probably got lots of people on vaccation, and they're subbing those on vaccations with feces throwing monkeys. I hope some of these monkesy throw some shit at these fools at CM. I mean, there's already reports saying that ppl who ordered over the net are being told that there's delays. What's the hold up?

-=Die Alive=-

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Like I said in the other thread, our local Best Buy doesn't know. Their computer shows Resistance as being past delivery date so it should be getting there via UPS anytime now. Problem is that I work nights so I gotta wake my ass up at 11 a.m. every day to call in. They only ordered 10 copies so I gotta get there pronto once they get it in. What devotion.

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it seems like every BestBuy has certain shipment date that they get products in. so even if OFPR is told to be deleivered on June 30th, we should not be surprised if it arrives on next shipment, which can be anytime. sad.gif

but Bestbuy still beats EB though. tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ July 01 2002,09:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Codemasters here in the states probably got lots of people on vaccation, and they're subbing those on vaccations with feces throwing monkeys.  I hope some of these monkesy throw some shit at these fools at CM.  I mean, there's already reports saying that ppl who ordered over the net are being told that there's delays.  What's the hold up?  

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

i was a dumbass, and i for some reason ordered from CM online. My order status now says backordered, but does this just mean that they arent taking anymore orders, or that there totally out and i wont be getting my copy for a while. And i discovered another nice little "feature" that codemasters put in on there website-No caceling orders mad.gif

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