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After 2.5 years of work, I finally finished my Napf Island. It is a terrain for Arma2 OA that is 20.4km on 20.4km in size. While the norh part is rather flat and is the home of most of the big cities, the south is dominated by mountains, forests and wilderness. The map is based on real elevation data from a region in Switzerland, but the towns, roads and forests are highly fictionalized.

Download Link:


Detailed Online-Map (may take a while to load)


Some features

- Two big citys, 3 airfields, a lot of medium sized towns

- Several small islands off the main land, one of them houses a big military base

- A massive Water Dam with an electrical grid emerging from there

- Diverse landscape from the flat north with agriculture and bigger towns down to the high mountains of the south

- Tested in Multiplayer without serious bugs

Required Addons (**All addons are allready included in this download**):

- Mondkalbs Killhouses: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15180

- Mondkalb Buildings 2: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11836

- Mondkalb Buildings 3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14828

- Mondkalb Generic African Buildings: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17817

- Modified Version of the GermanWaysigns from Marseille77: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9658


- My Clanmate Flattermann who became more and more a co-author

- Hotzenplotz from URR-Clan for his help with Visitor and Photoshop

- AngryInsects-Team for Beta-Testing and moral support (visit www.angryinsects.de)

- All clans and mods who played the Beta-Version, which motivated me to go on with the project

- Mondkalb for his buildings

- Bushlurker and others for many helpful posts in the Editing-Section of the bi-Forums

- shezan74 for WorldTools

- Marseille77 for the GermanWaysigns Addon.

- BIS for making Arma2


The capital city:



Agricultural fields in the North:


A farm far off from civilization:


The only paved road leading to the south coast:


Edited by #momo#
Finished the map
  • Thanks 1

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Well I have had a quick look around, and its really a great island. The port at Hafen will be ideal for larger ships. Lenzburg, Muenchenstein & Muttenz are great towns, could perhaps see a couple of medium sized navy ships coming up the river there into Muttenz.

Overall great first look, will put some ai on it and let you know how they get on.

Thank you 'momo' for this great island and all your hard work, that I can see you have put into it.

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I've been looking for a map located in Switzerland. Thank you so much. I live near Münchenstein, so I'll check if you recreated it faithfully (just kidding ;) ). Thanks again for your hard work.

Edit: Had a short walk around and drove a bit. First off, this is amongst the very good maps I've seen so far, really nice work. Second, I noticed some minor things like roads clipping through one another at intersections and some buildings beeing placed a bit too high (hard to get in). Are you interested in feetback like that? I could take some screenshots of the things I come across.

But again a huge thank you for this beautiful map and all the work you've put into it. Looking forward to making a few missions for my friends on it :D

Edited by _sherlock_

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It's always nice to see more fine playgrounds offered to us for free. Great work, momo!

Here's a suggestion: next time you capture screenshots using camera.sqs, press L to remove the cursor - it makes pictures look bad. ;]

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Thanx for the mirrors.

_sherlock_: I am indeed interested if you find bugs. However, I can not promise anything, so dont get too much work in it (fixing houses that are placed too high is easy in most cases, other bugs might be tricky or not in my list of priorities).

Also, AI seems to ignore bridges. I tested them in an alpha version and there they worked, funny. AI will find a way, but not over the bridge.

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As a Swiss myself I know the Napf territory very well. It's fantastic for hiking. I'm really looking forward to exploring the map. Could you tell me which parts are realistic and which ones you made out of your fantasy?

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As a Swiss myself I know the Napf territory very well. It's fantastic for hiking. I'm really looking forward to exploring the map. Could you tell me which parts are realistic and which ones you made out of your fantasy?

Hey, buddy, since you know it very well. Why do you exploring it yourself and tell us which one is which one.

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Hey, buddy, since you know it very well. Why do you exploring it yourself and tell us which one is which one.

Well buddy, the Napf territory is huge and I don't have the time to hike around the whole map and compare it to the real thing. But I will explore it for sure.

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Hello Momo,

many thanks for this lovely island.

It´s so quiet and peaceful in my mind - wonderful...

My first impression is still recorded, if you want have a look.

Thanks again for this awesome work!



Edited by McLupo

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thx, this film actually is a much better presentation of the map than my Screenshoths :)

One note:

When I played my map online with a dedicated server, we had some server crashes. Since we load other mods on the server too, it is hard to say if the map was responsible or one of the other mods. I also fixed a bugged road since the crashes (RPT entry: "Road not found"), but I am not sure if this had anything to do with the crashes.

Anyone played this on a dedicated server and had a server crash?

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Very good island. The terrain, layout, countryside and towns look excellent.

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Just had a look it now, I'm impressed.

It's a decent sat-map quality and size! And I'm glad to see that drawing pathways to the doors of buildings is finally beginning to trend amongst the mapmakers!

Roadnets seem to link up to the brigdes correctly, though there's some odd things going on with the path connections. It works anyways.

Though there still are some rough edges: Things like missing parallax maps for the cobblestone textures and trees growing out of it.

I know placing down fences is a massive time consuming task, but this map would benefit from more fences, especially across the rural areas and inbetween fields.

The satmap itself is already very good, maybe the it could be a bit darker, but that might just my own personal preference. And it needs more irregularities. Lots and lots of it.

Given the shear size of it 20x20km, and its current quality, this map is on its way to pure awesomeness. Please please keep it up!

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Yepp, Love the map.....really awesome work.....want more Momo island'S!!! ^^

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Very nice island !

I see there's Olten, my train is going to Olten but I leave it before. :D

I'm really impatient to see all the map finish and a little suggestion, add some creeks in the forest. :)

P.S: And I'm even not sorry for my bad english.

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hey there,

first thanks to momo and this wonderfull map. i live in luzern so the napfgebiet is very familiar to me.

but i have a problem when playing that map. everytime i start i'll be droppen in a lake and then i start from a new point with no weapon. anyone has a soultion for this or know what the problem is?

active mods: - all cba mods

- all ACE Mods

thanks for help

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First, sorry for not answering to any post for some time, but I was rather busy for some time and I needed a break from this map. Its like when you read the same words a hundred times, the words are starting to loose any sence, same happend after I put too much time in this map and looked at it again and again and again without any feedback :)

Anyway, I resumed to work on the project. I started to work on the capital town and the airport which both are somewhere south of Lausen. Also, if anybody is playing this on a dedicated server and had server crashes, there is a newer version where I deleted all objects that made an entry in the server-rpt. On our Clanserver, we did not have any server crashes with the newer version since some time. I wont upload a new version just because of this minor change, but there would be the possibility to send me a pm.


I appreciate this kind of feedback. I fully agree that the sat map could need more work and a lot more irregularities. I have to say, I used Photoshop for the first time and I am learning by doing. Same goes for Visitor. My initial plan was to release the beta with just one monotone texture, but then, Photoshop was really relaxing to work with compared to Visitor.

I dont really understand what the problem with the road connections is. I fixed some stuff (I used the same road definition for different roads by mistake), but there still seems to be a problem. Anyway, ai is finding its way.

As stated in the readme, I dont think I will fully finish the map because of Arma3. However, if Arma3 is postponed, if its buggy like shit and no one is playing it, or if it is possible to load Arma2 content into Arma3, then theres a good chance I will finish it. But I can not count on this points, and the goal right now is to finish the main ring road that goes from Chatzbach to Lausen and the mountains surrounding this road. I think I should reach this point until December, but I don't want to rush the project just to finish it.


I am sorry I have no idea what the problem might be?

Edited by #momo#

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great job on this map, i like it allot.

i think at some point u would be able to laod it into arma3 dont worry about that :)

keep it up it would be a shame to not finish this map, it looks great.

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Some update: Progress is somehow slow right now, but I finished the capital city and some neighbouring towns, also finished some small villages in the mountains. I think I can release a Beta2 near the end of January or the end of February.

Ingame-Map of the Capital City:


And how it looks right now:


The Capital City is almost merging with its neighbour, a City called Emmen:



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I think I can release a Beta2 near the end of January or the end of February.

I need some weeks more... not too long thought.

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