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Syria - What should we do if anything?

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I don´t trust thos syrian "freedom fighters"

Why are they so well armed? Who gave them those Weapons? What is their ultimate goal? Unless I don´t know these things I will not support any foreign intervention in Syria.

Maybe the only chance to stop the violence would be to bring in Peacekeeping troops from Turkey

I agree...

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;2221429']I've an A2CO mission coming up regarding the WMD proliferation threat.

what it be ? MAGATE-proposed UN breach into sanctions-violating US MC ? :)

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I wonder if in the end, it'll end up like North Mali...

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I wonder if in the end, it'll end up like North Mali...

Yay, that's what happens when Western countries don't intervene...or fail to (like Somalia).

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Why are they so sure that it were grenades fired by the syrian army?

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Because that bloody tyranic regime can't do anything than killing innocent people just for lulz.

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They came from Syria, and regular terrorists or other rabble rarely have artillery batteries. Not to mention this happened before, and Syrian government apologized for it (saying it won't happen again, BTW...). It looks like camel droppings are gonna hit the fan soon around these parts. Hopefully it'd be less bloody than in Libya (if it's still possible), though considering what's happening in there, I wouldn't mind a full scale revolution coupled with a way with Turkey.

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Thats a textbook example on how to include NATO in conflict since Turkey is in Nato, and if Syria has attacked it, Nato will have a good reason to get involved probably with airstrikes first. Frauds at its best... It wont turn out good. Syria is nothing like Lybia or Iraq or even Afghan, this will include Russian and Chinese not to mention Iran. Global conflict if they try to pull anything like this. For the sake of all of us, leave Syria to handle it alone. Those so called rebels are not fighting for freedom or their rights, those are criminals with links with who knows what and who, I wont go deeper into it, you are smart enough to get the picture.

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Thats a textbook example on how to include NATO in conflict since Turkey is in Nato, and if Syria has attacked it, Nato will have a good reason to get involved probably with airstrikes first. Frauds at its best... It wont turn out good. Syria is nothing like Lybia or Iraq or even Afghan, this will include Russian and Chinese not to mention Iran. Global conflict if they try to pull anything like this. For the sake of all of us, leave Syria to handle it alone. Those so called rebels are not fighting for freedom or their rights, those are criminals with links with who knows what and who, I wont go deeper into it, you are smart enough to get the picture.

Calling the oponents of Assad criminals is just uninformed propaganda, so as i'm not 12 years old, i don't get this simplistic picture. Everybody knows that Al Qaeda is trying to get involved in the conflict, but if they succeed it'll be because the "common" oponents weren't supported from the beginning from abroad. Who's fault is it ?

I only subscribe to the fact that any foreign intervention isn't possible anymore.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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They came from Syria, and regular terrorists or other rabble rarely have artillery batteries. Not to mention this happened before, and Syrian government apologized for it (saying it won't happen again, BTW...). It looks like camel droppings are gonna hit the fan soon around these parts. Hopefully it'd be less bloody than in Libya (if it's still possible), though considering what's happening in there, I wouldn't mind a full scale revolution coupled with a way with Turkey.

This was a wrong statement from Besir Atalay, turkish minister.

"Syria accepts that it did it and apologizes. They said nothing like this will happen again. That's good. The UN mediated and spoke to Syria in the evening," Atalay said.

Actually, Syria gave condolences but did not apologize and denied responsibility according to a UN statement and the posted video. They are still inevestigate the incident and the situation is unclear.

@added press release from one of the turkish main media:


I wonder why this is not reported by other main media sources.

Edited by oxmox

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Thats a textbook example on how to include NATO in conflict since Turkey is in Nato, and if Syria has attacked it, Nato will have a good reason to get involved probably with airstrikes first. Frauds at its best... It wont turn out good. Syria is nothing like Lybia or Iraq or even Afghan, this will include Russian and Chinese not to mention Iran. Global conflict if they try to pull anything like this. For the sake of all of us, leave Syria to handle it alone. Those so called rebels are not fighting for freedom or their rights, those are criminals with links with who knows what and who, I wont go deeper into it, you are smart enough to get the picture.

Syria won't dare bring NATO into it, simply because it will draw the armed forces attention away from rebels to NATO's response whatever it may be.

Even if Syria and Al-Asad survived a NATO war or intervention, the fact no one was left fighting rebels will mean they take control of more areas then they have now.

Now as for Russia and China..naaah. If Syria attacks Turkey in a way that justifies Turkey declaring war and NATO step in to help. The "big scary bear" from the east won't do anything. Apart from losing a country to ship arms to and I guess a few natural resources, there's no good reason for them to.

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Calling the oponents of Assad criminals is just uninformed propaganda, so as i'm not 12 years old, i don't get this simplistic picture. Everybody knows that Al Qaeda is trying to get involved in the conflict, but if they succeed it'll be because the "common" oponents weren't supported from the beginning from abroad. Who's fault is it ?

I only subscribe to the fact that any foreign intervention isn't possible anymore.

Oh so my conclusions here are called "uninformed propaganda" while reports from worldwide "trusted" news networks is then what? Maybe you're not 12, but you still refuse to see the problem. Once again Im at the point of asking myself am I really trying it again? Yep...and being unsuccessful as usual. Ill keep trying.

@Slatts...man I wont even reply on that.


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Syria won't dare bring NATO into it, simply because it will draw the armed forces attention away from rebels to NATO's response whatever it may be.

Even if Syria and Al-Asad survived a NATO war or intervention, the fact no one was left fighting rebels will mean they take control of more areas then they have now.

Now as for Russia and China..naaah. If Syria attacks Turkey in a way that justifies Turkey declaring war and NATO step in to help. The "big scary bear" from the east won't do anything. Apart from losing a country to ship arms to and I guess a few natural resources, there's no good reason for them to.

Its not about the resources. Syria is for Russia a strategic place of importance. The ports and units there could be used to draw NATO attention in a huger conflict. This is cold war shit happening right now.Some kind of Proxy War. Syria is just a pawn for the super powers for getting a better grip in the region. What for the USA Georgia is is for Russia Syria.

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@Slatts...man I wont even reply on that.


Why? Because it's not as fearful as yours? ;) Answer me this, why would China get involved? What is in their interest in Syria?

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Why? Because it's not as fearful as yours? ;) Answer me this, why would China get involved? What is in their interest in Syria?

I think -Paladin- explained briefly the basics of the issue. Although I dont fully agree about resources he hit the center of the problem.

Its not about the resources. Syria is for Russia a strategic place of importance. The ports and units there could be used to draw NATO attention in a huger conflict. This is cold war shit happening right now.Some kind of Proxy War. Syria is just a pawn for the super powers for getting a better grip in the region. What for the USA Georgia is is for Russia Syria.

As for China, you should do a bit more in depth research and get familiar with geopolitical and military strategical interests of all sides involved here, and then you might see the big picture. In short Nato is eliminating all of the remaining allies of Russia, China and Iran, and at the same time eliminating regimes which wouldn't want to cooperate with the international banking lobby. Oh and lets not forget natural resources they acquire, literally and its exploitation and huge profits coming out of it. With Syrias regime being removed and new "pro-west" government being installed, Russia and complete Eastern block, including Independents, lose their strategic military locations, and huge markets including weapons market. Next stop Iran, and so on, and so forth, who will be the next target after Iran, lets see...Russia? Russia being intercontinental country ( EuroAsia ) it endanger Chinas interests too, and I believe that Chinese strategists will see move on Syria or Iran as a possible threat ( and a huge one ), and undoubtedly will make a move. What kind? Who knows...you can never know with the China.

Im by no means so well informed but this is in "short" my vision of whats going on, and what is or might going to happen. You are free to call all this bollox I dont care. Its my short analysis and my right to think and say what I think. Stating "Syria wont dare to .... whatever", is not really backed by anything I can reasonably understand. When nation is in war and there is alot at stake, trust me everyone is ready for anything. Knowing how Syrian soldiers and people are loyal its going to be a hell of a ride. Include third parties and we can all move to the moon.

To sum up this thread Ill post a rhetoric question. Who are we, and what are we doing? Make sure WE is not the people of the world, WE is not one nation, WE do not want wars and destruction anymore, and WE surely do not want YOU to do anything.


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I'll admit, your points about Russia/China/Iran wanting to stop any invasion are valid, however I personally believe they won't react. Why? There won't be a reason too because of A Turkish/Syrian war as there won't be one

My point is simply this, Syria is at war right now, and what's that rule about wars on 2 fronts? Go to war with Turkey and you risk letting the rebels take control of more areas since your Armed forces are busy fighting another country. Then when said conflict is over, you risk having the rebels stronger then ever then they were before.

It's in Syria's best interest to leave Turkey alone and bomb the crap out of the rebels till they cry uncle.

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What government would do that to their own people?

i'd like to draw your attention to one of many cases of potential (is say this as i am lost for sources at the moment), if not documented, government sponsored attrocities.

as i'm sure alot of you are aware by now there are alot of questions yet to be answered about the (almost) christmas eve 2009 underwear bomber.the (almost) bomber was help through customs without a passport by a suited man, a fact which was aggressivly denied by the government until the FBI admitted that this is a regular practice.

here is the statement from the main witness


This story is just a little shock to the system and while it doesn't pertain directly to the question, I would like you to consider the possibility that a government would harm it's constituants in order to set the stage for a political talking point (i.e. cyber security). one day no one is bothered... the next day there is an event that is reported as a breach of national security... and before you know it people are screaming out for a law or a bill to regulate the given act so as to keep them "safe".In turn, the public have to give up a little of their liberty.

People always say "follow the money" when something bad happens. seems the money 9/10 leads to government. They (or their individual vested interests) usually have the most to gain from blowing stuff up in the form of building contracts to repair damage, public opinion being swayed to force someone into office who can then have their way so that legistlation can be rushed through to suck yet more money from the bottow rungs to make the rich richer (but is it really their way?), or to just fuel a conflict so that, once again, vested interests can fund both sides of a war and get filthy rich off that.

what does a real political change movement have to gain from blowing stuff up? 5 minutes of fame that will end up costing them the integrity of their movements' message and loss of faith in the court of public oppinion?

that is what is most dear to a political movement. It needs the people to have the revolution.

i think the question you should be asking is not why a government would kill it's own, but why nationals would kill their own. Government stands to gain the most... "follow the money"...

I am by no means saying that this is the case in syria, meerly pointing out a historical trend that many, more educated than I, have spotted.

Edited by zorilya

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Latest News: Turkish Airforce forced a Civil plane from Russia en route to Damaskus to land in Ankara.

The plane was searched and part of the cargo that shouldn´t be on civil planes was confiscated.

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did someone bring a can of Lynx with them the shouldn't have?

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Latest News: Turkish Airforce forced a Civil plane from Russia en route to Damaskus to land in Ankara.

The plane was searched and part of the cargo that shouldn´t be on civil planes was confiscated.

Q: I wonder a bit about this incident, on what is this based that they can capture a civil plane ?

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Q: I wonder a bit about this incident, on what is this based that they can capture a civil plane ?

A plane full of weapons isn't exactly a civil plane, even if it is full of Russian citizens.

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But, on what is this based to capture such a plane ? Syria planes arent the only ones who deliver military equipment with planes.

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