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Possible Release Date? @GameSpot

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Arma is like wine.

The older it gets so better it gets.


..on the other hand even in ARMA VII not all bugs of A2 there will be fixed.


'Perfecting' something has its limits..and like me (lots of people i guess) have already bazillions of gaming hours at A2CO and i m also VERY eager to test the new technology .

I don't want to show-up like a junkie..but at least the Alpha will 'ease' the pain..

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I would be fine with Q1 2013. We will have the alpha, or beta to satisfy our needs. But I think Q2 would be pushing it. I would be fine to wait that long but shouldn't BIS be trying to release arma before all the dayz hype and what not dies down. I mean by Q2 2013 I think alot of new people who are interested in it now would loose interest by then no? And wouldn't it be a plus to get it out for Christmas? There won't be many other games out at that time and perhaps more kids will be willing to try out A3 for their christmas gifts and what not. I don't know, maybe I'm off to lunch, but whenever it is released, as long as there is a alpha, I'm fine.

Whats the difference if they release an apha first or the final game that needs fixing?!?!?!

At least we would get to try it and help with improvements...

Think BI wants to clear their name as a "buggy" game developers. Nobody will complain about a buggy alpha release, but they will most certainly jump on a buggy full product.

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Think BI wants to clear their name as a "buggy" game developers. Nobody will complain about a buggy alpha release, but they will most certainly jump on a buggy full product.

Plus they want direct input from the community, which is awesome.

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I wouldn't doubt Q1 2013 for Arma 3 considering that BIS is now going with Physx 3 instead of SKU 2 also to ensure it has a stable and ain't a bug fest like A2 1.01

A2 1.01 was gold compared to 1.0 that was released one month prior to wordwide release only in germany...1.0 was REALLY horrible. Game reviews in germen media was done based on 1.0 and thus had a very bad rating.

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Nobody will complain about a buggy alpha release

Sadly there seem to be many people who still don't understand the difference between a demo and an alpha/beta. Heck, plenty of people still don't understand that pre-alpha sneak preview footage doesn't represent the final product. But I agree with your overall idea.

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Plus they want direct input from the community, which is awesome.

Very true. I wonder how much community input they are actually going to be taking and using. I hope the alpha isn't just to test out performance on different rigs and will actually let us shape the game, at least to a small degree. That would be awesome.

Sadly there seem to be many people who still don't understand the difference between a demo and an alpha/beta. Heck, plenty of people still don't understand that pre-alpha sneak preview footage doesn't represent the final product. But I agree with your overall idea.

Yes unfortunately that is true, but usually its not the game reviewers, but rather younger kids who probably wouldn't like the game anyway.

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I just heard about the Alpha will be delayed .

But never heard arma3 will push back to 2013..... At least a3 released at Q4 2012 .

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Maruk said that their entire development cycle has been pushed back due to upgrading from PhysX v2 to v3.x, so a delay to 2013 is quite possible.

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Actually he said the release of the community alpha will be delayed, he'll make an announcement soon. Nothing about the entire development cycle. People are jumping to the conclusion that because the community alpha is delayed the release will be delayed.

This I must admit may be true but its pointless speculating about this. Lets wait for an official announcement shall we?

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And let BIS take their time, the game has no direct competition, so no need to rush it. :)

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Nothing about the entire development cycle.

I'm not making this up:

I am not sure this was already discussed in the open somewhere but there is one massive change being done under the hood of Arma 3: migration from PhysX 2.x to PhysX 3..X . This may sound trivial but in reality it is basically switching to completely new physical simulation system with all consequences (a lot of work lost, delay of the entire development schedule). But we decided to make this transition, otherwise Arma 3 would be locked to PhysX 2.x for long time. It was basically now or never for the game...

The transition phase is on-going and neither PhysX 2 nor PX 3 branch are really tuned or polished at the moment.

Also, physical libraries only do part of what is needed and in no way guarantee that everything is going to react as it should: a lot of work on simulation, tweaking, testing, tweaking, AI routines, tweaking, fixing, testing is required with any type of physical simulation and in case of game this complex it really takes a lot of time and effort.

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No you are not making it up... but hopefully we are all reading to much into it.

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No you are not making it up... but hopefully we are all reading to much into it.

I hope so too. ;)

In any case, at least we'll have the alpha soonâ„¢, and the beta aswell some time before release, so it's not like we'll be completely empty handed for the rest of the year. And who knows, if they take the extra time to get PhysX 3.x working well, perhaps they'll also be able to squeeze in deferred shading before release. (That 1% possibility indicated by Damu.)

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I think you guys are massively over-estimating what the Alpha is going to allow you to do, i would be surprised if they even gave us an editor or multiplayer or many missions. Its there to catch out the initial big bugs with the engine and gameplay usually. The beta will be more in depth in my opinion.

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I think you guys are massively over-estimating what the Alpha is going to allow you to do, i would be surprised if they even gave us an editor or multiplayer or many missions. Its there to catch out the initial big bugs with the engine and gameplay usually. The beta will be more in depth in my opinion.

I was thinking the same, Alpha is a quality assurance process designed for testing, it may be feature complete but all the features may or may not be introduced.

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Nah. Old timers will be pretty happy methinks understanding that many end product features wont be present.

Hell ive enjoyed Overgrowths alpha quite a bit tho it plays out as only a shadow of a game. Theres something thrilling about knowing weekly/bi weekly updates are incoming. "This week we'll be introducing an updated ragdoll or vehicle handling physics"....sounds gigatty to me :)

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Jay Crowe @twitter

Release is due early 2013, alpha later this year...



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Jay Crowe @twitter



I bet Alpha will be October or later. Beta probably December or later. Release probably May or later.

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Jay Crowe @twitter



Meh, I say let the cookie bake till it's perfectly crispy on the outside and melt in your mouth in the middle. This is the last Arma series before I jump into Grandfather age so I intend to enjoy it to the fullest extent possible under the law of married men (or doomed..). Personally I see the schedule revision with a newer, swankier PhysX model being a major factor as a good thing and a good sign.

Also realised I never played Arma 2 campaign past Manhatten and really haven't gone far in any of their CO campaigns so, maxed out with mods -I'll savor and enjoy each one now while I wait :)

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2013 even better more time for them to focus on nailing everything and getting as much polish and "moar framez" as humanly possible.

I bet if it wasn't for DayZ's popularity BIS wouldn't be able to push release to 2013.

Hope we all live through Doomsday :eek:

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2013 even better more time for them to focus on nailing everything and getting as much polish and "moar framez" as humanly possible.

I bet if it wasn't for DayZ's popularity BIS wouldn't be able to push release to 2013.

Hope we all live through Doomsday :eek:

And why not? Pretty sure BIS's decision has absolutely NOTHING to do with DayZ, and EVERYTHING to do with the implementation of PhysX 3, among other efforts to polish the game, as has been said.

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I think he means that the unexpected revenue can help fund further development costs.

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I think he means that the unexpected revenue can help fund further development costs.

Precisely sir.

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DayZ has nothing to do with this.

BIS always delayed new installments before and there weren't any daisies. I wrote it will be 2013 like a year ago lol.

DayZ this, DayZ that. Annoying.

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@metalcraze - I wouldn't be so sure, one of the best selling games on steam? For a month? Remember that original date was supposed to be this summer, and A3 still looks alpha-ish, winter date was understandable, so is this although it makes me sad. Also explains the DLC, everything falls together now. Will Arma 3 make it to E3 2013? ;)

I wonder what is taking them so long, usually they create lots of content in relatively short time, they still must be doing technicals like physx and stuff. I.Buchta said at the gamespot beggining specifically that not all technologies are implemented.:confused:

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