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Beta2 is out! First Post edited.

Tested in Multiplayer without serious bugs.

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I love everything about this island! Great job mate! Great job

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:confused: I have overlooked this since June'12?? Damn, gonna have to check it out right away. European landscapes for the win! :)

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Hi Momo,

as a present for all your effort doing a great job.

Ilove to see if it´s done.

The wonderful island named Napf.

So, fasten seat belt and enjoy your flight. :)

Free to use.



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I’ve just been driving around Napf and just wanted to say, (having been lost in the Arma 3 hype since the Alpha came out), what a fantastic job you have done with this island, how much it has come on and just how much Arma 3 has got to live upto..

Great job, thanks for sharing it..:)

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Thanks for the kind words and the links. And of course, for the video, I think I will include it in the first post.

Also, feel free to post any bugs. I know some, but I am not sure which of them are only obvious to me and which of them get obvious while just playing the map.

Of course there may be bugs I am unable to fix...

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nice island realy like it but one minor gamebreaker ( :P ) the INTERNATIONAL (means big planes like B747 etc.) airport isn't even wide enough to have a c-130 taxi on and off the run way (the hangers are in the way) so it better could be called a airstrip for small planes :P

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Just a small info: I am working on the Northwest right now and I think I will release a Beta3 before the final version, depending on how fast I progress. No ETA yet.

Northwest looks like this on the ingame map:


Also, I was able to fix the roads. AI is using the roads as they should now.

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Beta3 released, first post updated.

I really hope for an easy way to get the map into Arma3, but until now, I ignored this topic completly...

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Great, thanks for your continued hard work, on what is a marvellous terrain you have made.

Will be DL’ing later and have a look.


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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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Edited by Guest

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This could be a beauty when finished. Little bit too hilly on the see sides, there is no bigger straight areas. Even in switzerland there are some ;). Love big cities on big islands. They could even be bigger. But one big criticism: if you go to arma3, please make all buildings accessible. This is horrible and all towns feel like lego.

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I have been looking more at this terrain, and really it is quite stunning. The Schrattendamm is fantastic, brief night mission to take the dam was really atmospheric (used tpw houselights).

The huge area and layout of the terrain lends itself to literally 100’s of various mission types & ideas, plus it performs well.

Really great job so far.

Flatterman; the dam is superb, fits in so nicely on this great terrain.:).

Edited by ChrisB

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looks damn nice in A3, though the dam causes the pondline bug :(((( cant wait for BIS do fix compatibility

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The map is finished :yay:

First post and links edited.

Took me an amount of free time which was not sane anymore, but still, it was worth the trip...

edit: Maybe a mod can change the thread title from Napf Island Beta to Napf Island?

Edited by #momo#

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update v1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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