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What would you like to see in ofp2

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Well i would say a little weather editor, so you can create cloud cover and fronts of rain etc, alos if you ave hail it can *tink* on your helmet rendering your hearing useless!

Ice etc, harder and softer ground, tanks getting bogged down a bit so they go slower over mud.

A few more polygons on the weapons, makethem look nice please. the new m16 that came with suchey's marines looks just like the real thing! A bit more specialisation of the soldier classes, radio man, recon specialist, CSAR pararescue guy etc.

Lot's of realism options and animations, like you can only communicate by radio if you have one and you can only contact the base if you have a radio operator or the radio off him if he dies. Some more realistic flight models for helicopters including things like vortexes and retreating blade stall, all with options so they can be simplistic.

Give the AI more self preservation qualities, like surrendering to overwhelming forces, all scalable so you can have less determined soldiers etc.

a bit more ground cover, make fields with very low but dense cover so you have to crawl across without being seen. find a way so the woods have trees that are destroyable, so you could blow a LZ in the middle of a forest.

Divide the campaigns into the different roles, so instead of continuously switching just play the infantry campaign where you have checkpoint duty and patrols through towns where you have to look for suspicous people, and you can arrest anyone. Maybe have a few more facial expressions - this setmimic "suspicous" tounge.gif

If you have a equivalent to Sam Nichols have a bigger escape and evasion mission for the downed pilot with maybe CSAR, you have to use the stars, commandeer a radio maybe to call for extraction or just run for the border.

Make the enemy just as righteous as the Americans (no evil Guba evil evil person etc.), so if you have an 'opposing force' campaign you don't feel like you have to defect.

Take a look at IL2 Forgotten Battles, because it's a great game, but also becasue it's got a divided roles campaign and the crashes are superb, i hate when i do an autorotation and come in at twenty knots on a good angle of attack and i blow because the OFP engine instantly assumes speed = death.

Have an animation for everything, taking a piss, using a radio, checking a map, saluting then giving your officer the finger etc. Just to add to the realism of soldier's life.

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I would really like to see the soldiers with a new animation, and that animation would be "lower weapon" "Raise weapon".

i mean it too look like this when the weapon is in "lower weapon" mode.

just check the 10th mt. guy on the photo and see what i mean, would be so cool seeing soldiers run with lowered weapon in urban enviorments! like runnning to corner of a street, when you get there you raise weapon to scan place.


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OFP 2 WISH LIST (Updated)

I believe that OFP 2 should be enhanced as a battle simulation, so, my main wish is to move towards realism and away from the Quake type of game. Keeping this in mind, here are 12 points that I'd like to see addressed in OFP2:

1- Better Graphics: More realistic terrain, as in Black Hawk Down; Better simulation of destoyed buildings, vehicles and other obejcts. Better looking civilians and more variety of peoples clothing and faces.

2- Better Communication in Multiplayer: OFP needs to introduce a way for players to communicate with team members who happen to be near or next to them in the battlefield. If everyone in a team could see their teammates numbers when close, this would be like recognising their faces. Then you could select their number, and communicate either by menu or text, even if one is not the group leader. More actions could be introduced, in addition to salute and sit down actions. These could be largely communicative actions, such as point, beckon, stop, wave etc.

3- Better Communication in Single Player: The introduction of a platoon leader who can issue commands to group leaders. More strategic menu commands, that are similar to the current mission editor movement commands. ie. waypoints, to enable a higher level of strategic play.

4- Better Collision: No getting stuck or trapped in buildings.

5- Moveable ammo boxes: Movable by two players. One is leader, the other behaves as if he is in a vehicle.

6- More Vehicles and Armour: Towed artilliery guns, Mortar etc. Up to date weaponry. More support vehicles.

7- Freedom inside vehicles: I guess this is very hopeful indeed, but it would be cool if we could walk around in the back of trucks and helicopters; and better still, peep out and shoot from such vehicles, instead of just sitting there like department store dummies getting our asses shot off.

8- Introduction of other nations forces: Complete NATO forcres, incl. United Kingdom. Also, it would be nice to have a United Nations force.

9- More realism in Repair and Healing functions: Lets get rid of the magic wand repairing and healing, and have something more realistic. For example, if you have a light injury, treating it could just stop it getting worse. As to repair, again, this should be limited to simple field repairs such as fixing a tyre or a tank track perhaps, and should take a few mins. Repair should be largely preventative. For example, a water leak if not repaired will lead to bigger problems. Also, if there’s a fire, you may need to stop the tank, get out and put it out.

10- Better AI : Cleverer, more capable of looking after themselves with regard to ammo, medical etc...

11- A Better Mission Editor: More fucntions, easier to use. Island editor? Buildings in the library, trees, bushes etc.

12- Water: What happens when you go into deep water in OFP should not happen in OFP2. We should have swimming for those who are not carrying too much weight, and a drowning cut for those who are.

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I doubt that OFP is considered anything like Quake 3 as it is now, we don't need OFP2 to show that.

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A thing that always bugged me was how the AI would patrol, it was way too fast, to slow them down you would have to make them less alert (safe) and their weapons would be over their shoulder, instead of in their hands. New animations please!

Female voices! Female voices! Female voices! we can use for a female unit using a radio!

In the Mission Editor I would like to see further options: There are East, West, Civiallian and Resistance currently. But what about adding a North and South? More enemies more to think about....

Also an option to make East be friendly to West and civillian but not too Resistance etc etc so misison makers can create different colaborations of sides easily in the mission editor.

The main thing that was missing was the ability to swim or survive if you had to parachute over water. I would like to see bomb craters and trenches to fight in and defend.

But above all the most important thing IMO is a realistic weapon loadout. At present you can not carry enough ammo or grenades etc. Of course being able to carry two LAW's and a M60 and ammo would slow you down, but make it like that in the game, its not impossible, just watch the tv and see the amount of weight soldiers carry these days.

Anothing thing is rearming, the AI needs to be able to rearm when it can without you having to tell each individual to re arm in a time consuming fashion.

In OFP2 lets make the maps seasonal, with the option in the mission editor to make it the peak of summer or the cold dark days of winter with snow and ice, this way we wont need to have dozens of different versions of one map made to depict a particular season.

The mission editor is the best one I have seen in any game. But we had initially very little support or information in how to use it properly like we can today, I implore BIS to make a dedicated manual on mission editing in OFP2, so we dont have to wait months for some 'boffin' in the community to discover how we can make this happen or do that...

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I think that a Vietnam styled OFP2 would be a great game but on a personal note I would rather see the development team move away from a particular theatre of war. I would rather the game engine was designed so that it was capable of creating a wider variety of environments and the player is given more power to do so. This way the strength of the game lies in that it can be any type of game we want as no doubt users will create and distribute their own vietnam, iraq , bosnia, korea, colombia, etc environments anyway.

I would like to see the capability to create large urban areas instead of the small villages and towns we have now. A large number of buildings on screen seriously slows OFP down.

Movement inside buildings at the minute is also very poor. Look at Tribes 2 for example, large sprawling environments, seamless indoor/outdoor transitions, vehicles, etc. It isnt too much to ask for in the sequel.

Another bug-bear I have with OFP is the inability for passengers of a vehicle to be able to shoot out of the vehicle if they are armed. I know some vehicles have set gunner positions but shooting from inside a vehicle whilst in transit also adds to the enjoyment factor especially in multiplayer. I hope this is also changed for the sequel.

Finally the editor at the minute isnt great with people having to rely on external tools to create islands. I would rather see the editor changed so that landscapes could be created from scratch or from wizards/templates. A 3d environment view similar to the Neverwinter Nights Map editor would also be very welcome. Increasing the user friendlieness of the editor and the power of it I think would mean an increase in the number of user-created maps and expand the games shelf-life. Official releases frm BIS could include their own home-made envirnments based on various war hot spots, as well as extra missions, units, etc.

So please BIS, keep the good things about OFP ( the huge landscapes, the vehicles, the realism), fix the quirky ones (cant shoot from vehicles, poor movement inside buildings and no large urban environments), give us a beefy new editor with an easy to use interface and revamp the graphics a little and I will be very happy indeed as Im sure would most other OFP veterans.

Lets face it the single player side of OFP isnt going to be what keeps people coming back to it. Its the community that create missions, maps and mods for the game that keep people playing so it makes sense to shift the focus for the game more towards the engine and the editor as opposed to trying to set the game in a certain theme.

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All comparisons of this game to another game is flawed.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Movement inside buildings at the minute is also very poor. Look at Tribes 2 for example, large sprawling environments, seamless indoor/outdoor transitions, vehicles, etc. It isnt too much to ask for in the sequel.<span id='postcolor'>

WIDE OPEN AREAS. They were 1/100 the size of OFP with hardly any objects in the game world and zero AI type stuff.

If you want the game to have indoor environments like Tribes2 then you should expect to lose everything else that OFP has.


PS: Those 2 games came out at the same time also.

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It would be great if in the mission editor you could choose the camo of the unit like you choose the specialy of it, e.g. west - car - hmmwv - desert(woodland, jungle...)

And also the gear loadout, instead of only being able of cary law, rpgs and such in the secondary weapon section (not handgun section) you could cary what ever you like, e.g M16 and a M21 or what ever.

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"I want to hunt some reindeers in the forests. biggrin.gif"

Besides, I think animals would be a nice addition to the game athmosphere.

Moreover to the already stated wishes, I want to hear the battlefield as it really is.. there are already nice soundpacks like Dynamic Range out there (unfortunately not MP-playable).

I am sure that BIS hears us and tries to fulfill our needs smile.gif

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Lots and lots of good stuff.

I want more vechicles, more cheats biggrin.gif , bigger islands, what about some animals lol so Soldiers could practice their skills,

I want also other objects, and a expert mission editor.

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I would like the ability to "Lug" things.

Say go to an object (rifle, whatever) and after all of your equipment slots are used up you will then be given the action to "lug" an object. With this you can pick up as many items as your unit could carry, with limitations to his strength, stamina, and speed. Then when he wanted to use something he would first have to drop all of the items that are lugged (with a hot key). This way soldiers could actually carry alot of stuff into a combat zone.


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I was wondering why you can't put vehicles "incargo" now. When a unit mounts a vehicle he "becomes" the vehicle, correct? If this is true why can't that vehicle/person then mount a vehicle? I know this is stupid but it's just a thought.


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I forgot one REALLY IMPORTANT thing in my previous post...

We need the ability to shoot from left shoulder too!!! With this version of the game we can't safely look over a left sided house corner! This is a really important, and vital thing, what is a must if you want to be a good soldier...



Don't mix the right handed left shoulder shoot, with the left handed shoots...! If you change shoulder you don't change your hands... But you may add also the option to choose which handed do you.

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_MyObject = drop [_ShapeName , _AnimationName , _Type , _TimerPeriod , _LifeTime , _Position , _MoveVelocity , _RotationVelocity , _Weight , _Volume , _Rubbing , _Size ,_Color ,_AnimationPhase , _RandomDirectionPeriod ,_RandomDirectionIntensity , _OnTimer , _BeforeDestroy ,_Object , _objectBindToParticule]

For ontimer && Beforedestroy _This select 0 is the name of the object, select 1 the position, select 2 the velocity select 3 init (true when first time only for ontimer).

Deletevehicle works for this object in ontimer script, or lifetime sets in ontimer.

With this you can simulate all ammos...

Some explanations bout Rubbing, if it's only K, a surface parameter relates to it.

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i want the soundtrack played by a real orchestra....and carry some of the original tunes on to OFP, they are really great!

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Could we have a better heavy breathing sound, please? Right now, the soldiers sound a bit like a respirator machine! biggrin.gif

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i'd say solid controls would be 1st priority before anything else.... Also, solid walls...

A cool feature: able to control platoons and companys....

another cool feature: able to choose if you want to be as for the entire campaign

1. rifleman... grenader... automatic rifleman... etc.. etc...

2. Fireteam leader

3. squad leader

4. platoon leader...

5. etc... etc....

3rd cool feature: artillery, air support, etc.. etc..

4th cool feature: better graphics and dyamic lighting on characters!! (i think this would be too far)

5th cool feature: as mentioned before: animals

6. cool feature: civilians doing their everyday stuff

7. cool feature: BETTER TRACERS!!!

8. cool feature: grass as seen in recent games

9. cool feature: better damage modelling... make it more realistic....

10. cool feature: bleeding... medics have to heal you up to stop it... if you don't stop it. you die.

11. cool feature: work with BAS they are pros at this engine now....

12. cool feature: volmotric (i suck at spelling) clouds

13. bluish at the morning

14. better looking blood and gore (think SOF2 lol)

15. 3D iron sites which you have to calibrate yourself for distance, wind... etc... etc.... (people will hate this, but i think this'll be VERY cool)... flipping back and forth between the <200 meter and >200 meter rear sights for the m16 will be fun....

16. better gun models and textures (think INQUISITOR)

17. more talking in the game and more sounds (I.E people scream, cry, and swear when being shot at)

18. release the MODing tools with it


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (dave8 @ April 22 2003,08:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">11. cool feature: work with BAS they are pros at this engine now....<span id='postcolor'>

I think so are the BIS guys...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think so are the BIS guys...<span id='postcolor'>

lol of course they are...  but BAS makes some pretty awesome stuff... sometimes better than BIS itself....

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oh yeah, and also for it NOT to be set in Vietnam, but modern times... Modern times will lead to more features and cool stuff and eye-candy... Vietnam will have less...

Another cool feature: richociet (i suck at spelling)... i.e. tank armor, rocks, buildings etc... etc...

Another cool feature: HUGE urban enviornments... and fighting to take place there

Another cool feature: deformable buildings and ground.

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